Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51543
    Kat Aclysm

    Once Seferia stepped through the portal and his mind was clearing of haze and pain, Rhyderi stood at the portal’s edge, glaring at it. He didn’t dare go through, but he didn’t particularly like thinking about what was to happen on the other side either. He simply stepped back and shut the door, resuming his guarding.

    After another moment he mentally kicked himself – Seres! He crouched down and checked to see if the girl was alright.

    “Wake up…” He said in a gentle voice as he shook her shoulder.


    Seres was completely out cold and not about to answer Rhyderi at all. Instead, she only released a faint groaning sound as the elf shook her, but she did not rouse at all.

    Meanwhile, on the other side of the portal, Seferia boldly strode through the new lands, only eyeing off the guards that she found in the area.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi crouched down to check Seres’s pulse. A great sense of relief came over him as he discovered that she was just knocked out and OK. He moved her onto her side and shifted her into a comfortable position so she wouldn’t be uncomfortable when she woke up again.


    Seres only emitted a few groans as she was moved. For the most part, she remained motionless as she attempted to recover from the blow that she had received. Finally, after about an half an hour of inactivity, the girl finally came to.

    “Uhg… What happened?”

    Kat Aclysm

    After ensuring Seres’s safety, he popped the PHS out of his pocket and fumbled with the settings before dialling the SOLDIER office. He informed them of the situation, that a single female had stunned the guards at their post and had gone through the portal. He snapped the phone shut and awaited further instructions.

    When Seres finally came to, he offered a hand out towards her. “We’re being invaded I think. On your feet, it won’t be long before we have our job to do.”


    “Wha…? Invaded?” Seres stared up at Rhyderi, not fully processing his words through the buzzing in her brain. “What are you talking about? That makes no sense…”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You didn’t even see them, did you?” Rhyderi shook his head. “Not long ago, a single female with white hair assaulted us. Then she went into the portal we were guarding. It makes little difference where she went now, but we have to guard the portal and defend this territory against anything that comes out of it.”

    “So be alert. Backup will arrive shortly.” He stated firmly.


    “What…?” Seres stared at Rhyderi with wide eyes. “You just let something from this side just stroll through the portal?? Are you insane?! We’re going to get kitchen duty after this, Rhyderi, you idiot! How are we supposed to be good at our jobs if you just let attackers stroll through our post?!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It went through the portal.” Rhyderi was being stubborn now. “Our mission is to defend this territory against anything that comes out of it. It went in, not out. Thus, nobody will care. Despite that, I alerted the army anyway. Relax.”


    Seres left eye twitched as she listened to Rhyderi’s explanation of why they were not in trouble in his mind. As he spoke out the word “relax”, she stormed up to him before she attempted to slam her fist down against the top of his head.

    “You idiot!” Seres exclaimed. “Our job is to keep traffic, in or out, from the portal. My father didn’t want to strain whatever relations we have on the other side of that portal further, and certainly didn’t want anything to be able to incite a invasion! You do know there’s things on Earth that hate us here, right? We can’t just sit here and ignore the fact that we failed at our post, you buffoon!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi saw the closed fist coming at him and instinctively ducked his head, allowing Seres to harmlessly bang on the protective dome part of his helmet.

    “Do you think I just sat there? She knocked you out and she very nearly did the same to me also!” Rhyderi was upset and angry now. “I’m not following her through… They would have jumped to the conclusion that I was with her! You want to strain relations with the other side further? Perfect, because my stepping through with her would have been the best way to do it!”

    “I did my duty… I alerted the army. They’re on their way. Its our job to make sure nothing comes out of there.”


    Seres continued to glare at Rhyderi, more than furious with his cavalier attitude toward the entire situation. So, she lunged in to grab onto his nearest ear before she began to stomp toward the portal. She didn’t care what he had to say on the matter, she wasn’t about to hear that they had failed at their post and she was resigned to kitchen duty for the rest of her career.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a heavy pained sound when his ear was grabbed. He gritted his teeth as tears pricked at the corners of his eyes. Once Seres had ahold of his ear, she could have dragged him anywhere she liked, he was more than willing to follow if it meant that the pain would go away.

    He resisted the desire to yell and whimper, for that would just make him sound like an utter coward.


    Seres finally let go of Rhyderi’s ear as they emerged on the other side of the portal. As the young woman looked around, she wrinkled her nose at the sight of the decor.

    “Disgustingly tacky…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi was very quick to retreat when his ear was let go. He reached up to hold onto it with both hands as if protecting it, also waiting for the pain to subside. “Don’t ever do that again! Have you no shame!? Nobody has ever educated you that touching an elf’s ears is a very personal thing?”

    He was glaring when his hands returned to his side. “Mind yourself and what you say in the city of my people, now.”


    “Well, the city of your people is full of really tacky decor. It’s not my fault that I can easily see that… And that there’s a lot of guards that have been knocked out here…,” Seres grumbled out. “Damn, I’m really not going to get anywhere in my career after this!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made an uncomfortable sound as he looked around – discovering Seres’s commentary on the state of the guards to be true. “And you didn’t even want to guard the post.” He crouched down beside one of the guards, feeling for a pulse. He relaxed somewhat when he discovered that the guard still had one.

    “Somehow, I don’t think the two of us could have stopped whatever went through that portal. It knocked you out in seconds – you didn’t even see it. Don’t even try to blame me for not being able to stop it. Look what it did here and re-assess the situation. I think things are going to get very ugly sooner or later…”

    He moved to his feet again. “I wonder if I should alert the Blood Knight Order that is stationed here.”


    “Hrmph, you still could have been more pro-active than what you were,” Seres grumbled out as she checked another guard. After a bit, she stood up.

    “Hmm… they’re all alive. I guess that’s a good thing. That means there’s no intent to kill, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes, go ahead and continue to berate me.” Rhyderi’s tone was flat and tired. “I’ll continue repeating myself because I believe we wouldn’t have been able to stop whatever it was. “As for the guard’s not being dead, it’s good, but not necessarily a good thing entirely…” Rhyderi kept his ears his ears high over his head, attentive to the sounds around them. “It may mean something else. Nobody just does this for no reason. Whatever it is, they are very coordinated and have a very specific plan or agenda.”


    “Or it was self defense here,” Seres attempted to reason. “I mean.. you’ve seen the stupid stuff they throw at us.”

    Shrugging, Seres moved toward Rhyderi. “Either way, go alert this blood knight whatever the hell they ares. At the very least, your people should know what happened, and maybe they’ll stop throwing stuff at you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m still not sure why they threw things through the portal, as destruction of city property is a punishable crime.” Rhyderi made a sharp sound of disapproval. “But yes, I will investigate the matter. I will inform the others that something sinister is going on.” He paused, adding quickly, “You will follow. Come. We can stop by the apartment after things are secure, if you wish.”

    He wandered off without another word.


    “‘You will follow,'” Seres glared at her partner. “I’m not your subordinate, you know. We are partners, that means you should treat me with respect. Not like some little dog of yours, hrmph.”

    Despite the girl’s words, she quickly moved to follow after Rhyderi. She kept herself aware of her surroundings, though her face usually twisted in disgust. “Yea, really bad decor… And the only people that I see who were harmed was near that portal… Strange.”

    Meanwhile, Seferia, who had only acted in self-defence, at least in her mind, was now peacefully presenting herself to the leader of the city. For, she was only sent to this location to investigate, not to start war. Also, these elves were clearly not humans, so she had no qualms with them.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh hush your mouth, girl.” Rhyderi said harshly, becoming tired of her commentary of his home-city. “You’ve been complaining about everything. If you want respect, you should probably hold your tongue and give yourself a reason to earn it.”


    “How about I bash you in the head each time you act like a stuck-up little bitch…,” Seres muttered out. “I am your partner and you shouldn’t be speaking as if you’re somehow higher than I am, Rhyderi.”

    The girl crossed her arms, quite annoyed at the way that Rhyderi had been treating her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi frowned heavily. “Did you just… call me what I think you did…?” He looked at her and sighed. “Look – I understand you are unhappy with your post. Perhaps I could have addressed you in a more polite tone and manner and for that I apologize. However…. you are saying nothing but disrespectful things of the people where I used to live, and of my home-city. I would very much appreciate it if you could kindly refrain from further commentary.”

    He sighed, stopping. “Look… I’m sorry.” He lowered his head in submission, his expression apologetic. After another moment, the Paladin offered a hand out towards her. “Can we put this behind us? We have more important things to do than verbally strike each other.”

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