Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Seres scowled as her father came up to them to question where they were. However, rather than being meek like Rhyderi, she looked her father in the eye.

    “We felt that it was most appropriate to attempt to follow the creature that broke through the defenses so that we could minimize the damage, Father. We were able to insure that no war was started because that thing went through the portal,” Sere boldly stated.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth glared hard back at Seres, closing his eyes as he stepped back from her. “And why did it go through the portal, Seres… why did it go through the portal.” He shook his head, seeming very disappointed and angry.

    “Both of you are relieved of duty for today. I would like to see both of you in my office at 10am tomorrow morning for a proper inquiry. Until then, dismissed. I have this mess to clean up.” He muttered in annoyance as he finally turned his back on them and stepped away to begin directing the other guards.

    “Does… d-does this mean I’m f-fired…?” Rhyderi clenched at the cuff of his left gauntlet, staring forwards. He honestly looked like he was going to cry at that moment.


    Seres stared at her father as he spoke. At first, she didn’t know what to say, for she didn’t really want to stay at this post longer than necessary. However, she did have a reputation to live up to. If she didn’t become a general by the time she was twenty, in her opinion, she would be deemed a complete failure.

    Furthermore, she was attracted to the noise that Rhyderi was making. Frowning with concern, she stepped forward toward her father.

    “Father, none of our troops save it be yourself or mother would have stood a chance. I was knocked out right away. From what information we gathered, it was the feline’s dragon. I think her name is Seferia. It was not any fault of our own,” Seres attempted.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I see.” Sephiroth scowled. “Well. I expect a proper debriefing tomorrow morning at 10am. You will have time to prepare until then.” He waved a hand at them. “Do I have to tell you again? You are dismissed. Go away. Get out of my sight.”


    Sighing in agitation, Seres gripped onto Rhyderi’s arm and pulled him away. “Come on, we have to go. Hopefully my Father will listen to reason in the morning..”

    Shaking her head, Seres tried to guide Rhyderi to his apartment.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi lowered his head, feeling rather sad as he headed away. He made the slow walk back to his apartment and unlocked the door, stepping inside. He turned on the light, or at least tried to. When the light-switch didn’t work, he scowled and stepped into the room.

    “The power is out…” He muttered in annoyance.


    Seeing that Rhyderi was down in spirits, Seres decided to escort him to his apartment. When they arrived only to find that he had no power, Seres released a slow sigh.

    “I see… Perhaps you should stay with my sister for the night? Does this happen often?” Seres questioned.

    Kat Aclysm

    “It’s only happened twice before. Once there was a power shortage and they cut the power off to this part of the town to keep the rest of the grid from collapsing. It happened one other time when I didn’t pay the bill on time.” Rhyderi scowled. “But this time I know I did…”

    He sat down on his lounge. “I don’t really want to bother Desiree, Kalysto, and their family.”


    Seres groaned at Rhyderi. After a few moments of thought, she softly spoke out. “Look, my brother never sleeps in his bed any longer. He basically might as well say that he lives out of the house. If you want to be comfortable for the night, you can sleep in his bed. As long as you promise that you won’t keep me up with snores.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t snore.” Rhyderi said very quickly. “However, I can’t stay at your house. Your father lives there. He’s already very angry with us, the last thing he wants is you inviting me to stay at your house. No… I need to stay in my own apartment, as all my things are here….”


    “Hrmph, let me deal with my father,” Seres boldly stated. “I can’t leave you to sleep here in this unconditioned room. Just come. It’s not like we’ll be sleeping together or anything. Hrmph, and before you think it, I’m still not interested in your old elf butt.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Old elf butt…?” Rhyderi looked offended. “I’ll have you know that I am not even 50 years old yet – not even halfway to being considered a fully-fledged adult. I’m considered a teenager by my own society’s standards. I’ll live to be 400 years old… I’ve just grown out of my childhood.” He was glaring now.


    Seres rolled her eyes at him. “Listen, you’re not interested in me either, so what does it matter? Let’s just get going, huh? There’s nothing wrong with my brother’s bed. He keeps it spotless. You can sleep there in comfort for the night.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Fine… fine… let me get my things and lock up.” Rhyderi sighed to himself and picked up a flash light. Over the course of the next few minutes, he had grabbed up his pyjamas and other assorted toiletries from the apartment. He shoved them into a bag and stepped out the door again, nodding to Seres as if indicating for her to come outside.

    “I’ll try to stay out of your family’s way.” He stated as he began to lock up.


    “Don’t worry about it, Rhyderi. Knowing my parents, they probably ordered out for dinner again already. Just go straight to my room and no one should notice you,” Seres instructed as she waited for the elf to lock up.

    Once she determined that Rhyderi was fully ready, Seres swiftly lead Rhyderi to her house. Without announcing her presence, she entered the home and lead Rhyderi to her room. As she reached her bedroom, she flicked on the light before she pointed to the spotless bed to the right hand side.

    “That’s Dimitri’s bed.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Y… y-your brother’s bed is in the same room as yours?” Rhyderi stood in the doorway but did not dare to enter the same room as Seres, knowing that it belonged to her. “That would make sense, but… your parents are alright with that…? Normally boys go together in the same room and girls… well…”

    He rubbed the back of his head. He couldn’t possibly feel any more awkward than he did at that moment. This certainly didn’t feel like a good idea to him any more.

    “I’ll just call a hotel…”


    Seres snarled as Rhyderi stood at the doorway. So, she teleported behind him so that she could shove him into the room.

    “Oh, will you stop being that way. It’s on the complete opposite side of the room as my bed. And yes, my twin brother shares a room with me, since we are twins,” Seres snapped at Rhyderi. “Sheesh, you’re acting like I’m asking you to sleep in bed with me. I’ll be in my own bed, without any elf near me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stumbled forwards when shoved, then reluctantly dumped his bag onto the ground. “F-fine… just don’t… I don’t even know. Just don’t do it!”

    He sighed as he finally moved across to the spare bed, sitting down on it. “I can’t believe we’re fired. What are we going to do now?”


    “We’re not fired, Rhyderi,” Seres attempted. “Father said dismissed, as in for the night. We’ll talk reason into him tomorrow. You’ll see… I’m not going to let him ruin me. He’s already ruining my chances enough as it is. The stubborn fool.”

    Snorting, Seres moved to her own bed. As she plopped down on it, she reached down to yank off her boots and throw them on the floor.

    “You know, there’s a lot of cat dung on the streets of your hometown..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “There’s a lot of cats, too.” Rhyderi sighed. “The Blood Elves like them, I have to say. I am not entirely sure why. At least the city is clean from vermin?” He offered, then shrugged as he stood up to begin removing his armour plating.

    The Paladin set the plating down beside the bed, then picked up his bag. “Ah… where is the bathroom? It’s best if I change there. For… ah…” He stopped again, looking hopeless.


    “Don’t worry, I don’t want to see your ass anyway,” Seres rolled her eyes at Rhyderi. “Just go down the hall to the right. You’ll find the bathroom there. However, chances are that Azul will be in it at the moment, taking a bath. She likes hogging it.

    “Then there’s Iris… She can spend quite a bit of time in there too. She seems to have this obsession about shaving down her horns to mere stumps.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi flinched at Seres’s comment. However, he was too polite to reply and simply nodded. He stepped out the doorway, hesitating. He stepped back in and sighed. “If that bathroom is occupied, is there another available? This is a big house…”


    “Hmm… There’s one near the living room,” Seres responded. “However, you’re more likely to run into my father if you go there. Just try to see if you can get into the bathroom near here. Worst case, I suppose I’ll just step out for a bit while you change. Though I’m certain that you have to tinkle.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Wh-what…?” The bridge of Rhyderi’s nose blushed heavily with redness. “N-no, wait… ah…” His grip around the bag was tighter and he scowled. “Just direct me to the nearest unoccupied bathroom please. I can take care of myself from there.”


    “I’ve already told you the directions that you need, Rhyderi,” Seres glared at the elf. “What do you want me to do, lead you there by the hand? Just go out there and see if the bathroom is free. You don’t need to ask me any more directions.”

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