Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51193
    Kat Aclysm

    “I’m not going to sit here comparing apples to oranges with you.” Rhyderi folded his arms, looking annoyed. “Hrmph.”

    “Yes yes, and if I forget, you’re reminding me again.” He sighed. “Thank you for the reminder.” He shook his head and resumed watching the television, though it was clear that he was very bored of it.


    Seres grunted at Rhyderi. “Is it? You don’t know what it’s like to have Jenova cells. So, how do you know that it’s apple and oranges. You simply can’t know. Have you ever seen something that was mutated by Jenova?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed. “You’re getting off the subject and you’re rambling now.” He moved to his feet to return his tea-cup to the kitchen. “One has nothing to do with the other. It very much is like comparing apples and oranges.”

    “One is a genetic defect, the other has nothing to do with genetics at all. It’s spirit-related, and a mind-set.”


    “Hrmph… Well, you’re lucky that I wouldn’t want to infect you with Jenova anyway,” Seres grumbled out. “You just dont’ understand those sort of things anyway. You and your idealistic ways…”

    “And my sister does the same sort of stuff that your brother does!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Idealistic?” Rhyderi frowned. “But I’m not… I…. I’m just… ” He sighed and slowly shook his head, figuring that the conversation wasn’t even worth it. “I am glad that you resolved things with your parents.” He returned to sit on the lounge.


    “You’re not what? A dreamer who wishes that the world had no strife and no evil in it? One can only see good or evil, not the grey areas that everyone lives in? If it were up to you, you would have been one of the horde that burnt my mother at the stake, wouldn’t you have, huh?” Seres angrily grumbled out.

    “All they ever saw was the fact that my mother used magic, they cared not what it was for. She was a demon in their eyes and they killed her. She’s warned us of the hatred of mortals due to fear many a time because of that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh please. You’re speaking with a Blood Elf, a descendent of the Quel’dorei, the very same creatures who taught the humans how to use magic.” Rhyderi glared at her. “Demons can be wielded by some, and the result is powerful. Even I know that.”

    “The real problem is when the demon overpowers the master and then becomes the minion.” He sighed, looking very unhappy. “Demons are not to be messed with… my brother plays with them as if they are toys. He still doesn’t know the danger he puts himself in. And one day, they’re going to overpower him. It is only a matter of time.”


    “But it is all assumption that he may wind up that way. Just as the humans assumed my mother was a demon-worshiping witch. Of course, they got what they deserved. She burnt their town to the ground when she revived. Not a single one of them lived. Thus, only my mother knows the tale,” Seres grumbled out.

    “Anyway, magic on earth didn’t come from any… umm… Quel-things! Dragons taught “lesser creatures” magic and spread the ability to use magic via their offspring.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It’s not assumption – it has already happened. Kalysto is lucky that he managed to live and escape.” Rhyderi sighed. “It’s a tale for another time I suppose.”

    He listened quietly to Seres’s commentary and found himself unhappy after she was done. He wasn’t entirely sure what to say however, and remained mostly quiet.


    “I mean, there’s elves on earth, but they’re not like you guys and your long eared stuff. My mother says everything that can use magic possess a dragon in its heritage at some point. And on Gaea, there’s no elves at all. Just materia and Cetra,” Seres continued, not aware that Rhyderi had gone silent.

    Kat Aclysm

    “How… how strange…” Rhyderi mumbled. “Not that it’s unusual, it’s just different I suppose.” He shrugged his shoulders. “So if you are going home today… when do you think you will be leaving here? Not that… it’s a long ride back or anything..”


    “Heh, I’d just teleport back home. So, it won’t be a long anything. I’d instantly appear in my room. Pretty easy,” Seres replied. “I suppose I’ll leave soon. I mostly wanted to make certain that your head was alright.”

    As she finished speaking, she reached over to playfully pat the top of Rhyderi’s head. Though, she did avoid touching the area where his head had been punched.

    “And what do you mean that it’s not unusual but different?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi reached up to rub the back of his head and nodded. “I’m all right. I am not concussed. I have survived much, much worse. Try imagining having a snapped femur partially poking through your leg flesh after being thrown by something more than ten times your size.” He visibly tensed for a brief moment, then relaxed again.

    “That is another tale for another time.”


    “You have a lot of tales for another time,” Seres grinned at Rhyderi. “What if I’m willing to sit here and listen to them now, huh? It’s not like I’m rushing off somewhere.”

    Seres turned her attention to the television again before she hummed. “Hey, can I trade in Zach for you? I’d rather have you as a big brother than that fat slob.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a vaguely amused sound. “You want to hear that story? There isn’t much to tell. A particularly large monster had gotten loose in a tournament. It started breaking things and threatened lives. So… in my stupidity, I jumped in and stole it’s attention. I had it for a good number of minutes, at least until it grabbed me, thrashed me around like a play-toy and then threw me halfway across the grounds.”

    “Make sure to always wear a helmet.” Rhyderi grunted. “I landed on my head. Had I not been wearing it, my brain would have been much all over the pavement.” He visibly shuddered. “Instead, I bounced, crashed around in the snow and hit something… I don’t remember what. When I woke up, my leg was twisted at an angle that no leg should ever be twisted at.” His ears were low on his head and he spoke in a quiet voice. “I nearly became an amputee if not for the skill of certain people.”

    “Heh. I don’t really know this fat-slob person. But I assure you I would never allow myself to get that way.”


    “You’ve never met Zach? Huh… strange, I would have thought you met him at least at the wedding… Oh well,” Seres shrugged her shoulders, for she wasn’t too bothered by it. Instead, she just moved to lean against Rhyderi’s shoulder. “I’d still would rather have you as a big brother. At least I can look up to you.”

    “And yea, sounds like that would have hurt. Thank the powers that be that my bones are strengthened due to my SOLDIER treatments.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Don’t look up to me. Apparently I’m judgemental, overzealous, arrogant and foolish.” Rhyderi scowled. “And a fraud, somehow.” He released a heavy sigh from the top of his lungs and closed his eyes.

    “Mmm… perhaps we should visit the monsters they capture and have you get thrown around by them to see if your legs don’t break?” A faint smirk appeared at the edge of his mouth.


    “Hey, at least you try,” Desiree grinned at Rhyderi. “Anyway, despite all of that, you”re still light-years better than Zach ever will be. Seriously, you need to meet him to believe how… pathetic he is.”

    Seres shook her head. “And I think I’ll pass.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi grinned in amusement. “While it is nice to hear that I am better than somebody else, I’m not too interested in it either… it’s not pleasant to the other person.” He shook his head. “I’m sure he probably just needs some self-improvement.”


    Seres chuckled at Rhyderi’s assessment of her opinion. “Fine, maybe it’s a bit harsh on Zach. I mean.. the oaf at least umm… kinda knows medicine. Kinda. Not really… He needs to get his training done. Still, can we trade siblings?”

    “Anyway, you look like you’re going to make it just fine. So, I think I’ll head home,” Seres suddenly proclaimed. Thus, she leaned over to playfully peck Rhyderi’s cheek before she vanished, teleporting back to her room. Unfortunately for Rhyderi, she didn’t bother to ever retrieve her bra.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi blinked. “You want to trade me for… somebody of perceived greater value?” He sighed. “It’s impossible to put a price on that sort of thing.”

    Over the next month, Rhyderi returned to work. He was placed on light work duties, which was easy for him because his job mostly involved standing there and keeping guard.

    Meanwhile, Kalysto was becoming frustrated. She had been a woman for nearly a month now and… nothing significant had happened. She had bought pregnancy test kits and had been to a doctor, but had not been successful in conceiving just yet. She had begun to wonder whether it was even possible or not.


    Desiree had not initially been too comfortable with her role in Kalysto’s plan. In fact, the first few nights were nearly horrific because of the ways that Desiree messed up in performing. However, she wanted Kalysto to be happy. So, she had stubbornly stuck to it and performed each night in hopes of giving her mate what was desired.

    However, as time went on, Desiree noticed how troubled Kalysto was. So, she gave the elf a few books on supposed theories on how to improve the chances of becoming pregnant. Some of the advice was rather absurd, such as hand-standing for an hour after waking up. However, Desiree just gave her the books anyway.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto was in a particularly bad mood that evening. With the new orders coming in for the change of season, she was worried she didn’t have enough herbs to keep up with the demand. Thus, when she came home from work, she was short-tempered and very cranky.

    She sat down in front of the lounge and crossed her arms, feeling very sulky and annoyed. She grabbed up one of the many resource books she had been given to read and idly flipped through it, but doing such made her crankier. It seemed that none of the advice was working.


    Desiree had been busy finishing up dinner for the evening, which was to be a lobster thermidor, when Kalysto returned from work. As she set the food down on the kitchen table, she peeked into the living room. Upon noticing her “husband’s” mood, she decided to set up a plate for her and bring it over to the elf.

    Thus, Desiree silently walked up to Kalysto before handing over dinner.

    “It looks like you’ve had a rough day… Or you’re about to experience PMS… One of the two,” Desiree commented.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made soft growl. “PMS.. yes that’s the last thing I want.” She reached up to take the plate and jabbed a fork into a piece, looking unhappy. “Hope you know I don’t like fish. Or anything that comes out of the ocean.”

    She continued to pick at the dinner and eat anyway.

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