Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Jenna sighed at Sephiroth’s response before she shrugged, for she figured that he knew what he was doing. Thus, after a moment of thought, she closed her eyes and concentrated on Sephiroth. Using a few spells, Jenna first knocked out Sephiroth before she transformed him into a fourteen year old. Finally, she cast one last spell to lock his memories past the point in which he was physically the age that he currently appeared.

    Once the spells were finished, Jenna leapt down to Sephiroth’s side. Jenna took a few moments to examine Sephiroth, noting that his clothing didn’t quite fit. However, she didn’t exactly have a change of clothes for him. So, she shrugged to herself before she left a note next to him that stated, “If you want to know what’s going on, find me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook a bit and moved to his feet, blinking as he surveyed his surroundings. He had no idea at all where he was and groaned, stumbling away from the corner as if he had something against it. He picked up the piece of paper that had fallen off him and read it, snorting. He saw nobody nearby.

    “Hello?” He growled out. Then he slipped out of the warehouse in search of somebody, anybody nearby.


    Jenna frowned as she watched Sephiroth slip out of the wharehouse. He was not supposed to do that at all according to her plan. Not only did she have nothing set up out there, but she doubted that Sephiroth wanted his adult-sized clothing to fall off of him and reveal things to the public. So, she quickly leaped over to a stack of barrels before she pushed them over in order to make a lot of noise. She hoped that the noise would attract Sephiroth back into the warehouse.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth reacted almost immediately as he heard the barrels. When one of them rolled out towards him he put his hands up to stop it… blinking as he saw his own left hand. His attention was drawn to it utterly at this point and he wiggled the apparatus, blinking as he saw the wrist-stump underneath.

    At this point he growled, for he knew very well that it wasn’t supposed to be there. He stepped back, finding one of the building’s outer support beams, and then began to smash the hand against it as hard as he could.


    Metal against metal, the warehouse structure hummed every time he smashed his hand against it. It hurt him like crazy to do, but he wanted to get it off. After another thump, two of the fingers came off entirely. He poked at the gnarled mess of metal on the end of his wrist and began to pull at it, dislodging one of the hand plates that the finger hinges had been stuck in.


    Jenna blinked then groaned at what she witnessed Sephiroth doing. After releasing a hrmphing sound, she leaped down to his level, landing only a few feet behind him before she approached him. She then gasped as if she were releasing a strong feeling of relief.

    “Oh, you found me. I wasn’t certain what those terrorists would have done if they found me here.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “What terrorists?” Sephiroth stepped back from the woman, looking back down at his hand again. He pulled one of the wires out and tossed it away, staring at the wrist pins and rods that connected to his radius and ulna bones. “Who are you? What am I doing here? Where are we?”


    “The terrorists that have been massing here in Mideel. The president said that he was going to send you down here to help me out and keep me safe from them..,” Jenna permitted her voice to trail off as she watched Sephiroth destroy his prosthetic.

    Gasping once more, she moved over to him and tried to grab his arm. “What are you doing?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth watched Jenna out of the corner of his eye and sprung back as she made a grab at his arm, evading her attempt. He calmed immediately after. “What does it look like I’m doing? That crazy idiot is doing another experiment again, isn’t he?”

    He raised the hand and began to wiggle what was left of the prosthetic, curling his remaining three fingers before snapping the thumb off.

    “That’s what I think of his stupid science.” He threw the thumb away as hard as he could.


    Groaning, Jenna shook her head at Sephiroth before she tried to pull his hand toward her. “No, Sephiroth. This isn’t an experiment… Umm… A couple of weeks ago, you had an incident in Wutai, don’t you remember? A piece of shrapnel hit you and removed that hand. The president will be very angry at you for destroying the replacement.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth glared at Jenna like he thought she was insane. At that point in time, he believed she was. He made an irritated snorting sound and shook his head, looking down at the remains of his bionic hand.

    “Of course I don’t remember it. But I know you’re lying. The tone of your voice is off. Also, the President of ShinRa wouldn’t do something like this. Hojo would try to grow a new one instead.” He glared at Jenna and smashed the hand against the iron pylon nearby once more.

    “I want to know what’s going on.”


    Jenna momentarily frowned, for she considered herself an expert at lying. She was an assassin and a theif, she had lied for nearly all her life. No one should be able to tell her lies from the truths.

    Still, she shook her head and tried to grab Sephiroth’s hand again. “Stop that. The president spent good money to have that built for you. And I already told you what’s going on. But for now, we need to give you your sword hand again.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was glaring at her now, not buying her story at all. He looked around, then backed up towards the warehouse, looking inside. “Is this Wutai? I’m in Wutai, aren’t I? But… I see no pagodas…”

    He suddenly exploded with a burst of speed, sprinting off for all he was worth.


    Jenna stared at Sephiroth as he bolted off in the opposite direction. However, her eyes quickly drifted down to his loose-fitting pants. Figuring that he wouldn’t be able to run without tripping for long, Jenna sprinted after him.

    “Sephiroth, get back here. This is not Wutai. Now… just settle down. I can fix your hand then you can complete your mission.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Never seen you before in my life,” Sephiroth called back to her, “And I’m not old enough to do missions. Now I know you’re really lying. Hah!” He tripped over his pants and quickly kicked them off entirely, continuing his sprint once again, his bare bottom very visible as he sprinted out of the ShinRa Training grounds.


    Jenna groaned in frustration before she gave up and just teleported to appear in front of Sephiroth. Once there, she cast a spell to trap him by suspending him in mid-air.

    “Fine, I’m lying. I’m actually your wife and you’re not 14. You voluntarily agreed to show me what sort of skills you had at this age, and I cast a spell to revert your memories to match that point. If you don’t believe me about that part, looking at the wedding band on your right hand.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth couldn’t slow down in time and crashed straight into Jenna. He looked at his right hand, removing the glove. He showed his hand to her, which had no ring on it. He glared at her again and threw the glove at her, snorting.

    “Stop lying to me!” He backed up and ran back to the pair of pants he had kicked off, picking them up. “Where are my clothes?!”


    Jenna blinked as Sephiroth showed her that there was no ring on his hand. She didn’t understand that part. Why wouldn’t he be wearing his wedding band? That made no sense whatsoever. She knew that she didn’t take it off of him.

    Sighing, Jenna followed after him. “I am not lying to you, I am telling you the truth. And the clothing you’re picking up now is yours. I do not know where you put your wedding band, but I certainly have mine…”

    Jenna then glanced at his damaged prostetic before she cast a spell to rebuild it. Luckiliy, since she had repaired and tweaked it enough, she could just use her magic to fix it up from damage at this point.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth growled as he felt tingling and sharp electric-like pulses shoot through his left hand. When it remade itself before his eyes, he snarled and began trying to pull it apart again.

    “I want to go back to the training facility!” He snapped, the request sounding very much like a spoiled kid’s tantrum.


    “The training facility that you knew no longer exists, Sephiroth. Now… Do I have to just reverse everything and give up on seeing what your skill level was at the point in your development?” Jenna actually visibly pouted at the thought of that.

    However, she narrowed her eyes as she noticed that he was going after the hand again, so, she once again cast a spell to trap him in a levitation spell before she stormed up to him and yanked his right hand away from his left.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth glared at Jenna, snorting. “Very funny.” He tried to move his hand back to the other one, growling. “This is some serious…” He trailed off, staring at the energy field around him. “How are you even doing that?!”


    “I’m a mage, that means that I can manipulate magic as I see fit,” Jenna plainly stated in a flattone as she looked over his left hand again. Sighing, she stepped back from him before she pouted again. “I might as well change you back. It’s clear I’m not going to see anything other than you tearing apart your hand.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth growled at Jenna once again, wiggling and struggling against the unseen forces. He began to yell as he discovered that he was going nowhere.

    “Send me back where I came from, GOOD!” He snarled. “I don’t want to be here anyway – I want to go back to the training facility!”


    Jenna groaned as she shook her head. Before doing anything though, she glared at him, “I didn’t take you anywhere. I just blocked some memories. Now, I’m going to unblock them. If you don’t want to believe the memories, then that’s your choice! You’re also going to have to do a lot explaining about where the hell your wedding ring is!”

    She snorted as she turned her back at him and kicked the floor, because she had actually wanted to have fun. However, this was anything but. Still, after a few moments of sulking, Jenna removed the memory blocks from Sephiroth with a flick of her left hand.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth flinched vaguely as the memory blocks were lifted from his mind. He was rather quick to growl and move away from her, retrieving his clothing so he could cover himself up.

    “This entire exercise was pointless…” He snatched up his glove and began to jiggle it, snarling. “You should have thought about it better! I was wearing my ring…. then my hand shrunk and…” He began to look around on the ground.


    Jenna stood back as Sephrioth recovered from his memory loss. Determining that he was behaving like himself and thus recovered, she nodded before she flicked her hand to cast another spell which reshaped his body to match his appearance when he was in his early twenties.

    “Yea, yea… You were right. I was wrong..”

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