Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49402
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled, sitting up, glaring at Jenna like he was going to kill her. His left eye twitched and it took him a whole ten seconds to calm down again.

    “Fortunately for you,” He spoke in a cool irritated one. “You’re in such a position where you can claim immunity to my wrath…” He poked her none-too-gently in the arm. “If you were anyone else…. anyone else…” he hissed, “…you’d be dead by now.”


    Jenna just gave Sephiroth a smirk, not even seeming to care that he was angry or threatening her in any way shape or form. Rather than shrinking away from him, though, she just looked up at him with her best pleading look.

    “Come on. Only a few hours. I’m going to be pregnant for nine months. Consider how little time you’d give up entertaining me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth rolled onto his other side, his back facing her now. “In the morning, fine….” He growled. “Why am I agreeing to this? Really, why am I?” He shook his head and moved to his feet, heading into the bathroom so he could take a shower.


    “Because you love me,” Jenna called out to Sephiroth’s retreating form. Thus, with a large grin on her lips, Jenna curled up into her bed so that she could relax and get some sleep.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth hissed as he stepped into the shower. He was beyond cranky with Jenna’s pushy attitude, feeling very pissed off with the fact she wouldn’t respect his request, nor the fact he had to tell her no so many times. When he was done in the shower he dried off and stepped back into the bedroom. Then he placed on a pair of boxer-shorts and went to bed, his back facing her.


    Jenna didn’t seem to care that Sephiroth was grumpy at all, for she remained asleep. In fact, she simply moved in to hug him as his weight settled down on the bed. After a few moments, she hummed and grinned. “Mine..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made a threatening growl before finally falling asleep. When his alarm went off at 6am the following morning, he got out of bed and began to fumble around, half asleep.


    Jenna yawned as she was woken up by the alarm clock. After sitting up and rubbing her eyes, she stared at the clock for a few moments before she mumbled, “Amazing, we have one in a single piece..”

    Shrugging, the sorceress got up so that she could get dressed for the day.

    Meawhile, Kalanehi had gotten up early as well to prepare a breakfast for Sephiroth. She had cooked some eggs and hashbrowns, which were set up on the kitchen table for him to eat.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth brushed out his hair and got dressed, following his nose downstairs to the smell of delicious cooking food. He made loud purring noises as he sat at the table, nodding at the lady.

    “Good morning.” He said. “I trust that you slept well.”


    “Yes, very well,” the housekeeper responded. “Thank you for asking, sir. Now, eat up. You need to have energy in the line of work that you have.”

    Meanwhile, Jenna dusted herself off as she finished getting dressed. Soon enough, she moved downstairs to sit down next to Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth munched through breakfast, nodding at Jenna. “Eat something,” He instructed her. “This is really good, and I don’t think I saw you eat anything yesterday.” He mumbled. “Unless you did… which I didn’t see or notice.”

    He pointed to the food. “Eat.”


    Jenna lowered her head at Sephiroth’s words before she grumbled out, “I ate yesterday… before I threw up.”

    Sighing, Jenna moved to grab some of the eggs before she sniffed it. After a bit of thinking, she bit into the food and began to chew on it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth watched her for a brief period, then rose to his feet, looking around for some coffee. He didn’t care if he couldn’t find any there in the house because work always had some, but it was early and he wouldn’t get it for at least another hour and a half.

    “There’s time to make pancakes and coffee,” He grinned as he sat down. “I would be really appreciative of both.” He nudged Jenna. “If you are going to be sick again, you are better off eating the bland food. Such as the cereal.”


    “I’m fine with what I have here, Seph. This tastes bland enough to me,” Jenna grumbled out, not too happy about being told what to eat. However, since she knew that Sephiroth was only concerned about her well-being, she put up with it. “As for pancakes, you already ate. You don’t need any more food.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “But I want pancakes,” He glanced at Jenna, then gave a hopeful look to the house-maid. “You’ll make them for me, won’t you.” He grinned, hoping she would take his side over Jenna’s.


    Kalanehi shook her head at Sephiroth before she sharply admonished him, “If someone didn’t drink from the carton all day long yesterday, I may be able to fulfil that request. However, for now, we need more milk.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed. “Don’t we have the powdered stuff that you just add water to?” He sighed. “Phh. Forget it…” He finished off his breakfast and moved to his feet, slipping out of the room to go watch the morning news.

    “I’d at least like the coffee…”


    Kalanehi shook her head at Sephiroth. “No. I don’t get any of that junk. If I make pancakes, they will be real pancakes. Nothing less.”

    Jenna shrugged as she watched Sephiroth sulk off into the living room. Deciding that she might as well finish off the food that Sephiroth left behind, Jenna picked at the plate.

    Meanwhile, Kalanehi walked to Sephiroth’s location with a mug of freshly brewed coffee only a few minutes after he sat down.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth nodded his head. “Thank you.” He began to sip the coffee as he watched the weather report for the morning. He began to grumble as he heard the forecast for rain, then glanced out of the nearest window.

    “Phh. The wet-season is approaching… we might as well get used to this.”


    Jenna finished off the plate before she got up and moved over to Sephiroths’ location. Once there, she leaned over before setting her hands on his shoulders. “Heh, I suppose so. However, I don’t think the rain here is that bad.”

    She hummed as she drummed her fingers against his shoulders. After a moment, she smirked and looked down at him. “Don’t forget our agreement. Meet me at the abandoned wharehouse on the south side of the island in two hours, Seph.”

    With that said, Jenna walked out of the household.

    Kat Aclysm

    “The rain is going to get worse. Expect it to rain two days out of every three once the season gets going…” He grumbled.

    “Wait… two hours from now?” He sighed. “But work will have started by then.” He frowned as he watched her leave. *”And it wasn’t much of an agreement – you pushed and pushed and pushed until I gave in.* He continued to watch the television, finishing off his coffee not long after.

    When it was time to leave, he left the house and teleported to Jenna’s location, a scowl on his face.
    “Fine. I’m here.” Sephiroth glared at her. “Now – what do you have in mind?”


    Jenna had spent her time alone setting up the wharehouse to be an obstacle. She took her time to also integrate some of the training holograms that she had designed with Centra within the building.

    When Sephiroth came into the building, she grinned down at him from a rafter that passed over the entrance. She nodded before she looked back behind her, “You should probably write something to yourself to indicate that you have a mission here, Seph. You’re going to be a bit… forgetful of the past few decades, after all.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth nodded his head. “I’ll put something through to the army department. If I don’t send it to somebody specific, however… it will end up on my desk. Which is relatively pointless, seeing as though I already know about it.”

    He teleported a piece of paper and a pen to his hand, then wrote the note on it. He folded it up once more and teleported it to one of the officers.

    “It is done.” He muttered. “You can do it now, I suppose…”


    Jenna frowned at Sephiroth before she shook her head at him. “I was thinking more of leaving a note here… How are you supposed to find a note on your desk if you don’t remember that you have a desk?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head. “I made the note so I wouldn’t be bugged. I don’t need to leave a note for myself. Just go ahead and do this thing before I change my mind on you.”

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