Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51393
    Kat Aclysm

    “I want my own bed. I want my own room.” General Sephiroth huffed. “You think you can just walk in here any time that you please and that’s disappointing.” He wiggled his arms a few moments before easing up, relaxing them again.

    “You’re a pain.” He announced finally, though he was clearly grinning at her.


    Noemi leaned even closer toward the General. “You want your own room, hm? I’m afraid that I will have to refuse that request. I enjoy having my sexual slave here.”

    The captain gave the captain a large grin. “Even if his hair is starting to lose it’s luster. Though, given our ages, we’re lucky that my hair only has a few grey streaks and yours is just barely not as luminous.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth snorted in Noemi’s face. He feigned about as much discontent as he could manage at that particular moment. “Sex slave? In your dreams, lady. You know at the height of my career, I was the male they used for all the babies in their breeding program. I am hardly a sex slave.”

    “Don’t insinuate that we’re old.” He grunted, finally sitting up. “Because we’re not.”


    Noemi slipped her hands up the General’s arms as he spoke to her. “Mmmm… if you say so, General.”

    A grin was planted onto her face, at least until he protested the fact that they were old. “General, most humans consider mid fourties to early fifties old. We are not exactly children any longer. Not to mention,” she reached up to gently pull on her right set of bangs, that were streaked grey, “I have the very clear signs of my age.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Still not old,” General Sephiroth hummed indignantly. Whether he was actually annoyed or not, it would have been hard to tell. “We’re not children and we haven’t been, ever. Even when we were young, we never had the opportunity to be children.”

    “I still don’t want to live on the surface. It just feels wrong, somehow.” He admitted finally. “Perhaps it is elitist to not want to be a part of the slums and others down there, but no. I don’t even want to associate with the backwards-technology people.”


    “We’ll adjust, we always have,” Noemi calmly stated as she leaned against her friend. “Given the options, living down there isn’t too bad. If we returned home, we’d be dead. If we were stubborn and didn’t land the ship, we’d be dead.”

    Noemi reached over to pat her friend’s head. “And yes, I know we didn’t have a real childhood. However, I can’t complain.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I can,” General Sephiroth grinned suddenly. “Stupid idiots and their stupid regime! I was locked in a room for years with nothing to do, and subjected to…” He became quiet, chuckling shortly afterwards.

    “It’s not working. Nobody cares.”


    “You were locked in the same room that I was in, General. Or have you forgotten that detail? The two of us used to read to each other and other things,” Noemi reminded her friend. “Heh, I still remember what stories you liked to hear.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh hush, you.” General Sephiroth replied quickly, amused. “What stories do you think I liked to hear? How do you know I wasn’t just faking it?” He smirked. “If you’re so clever, you would be able to recall it.”

    “Besides,” He mused, “How do you know I wasn’t faking it?”


    “You’re such a terrible liar, you were even more-so as a child, my dear General,” Noemi responded. “Now, as for the stories that you liked… Hmmm… many of them were like Beowulf and the sort. The gallant hero who saved the day despite the odds.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It was a good story…” General Sephiroth muttered, feeling a little irritated now. “You’re getting far off the subject, too. But, you’re right. Nothing can be done. Oh well….” He closed his eyes and tried to curl up once again.


    “Mmmm,” Noemi hummed in agreement as her friend curled up beside her. After a moment of simply watching him, she reached into comb her fingers through his hair.

    “You need a hair cut.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t need a hair-cut.” Gen. Sephiroth declared. “I need a trim, but my hair-style is perfectly fine just the way it is.” He decided that it was best to stop pushing her away now, and grinned. “Why do you have a problem with it?”


    “Heh, fine, you need a trim. It’s just getting bushy with many split ends. Not good at all,” Noemi commented as she pulled her hand away.

    After slipping off her boots, she thumped down onto the bed. Soon enough, she rolled into the General’s side.

    “I missed having you by my side today.”

    Kat Aclysm

    The General uncurled himself and shuffled positions, attempting to spoon with Noemi. Once in position he relaxed again and grinned. “Your job is different to mine. I still have my personnel to run on this ship. I am not your lackey or sidekick. We are still independent of each other you know.”


    Noemi happily accepted the General’s presence. After a brief moment, she shuffled around to face the General. Wrapping her arms about his chest, the captain rested her head against his chest.

    “That does not change the fact that I missed you,” Noemi stated. “I think that I am within my limits to miss the man that I love with the entirety of my being.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Ah but is it love, or is it yet another thing that has been programmed in?” General Sephiroth was amused by now. “You need to explain that one better, I think… tell me more. I want to hear what you have to say.”


    “Mmm… So you want to know that my love for you is true, huh? Well, you’re just going to have to have faith in me when I say that my life feels empty each time you’re not by my side. You brighten up everything when you’re around,” Noemi purred out. “No other man warms me like you do.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Did you get that off the back of a Valentine’s Day poster?” General Sephiroth chuckled. “Or perhaps out of a greeting card? Maybe it was written on one of those horrible chalk candies that are shaped into love-hearts.”

    He poked at her side and chuckled once again. “Don’t worry.”


    “Hmm? You think that I worry over a word that you say?” Noemi grinned at her friend. “Never, not even if you say that you’re going to die tomorrow. For, I know that nothing will ever kill you unless it’s me.”

    The captain winked at her friend before she leaned in to kiss him.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You want to be the person that kills me? Harsh, Noemi. Very harsh.” He reached up to stop her initially, then gave in and allowed her to kiss him. He raised his head and kissed her in return, smirking when she moved back again.

    “You’re not going to kill me though, are you. Old age is going to get me first. Or sickness, or disease. Something is bound to happen eventually, considering my history with lab-testing.”


    “Given our histories in the labs and their goals to insure that we had prolonged lives, I doubt those issues will get to us easily. You do know that they projected that you’d be viable for combat well into your 80s. They also assumed that I may live up to three hundred years old since I am half-dragon,” Noemi shrugged. “Who knows. However, yes, I will let nothing kill you unless it were me. And I don’t feel like killing you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth chuckled once again. “Oh but something else is going to get me first, you’ll see. Whether it be something large or monumentally huge, I am going to die in some way eventually. Don’t think you have complete control over it – it’s arrogant thinking.”

    He yawned sleepily. “This conversation is getting very dark… I don’t want to discuss it any longer.”


    “I think that I am inclined to agree with you, General. Let us drop the subject. Instead, I want to discuss how absolutely beautiful your eyes are,” Noemi grinned at the General as she spoke.

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth laughed, “My eyes are beautiful? That must be some kind of joke, for they are chemically tainted.” He blinked at her anyway, teasing her by closing his eyes a few moments later. “Can we rest now? I have had a tiring day of doing nothing at all.”

    Meanwhile, Kalysto was pacing around the kitchen area of her house, feeling particularly edgey. She didn’t even know the reason for it herself and just kept pacing while she waited for dinner to defrost in the microwave.

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