Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    Desiree released a slow sigh at Rhyderi’s accusations. Overall, she knew that she couldn’t go against them, for he was pretty much accurate.

    ~Very well… If you want me to explain things, I’ll… talk to you at my home. For now, I.. I’m just not in a good place for this conversation,~ Desiree consented.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”Fine. I’m about to get away from here. I’ll go to your house and then you best be explaining it in full detail because right now, I am resisting the desire to run away screaming.”* Rhyderi hissed. He nodded in respect to the police and suddenly left the Barracks, heading for Kalysto and Desiree’s house.

    Kalysto hummed to herself as she headed home. However, by the time she made it back to her house, Rhyderi was already waiting on the front-porch.


    Desiree groaned. ~Alright… I’ll explain. I promise that much.~

    Thus, Desiree walked beside her “husband” as they returned home. During this time, she gently stroked Kalysto’s lower back, for she knew that area tended to be annoyed during her cycles. When they made it home, she lifted her head to stare at their guest.

    “You really wasted no time..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “No. I didn’t.” He moved off the porch and stepped down onto the ground, pacing around Kalysto, his expression very suspicious. After another moment he batted the hood off her head, his eyes narrowed heavily as he examined Kalysto’s face and features more closely.

    “You really did it, didn’t you.” He frowned. “Such a pity you weren’t just born female.”

    Kalysto tensed as Rhyderi paced around her. At the last comment, she blinked in surprise. “Where did that come from? Here I was, waiting for you to punch me in the face.”


    Desiree stood back a bit, not certain what to do when Rhyderi was circling around Kalysto. Once she determined that he wasn’t going to attack, she released a slow sigh.

    “Rhyderi…,” the young woman started as she gripped onto his left upper arm so that she could tug him inside. “Kalysto has turned himself into a female in the past. Thought that was only for one day and for a different reason… Let’s just… talk inside.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes. I think I better just come inside.” Rhyderi headed for the door, pushing it open so he could walk in. Once he was standing in the living room, he glared slightly at Desiree and Kalysto, his stance rigid and firm. He resisted the desire to do something irrational and remained tense.

    “Alright.” He said in a quiet voice. “We’re inside. Begin.”


    Desiree nudged her mate. “Go make some tea, Kalysto. You’ll need it anyway for your cramps…”

    Sighing once over, she stepped over to Rhyderi before she tried to guide him over to the couch. “Please sit down, Rhyderi. Now… I’m letting Kalysto fulfill a fantasy of his. I should think that even in your culture, it is acceptable for a wife to decide to let her husband have his fantasy fulfillment.”

    Meanwhile, the black drake in disguise, Seferia, was sitting with the children in the living room and recounting tales of how much of an idiot Alexstraza and her brood were and still are.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded and silently slipped into the kitchen area.

    Rhyderi flattened his brows at Desiree, very unimpressed. “That is absolutely disgusting. Not to mention, degrading to the entire female gender, and our House name. You really should just keep your strange… fantasies to your personal quarters where they belong.” He moved to sit, seeming to be having difficulty speaking about the subject.

    Milena sat near Seferia and squeaked, seeming quite sad that a red dragon was to be considered idiotic. She was otherwise silent, happy for the fact she had taken her elf-guise for the time being. She was a red and purple dragon, and she didn’t want Seferia poking fun at her.


    Desiree shook her head at Rhyderi’s suggestion. “Umm… It’s more than that.” The woman paced in front of the couch for a moment. Scratching the back of her head, she tried to think of the right thing to say to the paladin. “You see… Kalysto has been jealous of me.. He… Well… You see… He’s trying to get-” her voice dropped several decibels as she finished her sentence, “…pregnant.”

    Seferia looked up as she spotted Kalysto. “Ah, so you finally returned, warlock. Hrmph. Next time, at least inform me that you are going to leave these whelps alone.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto snorted. “Yeah, yeah. Don’t call them whelps. They’re not helpless little things that need…” She stopped herself. “They’re not helpless. They could kick somebody’s ass in a fight. They just need watching over sometimes I guess.”

    Rhyderi was glad that he was already seated when Desiree gave him the information. He just slowly shook his head and stared forwards, not entirely sure what to say.


    Desiree teleported the amulet necklace that she had been using at nights into her hand. After staring at it for a moment, for she still wasn’t certain how to explain this entire situation, she held it out to Rhyderi so that he could examine it.

    “Kalysto is taking a potion that will keep him a female until he stops taking the.. umm… treatments… And at the moment, I think he’s probably wishing he was male again. He’s about to menstruate,” Desiree softly spoke. “Anyway, Kalysto has to stay female all the time if he wants to bear a child. And.. Well, he said that would make him honestly happy.”

    Meanwhile, Seferia huffed at her former pupil. “Whelps is the proper term for youths who are not adolescents. They are not drakes, clearly. So, they are whelps!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “They’re not drakes. They’re not dragons. They’re not even draconic. They’re my kids, and I would really appreciate it if you could refrain from calling them ‘whelps’. If anything, they’re youngsters. Or kids. Or… children. But not whelps.” Kalysto set a kettle on the stove. “Want some tea?” She kept her ears high over her head as she listened to the conversation in the next room.

    Rhyderi slowly shook his head. “My. I don’t even know what to say. This is beyond anything I can comprehend. I… I think I need to leave.” He quietly rose to his feet and headed for the door.


    “We didn’t have any intentions in involving you in this at all, Rhyderi,” Desiree softly spoke. “So, yes, by all means, leave. There’s nothing that you can do to change our decision here.”

    Thus, Desiree turned to leave the living room as well. However, she paused just before Rhyderi exited the household. “Umm… can I interest you in buying a weapon? It could help us out…”

    Seferia simply snorted at Kalysto. “Do not correct me, warlock. I am the one who gave you access to your training, not the other way around! Hrmph. And no, I do not want any of this tea. I have never drunk that stuff. Now, good night!”

    Leaving in a huff, Seferia trekked toward the backyard so that she could once again enjoy the quiet of the woodland area.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto grunted as Seferia left. “Training has nothing to do with… with names and titles for children.” She sighed. “Bye, though. Take care. Try not to get stabbed.” She finished making her tea, and glanced at the children around the kitchen. “I need to get you two ready for bed. Bath-time. Go in there. I’ll start it in a moment.”

    Rhyderi stopped in the doorway, glancing back at Desiree, his expression rather hopeless. “As much as I would like to replace my worn battle-axe, I can’t afford to buy a different one right now. I am going to be behind on next month’s rent.”


    Desiree frowned in thought. Still, she teleported the box of goods that she had aquired from Halcyon to a spot on the floor a few feet away from Rhyderi.

    “Go ahead and look still… If you need a new weapon, then by all means, look. Just give whatever you can, Rhyderi. You are family,” Desiree offered.

    Orpheus whined as he heard the word “bath”. “No! Don’t wanna! No want bath! I fine. Don’t need no bath!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Sure you need a bath, Orpheus. You stink.” Kalysto stated gently as she stood over Orpheus and folded her arms, her expression firm. “You need to take one every day. How else are you going to get the hot sexy ladies one day? You’re not going to if you stink.” She pointed to the bathroom. “Go. Now.”

    Rhyderi sighed. “I want to help, but I also need to get back to you on it. There’s not very much I can do right now, I am afraid to announce.”


    Desiree slowly shook her head. “Rhyderi, if you truly need a new weapon, help yourself. There are rooms full or armaments and treasures buried in the ruins of Halcyon. I can get more… Just… Go ahead. I’m not so greedy to deny family something they may need.”

    Orpheus released another whine, but he didn’t want to fight against his “not-daddy”. So, he sulked off to the bathroom. “No wanna take it wit Milly! Have her take her own!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “First you tell me to get out.. and then you offer support and call me family. Either you are being contradictory, or… I don’t even know what it is.” He bowed formally and stepped outside. “Let me come back another day. This is all too confusing.”

    Kalysto grinned in amusement. The fact that Orpheus wanted to take a bath on his own meant only one thing – he was growing up. The now-female Blood Elf nodded her head and gave Milena a cookie to occupy herself with. “Go find Desiree.” He instructed her before stepping into the bathroom.

    “So… you want to take a bath by yourself, huh.” Kalysto nodded. “I can do that for you.” She dropped the plug into the bathtub sink-hole and began to run the water.


    “No wanna have more baths wit Milly. She pull and push. No like it. Don’ wanna do tha no more!” Orpheus complained to his “not-daddy”. The boy then sulkingly entered the bathroom.

    As Kalysto turned on the tap, Orpheus released another loud whine. Pinning his ears back, he tried to back toward the doorway.

    ~I understand that you are confused, Rhyderi. However, I do not know why you have a problem with my offer to let you have a weapon if you need it. I am not kicking you out of the house,~ Desiree attempted. ~You choose to leave of your own accord due to your feelings on Kalysto’s desire to be pregnant.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “I understand that they’re two different issues… but yes, yes… I will come back another day. It just seems contradictory. It doesn’t matter.”* Rhyderi made his way back to his apartment. *”I am not ready nor comfortable enough to discuss the issue with my brother. Not right now.”*

    Kalysto tested the water temperature with her hands, properly adjusting it so it was comfortable without being too hot or cold. When she saw Orpheus back towards the door, she shook her head and gently grabbed at his arm.

    “No you don’t. Strip down and get in.” Her tone was gentle, yet firm.


    ~And I do not know what you think think is contradictory to me. If you wanted to stay, you could stay. If you wanted to leave, you can leave to. In the end, what is going on between Kalysto and I is not a issue that you need to worry about. It is our problem and choice, not yours,~ Desiree explained. ~Whether you approve or not does not change our choice.~

    Orpheus released a high-pitched whine as Kalysto scolded him. “I don wanna! No! Not gonna! No!!”

    Kat Aclysm

    Once in his apartment, Rhyderi locked his door and put the chain up so nobody could force their way in. He flopped down his lounge and lay on his back, sighing as he stared up at the ceiling. *”We’ll discuss this another day.”*

    Kalysto ignored Orpheus’s whines and gently tried to pry his clothing off. “Think of it this way – the faster you get in the bath, the faster it’s over. Now come on…” She tugged at his pants, attempting to strip him naked. “What can I do to make it better for you?”


    Desiree flinched as she heard an ear-splitting cry from the bathroom. Shaking her head, she moved to Milena’s side. “Come on girl. Let’s get you your bath as well. Hope you like bubbles.”

    Desiree grinned at her daughter as she began to lead her to the master bathroom.

    Orpheus continued to cry and whine, for he really didn’t want a bath. He kicked and wiggled in an attempt to fight off his “not-daddy”. However, for the most part, he cried like a lunatic.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto’s ears slowly sank backwards on her head at the ear-piercing sound. Worse, with the door closed, it reverberated off the walls. After another few moments of the aural torment, she couldn’t stand it any more and covered her ears with both hands.

    “You’re not getting out of this!” She suddenly snapped at him. “Get your clothes off and get in! Now!”

    Milena made soft contented sounds before happily nodding her head. For the most-part she was alright with bath-time. The appeal of a bubble-bath made it even more OK for her. She was quick to follow after Desiree to the master bedroom of the house, not seeming to mind the screaming coming from her brother at all.


    Orpheus continued to cry out, not wanting to cooperate at all. “No! Wan my daddy! Dun wanna have bath! Hate bath!”

    The boy clearly didn’t care that he was hurting Kalysto’s ears with the pitch of his cries. He simply didn’t want to get into the water. He wanted to go out and watch movies instead.

    Meanwhile, as soon as Desiree lead her daughter to the master bedroom, she began to fill the bathtub in there, which had a few spa jets in it. As she filled it up, she turned to Milena.

    “Do you need help stripping down?”

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