Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51243
    Kat Aclysm

    *”Crime-in-progress beats a Royal Flush.”* Rhyderi chuckled momentarily to himself as he rushed over to Kalysto’s store. He stepped inside, heading for Desiree and Kalysto.

    “Alright, I’ll deal with this one.” He nudged the demon and scowled at it, his expression turning serious once again. He stepped past Mahret and stood over the young thieves, using his height to intimidate them. “You’re coming with me now.” He said harshly as he grabbed both of them by the arm. He was so pre-occupied that he left with them, not noticing Kalysto’s womanly figure.

    Kalysto watched him leave, seeming relieved after both he and the thieves were gone.


    ~Yea, well… I… Grr!~ Seres angrily responded to Rhyderi as she kept her vigil over the portal. ~I’ll get you next time!~

    Desiree nodded as Rhyderi came into the shop. So, she waved at Mahret. “Stand down, girl. You did a good job.”

    Thus, she moved to stand next to Kalysto. “There’s not much damage, is there, my dark lord?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Only the door-lock and what Mahret knocked over.” She moved into the room and crouched down, picking up the sacks full of the goods that the thieves intended to take away with them. “Do I have to keep this aside for their evidence or what?”

    She looked through the bag and sighed. “So typical. They grabbed the contraband and popular-selling stuff. Libido raiser and recreational herbs.”


    “I don’t know… Rhyderi! Are you still around here? We need to know what to do with the herbs that those idiots were trying to take away,” Desiree called out.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi was already dragging the panicking youngsters off to the Army Barracks to shove them in a lock-up room for the evening. He had very sharp hearing though, and still heard Desiree when she called out to him.

    *”Don’t touch anything if you can.”* He grunted, *”Because it’s a civil matter, I have to direct the police people to go to you and deal with it. But rest-assured that they didn’t steal anything.”*


    Desiree sighed in frustration as she received her response. ~Thank you, Rhyderi. Kalysto will be pleased to know that her stock is safe, in the least…~

    Shaking her head, she walked over to Kalysto. “Rhyderi says that we shouldn’t touch anything until the police come. Do you want to go to a local store to get something for your cramps? I’ll stay here until the police arrive.”

    Meanwhile, one of the teenagers that Rhyderi was dragging away was complaining about how that “bitch” Kalendra deserved to be robbed anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto glared in irritation. “But everything I have in my shop is perfectly fine!” She huffed in anger. “Why did some idiots have to break in anyway?” She sighed and headed for the door, not seeming to care for waiting for anyone else to show up.

    “Which local store?” She scowled. “The grocery store guys close early.”

    *”Kalysto… is a boy, Desiree. Why do you keep doing that? Kalysto is my baby brother. Alright, sure he’s annoying and he’s not very masculine, but he IS a boy.” Rhyderi shoved the teenagers into the holding cell and locked it up, looking very smug and satisfied. “Justice will always prevail.”


    “Damn… Well, I don’t know where you can go then, Kalysto. Do you have the herbs you’ll need in our garden? Just go there then,” Desiree attempted. “We don’t know how long it would take for the authorities to get here and do their investigation. I don’t want you to suffer if you don’t have to.”

    Desiree then released a faint yelp. ~Oh, I know that… Heh… Silly me… Of course I know that Kalysto is currently a male.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yeah, yeah…” Kalysto sighed. She headed back into the street, blinking when the police cars arrived. “Do I have to be here for this…?” She groaned. When the police began to question her, she just sat, answering whatever they had to ask. Though, it was very clear that she wasn’t enjoying herself.

    *”Even if I had the herbs in my garden, they need to be heated, turned into a potion and concentrated to do anything useful…”*

    *”Where is he anyway? I haven’t seen him for a while.”* Rhyderi frowned as he guarded the cell.


    Desiree stayed in the store room, awaiting the police. When they came to question her as well, she simply accounted everything that occurred and informed them that the culprits had been handed over to the SOLDIER unit, via Rhyderi.

    Once her questioning was done, she moved back over to Kalysto so that she could pat her mate’s back.

    ~Uh, Kalysto’s around. He was in the store when you grabbed those boys. You just… weren’t paying attention,~ Desiree responded to the paladin.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I didn’t see him in the store when I was there.”* Rhyderi responded almost immediately. *”I don’t even recall whom I saw, I was too busy getting rid of the undesirable people.”*

    Kalysto continued to stand around and answer questions. After the police had gone into the shop, she sneaked away, heading towards the main shop area of the the town. Noting that not very many things were open, she sighed and headed back to the front door of her store, deciding to wait until the police had finished their investigation.


    ~Well, Kalysto was there and is still here. So, you don’t need to worry about where Kalysto is,~ Desiree responded to Rhyderi. ~You were just in a rush. That’s all.~

    The young woman tilted her head as she watched Kalysto sneak away. However, she didn’t say anything. Instead, she just patiently waited with the police. Eventually, she released a bored sigh as she sat at the curb.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sat herself down next to Desiree, sighing as she kicked at a rock in the gutter. “How much longer is this going to take…” She grumbled, folding her arms as she watched the activities behind her.

    When the police announced that they were done with their investigations, she was rather quick to head back into the shop. “Damn…” She looked around the room, frowning at how much stock had been taken away for evidence.


    Desiree stood up as well to follow Kalysto into the store. Upon noticing the missing stock, she narrowed her eyes.

    ~Rhyderi, is it common for the authorities to ransack an entire store for evidence? Certainly they only needed pictures and written testimonies. Why did they take Kalysto’s livelihood?~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”If he had contraband goods, or goods which are currently frowned upon, then yes, they would take it away.”* Rhyderi answered. *”They also dust things for finger-prints now. I’m sure he’ll get most of his things back.”*

    Kalysto sighed and shook her head. After doing a quick inventory check, she snatched up a piece of paper so she could write down what she needed to replace. After folding it up and shoving it into the top desk drawer, she moved around the shop, grabbing up small bottles of ingredients.

    “I think I’ve got what I need.” She announced as she stepped into the back room. “Ah, damn it!! They took my Alchemy distiller and burner! The ones that Thrall gave to me!”


    “You received such items personally from the leader of your people? I did not think you were that highly honored,” Desiree commented.

    ~It seems they also took something that is very important to Kalysto. Can you please see if you can retrieve the distiller and burner they took? Kalysto said something about Thrall giving it to her.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”If I must be this blunt, I will…”* Rhyderi frowned. *”Kalysto is a male. He has a penis. Even you know that. You have children by his genetics. Stop referring to my baby brother as a female.”*

    He sighed. *”Unfortunately, I can’t do much about the situation now. I can mention the equipment, but… I’ve no authority among their ranks. Kalysto will get his things back when they finish the investigation.”* He was quiet for several minutes. *”Don’t you have a brother working with them? Yes, I believe you do… the young male with the wings. Perhaps you can negotiate it with him.”*


    ~Yes, Dimitri does seem to have ties with them. I suppose I shall try that. Thank you… And… Yes, you’re right… Umm…. Kalysto is a male. Sorry about troubling you,~ Desiree shyly replied.

    Meanwhile, the more intoxicated prisoner continued to talk about how much of a bitch their employer “Kalendra” was.

    “Kalysto, I’ll talk to Dimitri tomorrow to see if I can get your stuff back. For now, it’s too late in the evening,” Desiree informed her mate. “Shall we head home?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto growled. “I’m not leaving here without… something….” She sat down at her chair in the back room. After setting the bottles down on the table, she began mixing and measuring, making a blend out of them.

    “Stick around.” She grabbed up a jar of dried herbs and tossed some into a mortar, crushing them down to a fine powder. After adding them to the blended mixture, she picked up the glass and drank it down, wincing after it was swallowed.

    “Not entirely preferable… but it’s better than nothing.” Kalysto coughed in disgust.

    Rhyderi banged a gauntlet against the bars, glaring at the occupants inside. “Keep your mouths shut. Though if you’re going to talk, talk to me about this… Kalindra person.”


    Desiree stared at Kalysto as he stopped to crush herbs. “Don’t you have a work station at home for that sort of thing, Kalysto? Seriously, you don’t need to make your potion here… And I thought you got what you wanted.”

    Still, she sat down next to her mate. For, she didn’t really have a good reason to fight against her.

    The prisoner frowned as the bar was struck. “Kalindra is the bitch that hired us. Pointy-eared bitch that likes to dress in over-sized robes and hide in the back room. She’s a bossy little bitch!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I have a burner at home, but it’s not as good. That’s why I stopped making things at home unless they’re fun simple things with no margin for error… too many explosions and lost work from bad burning temperatures.” Kalysto shook her head, looking very cranky. “Well be gone again soon, don’t worry.”

    “Pointy eared bitch…” Rhyderi mumbled aloud, repeating the words over again in his mind afterwards. “Robes..” His expression turned very unhappy. *”Desiree. Answer me truthfully – Is Kalysto a woman currently?”*


    Desiree tensed as she heard Rhyderi’s question. However, she just paced to the back of the room so that she could lean against the wall.

    ~What? Why would you think that? You said so yourself that Kalysto is a male several times. Don’t be silly, Rhyderi,~ Desiree attempted to cover for her husband.

    Kat Aclysm

    *”You are lying to me.”* Rhyderi growled. *”Stop lying to me. I spoke with the prisoners and they mentioned the name ‘Kalindra’ just now. There are no other ‘pointy eared’ people who work in that Alchemist and Herbal shop.”* He stepped aside as the police came to deal with the teenagers in the holding-cell.


    ~Why don’t you contact your brother yourself then,~ Desiree attempted. ~If it were so important, surely he could explain to you anything that you want to know.~

    Desiree lowered her head before she walked back over to Kalysto. “Are you ready to head back home soon?”

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I would rather contact you than him. Her. Whatever!”* Rhyderi growled. *”I asked for the truth and you are lying to me. I am very disappointed in you right now. I thought you were better than that.”*

    Kalysto nodded her head. “Yeah. I’ll take some home and mix the rest there. Let’s get out of here.”

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