Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51493
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto moved away from the sink, momentarily bowing. “I am going to be in the living room if you need me. Watching one of the movies we have. Thank you for the lovely dinner. Kids, you have time to play. Then you have to have a bath, then bed.” She slipped into the next room.

    “I know that, mother… but a more accurate representation of Earth History can be shown to the world now that the dragons aren’t a secret any more…” Iris sighed. “Such a waste, all of it.”


    “Mmmm,” Jenna hummed in agreement. “We shall see in time, girl. They might listen, they might not. If they do not listen, there is little that can be done. As long as those like you know the truth, that’s all that matters.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “That’s why you need to know the truth,” Iris sat up. “So you can teach everyone. Educate people… it’s important.” She frowned and snapped her book shut. “I’ve finished for the evening… can I sit outside and read? I really want to get a hammock for that, though…”

    There was a short verbal scuffle upstairs as Sephiroth and Azul exchanged words. After another few moments, there was a loud bang as if furniture had been knocked over. All was silent again shortly afterwards.


    “Of cour-” Jenna cut herself off as she heard the bang from up above. Frowning, she shook her head. “Go ahead outside, Iris. The weather is nice. There’s no reason for you to remain locked up in here. Just don’t wander off the property.”

    After releasing a deep sigh, Jenna decided to check up on the triplets, for she wasn’t about to see what Azul had gotten herself into.

    Kat Aclysm

    Leo and Orion were in their communal crib. They were still very young and slept a lot, so Sephiroth had put them to bed as soon as they had gotten tired. While they may not have been old enough to sleep through the night entirely just yet, such an event was looking to be likely right now – both were heavily asleep and curled up, very comfortable.

    Iris gratefully bowed her head. “Thank you, mother.” She grinned and promptly picked up a history book, taking it with her outside so she could read on the back steps.


    Jenna silently slipped into the room to look at her youngest children. Upon finding that all three children were deep asleep, she nodded to herself, quite happy that she didn’t have to do anything with them. While they were nearing on a year old, they still had a lot of needs that she had to tend to on a day to day basis.

    So, Jenna slipped back out of the room. ~It seems that aside from Azul, all of our children are perfectly fine at the moment, Seph. Any idea of when I should gather them for their dinner?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth groaned in annoyance. *”We really should be feeding them now before it gets any later. Would you like to swap positions? Watch Azul while I go and order food. I am not going to ask everyone what dishes they would like as there is likely to be disagreement. Thus, I am going to buy the usual things that most of them don’t argue over.”*

    Azul growled in anger as she continued to do her homework, loathing every moment of it.


    ~You haven’t even ordered the food yet?~ Jenna blinked in confusion, for she thought that is what her husband had been doing before she informed him of Azul’s punishment. ~What the hell were you doing? Just scratching your butt?~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I was in the kitchen and reading the flyer, damn it.”* Sephiroth growled, almost angry to be accused of laziness. *”Then you called me up to watch over Azul. I have had no time to order any food. Now, if you will only switch places with me… I can deal with that.”*


    ~I did not call you to watch over Azul. I informed you of her punishment. You could have ordered the food then went to her. Either way, you should know that menu by heart. You do order out quite often,~ Jenna sharply retorted as she moved into the bedroom area.

    Once in the master bedroom, she grunted at Sephiroth. “I’m here now. I’ll make certain she does her homework. Now, order the food for the children.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Fine…” Sephiroth grunted as he stepped out of the room. He went back downstairs and slipped out of the house entirely, walking off towards the Chinese food restaurant, leaving Jenna in the house with everyone else.

    Azul turned her head slightly, glancing back at the exchange between her parents. She was pleased that the focus was momentarily off her, and she sat there, quickly finishing off her work. “It’s done now. About time, too…” She hissed. “Can I leave now?”


    Jenna snorted as Sephiroth left the room, for the man had irritated her with his actions and responses. Still, she let the matter slip. Instead, she returned her focus to Azul.

    “Not until you show me your work, girl. If I see that you properly did your homework, then you may go,” Jenna instructed. “Now, hand it over.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Azul rolled her eyes. She felt very annoyed. Still, she didn’t dare argue with Jenna and handed the work to her mother, waiting patiently for her to go over it. “I’m really hungry…” She announced with a soft whine. “Is father getting dinner now?”


    “He’s getting dinner, yes,” Jenna stated as she thumbed through the homework, checking it over for obvious errors or scribbles. “He should be back soon enough. You should know by now that Seph is far from a procrastinator.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Azul sighed in frustration. “Yes, mother.” She inched towards the door. The work was complete and she had no more reason to be there, she also did not want to be there any longer than she had to be.

    “Can I just do the homework at another time in future? I’m getting really bored of having to do it at home…” She hissed. “Like after my class is over.”


    “I do not care whether or not you will be bored,” Jenna shot her daughter an annoyed glare. “This work is s that you learn something, not so you’d be entertained. As such, you will do it before you start goofing off, every single day. Understood?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Azul growled. “I don’t care. I just don’t want to do it later… I’d prefer to have it done earlier, such as when I finish my stuydy. That way I can have it over and done with!” She headed out the door, leaving Jenna with her homework.

    Meanwhile Sephiroth returned to the house carrying several boxes of food. He dumped them onto the kitchen counter and telepathically called out to the household that he had brought food. He began to unpack the boxes and lay them out on the table so the others could get what they wanted from them.


    Jenna grunted at Azul’s retreating figure. “As long as you get it done, I care not. I just do not want to hear that you are not applying yourself.”

    Kether eagerly trotted into the kitchen as he heard the summons. When he reached his father’s side, the boy released a very hoarse squeak before he hugged onto the man’s left leg.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth glanced down at Kether and reached out to pat him on the head. *”Hello there, youngster. Get a plate and take a seat, and serve yourself whatever you would like to eat. I brought a lot of food home so it does not have to be rationed out.”

    “I’m applying my boredom if this counts…” Azul muttered. “I’m hungry and tired of the lecture.” She escaped downstairs so she could eat the food that Sephiroth had brought.


    Kether stared up at Sephiroth, not fully grasping onto the concepts of the words that he had spoken to him. So, he just released a faint rumble before he tightened his hug on his father’s leg. He didn’t even try to go for the food that was being set up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed and reached down to pick the boy up. He attempted to set him down on one of the nearby chairs, nodding to the food. “Eat,” He stated plainly. “Eat the food while it is still warm.”

    Azul sat at the table also and began to pile food on her plate. She was starving.


    “Mmmm…,” Kether attempted to reach for his father again as he was set down on the chair. He stared up at the man with wide eyes as he sent a telepathic impression of wanting affection. For now, he ignored the food completely.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed and reached down to scoop up the youngster in his arms once more. He propped him up on his shoulder and resumed serving food. After another few moments had passed, he picked up a vegetable filled pastry roll and offered it to him to eat while he was still up there.

    “Eat something. You can’t starve.” He grunted.


    Kether happily gasped as his father held him once more. More than happy to be held by his father, the boy hugged the man in return. He didn’t care at all that the man was moving about and serving food. When the egg roll came into his view, the boy sniffed it a few times before he took a bite out of it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth held the roll still, waiting for the youngster to take it from him. He carefully took his own seat and picked up a fork so he could serve himself a portion of food.

    *”Jenna,”* He telepathically called out to her, *”What are you going to do about food? I know you do not like human food entirely, but this is mild and relatively nice tasting. Though, if you prefer I can go out afterwards and hunt something down for you.”*

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