Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth continued to scowl at Seres for another few moments before replying to her statement. “I’m not letting you use yourself as bait, Seres.” He made a sharp discontent gruff sound and picked up his pen to continue working. “The appropriate parties are already working on that. You don’t work well with others, you would complain that they are getting in your way.”


    “Oh please,” Seres snorted at her father’s refusal to give her the chance to take the job. “No one is taking the job. It’s very clearly listed in the missions availability as an available mission.”

    To emphasize her point, she pulled out her PHS so that she could flip it to the missions. Once she found it, she slammed the device down on her father’s desk.

    “See! And I didn’t say I was going to bait myself. I’d rather hunt them down!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled as the PHS came down on the desk near his work. He ignored it. “No.” He said, his tone one of irritation. “You have your work. You are needed where you are. This is not up for discussion, Seres.”


    “This is complete and utter bullshit, Father,” Seres hissed out. “You know I can do a lot more than stand guard at some hole doing nothing all day long. I’ve done nothing of use since I became Rhyderi’s partner! You’re trying to hold me back, aren’t you?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “That is not up for discussion either.” Sephiroth calmly stated as he turned the page over and began reviewing the next. “You have a good position for your current rank. I cannot show preferential treatment, lest I be accused of favouritism. I’ve told you this.”

    “Now go away.” He stated rather coldly.


    Seres crossed her arms as she glared at her father. “No! I’m not going away. I want to take up this other job. Let me prove myself. You were given preferential treatment by ShinRa all your life, and you think I should be treated like crap?”

    Meanwhile, Noemi approached Sephiroth’s office door, which had been left open by Seres. The captain glanced up at the door for a moment before she reached over to knock, announcing her presence.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Prove yourself to whom? Why? This isn’t about some conquest for glory and power, Seres.” Sephiroth scowled. When he heard the knock, he was glad for the distraction. He sat up properly in his chair and motioned to the chair ahead of him.

    “Come in.” He told Noemi.


    Seres glared back at the distraction before she crossed her arms. She then shot another venomous glare at her father. “You know that I have your legacy to live up to. If you keep on regulating me to guard duty, they’ll all think I’m a failure.”

    Noemi briefly eyed Seres before she simply entered the room. She held several stacks of documents in her hands. “By all means, finish your meeting with your daughter first. I can wait.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It was over before it began.” Sephiroth grunted, waving at Seres as if to send her away. “Come over here. I want to know what you have brought me now.” He adjusted the back of his chair so he could remain sitting up properly. He had been lounging in it before and the back-rest was in an awkward position.


    Noemi gave Sephiroth a disapproving frown. “It is not proper for a military official to slouch in any manner at any time.”

    Shaking her head, she moved closer toward the SOLDIER General’s desk. “First, I wish to report that there is no longer any need for manual labor at the site where the rift is. My engineering department has finalized the automated defenses, which will work without fail.

    Seres, who had been glaring at her father up until those words were spoken, gave her father a rather victorious smirk.

    “I also must request that your people provide fuel for my ship. At the rate that things are going. I will have to land it in the ocean by the end of the month,” Noemi continued.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth ignored Seres completely, feeling that the continued discussion of her post and current position was not appropriate to go back to at that moment in time.

    “I see.” He said simply. “Very well. Inform me when it is up and running and I shall act accordingly. As for the fuel you require… we will come to an arrangement. I suggest a salvage of a Nuclear Power Plant. The fuel rods inside of those are relatively efficient.”


    “You are suggesting for my people to use the unstable and unrefined materials of fuel rods from this planet?” Noemi slowly spoke out, trying to digest Sephiroth’s suggestion. “What utter nonsense. That fuel would only last a day if not less. We require much more efficient materials than that.”

    Thus, Noemi set the papers down on Sephiroth’s desk. The paperwork documented the reactors that were found in the Halcyon’s engineering deck.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You know what this planet’s current condition is.” Sephiroth growled in agitation when the documentation was set down on his desk. “I am not in charge of urban planning. I can’t even do very much beyond these islands. You may have to explore and look for your own power sources.”


    “Yes, I was only hoping that the research group in your organization may be capable of replicating the materials as listed in those documents. However, if that is not likely to happen,” Noemi camly responded, “I shall need a landing spot designated.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head. “You’re serious, aren’t you. Your ship is never going to be able to take off again if you do that.” He glanced down at the files and snorted. “We do not have the knowledge to craft some of this. You shall have to call for the help of another.”


    “Either way, the Halcyon will not be space-worthy again. And, if this planet cannot supply the necessary materials to keep it air-borne, then I must land it. A controlled landing is much more preferable than the alternative,” Noemi continued to remain calm despite the subject of her conversation.

    “Thus, I must ask you, as my liaison to this planet to arrange a proper landing site.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed heavily. “How many days worth of fuel does it have left? I will have to calculate a proper landing space for the ship. Resources and amenities are essential, thus, you do not want to park it in the middle of nowhere.”

    He pulled a map out of his drawer and began to look through it.


    “I would approximate that our fuel supplies will keep the Halcyon suspended above your city for approximately thirty-five more days. Thus, you have ample time to determine a worthy site,” Noemi stated.

    After a moment, she tilted her head toward Seres, who had not left the room. Without changing her expression, the captain returned her attention to Sephiroth. “Also, my colleague, General Sephiroth, is looking into studying the dragon mother that inhabits the north American continent. We request that he can take your best men and women with him.”

    ~General, you are going on a mission soon,~ Noemi messaged her significant other via the nueral implant network.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed, waving a hand. “Yes. I’ll discuss that another time with you, however, I suppose. It will give me a bit of time to make arrangements.” He waved his hand at her again. “I’ve work to do. Depart.”

    General Sephiroth paced about his private quarters. *”What is the mission?”*


    ~You are going to the nest of the giant dragon in the Americas continent on this planet. I shall explain later,~ Noemi sent another message to her mate.

    As she finished messaging her Sephiroth, she smoothly strolled over to Seres. Once in range, the captain firmly set her hands down on the girl’s shoulders. “I’d like the personally hand-pick this one and her partner for the mission.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth growled. “That one and her guardian are already involved in a mission. They are pre-occupied with it and I would rather keep them where they are right now. Let me deal with things here.”

    *”Why are you going to explain later? I’m bored. Let’s talk now.”* General Sephiroth grinned.


    “Oh, but I insist. You do not want to strain relations between our two factions, now do you?” Noemi calmly responded. “Strained relations with your allies is never a good thing, hm? Please consider things over before making such a decision, SOLDIER General Sephiroth. And yes, I shall bid you good day.”

    Thus, Noemi gave Sephiroth a military bow before she turned to leave the office. ~I was in the middle of a meeting, General.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “I have already begun preparation for them elsewhere,” Sephiroth replied hotly, “You would do well to heed your own advice, Captain. I am in command of things down here. We are allied, yes, but I still need to manage my own first. We shall discuss things another time.”

    General Sephiroth paced about the room, still very much bored. *”Yes, I know. But when are you going to tell me? I’m doing nothing at all.”*


    ~The SOLDIER General here is being overly protective of his daughter. I can tell from what little bits of conversation that I’ve heard and the rumors about her not having any field experience,~ Noemi explained to her friend. ~So, I have proclaimed that you are going to take an excursion to the North American continent to investigate the nests there. I expect the girl to be with you.~

    Seres silently pouted as she heard her father refuse to let her go on the mission. Crossing her arms, she glared at her father.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted at Seres. “Enough out of you. I have plans. You will hear of them soon enough. Now go back to your post where you are required.” He waved at the door. “Go on, get out of my sight. I am very busy right now.”

    General Sephiroth chuckled. *”Oh, investigating a dragon nest? You may as well send a recruit. You know my track record with those. You could send me alone and it would all die.”*

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