Jenna & Sephiroth – And One More Makes Four

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  • #51143
    Kat Aclysm

    Milena returned from the refrigerator holding a container filled with more pancake batter. She carried it over to Desiree and held it up for her to take, then she pointed at Orpheus. “You make it? He has none.”

    “It matters because having sex with your own work partner creates nothing but problems.” Sephiroth shook his head. “Why did I need to apologise to her? She was the one who ran off for two days.” He growled. “Well now you know where she is and you know how to find her. I don’t know why you didn’t just go there before I did.”*

    Rhyderi sighed and leaned back, lying down. “I am surprised that somebody with such poor judgement is the leader of the army…”


    “I will, Milena. Don’t worry, Orpheus won’t starve. Just let me have a few bites, ok? I just woke up and I’m hungry as well,” Desiree assured. “In fact, your father should be back shortly.”

    Jenna gave Sephiroth a very stern glare. “You should appologize to her because she ran off because of your attitude. She’s hiding from you. We want her to come back, do we not? And I didn’t check there because… Hrmph, have you seen that elf with women?”

    Seres released a slow sigh. “Father just is… unreasonable when it comes to his daughters. It’s completely obnoxious. Now-“

    Seres rushed off to the kitchen so that she could dig through Rhyderi’s refrigerator. She hoped that she’d find a frozen steak or something like that.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted. “She’s been missing for days without telling us where she was. She’s negated any chance for an apology. If anything she needs to apologise to us for worrying us.” This is a battle of wills. Don’t bow to it.”

    “And no, I don’t see that elf with women – why is that even relevant to the topic?” He growled in annoyance.

    Milena gently set the container of pancake batter next to Desiree’s elbow on the table. “Orphy hungry. He want some.”

    Kalysto stepped back into the room, wearing nothing but the robe ‘he’ had left the room in and a pair of slippers. The spiky haired female stood in the doorway, looking edgy as she headed for the stove again.

    “Don’t hassle your mother, Milena. I’ll cook it.” She snatched up the container and headed for the stove once more.

    Milena stared at Kalysto. The strange new woman smelled like her father, but it was clearly female. She backed under the table to hide and began to softly cry, afraid and confused.

    Fortunately for both Seres and Rhyderi, he kept a large ice-pack in the freezer for injuries. Meanwhile, Rhyderi shifted onto the bed properly and curled up, unaware of what Seres was up to.

    “He’s probably just… being protective… in a really over-authoritative vicious manner…”


    Desiree looked up as Kalysto returned into the room. She sighed as she noticed the edge to Kalysto’s attitude; however, she did not want to bother the elf. Instead, she just finished off eating before she got up to help out her “husband”.

    “Do you need any help?”

    Seres snatched up the ice pack, testing it a few times to make certain that the temperature was right. Once she felt certain that it’d help, she moved back over to Rhdyeri so that she could apply the pack.

    “Yea, he’s very over-protective. All of us know that. But that still doesn’t give him the right to try to kill anyone that I’m interested in, imaginary or not!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Has he actually killed anyone…? He punched me in the head. I don’t want to know what he’s done to other people, but…” He closed his eyes when Seres applied the pack to his head. “Mmm…”

    “I don’t need help. I’m cooking more pancakes.” Kalysto replied right away. She gave Desiree a grin and went back to cooking. “Tell Orphy that I’ll have his food done in a few minutes.”

    Milena continued to huddle under the table and cry.


    “To my knowledge, the only one that he came close to killing was Kalysto when he found out that my sister had sex with him. I don’t remember if you were there or not, but it was pretty bad,” Seres replied. “No matter, he shouldn’t have punched you at all!”

    “Ah, well that’s good,” Desiree nodded at her mate. ~You just looked like you were a bit disturbed. So, I wanted to help you out.~

    Jenna rolled her eyes at Sephiroth. “Well, if you apologized for trying to kill the male that she had been courting, she might be more willing to come back, huh? As for the elf, well… He basically jumps out of his skin if a female bruses his hand. I think he’d have a heart attack if he had sex.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted in disgust. “I’ll kill and threaten whomever I want. I don’t need to apologise for that.” He stretched his arms over his head and yawned, not in the least bit concerned with the topic conversation. “I’m not going to drag Seres home, but I’m not going to apologise to her either. I may have before, but leaving us in the dark for two days is unacceptable behaviour.”

    “The elf sounds like a stupid idiot. Should I take away his rank? He would be useless if an enemy ever learned of that.” Sephiroth snorted again. He was quite foul-tempered now.

    Kalysto flipped the pancakes over and turned the heat down so he could tend to Milena. She gently scooped her out from under the table and hugged onto her for a moment, releasing her when she resisted.

    “It’s OK, girl…” She sighed. “It’s just me. You’ll get used to it.”


    “He fought rather valiantly against me despite his shortcomings,” Jenna calmly explained. “I do not think his weakness is quite that usable in the heat of battle. Outside of battle on the other hand…”

    “And you still should apologize to our daughter so that we can make ammends and move on! Nothing will be solved if you two behave like bullish oxes!”

    “Perhaps we should have explained it to the children before you did your change,” Desiree calmly stated. “Orpheus, Milena, this is Kalysto, your father. Don’t worry… He just wants to have something done and will be this way for a while. Nothing about him has changed other than his.. curves.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto found herself blushing. “Er, yes… I’ll be this way for a while. Think of it as having two mothers.” She returned to the stove and finished cooking Orpheus’s pancakes. After they were on a plate, she served them to the boy along with a spoon and a fork. “There you go, my boy.”

    “Fine…” Sephiroth grunted in irritation. “I’ll go back and apologise to her for scaring away her partner. But she still needs to apologise to us because it’s not fair to go away for days at a time with no communication.”


    “Seph, you need to be the adult here,” Jenna stated. “Be patient with her and let her come around to our way of seeing. Don’t just growl and punch at anything that stands in your way. All you’ll do is… make another Desiree.”

    Orpheus stared up at his “father” with confusion. After a bit, he slowly nodded his head. “Uh… ok… So, not daddy?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Desiree and I finally settled our differences, did we not? We buried the hatchet and now she is comfortable where she is.” He sighed as he rose to his feet. “But you’re right. I should go there and talk to her again.”

    Kalysto nodded. “Not daddy for a while. Just… call me what you like. Mommy #2?” He chuckled as he glanced in Desiree’s direction. *”Having them call us both ‘mommy’ makes us sound like lesbians…”*


    “Some would say that we’re basically lesbians even when you are male, Kalysto,” Desiree teased at her mate. “You are never the shining example of masculinity.”

    Orpheus pinned his ears back. “Mommy number two? That sounds… bad… No like!”

    “Yes, yes, I understand that. However, Desiree did run off from home at Seres’ age. Do you not remember that?” Jenna reminded her husband. “We don’t want a repeat performance… We already have Dimitri basically doing that..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sighed in exasperation. “Well how about… daddy-mommy? I don’t know, you’re clever. You come up with something. My suggestions suck.” She turned off the stove and finally sat back down at the table. “Everybody is fed now? Good.”

    “Dimitri did that not out of anger, but because he wanted to be closer to the male.” Sephiroth snorted. “He found it difficult to conduct things while still living here. I don’t mind that so much, but he has never officially moved out. He still has a room with us where he stores his things.”

    He headed for the door. “I must be going.”


    Jenna nodded with understanding. “Yes, I understand. Please return with our daughter. And try not to rile her up any more!”

    Orpheus scrunched up his nose at the new suggestion of name. “No likey that. No like that at all…”

    Desiree shook her head. “Just go ahead and eat, Zephyros. We’ll figure this out later. Now..”

    She moved up behind Kalysto before she gently turned her mate around so that she could kiss the other woman. ~Does that make you feel more confident about your decision?~

    Kat Aclysm

    “I’ll try.” Sephiroth sighed. “I can’t promise anything but I will certainly try.” He slipped out of the bedroom and teleported back to the apartment block where Rhyderi lived. He stood outside the apartment door and lightly knocked on it, standing back as he waited for somebody to answer.

    *”A little bit.”* Kalysto grinned as she moved her arms around Desiree. *”This doesn’t make you feel weird at all…?”


    Seres had been gently patting Rhyderi’s hair in an attempt to make him feel better. As long as Rhyderi didn’t fuss with her too much, she kept her touches to a mother-like pat in an attempt to soothe his pain.

    When she heard the knocking, she lifted her head to glare in the general direction of the door. “Hopefully they’ll go away..”

    Desiree chuckled at Kalysto. ~I think I’m well past the point of ever feeling weird about anything. Do you know how much strange things I’ve had in my life? Having you as a female is the least of it. You’re still you.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi lay on the bed, rather still as Seres patted his hair. While he wasn’t happy with her being there, he wasn’t unhappy about it either. He wanted to go to sleep but it would be rather hard with the ice against his head and Seres patting his hair.

    In the end he made a low groaning sound and waved a hand. “You really should answer it. Especially if it’s the landlord wanting his rent…”

    Kalysto grinned. *”Can we abuse the amulet after this is all over and have hot lesbian sex?”*


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Kalysto before she leaned in to whisper into the elf’s right ear. “You do realize that if I use that amulet, I would no longer be female. Hence, the sex would not be lesbian, hm?”

    Seres turned her attention back to Rhyderi as he spoke to her. “Very well. I did not wish to answer it in your stead. However, since you want me to..”

    Seres got to her feet and dusted herself off. She had slept in only her teeshirt and panties. So, she soon grabbed her pants and pulled them on. Once she was properly dressed, she moved to the door to open it.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Don’t talk aloud about this subject in ear-shot of the youngsters.” Kalysto gave Desiree a devilish grin. *”However… you wouldn’t be using the amulet, would you. However, if you did…”* He grinned even more.

    Rhyderi reached behind him to grab the ice-pack. He rolled onto his stomach and rested it on his head, closing his eyes so he could drift off to sleep.

    Sephiroth was on the other side of the door. When it opened and Seres was on the other side, he took a step towards the girl and offered his hand.

    “I would like to apologise for my sharp behaviour just now.” He began, his voice low. “I would also like to apologise for scaring off your last boyfriend. You are old enough to make your own decisions and I should not be getting in the way of that.” He scowled. “However, you had no right to keep your mother and I in the dark as to your whereabouts. We were very concerned for your well-being.”


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Kalysto. ~You need to make up your mind. First you tell me to abuse the amulet. Now you’re telling me not to. Hrmph! You silly elf.~

    “It’s first thing in the morning anyway, Kalysto. We should be doing house work and things like that. So, you’ll have to wait.”

    Seres stared at Sephiroth as she saw him at the other side of the door. At first, she tightened her grip on the door in preparation to slam it in his face. However, when she heard him apologize, she stared at him.

    “You’re… You should be! You nearly killed him and Rhyderi just now. Hrmph, Rhyderi didn’t even do anything at all and he’s currently laying in his bed with a huge headache thanks to you. That’s completely not acceptable, Father.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto snorted. *”How did I give you mixed messages? I asked when this was over if you wanted to have hot lesbian sex. You don’t need the amulet for that.”* She scowled. “Not more house-work. No. I have to go to the shop.”

    “Yes, I know it’s not acceptable. That is why I am standing out here and candidly apologising to you for my actions.” Sephiroth’s voice was very low and quiet. “You don’t even have to come home – I am just wanting to clear our outstanding issues so that there is no bad blood.”*


    “Heh… Fine, I’ll let you weasel your way out of mopping the floors this time, Kalysto!” Desiree joked to her mate. “However, next time around, you are definitely getting on your hands and knees.”

    So, she kissed the elf on the ridge of her nose before walking off to get dressed in her cleaning attire.

    Seres frowned at her father. At first, she just silently judged his demeanor. Once she felt that he was being genuine, she nodded to him.

    “I ran off because you were yelling. I didn’t want to deal with that… I’m not a little girl any more, Father… Either way… I’ll come home soon. I just want to make certain that Rhyderi doesn’t have a concussion. You know, you should pay for his medical bills!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Ugh… do I have to clean? I can’t to work like this.” Kalysto glanced down at her robes, feeling rather self-conscious. “Not unless I hide my face. Somehow…” She reached up to poke at her chest, then began to jiggle her breasts. “..and these.” She continued to jiggle. “…heh.”

    Sephiroth made a tired sigh. “Yes, yes, I know you aren’t little any more. Understand that I still have the desire to protect you, and we’ll leave it at that.” He glanced past Seres, but didn’t step inside. “Fine. I’ll pay for any medical bills that result from this incident.” He stepped back, intending to leave. However, he stayed near the door in case Seres wanted to say anything else.


    ~Oh, just get to work, Kalysto. You have a store to run. And I’m certain you need to clean that place up too!~ Desiree responded with a hint of exasperation. ~I shall see you tonight. And you will get your action then.~

    Seres nodded at Sephiroth. “Good, I’ll tell Rhyderi… I’ll also come back home tonight. Goodbye, Father.”

    With that said, she closed to the door before she returned to Rhyderi’s bedroom. When she found that the paladin was asleep, she contently grinned. After a few moments of thought, she climbed onto the bed as well so that she could sleep as well. She had been rudely woken up, after all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto headed into the bedroom. *”Alright, but I am at least going to cover up until the workers are OK with it… or at least pretend to be my long-lost sister… Kal… -lendra.” She grinned and tossed a new robe on, flicking the hood up to obscure her face partially.

    She stopped in front of the mirror to admire her figure, frowning at the fact that the robe was too big on her now. “I don’t have any time for this…” She grabbed up a pair of slippers and rushed out the door so she could start another day of work.

    Over the course of the next few hours, Rhyderi slept like a rock. He remained on his stomach for only part of the time. He curled up into a foetal-position styled ball and slept the rest of his nap like that.

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