Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51593
    Kat Aclysm

    Champion Vranesh was about to say something when he saw Seferia turn to leave. He wanted to continue looking intimidating and important. When she left the Sunspire, he stomped a metallic boot in the direction she had left and nodded in satisfaction.

    “Good riddance. Blood Knights – at ease.” He stated in a military fashion. “Return to the Hall of Blood. Soliran, Keane, Vaerlia,” He pointed at a male and two females, “Stay here with the Grand Magister and guard the Sunspire.” He glared heavily at Seres and Rhyderi but said nothing for now.

    Rhyderi stepped back and away from Seres, retreating slightly. He pinned his ears back and resisted against her tugging, saying nothing at all. Only Seres had been given the invitation to meet privately with the Regent Lord – not him. It didn’t seem right to go as well.


    Seres hissed as she found that Rhyderi was resisting her attempt to tug him along. So, she twisted his arm. ~Do you want to explain to my father why you left me alone to die here, huh? Get moving, you heavy elf.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi tensed his arm as Seres began to twist it. *”You’re not going to die. They wouldn’t kill you. They’re not barbarians… arrogant, haughty, perhaps power-hungry, but definitely not barbarians.”* He sighed and finally allowed Seres to drag him. He felt like a big pushover.


    ~I heard them say that they hate humans, and your brother tried to kill my sister when they first met. I know! She told me! So, don’t say that they won’t kill me, that’s not a certainty!~ Seres snapped.

    However, she settled down somewhat as Rhyderi moved along with her. Her posture straightened as she gained a bit more confidence with the back-up she was receiving. Thus, she slipped into the white-haired elf’s room.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Seres… Seres, listen to me,”* Rhyderi tiredly sighed, *”You’re talking about Kalysto… he’s not an accurate representation of our kind at all. He tries to kill anyone whom he deems as a threat. He’s tried to kill me before.”

    He followed Seres into the Regent Lord’s personal chambers, offering the taller male a proper formal bow.

    Meanwhile, Lor’themar Theron paced around his desk, eyeing off Seres with both curiosity and utter disdain. “So please enlighten me,” He moved behind his desk and pulled up his chair so he could sit, “What is going on? A strange creature turns up on our doorstep. Then you, and the mid-ranked Paladin shortly thereafter.” He narrowed his brows. “Are you human sympathisers?”


    Seres frowned at Rhyderi, “It still happened…”

    Sighing, she moved into the room as she was requested. She turned her head to stare at Rhyderi as the elf bowed. However, she felt no compunction to follow suit. Instead, she quickly turned her attention to the white-haired elf again.

    “Well… I am one half human…,” Seres quickly shook her head, not feeling like justifying herself. “We are from Mideel, and that creature attacked us while we were guarding the portal. We just wanted to capture the one who did that. She was not supposed to go through.”

    Kat Aclysm

    The Regent Lord just continued to sit, his elbows on his desk, fingers interlocked, Chin resting on his hands. “It would seem you came through with some conflict of you own.” He turned his attention toward Rhyderi and then back to Seres again.

    “One of you, and I don’t care which one it is,” He nodded at them, “Explain this conflict in full so that I might be able to make a proper assessment of the situation.”

    Rhyderi just stood there, hesitant. He shot Seres a hopeful and pleading look, hoping she could word things more eloquently than he could.


    “Explain this conflict in full…?” Seres repeated. “Umm… I really don’t know it in full. I mean, my father keeps me sheltered most of the time and doesn’t let me in to the front lines. However, I know some things.”

    The girl scratched the back of her head as she thought. “Let’s see, humans on Earth killed off thigns of magic like dragons, elves, and stuff like that. But it was over a thousand years ago. Now, a great disaster hit Gaea, which forced my mother to merge both Gaea and Earth together. This weakened the human population, so now the dragons and felines like the one you saw are waging war on humans.

    However, most of us have nothing to do with the crimes that they are talking about. And my father isn’t even from Earth.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Lor’themar Theron just glared as Seres went through her explanation. After she had finished, he merely continued to sit there, straightening his posture as he sat back in his chair once again.

    “I thought your explanation would make things come together properly and make sense.” He scowled. “It still doesn’t make sense. The Sin’dorei must reserve judgement until further information is gathered.” He pointed at Rhyderi, “You. Take this one with you and get out.”


    Seres stomped her foot, quite irritated at the fact that she was told her explanation wasn’t good enough. “I told you that I didn’t know much! Rhyderi probably knows more. Even then, I can get my father here. He’s basically the leader of Mideel. He knows everything.”

    Kat Aclysm

    It was Rhyderi’s turn to grab Seres’s arm and drag her. Once he had a proper hold of her upper arm, he began trying to coax her out of the room. He didn’t particularly like the outcome of the conversation but he knew that if Seres stayed much longer and argued with the Regent Lord himself, things could turn very sour indeed.


    “Hey! Rhyderi, what are you going?” Seres snapped at her partner and tried to struggle out of his grip. “You know the conflict in Mideel as much as I do! Why don’t you try at least explaining things!”

    Meanwhile, a lout thump came from outside the spire as Seferia landed in her dragon form and dumped the body of the troll that she had identified as the requested target onto the ground.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi gave Seres the most pathetic pleading look he could muster at the time. He continued to drag her, relieved when he heard the distraction and commotion outside. However… something was wrong. There were loud hostile noises. yelling, anger, and more. Rhyderi abruptly let go of her arm and rushed back outside into the main room of the Sunfury Spire, frowning as he stepped ahead and tried to get through the guards.

    He really didn’t need to get far though, as he was already able to see what was ahead – the guards in the Sunfury Spire had bottle-necked the entrance with a heavy defence, yelling at the Black Dragon on their doorstep. They waved their shields at it and made false-swipes with their glaives, trying to keep it repelled from the chamber. The fact that she had brought the corpse of the fallen Warlord of Zul’Aman didn’t seem to matter an ounce.

    “Oh no…” Rhyderi stared up at the creature, his ears lowering back on his head.


    Seferia stared at the elves that were seeming to taunt her before she tilted her head in confusion. ~What nonsensical creatures you are. I am not here to fight. Must you all be so quick to take up your sword?~

    Thus, without further preamble, she knelt down as her form began to shake and twist, for she was once again taking on the feline form that resembled that of her queen. Once she had completed her change, she stood up straight again.

    “I have brought the one that your leader requested to be killed as a sign of good will. Is this not an acceptable offer any longer?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Of course it’s not acceptable, Black Dragon scum!” One of the guards yelled as he swatted his polearm within inches of her face. “Too many people have been deceived by the lies of your Dragonflight before – begone from our city! We want nothing from the likes of your kind!”

    Rhyderi stepped forwards in an attempt to grab the guard’s polearm by the handle, but the one nearest to him smacked him hard with his shield, sending the young Paladin to the ground.


    Seres yelped as she watched Rhyderi get pummeled to the ground. Without hesitation, she rushed to his side so that she could assist him in getting back to his feet. “What the hell is up with these guys? They really must like attacking things. You didn’t even do anything!”

    Meanwhile, Seferia stared at the polearm that was pointed at her face. “Your kind is very violent indeed,” Seferia made a bland observation. “I do not know what this dragonflight thing is. However, I have clearly identified myself as a member of the holy Catanyan empire’s armies. I answer to none other than my queen and the will of her god. And our empire has most certainly not deceived you before.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Lor’themar Theron stepped forwards, pushing his way through the guards. He shook his head as he looked down at the corpse of the fallen Warlord Zul’jin and glanced back at Seferia, his expression sour.

    “What’s this talk of you being a member of the Black Dragonflight? We do not associate with their kind. If you are indeed a Black Dragon, I ask you remove yourself from Silvermoon City and Quel’thalas immediately.”

    Rhyderi waved a hand as if to disarm Seres’s comments. “They’re enthusiastic about their job…”


    Seferia calmly met the elf lord’s eyes, showing no signs of emotion, whether it be anger or fear.

    “I am a black dragon,” Seferia confirmed. “I was born a dragon and have black scales. However, I know not of this dragonflight thing that you keep on mentioning. I was hatched by my queen, Lady Catanya, and answer to none other than her.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I have never heard of this ‘Lady Catanya’, but the information you give does not fill me with confidence, especially after considering Lady Katrana Prestor’s presence in Stormwind. Lor’themar Theron’s tone was commanding, yet still somehow diplomatic and calm. “Thank you for killing Warlord Zul’jin – that is very much appreciated. However, we just cannot allow a Black Dragon in our ranks, hidden or not. Please remove yourself from the city at once – we want nothing to do with your kind.”


    Seferia’s eyes momentarily widened, as a true sign of shock before she returned to a neutral expression. “I know not what reason you have to condone me due to the color of my scales. However, I can state that red dragons are more known to be violent and aggressive than blacks. Nor am I from your planet. Either way, I shall respect your decision. However, if you side with our enemies, I will kill you.”

    Without further preamble, the dragon turned to leave the city. Not knowing that there were other people on Azerorth, she simply left through the portal.

    Kat Aclysm

    Lor’themar Theron seemed taken aback when the stranger left. However, he quickly steeled his expression and waved a hand at the Guards, “Disband.” He flatly stated, “Some of you, stay around the Sunspire and guard it, see if that one returns…” He began to pace. “Take the corpse of Warlord Zul’jin and hang it on display at the city gates. Let it serve as a warning to all who challenge the might of the Sin’dorei.”

    “You,” He finally pointed at Seres, “I suggest that if you do not want to overstay your welcome, you exit via the same manner that the other one did just now. I have this mess to clean up.” He stepped away, slipping back into his chambers.

    Rhyderi just stood there, having done his best to blend in and be unnoticed.


    “Yea, yea,” Seres muttered as she was addressed. “As if I wanted to stay here with the warm and fuzzy feelings that I’m receiving.”

    Snorting, the girl tugged on Rhyderi’s arm. “At least we know that no damage was done by that thing slipping through. Let’s go home.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi slowly nodded his head. “I was hoping you’d want to leave…” He sighed and followed her wherever she was prepared to drag him. When he came back through the portal again, he moved away from her and did a quick check of the are, frowning at how many army personnel had swarmed the small building and the area around it.


    Despite the number of personel, Seferia had left the building unnoticed, for her psychic abilities permitted her to block out her presence from the thoughts of most impressionable humans.

    Seres groaned as she noticed all the extra personnel. “I really hope that my father isn’t about to come and yell at us.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stiffened visibly in his posture as he watched General Sephiroth move through the area. “Uh…” He nudged Seres in the side, his voice dropping to a low whisper. “I don’t think it’s just you he’s come to yell at…”

    Sephiroth walked through the defence line, growling at the guards and their general lack of organisation. He paced through their ranks and issued sharp orders, such as demanding that they ‘shape up their act’. When he spotted Seres, he was quick to move toward her, reaching her shortly afterwards.

    “Where were you? This group has been here an hour and you only just arrived? Some activity finally happens at your post and you’re not even there for it?” He growled.

    “On the contrary General, sir, if I may be permitted to speak…” Rhyderi nervously raised his hand.

    “No.” Sephiroth snarled at him, cutting him off. “You were not here either, elf. I am honestly disappointed with the level of work both of you have demonstrated here today. I give you one simple task, and you can’t even follow it. What the hell am I supposed to do with you now?”

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