Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Kat Aclysm

    “Shut up!” Kalysto yelled at Orpheus. “Shut up and stop screaming! Get in the tub and take a bath!” She had tried being gentle and it hadn’t worked, and although not the best of options, she had lost all patience with him.

    Milena shook her head as she stood there, yanking all her clothing off. She headed to the edge of the tub and tried to jump in, though she wasn’t big enough to climb over the wall.



    Desiree grinned at her daughter. “Of course.” So, she bent down to gently pick up Milena. Once the girl was settled into the water, she reached to the side so that she could turn on the jets. After a bit of fiddling, she made it so that the spa jets would provide a gentle flow of bubbles for the young halfling.

    Orpheus pinned his ears back as his “not-daddy” yelled at him. After a bit of whimpering, he finally gave in and struggled out of his clothing. Once he was naked, he released a slow whine, for he still didn’t want a bath. However, he was no longer putting up a real fight.

    “Wan my daddy…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena squeaked with happiness and began to bang her hands on the water’s surface, splashing the water everywhere as she began to play with it. Although she was old enough to know the properties of water by now, she still had fun with it.

    Kalysto sighed. “I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” She gently scooped up the youngster and put him in the tub.


    Desiree gave Milena another grin. Rather than scolding the girl, she cupped her right hand then sent a gentle wave of water at her. She also took care to pay attention to the water level, for the tub was still filling, and she didn’t want to overwhelm the youth.

    Orpheus sulked as he was put into the tub. He stared down at the water as he was set down in it. Slowly, he decided to sit down in it. For now, he was docile, though he continued to sniffle.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena made a loud sound of happiness as she was splashed. She flicked water back at Desiree, but only droplets, because she knew splashing too much in the bath-tub got her into trouble. “Careful, mommy! You’re gonna make th’ floor wet!”

    Kalysto just stood over Orpheus and silently rubbed him down with a soapy wash-cloth, feeling rather regretful of the entire situation. After she had finished washing him off, she reached down to pluck him out of the tub again and quickly bundled a big fluffy towel around him.


    Desiree grinned at Milena. “Well, it’s only a floor. We can clean it up later, huh?”

    Still, she only played with her daughter for a bit longer before she got to work at scrubbing the girl down. Once she felt that Milena was clean, she lifted her up so that she could set her down on a towel.

    “There you go. All clean.”

    Orpheus unhappily whimpered as he was dried off. However, he was much calmer now that the bad water that likes getting into his ears was no longer around.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena sat down on the towel, still soaking wet. After sneezing loudly, she made some happy sounds and tried to grab another towel off the rack nearby by it’s bottom. “Cold!” She announced with a great deal of volume. Once she had pulled the towel over her head, two more fell down with it, also falling on her.

    Kalysto just crouched down and silently dried off the young male, patting his back once she was done. “Go into your bedroom. I’ll get you ready for bed.”


    Desiree chuckled as the towels fell on top of Milena. “Well, I hope you’re not cold any longer. Now, go ahead and dry yourself off. I’ll get you some pajamas to wear.”

    Thus, the young woman left Milena alone with the towels. After visiting the girl’s room, Milena grabbed a pair of simple black pajamas to bring back to Milena. As she returned to the bathroom, she looked down at her daughter in order to determine if she dried off yet or not.

    Orpheus slowly nodded his head. “Gonna read bedtime story? Wan story..”

    He didn’t wait for a reply though. He slipped out and rushed to his room.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena did about as a good of a job as she could drying herself off. Her hair was still sopping wet and there were still water-droplets on her legs, but the rest of her was sufficiently dried. She tossed one of the towels over herself and began to roll around in them, giggling.

    “Yeah.” Kalysto replied as she watched Orpheus run off. Once she had followed him to his bedroom, she crouched down once more to finish drying him off.

    “So you want a story, huh? Which one?” She plucked some pyjamas and underwear out of the drawers, holding them out so she could assist the youngster in changing into them.


    Desiree knelt down next to Milena so that she could poke the girl. “Hey, come on. You’re dry now. So, let’s get some clothes on you.”

    So, she held out the set of pajamas out for the halfling.

    Orpheus stepped closer to Kalysto as she offered to put clothes onto him. As he held up his arms, he thought about the stories available. “Tell me the story about the silly elf with strange orbs.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena loudly yelped when poked. Her small hand reached up out of the pile of towels and she snatched at Desiree’s finger, giggling. “OK.” She reached out to take the pyjamas, not having much difficulty in putting them on. However, when she got to the buttons, she began to fiddle with them, slowly becoming frustrated after a few moments had gone by.

    “Help…” She said in a meek voice.

    Kalysto finished placing the clothes on Orpheus and nodded. “You want to hear about him? Fair enuogh. Climb into bed and we’ll ponder where to begin.” She took a seat near the bed and thought about the subject for a moment.

    “Kael’thas Sunstrider was the prince of Quel’thalas, the territory where we used to live. I didn’t know too much about him when I was a kid, but he was always busy. Usually magic business, that sort of thing. Your Great-Grandfather kind of knew him, but not really. They were both Mages, though, so they were in that same… society circle where everyone though they were amazing and absolutely fantastic. Hmm…”


    Desiree simply grinned at Milena as she reached in to button up the sleep wear. As she finished buttoning Milena up, she reached up to rough up the girl’s hair.

    “There you go. Now, let’s get to your room so you can sleep,” Desiree instructed.

    Orpheus struggled with climbing into his bed for a few moments, for he was sadly quite short and the bed was a bit taller than him. Once he pulled himself up onto his bed, he curled up into his sheets, for he was more than happy to take in their warmth.

    “Boring story. Tell more interesting parts!” Orpheus whined.

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena giggled as Desiree messed up her hair. She playfully attacked Desiree’s leg, hugging onto it. When instructed to go to bed, she was rather obedient and practically ran there.

    “What interesting things are there to tell?” Kalysto glanced upwards as she tried to think. She already told Orpheus about the Scourging attack on Silvermoon and she was more than sure that such a story wasn’t good bed-time material. In fact now that she thought about it, most of the Prince Kael’thas story wasn’t good for a bed-time story.

    “What part do you want to hear about?” She asked finally.


    “Daddy say man with silly orbs is dumb and stupid. Make fun of him a lot,” Orpheus explained. “Tell me about that! Wanna hear stuff like that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I was already telling you about him…” Kalysto sighed. “That’s the guy – Kael’thas Sunstrider, prince of Quel’thalas. It’s not my fault if you think it’s boring. I can only recall the parts I can actually remember.” She frowned with unhappiness. “I never made fun of him personally. I just didn’t like him. We never actually met.”


    Orpheus pouted. “You tell bad stories. I want my daddy back…”

    Sulking, the boy flopped back onto his bed and turned his back on Kalysto. He didn’t care much that his request wasn’t reasonable. All that mattered to him was that his “not-daddy” wasn’t as good as his real daddy in his mind.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto lowered her head and made her way out of Orpheus’s bedroom. She flicked off the light and shut the door. Once that was in order, she retreated to the master bedroom and sat down on the bed, keeping her head lowered as she buried her face in her hands and began to cry.


    Desiree had been finishing tucking Milena into bed when Kalysto entered the bedroom. So, she was not present when she initially began to cry. However, as soon as Desiree entered her bedroom, she noticed the distress of her “husband”. So, she walked over to her.

    “Kalysto? What’s wrong?” Desiree softly spoke out as she reached around to hug her mate. “Shh… settle down.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto moved to lean against Desiree and continued her soft crying, genuinely upset. After she had calmed down some, she raised her head, looking at herself in the mirror in the bathroom attached to the master bedroom.

    “Orpheus hates me.. I don’t want to do this any more…”


    “If you want to give this up, then I won’t stop you,” Desiree stated. “However, I will say that Orpheus is just confused and upset at the moment. I’m sure he didn’t mean whatever he said to you.”

    Desiree leaned in to kiss the top of Kalysto’s head. Overall, she had no reasons to force Kalysto into continuing this stunt. So, she wasn’t going to stand in her way at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto lowered her head once more and resumed crying all over again. “He hates me… he really hates me. He doesn’t like the way I look…” She looked down at herself, feeling miserable.

    “How are we going to do this…? There has to be another way…”


    Desiree slowly shook her head, for she had no good suggestions for Kalysto. She knew that Orpheus had been struggling with the idea of Kalysto being a female for the last month, and thus she wasn’t too surprised by this. However, she was also certain that things weren’t as bad as Kalysto was making them out to be.

    “I’m certain that Orpheus didn’t mean what he said to you. He’s just a confused boy. This isn’t exactly something a youth like him can handle,” Desiree attempted. “He loves you, you know that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto just slowly shook her head. “He shouldn’t have to… he’s right… this was a stupid idea. I should have considered everyone else before I made such a selfish decision.” She moved away from Desiree and got to her feet, heading into the bathroom. She shut the door behind her, and then locked it.


    Desiree groaned as Kalysto sulked off into the bathroom. She didn’t know what to do. As it was, it didn’t seem like there was any way to make Kalysto happy. She didn’t want him to give up his dreams. However, asking him to continue on was not a rather good option either.

    “You aren’t being selfish,” Desiree tried to console her husband from the other side of the door. “You have a dream and you have the right to follow through with it… We could set up some sort of illusion. Or, just be patient and deal with Orpheus. He does love you, Kalysto.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sat on the other side of the door, blocking it with her back. Once in place, she slid down, slumping to the floor. “I’ve tried to be patient… he hates me… it’s been long enough and he’s had time to adjust to it, but…” She elbowed the door.

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