Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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    “Orpheus wanted to see what lobster tasted like, Kalysto. So, this was made for him. If you want, I can make you a salad with no fish inside of it,” Desiree attempted. “And yes, it does look like you might be having PMS… You’re definitely moody.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I am NOT moody.” Kalysto snapped in anger. She continued to pick at the food, eating it anyway as she was feeling very hungry. “I don’t want salad. Salad is even worse compared to this… and what are you doing feeding lobster to a child because he asks for it? That’s a very expensive food.”


    “Heh, he’s our son and I like to spoil him as much as you do,” Desiree replied. “Hm… Definitely sounds like PMS to me, but I don’t even know if you elves get it.”

    Shrugging to herself, Desiree walked away to get a serving to eat as well. Soon enough, she returned to the lounge so that she could sit next to her mate.

    “So, what’s on your mind that has you so bothered?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto continued to munch her food when Desiree asked the question initially. She was very unhappy and still frustrated. After another few moments she sighed and shook her head, pondering where to begin.

    “The season is changing. Granted, it doesn’t change much here… but it does get rainy as opposed to dry… that kills my plants!” She growled. “I need to buy a greenhouse, but there’s no room left on the island. Or anywhere for that matter… We’re going to go broke before the end of the year if I can’t do something.”


    Desiree hummed in thought as she considered the options. After a bit, she looked up at the ceiling.

    “Well… I can see a few options. First… my family basically owns an entire island. If you ask kindly, you might be able to convince my mother to let you use it… Otherwise… Well, there’s a portal to your home world. And there’s plenty of space there, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto pondered the option for a brief moment before shaking her head. “That island is half a world away. We can’t just get there in a day, fa-la-la around and… that sort of thing.”

    She set her food off to one side and closed her eyes, scowling. “I think I need to lie down.”


    “Well… That isn’t exactly true if we were to use portals. That would definitely speed up the travel time,” Desiree contemplated. “And.. it’s not half a world away. It’s in this hemisphere. But yea, it’s a distance away. And there’s still your home world. I mean, we have a portal already.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Make a portal there, then I guess… I’d like to not lose my house… if Milena is going to be privately-schooled, then she’s going to need more money for her education.” Kalysto made an unhappy sound and rose to her feet, heading for the bedroom. Once there, she lay down on the bed and curled up, hugging her stomach.

    *”Then Orpheus will want the same thing… and so will Bane… and… whatever one comes after that.”*


    ~You’ll have to ask my mother about the portal to Halcyon. I mean, it still is her property,~ Desiree informed Kalysto. ~However, if you respect the land… I’m certain she’ll be forgiving. There’s even cloning machines there… But for now… I’ll be back.~

    Thus, Desiree put away her and Kalysto’s plate into the sink before she teleported away. For a good half hour, she was gone. However, when she returned, she had a large box-full of treasures that included intricate weapons, gems, and other treasures. Appearing at the foot of the bed, Desiree gently set the box down on the floor.

    “This should help us.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto didn’t move from the bed while Desiree was away. She remained stationary and curled up, feeling quite sorry for herself. When she heard the loud clunk at the foot of the bed, she raised her head up to have a look, frowning.

    “What’s that for…?” She wondered, sitting up properly.


    “Well.. if my mother was capable of dying, I’d say this would be a small part of my inheritance. You know, there’s entire rooms in Halcyon that held stolen treasures. My mother is a… well… she’s a real thief. She said she wanted to examine everything to make certain it would have use to her,” Desiree explained.

    “Anyway, this has got to be a few million human dollars worth of treasures here.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You have to find somebody to sell them to though. They’re only worth what people pay for them.” Kalysto seemed quite grumpy as she slipped off the bed again. “God… I am going to break into my own potion stores at work. I’ll be back soon.”

    She slipped out the door, not saying anything more.


    Desiree muttered at Kalysto’s statements, “There’s always people who buy this sort of stuff… No matter the conditions, they like buying this sort of stuff…”

    As Kalysto sulked off, Desiree lifted her head to stare at her mate. After staring for a moment, she rushed forward to follow after Kalysto.

    “Are you alright?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m fine, I’m fine… I just… really hurt. Like somebody punched me.” Kalysto growled as she headed out the front door. She stopped and turned around to face Desiree, initially confused that she was being followed. Then she made a tired sigh and waved a hand.

    “I’m fine, really. I’m just going to… well, numb it.”


    “You hurt like someone punched you…?” Desiree tilted her head in thought as she considered everything. “You are actually having PMS, aren’t you? Do you want me to make some of the tea I use when I have those cramps? Umm… do you know what to do about the flow?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto looked annoyed at Desiree. “I know what to do!” She huffed. “I’m not completely ignorant. I just… wanted to get something for it.” She stepped out into the street, walking at a brisk pace. “You want to follow me all the way to work?”


    Desiree shook her head as Kalysto snapped at her. So, she reached out to hug onto her mate. “Hey, I’m just checking. You don’t want to know what happened between my father and I when I had my first flow… Umm… let’s say it wasn’t pretty. And why shouldn’t I follow you? I do love being with you. Even when you’re acting like you want to burn the world down.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I always want the world to burn down, don’t be outrageous.” Kalysto huffed in annoyance. “Nothing has changed.”

    She walked down the street, slowing down momentarily as she flicked the hood of her robe over her head, partly to hide the fact that she had long ears. Once she reached the shop, she was surprised to find that the door lock had been broken.

    “Damn it… I think somebody broke in!” She pushed the door open and stood in the doorway. “If you’re still in here, I’m going to turn you into ash!” She raised her hands, setting them on fire as if to demonstrate.


    Desiree released a soft sigh as she watched Kalysto cover her ears. For the most part, Desiree disliked the fact that Kalysto felt the need to hide herself at all. However, she understood that not everyone was friendly toward those like her family. So, she didn’t say a word.

    When Kalysto pointed out that someone had broken into her shop, Desiree’s eyes widened in surprise. As she stepped into the shop, she summoned Mahret to her side.

    “If it doesn’t smell like Kalysto nor I, bite it,” Desiree instructed the felhound.

    Kat Aclysm

    Mahret squeaked at Desiree and suddenly charged into the shop, knocking over a display of distillation bottles.

    “Hey-hey, hey! Stop! What if I have a worker in here?!” Kalysto hissed. “You can’t just go sending a massive blind Felhunter into a place with glass everywhere…” She crouched down and began to pick up the mess.

    Mahret stopped dead in her tracks and made a loud angry gurgle. *”Stuff in back. Two. Never smell them before.”*


    “Listen to Kalysto, Mahret. Don’t damage his stock, ok? Be more cautious,” Desiree added in. “And sorry, Kalysto. You know that I’m still new to giving them directions. I’m not the professional that you are.”

    She gave her mate a wry smirk. However, she quickly narrowed her eyes as Mahret told her that there were people in the back of the store.

    “Go, but be careful.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Heh…” Kalysto smirked back at Desiree. “Just be thorough. Tell them exactly what you want to do. Say ‘bite that Mage in the face and arms but don’t kill him’ as opposed to ‘eat that Mage’. Otherwise they just finish your order as quickly as possible.”

    Mahret snorted. *”I be careful, I be quiet. They never see.”* She gently prowled into the back of the shop, her claws making soft ticking sounds across the wooden floor. Once in the back room, she let out a large snarl, blocking the doorway.

    Kalysto followed the Felhunter, blinking with surprise when she peered into the back room. She growled along with the Felhunter when she discovered that two of her own newly-hired employees were hiding near her supplies, their bags half-full of the stuff.

    “I should have my demon rip you apart!!”


    Desiree nodded at Kalysto’s instructions, taking a mental note to keep that in mind the next time around. She didn’t want any unfortunate accidents to happen because she didn’t give proper instructions to the felhunter.

    When Mahret moved to the back of the store, Desiree stuck back a bit, for she felt a bit cautious. When it became apparent that they seemed to have caught the theives, she lowered her head.

    “Hrmph,” Desiree grunted in displeasure. ~Rhyderi, we need someone to come to Kalysto’s shop. We have two teenagers who were stealing from herh… I mean him.~

    Kat Aclysm

    *”I’ll be there in about two minutes.”* Rhyderi’s reply was very abrupt, short, and serious. “Seres,” He turned to glance at the girl, “I need to go. There has been a theft crime. Keep an eye on things here while I am away.” He picked up his helmet and stuffed it on his head before running off.

    Kalysto continued to stand there, glaring heavily at the two young thieves. “You know this means you’re fired, right? I should fire you, literally.” She shook her head and patted Mahret’s back-fur. “Good work. Stay there and guard them. If they run, bite them and stop them from leaving.”

    “Ih.” Mahret snorted.


    Seres’ eyes widened as Rhyderi proclaimed that he was leaving. As soon as her brain registered that she was going to be alone again with the portal, she released a guttural snarl before she slammed down the cards that she had been holding, for she had talked Rhyderi into playing poker to pass the time.

    “And I had a royal flush! Damn it!!”

    ~Thank you, Rhyderi. By the looks of it, they’re not armed. Mahret’s guarding them for now,~ Desiree informed the paladin.

    “I should hope that they’re fired for this sort of action,” Desiree added. “It would make no sense to keep thieves. Hrmph, of course, now they won’t get work on this island at all.”

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