Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “Yes, Kalysto, I was just feeding him. Too busy eating your own food, huh?” Desiree grinned back at her mate. “Anyway, I know that I’m not about to just give him what he wants. That’ll just promote this nonsense.”

    Desiree shook her head at Banedelis. ~You can’t have this back if you throw it away again.”

    “You can be very interesting when you want to, Sephiroth,” Jenna stated. “We both know that. We also know that the children will need dinner soon, and it’s the maid’s day off.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis ignored Desiree’s warning and whimpered once again. He began to wiggle his feet and growl, on the verge of having a tantrum. “Mmmm!” He stated with much force as he pointed to the teething ring.

    “Hey don’t pick on me… I’m vulnerable and hungry…” Kalysto mock-sulked. She couldn’t hide the amused grin on her face, however.

    Sephiroth released a very heavy sigh. “Ahh… very well. Ask them what they want to eat for dinner then. There is a decent Thai and a good Chinese restaurant near this house. There is also pizza, but to be honest I am getting sick of seeing it.”


    “Hrmph… aren’t children supposed to get this way at the terrible twos?” Desuree mused as she continued to refuse to give into Baneledis’s requests. “No, boy. Not unless you behave.”

    ~If I give this back to you, you must not toss it away.~

    “Yes, I am getting tired of there being pizza boxes all over the couch too,” Jenna mused. “Definitely no pizza. You’re the ‘head’ of the household. You decide on a food.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I guess you’re right but I would say it’s your angry genes at work, Desiree.” Kalysto grinned in amusement. “You’re just making him upset now… I really suggest giving it to him. Or give him something else to chew on.”

    Sephiroth shrugged. “If I could decide on a food, I would order Chinese food. Simply because it’s very easy to eat.” He headed out of the room and walked downstairs into the kitchen to pick up the flyer that belonged to their local restaurant. *”If we have others pick, there will be fights.”*


    “What nonsense,” Desiree grumbled out. “There’s no such thing as angry genes. Anyway, you’re from the same family that produced Rhyderi. So, you can’t say there is no tendecy toward temperamental attitudes from your family.”

    Still, Desiree gave in and gave the infant the teething ring. ~If I see it on the floor again, you’re not getting it back~

    ~Of course there will be fights. Only about Iris and Alexander refuse to get involved in the fights. However, Iris has becomre more vocal as of late,~ Jenna stated. ~I suppose she’s growing out of her shy phase.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made a grumpy sound. “Yeah yeah… Old-Ironbutt used to snap on a hair-trigger and punch people out until he was neutered. I’m a little more tame… moreso than that anyway. You? Hmmm. Yeah. I guess it’s hard to say whose angry-genes are showing right now.” She flicked an ear and picked up her bowl so she could drink the remaining soup-broth. “There is too an angry gene. What else makes you angry?”

    Baneledis grabbed at the teething ring and began to chew on it once more. He whimpered with unhappiness and began to drool, dumping the teething ring onto the tray attached to the chair in front of him shortly afterwards. His whimpering became louder and he resumed crying.


    “Do you even know what genes are, Kalysto?” Desiree inquired of her husband while her son was still chewing on the teething ring. “Anyway, there’s several things that can make a person an- Damn it!”

    Desiree groaned as Baneledis began to cry once more. So, she picked up the jar of food and attempted to feed him again.

    Jenna stretched as she waited for Sephiroth. After a bit, she wandered out of her room to check up on Azul and Iris. As she stepped into the two girls’ room, she knocked on the door.

    “You two are doing your homework, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Genes are the things that make you what you are. They make you look how you look, they give you mental disorders and they make you do stuff.” Kalysto flicked an ear in her agitation, almost seeming insulted. “So yeah, I know what they are.”

    Baneledis fussed a little, finally letting Desiree feed him. He still continued his whining sounds, but he quietened down over time.

    “Yes!” Azul hissed. She was currently listening to music through headphones while reading. She couldn’t care less about the homework part of the evening, she was reading books that were actually interesting.

    Iris was studying too much to notice Jenna calling her.


    Desiree slowly nodded at Kalysto, “Yes, that’s the basic idea of what they are. They’re parts of our DNA structures. You’re just lucky that we both have roughly the same amount of chromosomes, or we wouldn’t have children at all. About the only creatures that break the rules of genetics are dragons… Something about their chromatic nature is malleable.”

    Desiree sighed with relief as Baneledis finished off the last bits of his food. So, she picked him up so that she could gently stroke his back.

    Jenna frowned as she looked over at Azul. Not trusting that the book had anything to do with the girl’s school work, Jenna strolled over to Azul’s bed so that she could eavesdrop. “I see..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis clung onto Desiree’s arm and resumed his whining noises. Despite the fact he was fed and warm, he was in pain. Being so young and not knowing what to do about it, the only thing he could think of to do was cry again.

    “Phhh dragons…” Kalysto rolled her eyes. “Chromatic-somes? The races of Azeroth can breed, so I don’t see the big deal. There were half-elves long before we made some. There was also an Orc-Draenei lady too. You never would have guessed that a green.. thing… and a blue… goat thing… could breed. But they can, and do.”

    Azul’s book contained many masculine models and articles about current events. She quickly snapped her book closed. “Get out of my room!” She yelped as she yanked the headphones out of her ears. “I demand privacy!”


    Desiree picked up the teething ring so that she could hold it out for her son once more. “No, Kalysto. Not chromatic-somes. Chromosomes. DNA is clustered into chromosomes, which holds our genetic information. If two species don’t have the compatible number of chromosomes, they can’t breed. So, somehow, the races of your planet have a lot in common.”

    Jenna reached in to take the book away from Azul. “Girl, you have homework to do. You should get to work on it. I don’t want another meeting with your teachers.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yeah…” Kalysto muttered. “They have a lot in common… some are off-shoot branches of others. Though, I’ve never seen a Blood Elf and a Troll breed. The result would probably be quite bizzare… and the youngster would be crying even louder than short-person over there when he cuts his tusks.” She scratched the side of her head. “Anything you can give him to shut him up?”

    Baneledis idly chewed on the teething ring, all the while continuing his whimpery sulky protest.

    Azul groaned. “I don’t want to read the boring book! I want to join the army like Seres did. Anyway… why read the books on work when it’s not even useful later? Can’t I just kill the stuff the book is telling me about? How is learning about some dumb novel going to help me?”


    “I’m doing everything that I can manage in order to calm him down,” Desiree told her mate. “There’s nothing else that we can do, other than cast a sleep spell on him. He’ll just be fussing for quite a while now. Once this is over, things will calm down.”

    Jenna firmly glared down at her daughter. “No, that’s not how it works. Anyway, your sister still has school work, she just is reporting to her higher-ups for the lessons now. And you are much too young to even start the courses there. Now, finish your homework.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Heh. Put him to sleep then. Or give him something for the pain. I’d mix something up but he wouldn’t touch it. Herbal remedies are known for being bad-tasting and not even I can disguise them from the pallet of a baby.” Kalysto grinned.

    Azul growled, her tail flaying dangerously behind her. It struck her bookcase and one of the spines embedded itself into the wood. She didn’t seem to care however, and just flicked her tail, the spine breaking off harmlessly, the end still jammed in the bookcase.

    “It’s not even useful to anything! I don’t want to do it… I don’t even like schooling.. it’s boring. Even though I’m not even with the other kids in the proper school, I still hate it!” She continued to sulk. “Can’t I just read my magazines?”


    “I don’t want to drug him either, Kalysto. I think I’ll just let him tire himself out. It’s the best thing I can do at the moment,” Desiree mused. “Oh… you know that the illusion over you will be useless in just a couple of months, right?”

    “No, girl, you can’t just go back to reading your magazine,” Jenna firmly stated. “Do your homework. Or else I’ll take away all of your magazines.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Why will it be useless? What’s wrong? Why wouldn’t you just, you know, cast it again?” Kalysto seemed very confused. She packed up her plate and put it in the sink.

    “You can’t take all my magazines away.” Azul stated with firmness in her voice. “I have too many for you to take… unless you burn them all… and you wouldn’t do that! You know how long it’s taken me to collect them?”


    “Well, unlike at the moment, where you are basically flat-chested and only a bit thinner and shorter than your normal self, you’ll have a swelled abdomen in a few month’s time. That would simply break the illusion each time you’re touched or hugged in that area,” Desiree explained. “Thus, there would be no point.”

    “Oh, but I can, Azul,” Jenna darkly stated. “I can also relocate you so that you’d have to do your homework at your father’s desk. In fact, get moving, now!”

    Jenna firmly pointed her finger out the door, fully prepared to escort Azul to the said desk.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sulked. “Hey! I am not flat-chested… look at these!” She reached out to touch her boobs and waggled them. “See? I’m not flat-chested. Take it back!” She began to run water over her bowl and set it aside.

    “There’s a solution – build a better illusion. Duh.” She was scowling now.

    Azul growled in anger, and as she walked out the door, she smashed the end of her tail against the door frame. Her tail-spines embedded themselves in the door-frame and she yanked her tail away, leaving the barbs sticking out of the wood.

    “Fine… fine! I’ll do it but I won’t like it.” She declared hotly. “How long do I have to do it for anyway? I can’t sit there forever.”


    Desiree gave Kalysto a tired look. “You do realize that the illusion is on you at the moment, right?”

    Shaking her head, she sighed. “And no, that isn’t going to change anything. All illusions need to be believable, or they’ll fail. Thus, the fact that you’re pregnant will break any attempt to make you look like a male, Kalysto.”

    Orpheus stared at his parents, quite confused. “Daddy’s flat-chested and pwegnant?”

    “Take your homework with you!” Jenna growled out at the retreating girl. “And you will stay there for however long it takes you to finish your class work.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Azul growled as she walked back into the room, snatching up her homework to take with her. Once at Sephiroth’s desk, she shoved her papers down on-top of the existing ones already on the table. Once seated and properly settled, she coiled her tail around one of the chair legs as she worked away on her homework, occasionally scraping a tail-spine against the chair-leg.

    Kalysto nervously chuckled at Orpheus. “Ah, no. We’re just having a joke. Nothing out of the ordinary is going on.”


    Sighing, Jenna moved over to her other daughter so that she could lightly pat Iris’s head. “And how about you? How are you doing, girl?”

    Orpheus pouted at the sight of Kalysto’s grin. “I don’t think it’s a good joke…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Iris jumped slightly as Jenna touched her. She looked up at her mother and grinned with pride, showing Jenna the work she had completed for the tutor. “I did it a while ago. Now I’m doing some Earth History for extra-credit. The teacher says that if I am really skilled in it, I could go work in a museum one day or something. I’d like that…”

    Kalysto breathed a heavy sigh. “No, it’s actually not that funny, is it…?”


    “Ah, extra credit. That’s very admirable,” Jenna praised her daughter. “I’m very proud of you, girl. You do very well.”

    Jenna gently patted the top of her daughter’s head. ~Seph, Azul has been sent to your desk to do her homework. She was refusing to do it and insisting that she should be permitted to read her magazines.~

    Orpheus shook his head in agreemend. “Not a good joke, daddy. Not a good joke at all. Milly can do much betta!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth grunted. *”Should I go in there and keep an eye on the girl, then? I do not want her getting into something she shouldn’t be… why is she reading magazines? That’s not even a productive use of time.”*

    Iris beamed with pride, lowering her head slightly when Jenna patted her. “I’m trying, mother. But it’s interesting – and such a shame that history should go to waste. Now that the old humans aren’t so abundant, the new ones that come along after them might have a better appreciation for real Earth history.”


    “I doubt that will occur. However, we shall see what happens, huh?” Jenna told her daughter. “Humans have had a long history of turning their backs on those that don’t fit their definition of normal.

    “Still… remember that history is written by the winners. Neither the humans, nor the dragons have documentation of the real history. Reality is usually somewhere in between>”

    ~Yes, I do believe that she should be watched. She is a stubborn one.~

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