Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “I was just stating my honest opinion of all the… drapery. Come on, even you must be able to see that this is a little much, right? I mean… Come on,” Seres shook her head. “And I thought your code valued honesty, huh? Hrmph, if not for the curtains, it might be a nice place… except for the stupid gold statues. That guy looks ugly.”

    Seres shook her head. “And yes, let’s get whatever it is done with so we can undo the damage done by you just ignoring the fact that something got past us.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi lowered his hand again when Seres didn’t take it. While he seemed disappointed by her turning down the simple gesture of peace, her comments were satisfactory enough in his mind that things were still alright between them.

    “My Paladin’s Code values honesty but not blatant rudeness nor encroaching on the comfort zones of another..” His expression suddenly turned dark at the mention of the ‘ugly guy’ gold statues. “….we generally do not talk about him if we can help it.”

    “I would not know where to go looking for this person. Following the trail of unconscious guards is not reliable.” Rhyderi stroked his chin in thought, humming. “I am open to suggestions here.”


    “You want us to report to a paladin police person, but you don’t know where to find this person? And you are expecting me to know how to navigate this city??” Seres blurted out in astonishment. “Rhyderi, I don’t think you’re thinking things through. Anyway, the trail of unconcious guards ended ten yards away.”

    Seres shook her head. “Anyway, my father was lied to all his life. His entire life was a lie in his youth. So, he told us never to lie.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “No disrespect to your father,” Rhyderi stated, hesitant, “But I don’t think your father particularly cared about things like the colour of the drapes.”

    He suddenly seemed frustrated. “And I don’t mean to say I’m lost! You very obviously didn’t want to follow me to the Sanctuary Hall where my Order is stationed, so I was offering you to make some input on where you think we should go.”


    Seres blankly stared at Rhyderi, “I very obviously didn’t want to follow you even though I was following you? What sort of crazed logic is that? I was following you, Rhyderi.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You certainly weren’t very happy to follow… I wanted to…” Rhyderi growled slightly as his own frustrations began to overwhelm him. He stopped in his tracks and turned his back on her, standing there for a moment as he pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to calm himself down. Finally he released a heavy sigh and continued moving forwards.

    “It’s not important… let’s just go there.” He motioned for her to follow again.


    “No, I wasn’t happy with you talking down to me like some grunt. That’s what I wasn’t happy with,” Seres rolled her eyes. “I was still following you, as I am still following you. And yes, let’s just get there.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi led the way through the city still very attentive to everything around him. His companion was very obviously not a Blood Elf and at risk of being harmed, so he stayed reasonably close to Seres until he had reached the Hall where the Paladin Order resided. He stood outside for a moment before he stepped in the doorway, flicking a curtain aside.

    “Here we are. Stay close, and don’t say anything that might offend. My kind is already arrogant and haughty… and I hate to say it but the Order is somewhat elitist.” He flattened his ears, muttering. “Well, very elitist…”

    Fortunately, or unfortunately for Seres and Rhyderi, there was nobody inside the Hall of Blood at all. Everybody had departed to encounter the current threat in the city.


    “Heh, you’re saying someone is arrogant and haughty?” Seres quipped. “My, they must really be full of it if even you notice it.”

    Grinning, Seres followed after Rhyderi. As she stepped into the building, she frowned at the lack of elves or anything else.

    “So, where are these paladins you were talking about/”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi was sad as he had to nod his head, agreeing with Seres’s comment. “Alas. My brethren and their attitudes sometimes leave a lot to be desired…” He checked the area to confirm that there really was nobody around, and then stared at Seres in disbelief. “You’re kidding about that question, right…?”

    Before he could comment further, he heard yelling at the north of the city. He was rather quick to run out of the hall and broke into a sprint, heading off towards the sounds.


    “Huh? Why should I be kidding? There’s no one here, you can see that. So, where are they?” Seres repeated.

    When Rhyderi started to sprint away, Seres yelped before she dashed after him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi ran through the city, practically crashing into another group of elves that were just passing by. He slowed as he approached the Sunspire, frowning as he discovered the scene ahead – a large amount of Silvermoon City Guards were clustered around the entrance to Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron’s chamber, along with most of the Paladins from his Blood Knight Order. Although weapons were drawn and shields were up, nobody was attacking or even really moving around.

    The young Paladin narrowed his eyes as he waited Seres to catch up to him. He was highly suspicious and concerned, but unwilling to step in further and try to negotiate his way through all the guards and his fellow Paladins.


    Seferia was knelt on the ground before the reigning lord of this are. Though she had not once lowered her head, she choose that it was worthwhile to give the elf before her some respect.

    As she knelt before him, she calmly, in a nearly monotone voice, explained to the elf how she had no intentions of attacking. She also explained to him that she came from the Catanyan empire who were at war with humans.

    Kat Aclysm

    Champion Vranesh stood near the intruder. His posture was very stiff and attentive as he slowly paced towards her, stopping within a few feet. One hand clutched the bloodied-red and black shield that bore the Blood Knight crest while other hand wavered over the fiery sword in the hilt of his belt, ready if need-be.

    “You came waltzing into the Regent Lord’s chambers without even so much as a courtesy to inform us of your arrival nor an appointment, and then you knocked out some of our City Guards.” His eyes narrowed. “Do you honestly expect us to just give-in to your demands like some blind pathetic children?”

    Rhyderi sighed as he shifted in amongst the large defence that had gathered. He got close to Seferia, but did not want to intrude. He was already probably in enough trouble with his army on the other side of the portal without overstepping his bounds and adding accusations of subordination from his own Order to the list.

    *”Seres…” He sighed. *”Do you think it is wise to get involved in this…? It is on this side of the portal, and.. well, it’s not really our business is it?”*


    Seferia stood up as the man who was clearly not the leader came toward her. As he spoke, she calmly eyed him over, evaluating what sort of threat he would be. However, her expresion remained blank and gave no indication as to what her thoughts on the matter were.

    When the man finished speaking, Seferia simply tilted her head to the side. “Give in to my demands? Forgive me, but I do not know what you speak of. I have made no demands. On the contrary, I have offered an alliance for my empire has no ill-will toward yours. As for your guards, they attacked on sight without provocation. I simply disabled their ability to do such.”

    Seres grunted as she tried to stay next to Rhyderi. She shoved a few elves out of the way in order to do this. However, this action did get them to take notice of her.

    ~Well, she wasn’t supposed to go through the portal, now was she? And we don’t want an army down our backs, huh?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Champion Vranesh resumed pacing around Seferia, a deep scowl set on his face. “You came here uninvited and knocked out our guards. You offer us an alliance with your so-called empire. What happens if we decline? If you can disable our guards without effort, we don’t stand in a very good position to decide, do we?” He growled, quickly adding, “What is your real agenda here?”

    *”Is she… planning to use my people against us…?”* Rhyderi raised his eyebrows as he came to the possible horrible realisation. *”We’re supposed to protect everyone on that side of the portal. The refugee humans, non-humans, the hybrids. Your father even put that protection law in to ensure that everybody was treated equally and remained safe. We can’t let her do this…”*


    “My queen was informed of a rift between worlds, hence I was sent to investigate. As I have already stated, I was attacked without provocation,” Seferia repeated herself, however, she showed no signs of agitation. “However, seeing as your people are not enemies of our empire, I did nothing to bring harm to my attackers. They will wake up shortly.

    Seferia attempted to look at the leader of the Elven forces in this area, Lorthemar, since she knew the one pacing her was nothing of importance. “We are at war with humans who have ravaged the lands of Earth. Hence, we would appreciate the alliance to strengthen our lines. However, we shall do nothing to harm your people if you choose not to be friends with my empire. The only warning I can give is that no mercy will be shown if you allign yourselves with our enemies.”

    Seres grabbed onto Rhyderi’s arm, for she was starting to feel uneasy with the angry glares she had received from a few elves in the area surrounding her. ~Yes, that does sound like that’s exactly what is happening Rhyderi.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi tilted his arm out slightly so Seres could grip onto it easier. He reached for her hands and placed his over the top of them, patting them gently as a means of assurance. His brows slowly furrowed, his expression shifting into a scowl.

    “No.” He said finally, speaking aloud to the group. “The Sin’dorei cannot ally themselves with this group. This woman and her empire would seek to use you as pawns in their plans. Their agenda lies on the other side of the portal and she would abuse your hatred of humans to claim territory for their empire’s own gain… there is no benefit in it for us.”

    Champion Vranesh glared at Rhyderi. “And who the hell are you to speak here?”


    Seferia tilted her head to look back at the elf who had spoken out concerning her offers. For the briefest of moments, her eyes narrowed in a sign of anger before her expression returned to being completely blank and nuetral.

    “My empire has never had any desire for territories. That is the way of humans, not the Catanyan Empire. We exist by the means of our followers, not by the means of our lands. We live on many lands and share territory freely. Who’s land it is does not concern us,” Seferia smoothly countered.

    “However, we have had mothers slain for their skins alone, leaving cubs behind to fend for ourselves. We have had water supplies contaminated with so many poisons that plants wither at the touch of the water. We have had mating grounds removed without any reason other than profit. Hence, the humans must be punished and eradicated.”

    Seres kept herself as close to Rhyderi as possible. ~Why are they glaring at me like that?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi kept his ears high over his head, looking around the area. He was noticing the glares both of them were receiving and he did not like it one bit. *”You look like a human… we hate them…”*

    “I am sorry for your loss… whatever your name is,” Rhyderi spoke again, “But involving the Sin’dorei in your own agenda is wrong. Our people’s place is here, where it is currently. We belong with the Horde, not with your…” He came to a stop, not even being able to think of it. “…the answer is no.”

    “Who is this idiot who dares to speak out of line and decide the fate of our people?” Champion Vranesh was very angry now. “Who are you!? I want your name, right now!”

    Rhyderi lowered his head slightly, suddenly looking concerned. “I am… Rhyderi, sir. Master Blood Knight Rhyderi Invictus Sol’thenan.” He stood tall again, his posture stiff, scowling. “I come from the other side of the portal. I know what it is like there and the people on the other side are not your enemy.”


    “I care not what you think of the matter,” Seferia calmly addressed Rhyderi. “You do not have the standings to speak for your people. Hence, I need not worry about your disapproval.”

    Thus, Seferia turned her head to look at Lor’themar once more. “Now, are you not the leader? This one of your population speaks of a “horde”. Should I present my case to someone else?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi kept his head lowered, looking rather miserable. Champion Vranesh was getting angry with his speaking out and Seferia’s commentary would only back his anger up further. He physically shrank back through the other Blood Elves, feeling quite powerless to do any more.

    Meanwhile, Regent Lord Lor’themar Theron took a rather different approach and seemed indifferent to the outbursts and feelings of those around him. He simply folded his arms and tapped his foot on the ground.
    “We know nothing of you nor your forces, thus we must reserve judgement for now. Even if you approach the Warchief in Orgrimmar, I expect your reaction will be the same.” He said finally. “We have never heard of you nor seen nor felt your presence before, and thus wait until a better opinion can be formed.”


    Seres hissed at Rhyderi, “Is that the best that we can do here? Come on, we should just knock her out or something and drag her back to the other side. Though… isn’t she a black dragon… I think my mother mentioned something about a feline with white hair being a dragon..”

    Seferia took no offense to the cautiousness of the elf that stood before her. “A wise decision that I can respect. We are of two different worlds, I can tell that much. Thus, it is not unnatural that you do not know of my queen or her forces. However, as second in command of her forces, I have the power to do what is necessary to prove ourselves.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi hissed back at Seres and looked down towards her. He spoke in a low voice, even though he knew perfectly well that everyone in the area had sharp hearing and could understand what he was saying quite clearly. “I don’t want to step out of line, Seres… we can’t do that…” He sighed heavily, “If we couldn’t stop her and neither could the Royal Guards here, then…”

    Lorthemar Theron laughed in spite of himself. He waved a hand at Seferia before he returned his arms to his sides once again. “Prove yourself? You can do no less than bring back the head of Warlord Zul’jin, he’s been a thorn in our side for many a year now.” He was humoured as if he had just made a funny joke.
    The Regent Lord stepped aside from Grand Magister Rommath and Halduron Brightwing and pointed directly at Seres. “You,” he spoke harshly, “You’re just lucky to be here. Don’t think I didn’t notice you, a mere youngster trying to catch herself up in all these politics. You are not even supposed to be here.” His eyes narrowed. “Follow me. You intrigue me. I wish to talk with you in more personal quarters.”

    Without waiting for a reply, he headed for his personal chambers off to the side.


    “The head of Warlord Zul’Jin?” Seferia repeated as she digested the information. “Very well, I shall see to it.”

    Without further pre-amble, the seemingly bipedal feline turned around to leave the area. As she left, she scanned the minds of those around her in order to gain what information she would need to find what this warlord is and where to find him. She kept her scans unobtrusive though, for she desired to cause any more trouble for herself. Thus, the feline left the city.

    Seres blinked as she was pointed at. She glanced up at Rhyderi before she tugged on his arm, hoping that he woudl come with her.

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