Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    ~I also know that you will follow through with an order with upmost efficency, my dear General,~ Noemi cooly responded. ~Thus, if I order you to only investigate and not kill any of them, you will do exactly that, hm?~

    Noemi climbed into the shuttle that she had flown down to arrive at the ShinRa complex earlier on. Not long after, she flew back to the Halcyon.

    Seres scowled at her father. Huffing, she turned away to leave the room.

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth sat down on the bed in his personal quarters and stretched out, lying down shortly afterwards. *”You’re not exactly my superior. Remember that, Noemi.”* He chuckled to himself, *”I would follow an order out of respect, not because of a demand.”*

    Sephiroth scowled back at Seres and picked up his papers, resuming his work. It was clear that he was not about to communicate any more.


    ~Yes, but given that you are stationed from my ship, I have field command,~ Noemi attempted to sway General Sephiroth.

    After Noemi docked her ship and did a brief check on the crew of her ship, she walked to the General’s quarters, which were actually the captain’s quarters since she did enjoy the company of her friend. As she stepped into the room, she gave the General a brief grin.

    “I see that you have had a productive day.”

    Not long after Seres left Sephiroth’s office, Desiree stopped by. She greeted her mother, very briefly before she moved to her father’s office door to knock on it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth muttered. “What now…” He sighed and flicked a hand at the door, using his telekinetic abilities to open it. He blinked as he saw Desiree standing in the doorway. He hadn’t been expecting her, but his mood was no better.



    General Sephiroth looked up at Noemi and nodded. “I had a very productive day. I lay around, I slept, I ate, and I had a relaxing bath. With nothing else to do right now, I am taking advantage of the fact.”


    Desiree gave her father a small grin as he opened the door for her. However, she was not unaware of his mood. So, she decided not to waste his time.

    “Hello, father,” Desiree greeted as she stepped inside the office. “I figured that you deserved to hear the news. Umm… Kalysto and I are going to have another child.”

    “I see,” Noemi appraised her friend with a sweeping glance. “I see that you definitely need me to lie about your intentions to go onto missions even more.”

    Not waiting for a reply, the captain moved in to kiss her friend. “This ship will no longer be airborne in about a month’s time.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth stared at Desiree, then shook his head and went back to his work. “I see. You are married, live in your own house, have children to this male already, and you somehow felt the need to come all the way down here just to tell me that.”

    “Why do you need to lie about that? I can lie on my own well enough without your input.” General Sephiroth smirked. “Wait, what?” His grin faded. “What’s happening to the ship?”


    “Well, you are my father and family,” Desiree stated as Sephiroth returned to his work. “It is customary to share good news among family members. And… I should let you know that I’m not pregnant.”

    “The ship will be forced to land in approximately a month’s time,” Noemi calmly explained. “We simply do not have the fuel supplies to keep it hovering above this city any longer. The gravitational pull is taxing on the engines. I have already spoke to the officials in the city concerning this matter.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh, so you’re adopting. Or he has impregnated somebody by mistake.” Sephiroth snorted at that prospect. “That would explain your desire to come here and see me personally. Do you need somebody killed?”

    General Sephiroth slowly nodded his head. “I see… what a shame. What are we going to do?” He sighed. “Can we keep it in orbit? Surely there is something that can be done.”


    Desiree quickly shook her head. “No, we’re not adopting, Father…”

    Groaning, Desiree scratched the back of her head as she tilted her head to look out the General’s window. “You see, it’s Kalysto who is pregnant. I felt that you deserved to know that.”

    “I don’t have enough fuel to break the atmosphere of this planet, General. That is why we have not been in orbit this entire time,” Noemi explained. “So, once I receive word of a designated position, I shall have a controlled landing of the Halcyon. At that point, it will still have power to keep internal activity going. However, it will not fly any longer.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth looked up at Desiree again and narrowed his eyes. “Kalysto is a male. A male with a ridiculously feminine name, I might add.” He snorted. “Have you been playing around with things that ought not to be messed with yet again?”

    General Sephiroth closed his eyes, resting his hands behind his head. “I see. A shame… have you thought about where you’re going to dock it? This planet is not exactly known for being on the forefront of technology. It will never take off again.”


    “Yes, Father, I know that Kalysto is a male,” Desiree sighed out. “And no, we haven’t been playing with anything dangerous. Kalysto just made a potion that turns him into the opposite sex… He wanted this.”

    “It will most likely be a position near this city. It would not do for us to dock elsewhere. Our allies on this planet are situated here,” Noemi calmly explained. “Other than that, we will have to wait for official word on a proper position.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth pinched the bridge of his nose, looking rather annoyed now. “So Kalysto is a female.. and somebody else impregnated him. Her.” He snarled. “Just explain the situation in simple words. This is getting ridiculous.”

    Gen. Sephiroth nodded his head, though he didn’t look terribly happy about things now. “I don’t want to live down with the ghetto and the civil disorder…”


    “Well, yes, that sums it up more or less,” Desiree confirmed her father’s words. “Kalysto has been a female for about three months now… As for how she became pregnant- Well, Mother helped us develop a amulet so that the potion that he fabricated would only work while it is being worn. So, I impregnated her.”

    “We have little choice in the matter, General. This planet simply does not have the materials needed to refuel the Halcyon. They are not advanced enough,” Noemi explained as she sat down next to her friend.

    Kat Aclysm

    “So… the male is the mother, and the female is the father.” Sephiroth shook his head. “It sounds like somebody was inspired by my own… unfortunate situation. Though why anyone would willingly repeat that, I’ll never know….”

    He sighed in irritation. “Thank you for informing me. Now get out.”

    General Sephiroth raised his left arm up, resting it over his eyes. He gave a rather discontent groaning sound and punched the bed with his other hand.

    “Don’t want to. No….”


    Desiree stared at her father as he told her to get out. After a few seconds, she released a drawn-out sigh.

    “I didn’t mean to cause you any trouble. I thought it was best that you heard it now,” Desiree pursed her lips as she turned to leave. “It would be nice if you visited us again sometime.”

    Noemi didn’t mind that her friend wanted to vent his anger. She was used to his temper tantrums, so she didn’t even blink an eye. “As I said, it is not a matter of want. It simply is. We have no choice but to accept it. Anyway, we can still live in the Halcyon.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth gave Desiree another regarding glance, then lowered his head and quietly sighed. “I will arrange something. But not now – I have work. A lot of it. I am not enjoying myself. I am already behind. Go.”

    “Don’t want to live in the Halcyon on the ground. I am going to miss the Zero Gravity room when we run out of fuel.” General Sephiroth moaned. “All the time spent in there… I’m really going to miss it.”

    “No,” He said again with more force. “Don’t want to.”


    Desiree simply gave her father an understanding nod as she slipped out of his office.

    Noemi gave her friend a slow shake of her head. “Genral, there is simply nothing that can be done. This planet does not have the resources to keep the Halcyon air-borne. We do not have an orbit here. We are within the atmosphere and thus can’t conserve energy to stay in the air. We must land. There’s nothing you can do to change that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth attempted to push Noemi off the bed. “You take everything seriously, don’t you…” He sighed and shook his head, covering his face with a pillow once again. “It’s very predictable you know.”


    Noemi tensed up as she was pushed and attempted to resist the General. However, she soon found herself on the floor. Grunting, she stood up.

    “That was our upbringing, General,” Noemi softly explained as she brushed herself off. “You take things about as seriously as I do.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “The way we were raised, or our programming? Both of which are no longer relevant.” He plucked the pillow off his face and flung it at her. “Why don’t you use the last of the fuel to put us in an orbit, rather than grounding us? A satellite orbits without using energy.”


    “Irreverent or not, that is the way we were raised, General,” Noemi responded. ” I cannot just brush aside decades of training simply because we are no longer part of the allied planets.”

    Noemi shook her head at the General’s suggestion. “If the Halcyon was capable of doing that, I would have a long time ago. The truth is, the Halcyon was built in space and has remained in space all its life. It does not have the means to break out of an atmosphere. We were stuck as soon as it was brought into this planet’s atmosphere.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth scowled. “If it was built in space, what makes you think it has the structural capacity to survive on the ground? This planet has a harsh gravitational pull. If the Halcyon doesn’t fall apart on landing or due to structural stresses, it will surely rust and break down over time due to weathering.”

    “It’s going to break, no matter what you do.” He said finally.


    “Yes, General, that is a sound assessment of the situation that the Halcyon is in,” Noemi confirmed without a single flinch or sorrowful note in her voice. “However, I shall do my best to insure that no damage is sustained upon landing. From there, my crew will have to work on a stabilizing structure to prolong the life of this ship.”

    Noemi once again moved to sit next to her friend. “No ship lasts forever, General.”

    Kat Aclysm

    General Sephiroth once again tried to push Noemi off the bed. It was clear at this point that he wanted it all to himself.

    “I will suggest somebody look into something to rust-proof it.” He sighed. “But years of weathering will eventually take it’s toll. Perhaps an awning over the top of the ship, or a permanent hangar. Something has to keep the rain and wind out – it’s the ship’s biggest foe.”


    Noemi swiftly moved in to latch her hands around the General’s wrists in an attempt to stop him from pushing her off the bed again.

    “I shall take your advice into consideration. Thank you, my dear friend,” Noemi grinned at General Sephiroth as she leaned in to kiss him.

    “Now, stop pushing me off my bed.”

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