Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kether continued to happily eat the egg roll that his father had given him. The boy gripped onto the food as he eagerly ate it. Once it was done, he released a hoarse whining sound before he reached over to tug on a tuft of his father’s hair.

    Meanwhile, Jenna had been relaxing on her bed and reading a book. ~Huh? Oh, I’m not hungry. You should know by now that my metabolism is not like that of a human’s.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Ouch.” Sephiroth grunted immediately when his hair was pulled on. It didn’t actually hurt, but he wanted Kether to know that the behaviour wasn’t acceptable without directly scolding him. “Do you want another one?” He reached across the table to pick up another roll and offered it to the boy, sighing.

    “If you want to play, can it wait until we’ve eaten?”


    Kether shrunk back a bit as his father indicated pain from having his hair pulled. However, his temporary shyness was quickly washed away as he spotted the second egg roll. A huge grin spread across the boy’s face as he reached in to grab the food. Soon enough, he resumed eating, more than happy with what was given to him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grabbed another few rolls and gave them to the youngster, eating with his other free hand. He knew that at some point Kether would give up and want to get down and eat, but he was willing to be patient with him for now.


    Kether happily ate the second egg roll. However, once it was gone, he simply burped then yawned. For, the boy was now both tired and full.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth finished his dinner as best as he could manage with one hand. Though, once Kether was secure enough on his shoulder, he used both hands to eat, seeming much more content afterwards. Once he was done, he began to pack up plates.

    “Ready for bed already?” He was amused.


    Kether began to fuss about as his father ate, for he was not quite as comfortable any longer. He wanted to be down in his father’s lap and not on his shoulders. So, the boy tugged on his father’s hair to get his attention as he sent a psychic impression of wanting down.

    When the man mentioned bed, the mute quickly shook his head, for he knew he didn’t want that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth frowned, mildly unhappy now. He really didn’t know what to do with the child at that point in time. However, he complied with the child’s request and and set him back down on the ground once again, sighing.

    “What do you want to do? Please don’t pull on my hair ever again.” He snorted. “Do you want to go outside?”


    Kether quickly shook his head, for he knew outside and didn’t like it out there. It was too big, he liked it inside instead. So, he pointed at the television before he reached in to tug his father’s pants.

    Meanwhile, Seres was reporting to her hated position in front of hte portal. She grunted as she looked at the basically complete security system. “I shouldn’t even be here at all.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi whistled casually as he tossed an apple in to the air, catching it again shortly afterwards. He tossed it into the air again and caught it in his other hand, going back and forth between them. Despite what he was doing, his battle axe was at the hilt of his belt, ready to be taken out at a moment’s notice.

    “Why shouldn’t you be here? This is your job. You signed up for this.” He stated, grinning at Seres.

    “You want to watch television?” He headed into the living room and sat on the couch, patting the spot beside him. “Sit. Choose a show you want to watch.”


    Seres shot Rhyderi an angry look before she used her psychic abilities to levitate the apple out of Rhyderi’s reach. “I shouldn’t be here because all of the automated defenses are set up and ready to go. Hrmph, isn’t it obvious that our presence here is superfluous?”

    Seres hook her head as she moved closer to Rhyderi. “Oh, I got a message on my PHS earlier today, you might want to hear it. My sister said that she and Kalysto are going to have another baby.”

    Kether gave his father a big grin as he trotted after the man. When he came up to the couch, he spent a few seconds climbing up onto it, for he was still quite young and short. Once on the couch, he leaned in to hug his father again.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi looked up at the apple when it hung in the air suddenly. He shook his head at Seres and sighed, lowering his hands again. “Well you’re a spoil-sport. And boring.” He stated, mock-yawning at her as if to emphasise the words. “Not all the defences are automated. And you’re getting paid to be here. I wouldn’t complain if I were you.”

    “I know about the situation with Desiree and Kalysto,” He continued. “And I would rather not discuss it.”

    Sephiroth reached up to pat Kether on the head once again. Then he handed the remote control to him, pointing at the channel buttons. “Pick something.” He stated calmly.


    “Hrmph, I just thought you would like to know that I received a message saying that they’re pregnant or something like that,” Seres barked out at Rhyderi. “Usually, sharing such news is a nice thing to do. Stuck-up elf.”

    Feeling a bit aggitated, Seres decided to test her percision with her telekensis. So, she skinned the apple in mid-air before cutting it in half a dropping a half in Rhyderi’s hand. Then, she teleported the other half into her hand so that she could eat it.

    “And I don’t want to be paid to do nothing. This is the type of job you give to someone who’s exiled from real work!”

    Kether stared at the remote, not quite understanding what it was for. After a minute, he reached out to take it before he began to randomly hit buttons to see what would happen.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not a stupid stuck-up elf,” Rhyderi narrowed his eyes. He caught the apple half and began to eat it, shrugging. “And this job isn’t just for anybody. After being in a war-situation, I enjoy being able to take a guard’s post and get paid for it.”

    “Sharing news is nice, yes… and I appreciate that you did so. But it’s… a difficult subject.” He frowned. “Maybe another time.”

    Sephiroth sighed as the television began to rapidly change channels, and the volume, contrast, brightness and vertical hold began to go all over the place. He gently pried the remote control back from Kether and adjusted the television, before he turned on a children’s channel.



    “Well, I would rather have a chance for advancement. What chance is there for us to become anything here, huh? How am I supposed to prove that I am worth my father’s legacy while being stuck with this portal,” Seres snarled out. “I can’t, that’s how!”

    “And are you still all bent out of shape over the fact that my sister and your brother are even married?”

    Kether gasped as the remote was removed from his grip. So, he stared up at his father. Confusion was written all over his face. However, when the channel was changed, the boy quickly turned his attention to it. After only a few brief seconds, the boy happily clapped at the choice of program.

    Kat Aclysm

    “No, I’m bent out of shape over the fact that my brother is now a woman and has turned himself into one for the sole purpose of being pregnant. It is a selfish desire and almost entirely hedonistic for him to be doing something like that. I am honestly quite disgusted…” Rhyderi turned his head away and spat on the ground in his anger. “Worse, he is subjecting his children to the ridiculous stunt.”

    Sephiroth could not hide the amused smirk that emerged on his face upon watching Kether’s reaction to the show. He set the remote control on the opposite side where it could not easily be grabbed and left the show to run.


    “Huh? Your brother’s a woman? That’s strange… I saw him walking from his home just the other day, looked like a man to me,” Seres shrugged in confusion. “But yea, that’s… twisted. Then again… well, that wasn’t my father’s choosing.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It was entirely of Kalysto’s choosing, which makes it all the more disturbing for him. Her.” He growled. “I don’t care. I just feel concern for his family. It’s a bad situation to put his children into. I am surprised they don’t’ have mental issues from it.”


    Seres rolled her eyes at Rhyderi as she paced closer to him. Once next to him, she leaned against the wall and offered him a chocolate and nut bar.

    “Oh, I doubt it is that bad, Rhyderi,” Seres attempted to console the elf. “You lived through a lot worse, and you don’t have mental problems… Aside from your aversion of women.”

    Seres lowered her voice as she muttered, “You definitely need to work on fixing that for your own happiness.” Before continuing, the girl cleared her voice. “Anyway, he doesn’t torture his children or anything like that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi raised a hand as if saying ‘no thank you’ to the offer of food.

    “No, he doesn’t torture them, to his credit. He loves those children and wants the best for them. I really cannot say otherwise there, for it would be inaccurate as well as disrespectful, as well as a lie.” The Paladin heavily sighed, sounding weary and defeated. “It is best for me to stay out of things that do not necessarily mean harm to others.”


    “Hrmph,” Seres grunted as Rhyderi refused to take the food that she offered. So, she just muttered as she gulped down the bar, “Fine, more for me.”

    “My sister wouldn’t permit for your brother to screw up their children anyway,” the young woman commented as she chewed on the chocolate bar. “So, yea, there’s no reason to worry there. You should be more worried about the Jenova virus causing mental illnesses and breakdowns. Hrmph… really worry if somehow Kalysto gets infected with it. Normal humans just get sick, mutate, and die… Err… well, he’s not a human, but you know what I mean.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “He already suffers from mental illness and breakdowns, so I suppose we’ll never be able to tell.” Rhyderi stated, his voice harsh and bitter. “But seriously. We elves have natural resistances. We consume magic energies and some of us are properly addicted. I don’t think it will harm him too much, whatever it is.”


    “That has nothing to do with what the Jenova-virus does to a body, Rhyd-” Seres flinched and collapsed to the floor before she finished her statement, for a psychic force had just struck her mind and completely knocked her out.

    Soon after Seres passed out, the same psychic force targetted Rhyderi and attempted to overwhelm his mind as well. During the attack, Seferia Catanya, in feline form, stepped out of the shadows. She intended to head for the portal.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh, I see…. what does it…” Rhyderi never finished his sentence. When the psychic attack came on his mind, he resisted and tried to fight against what it was doing to his mind. He somehow managed to remain standing and glared, looking around the area for his assailant.

    When he saw the female figure, he growled harshly at her. “N-no… not going to let this happen…”


    Seferia didn’t really care whether or not the guards, namely Rhyderi and Seres, passed out or not. All she desired was for them to not get in her way. So, she didn’t even turn her head to look at Rhyderi as he spoke out.

    Instead, she slipped through the portal without any further pre-amble, for she had been given an assignment by her queen to investigate the activity at the portal’s location.

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