Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51443
    Kat Aclysm

    “Why isn’t this in the refrigeration? Disgusting.” Kalysto reached out to take the food anyway. She carried the youngster to his feeding chair and set him in, then began trying to feed him. However, the young male was too upset to eat and just stared at Kalysto, loudly crying.

    “Eat it!” Kalysto growled.


    “It’s jarred and preserved, Kalysto. You don’t need to refrigerate food if it is properly sealed and has not been exposed to the air. You should know that!” Desiree rolled her eyes at her husband. “You don’t even have refrigeration from where you come from.”

    Still, Desiree decided to let Kalysto deal with the mess that she had made. Instead, the young woman returned to tending to the soup.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You made it and you preserved it? You must have been really bored.” She tried to spoon-feed a glob of the mashed food into Baneledis’s screaming mouth and promptly side-stepped as the food was spat back at her.

    “Desiree… help. Please do something before I choke this little menace to death.” Kalysto gritted her teeth and flattened her ears, glaring at the infant. This of course, caused him to properly cry, also screaming in fear.


    “No, Kalysto,” Desiree firmly stated as she glared back at her husband. “You’re the one who is working him up. Now, calm him down. You know how to do that.”

    Shaking her head, Desiree took a sip of the soup to test it. As she determined that it was fully prepared, she adjusted the stove settings to set the soup to simply simmer.

    “Milena, Orpheus! Dinner’s ready!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto growled. “Fine…” She set the food aside, stepping back to calm herself for a moment. Then she reached forwards to pluck the youngster out of his chair, hugging onto him, patting his back.

    Milena was rather quick to run into the room. She looked up at Desiree with happiness, then sat at the table, picking up her spoon and fork to wave around. “Bring it on!” She yelled with enthusiasm.


    Orpheus had been irritating his sister since she had been assigned homework by her homeschooling teacher. The boy found it funny to poke at her scribbles and laugh at them. Still, it wasn’t fun enough to stick around after Milena left for food. Not to mention, he was hungry as well.

    So, the boy rushed into the kitchen not long after his sister arrived. He grinned at the smell of the soup. “Ooh! Smells good!”

    Desiree grinned at her children as she scooped up the soup into bowls. Soon enough, she set out the dinner for all the members of her family.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto watched Desiree serve food, seeming cranky that she had to baby-sit the crying youngster. When she finally got him quiet again, she soon discovered that he wasn’t even hungry, all he wanted was comfort. She felt rather silly as the youngster slowly drifted off to sleep again, lying over her shoulder.

    “Damn it.” Kalysto frowned. “What now?” She couldn’t very well eat soup with a baby over her shoulder.


    Desiree scooped up the opened jar of food so that she could seal it. As she set the jar in the refrigerator, she calmly spoke to Kalysto, “I would suggest setting him down to bed again. The food should still be warm by the time you return.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded her head and departed from the kitchen area, setting Baneledis back into his crib. Once tucked in, the infant went back to sleep within moments. Kalysto breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the kitchen to eat.

    However, within moments of picking her fork up to begin eating soup, her ears flicked as she heard high pitched whining yet again.

    “What the hell does he want?!”


    Desiree had already eaten a good portion of her own bowl by the time that Kalysto returned to the kitchen table. Thus, she stood up upon hearing the crying.

    “Enjoy your dinner, Kalysto. And… go ahead and finish my bowl. You need as much food as you can now,” Desiree gave her husband a grin as she slipped away to check up on Baneledis.

    On the other side of town, Jenna had proclaimed it the end of her work day. Thus, she barged into Sephiroth’s office. “We’re going home.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis moved to sit up when he saw Desiree move into the room. He reached up for her and continued his loud painful crying, loudly whimpering in-between crying sounds.

    Kalysto sat down to eat, amused at Desiree’s comment. “I’m not about to over-indulge and get fat now. I don’t think anybody would want that. Maybe not yet…” She picked up her soup spoon and began to hungrily eat.

    Sephiroth looked up from his paperwork, scowling. “Home time already? I have so much work to do.”


    Desiree grinned down at her son as she picked him up. “Oh, what’s the matter? You just went to sleep, huh? Don’t you want to sleep?”

    ~I didn’t leave enough soup behind in my bowl that you’d be over-indulging,~ Desiree protested. ~Now, just eat up. You’ll enjoy it.~

    Jenna huffed at Sephiroth before she gripped onto his left arm. “We are going home.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis continued his loud whining, cuddling into Desiree once he was picked up. He began to drool on her and chew on whatever he could get his mouth onto. Once he was chewing, he was satisfied and calmed considerably.

    “Yes, you said that already. And I am going to say this again – I have so much work to do.” He shook his head and kept working. “Go on ahead, by all means.”


    Desiree tilted her head as she paid attention to what her son was doing. Upon noticing that he was calmed by chewing, she nodded with understanding. “Ah, I see.”

    So, she walked to the side of the room so that she could dig through the drawers. Adfter a bit of searching, she found a teething ring that had been used by Orpheus. She offered the ring to her son.

    Jenna grunted at Sephiroth, digging her claws into his arm. “No, we are going. We have been here long enough. You can do your work tomorrow. Now, move it.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis reached out to grab at the teething ring and began to chew on it, cooing at Desiree shortly afterwards. He began to become frustrated after another few moments though, because the teething ring was chewy, but didn’t appear to be edible.

    Sephiroth scowled further, ignoring the clawing pain in his arm. “I can’t move. Have you read what I have to work on recently?”


    Desiree continued to study the child as he chewed on the ring. When he started showing signs of frustration again, she sighed. “Alright, but if you don’t eat anything this time, you’re going to be in trouble. Got it?”

    So, she carried the child back into the kitchen. After retrieving the jar of baby food from the refrigerator, she opened it up so that she could attempt to feed Baneledis.

    Jenna leaned in closer so that her mouth was right up against his ear. “Think about it, which is worse, having a bit more work for tomorrow, or having a very angry wife who knows how to do very unpleasant things to you. Now, get moving. You can do this silly paperwork at home.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis initially began to feed, but quickly lost interest after three or four spoonfuls of food. He wanted to chew, and the food he was being fed was pure mush. He swatted the next spoon away, making a soft cranky whine. “Mmmmnn…”

    Kalysto grinned with vague amusement at the scene nearby. “So what the hell is wrong with him? Is he just being difficult?”

    Sephiroth turned to face Jenna, not seeming the least bit intimidated. “I’ll go home. But not because you’re doing that.”


    Desiree released a heavy sigh at Baneledis’ fussing about. Mournfully shaking her head, she lifted it to look at Kalysto.

    “He’s starting to teeth, Kalysto. He’s going to be a handful for a while.”

    “Good! Now, let us get home already. Move it, Sephiroth,” Jenna proclaimed as she straightened up her posture. However, she did not stop tugging on his arm.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh, teething…” Kalysto frowned visibly, though she didn’t get up from her seat and continued eating. “Yeah, we’re going to need luck with that one. Fortunately for us, Milena was born with teeth, and Orpheus didn’t seem to be a whiner… much.”

    Sephiroth attempted to tug his arm away so that he could pick up his work. When that did not really work, he began to arrange it with his free hand. “We’re done. You can let go now.” He smirked and abused the fact that Jenna was still holding onto him, and teleported directly to the desk inside their master-bedroom.


    “You also dumped Milena off on Zulmire when she was at this age,” Desiree softly grumbled as she teleported the teething ring into her hand again. After giving it a good wipe, she held it out for her son.

    Jenna triumphantly smirked as Sephiroth teleported them into the bedroom. Rather than act surprised, she simply moved in to lick the side of her husband’s face.

    “Good. At least you know when to listen, my love.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Baneledis reached out to grab at the teething ring again and chews on it. After another few moments of angry chewing, he tosses it. Though because he is young and uncoordinated, the teething ring doesn’t go very far and it hits the floor not far away from the feet of his own high-chair.

    “I never pawned her off onto him for very long you know. Not long. Only a few months at best. Children teethe for much longer than that you know. You can’t put all the blame onto me.” Kalysto frowned. “For shame, Desiree.”

    “Phhh.” Sephiroth responded with a vague hint of irritation in his voice. “Don’t get too cocky now. I am the one who moved you, not the other way around.” He picked up his documentation and tossed it all onto the table nearby. “And I still have work to do. Location doesn’t matter very much to me.”


    Desiree groaned as her son tossed the teething ring down, a bit frustrated over the situation. As she bent down to retrieve the teething ring, she shook her head in disapproval. However, she didn’t bother to scold the child, for she knew that it would be a wasted effort.

    “I was not putting any blame on anyone, Kalysto. You were hurt in ways that are perfectly understandable,” Desiree calmly responded as she cleaned off the plastic teether. “I simply meant that we can’t really compare much to Milena’s infancy, for she wasn’t with us.”

    Jenna huffed in irritation. “Fine, be that way. However, you have been working much too often as of late. Too much work and no play makes Sephiroth burn down villages.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “We can compare it to Orpheus though, because he was with us. And he was kind of like this, wasn’t he?” Kalysto frowned in thought. She looked over at the youngster again and grinned, amused. “He’s just after attention, I think. Heck, he probably doesn’t even know what he wants.”

    Baneledis watched Desiree for a few moments, then whined and reached out for the teething ring once more.

    “That is a rather unusual saying. And silly.” Sephiroth commented. “It has only happened once. Far too few times to become a saying.”


    “Yes, Kalysto, Orpheus was with us all the way since birth. Unless you somehow replaced him with a demon at one point,” Desiree winked at her husband as she finished this statement. “And yes, I’m certain this one wants attention now.”

    Desiree frowned at Baneledis, shaking her head at him. “You won’t get this back if you just throw it away again.”

    “Well, the actual saying made by the humans is ‘all work and no play makes jack a dull boy’,” Jenna explained. “However, I decided to modify it just for you.”

    Jenna reached in to gentle stroke the underside of her husband’s chin. “Anyway, most men don’t want frustrated wives.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It can’t be anything else. His behaviour is too random and grouchy to be anything that he needs… he is most likely trying to get your goat now.” Kalysto sighed. “Distract him maybe? Has he even been fed? Try giving him some food chunks to chew on – then you fix two issues in one hit.”

    Baneledis continued to whine, reaching up for the teething ring. He began to telepathically indicate hunger and pain, and that he wanted the bright coloured object he could see.

    Sephiroth smirked. “Most men don’t want frustrated wives, but neither of us are most, nor ordinary. You would do well to remember that.” He chuckled. “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, hmm? I never really considered myself to be dull, nor exciting.”

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