Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #50752
    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto continued to silently munch on pizza, not seeming to care in the slightest that his orange juice had just exploded in front of him. He merely picked up the pitcher and poured himself another glass as he glanced at the clock on the wall near the kitchen, debating how much time he had left before hospital visiting hours were over.

    Rhyderi’s reaction was rather different, however. He gritted his teeth and stumbled backwards, flinching at the sound. “Be careful where you do that!” He yelped at Seres. “You could kill somebody!”


    Seres gave Rhyderi a predatory smirk as she utilized her psychic abilities to levitate each shard of glass that she had created. As a means to annoy him and entertain herself further, the young SOLDIER once again abused her psychic abilities to manipulate the glass and create a marble out of it by smashing the fragments together as she heated the glass. Once the marble was formed, she lazily “tossed” it at her partner’s lap.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi was quick to grab up the heated glass marble – he didn’t want the hot object anywhere near the important parts of his lap. He gently set it down on the table beside himself and glared heavily at Seres.

    “That was completely unnecessary.”


    “Oh, but it was not so. I was showing my dear nephew what sort of power is at his fingertip thanks to his genetics. We are gods that walk amongst mortals. There’s no shame in what we are,” Seres commented.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi mumbled. “Just don’t do it in such a manner again…we have already reached our quota of power-crazy destructive people in this house.” He glared at Kalysto as he said this.

    “Just sit down and enjoy some food.” He sighed. “We will probably have to go back out there soon anyway.”


    Orpheus whined as he noticed what Rhyderi was doing. So, he reached up to tug on his uncle’s arm. “Daddy not power-hungry. That wrong, Unca Deri. All wrong. Daddy love mommy. Daddy not care about nothing more.”

    Seres just released a dark chuckle at Rhyderi’s comments. However, she was more than happy to continue eating pizza.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You clearly didn’t see him when he was younger, then.” Rhyderi picked up a glass of orange juice and drank the whole thing down in a few moments. He set the empty glass aside and rose to his feet again, feeling rather edgy. He wasn’t used to sitting around doing nothing. He wanted to do something… anything.

    “Ignore him.” Kalysto picked up another slice of pizza and offered it to Orpheus. “Want more?”


    Orpheus loudly giggled at his uncle. “Of course no see daddy when he younger. I not alive then. No can see him when I not alive…”

    Seres took notice of Rhyderi’s edginess. She had seen such behavior often enough from him to be able to read him clearly. So, she finished eating her slice of pizza before she moved behind the paladin. Once behind Rhyderi, she gently tugged on his foxtail.

    “Come, let’s go. We’re no longer needed here. And we have a post to return to, do we not?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes. Alright then.” He nodded at Milena, Orpheus and then Kalysto. “Farewell.” With that, he slipped out the front door, walking off down the path as he headed out towards the town.

    Kalysto shrugged. “Going back on duty over sitting around eating pizza? My, how boring.” He began to tidy up the plate and cups so he could dump them in the sink.


    Seres smirked at Kalysto as she slipped out of the house. As soon as she was out in the open again, she trotted to Rhyderi’s side. “Follow me. I know what you need.”

    Meanwhile, a red and silver dragon slowly climbed up the wall of the hospital. He had done this from time to time in order to spy on his brother, Zach. However, today, he felt a rather disturbing amount of emotion from his friend. Also, Xelong sensed that Holly was here, which was strange.

    So, the dragon slowly made his way up to the window that looked into Holly’s room before he began to paw at it, for he wanted entrance.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You know what I need?” Rhyderi frowned as he followed her. “What do you think I am, sick?” He followed her anyway, curiosity getting the better of him. “You’re not a physician. You don’t know me entirely well. How could you possibly know what I need?”

    Zach was near the bed when he heard the sound at the window. He turned around and raised his brows, quickly moving over to slide up the window frame. “What are you doing here!? Be careful. You don’t want somebody to shoot at you.”


    Seres rolled her eyes at Rhyderi. “You’re all tense and look like you’re ready to spring out of your skin. I’ve been your partner for over half a year now, I know how to read you. Trust me, I’ll show you a good time. Now come.”

    Thus, Seres grabbed Rhyderi’s arm before she jogged forward toward the shadier parts of town. Soon enough, she dragged the paladin into a smoke-filled bar with a rather large cage in the middle of it. As she entered the bar, Seres let go of her partner’s arm. She strolled over to the bar and ordered a shot of rum before she began to negotiate entrance into the night’s fights.

    Xelong quickly hopped into the room as soon as the window was opened for him. Chirping at Zach, he hopped onto the nearest chair. ~No one ever shoot me! Silly Zach. I come here often.~

    The dragon then peered over toward Holly, for he was very curious.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi kept his ears low when he was escorted into the foreign area. He quickly decided it would be better to put his helm on and hide his ears altogether, and so stuffed it onto his head, flattening his mess of red-blonde hair down in the process.

    “Wh… what kind of place IS this…” He was very wary of his surroundings, and concerned about the types of people in the area. The smell of cigarette smoke also heavily offended his sense of smell and he had to pinch his nose occasionally to stop it from burning.

    Holly was asleep at the time. She was exhausted from her ordeal and now that things were quiet, she was fully taking advantage of the fact. Her newborn baby girl rested nearby her bed in a plastic crib on wheels.

    “So you came over here to have a look then?” Zach grinned. “I suppose I couldn’t keep you away.” He shuffled aside and let the dragon go by.


    Seres took another gulp of the liquor that she had ordered.

    “It’s a bar, duh! Sheesh, I thought you were smart, Rhyderi. Now, get him a shot as well,” Seres called out to the bartender. “Oh, and put his name down on the roster as well. Might as well make him near the front. Don’t want him to be overwhelmed by going against the reigning champ, huh?”

    Seres chuckled at her own joke before she looked over Rhyderi. “you’re going to need to take all of that off. None of that metal stuff allowed. This is a test of natural skill.”

    ~I came to look at what? I came to visit. Then I find Holly here. It all strange. What happened, Zach?~ Xelong’s mind swarmed with confusion as he looked up at his friend. ~And what that over there?~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Wh…” It was all that Rhyderi was initially able to stumble out. “Wh-what are you doing.” He stood behind the younger female, glaring down at her now. “Why would you bring me to a place like this? I don’t belong here. I am a defender of the people, not some… cheap…” He couldn’t even think of a way to finish his sentence.

    “Grrrh…” He managed to stutter out. “These people have less than admirable intentions, all of them!” He stared at her as she signed him up for the roster. “Wait a second… reigning champ? Reigning champion of what, exactly? What’s going on? I didn’t consent to this!” He was very upset.

    “That, my friend,” Zach reached over to take the sleeping girl out of her crib, “Is my new daughter. We don’t know what to call her yet, but isn’t she cute?”


    Seres rolled her eyes again, but continued to pay Rhyderi’s entrance fees as well as her own. Though, hers were considerably less than his. As she finished handing over the gil, the bartender set down the shot of liquor that Seres had ordered in front of Rhyderi.

    “Oh, come on, Rhyderi. How dense can you be? This is a competition. The reigning champ came in a few weeks ago and is so far, undefeated. I doubt you’ll get far, but we’ll see,” Seres taunted with a smile on her lips. “This is a chance to test your skill and wile. Trust me, it’s fun.

    “Just remember, you can’t go in there wearing all that armor. Everyone needs an even playing field. So, just borrow some sweat pants or something.”

    Xelong lifted himself up onto his hind legs so that he could peer over at the bundle in the crib. Upon seeing the small female, the dragon sniffed the air.

    ~She’s very small. Tiny.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi continued to look around with immense wariness. He didn’t want to be there at all. He stayed close to Seres, glaring. He didn’t want anyone to get near him.

    “Can we leave now… please.” He sighed when he took the empty seat beside the younger female. When the liquor shot was placed down in front of him, he merely stared down at it in disbelief. If his ears were showing, they would be as far back on his head as he could possibly make them go.

    “Wh-wh… what kind of person do you think I am…?”

    “Well, she’s a hatchling.” Zach grinned with pride. “Of course she’s little. You were only slightly bigger than her when you hatched.” He held her up for Xelong to get a better sniff.


    “One that needs to loosen up and have some fun for once in his lifetime,” Seres boldly replied. “Don’t worry, no one goes away here dead or seriously injured. They like having their fighters come back. You’ll be fine. Anyway, you know the champion.”

    Seres chuckled as she took another swig from her shot. “Now, come on. Drink up.”

    Xelong leaned in to sniff the small girl. She was definitely interesting, but he had smelled these sort of things from his siblings. So, she wasn’t too strange.

    ~I see.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Aw, hey. What’s wrong, Xel? You don’t like her?” Zach held the tiny bundle next to his head. “Or maybe for you, it’s a bit of a ‘been there, done that’ sort of deal?”

    The small girl’s eyes fluttered open and she made a tiny yawn, reaching up for the blur of red and silver above her. She lowered her hand again and closed her eyes once more, resuming her nap.

    “I don’t really want to…” Rhyderi put his head down, eyeing off the others in the area once more. His attention was drawn to a large-breasted woman. When he noted that her t-shirt was mere shreds of fabric covering the bare essentials, he heavily flinched and jerked his attention back in front of himself once again. He stared down at the shot glass.

    “I… I know the champion? I’ve never been here before.” He suddenly looked up at her, narrowing his brows. “No… no way in…” He growled. “Why do you associate yourself with people like this!?”


    ~Yea, seen lots and lots of little ones like this. Lots of them. Like whole lots. Smells like any other one. But is yours,~ Xelong commented. ~Is good you have one of your own, Zach.~

    Seres released a hearty chuckle at Rhyderi’s reaction. “Yes, I’m the champion, silly. I’d be a shame to my family if I wasn’t a champion, huh? And it’s fun, Rhyderi. Despite the looks of this place, they actually are well organized and aren’t associated with any drug cartels. They’re just people, mostly SOLDIERs, that like to brawl. It’s healthy. It’s good. It’s fun.”

    “Now…,” Seres leaned in closer to her partner. “Seriously, drink up. Johny might think you don’t like the quality of his drinks if you don’t.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach nodded. “You’re going to have hatchlings of your own some day, yes?” He chuckled. “I wonder what this makes you… big brother to her? Hmm..”

    “Why didn’t you just inform this… Johny person that I’m a teetotaller?” He growled through clenched teeth. He knew it was a lie, but right now it was the lesser of two evils – it certainly would have been better to lie than being pressured into drinking something when he didn’t even want to.

    Sighing in defeat, he picked up the shot and gulped it down. It burned his throat while being swallowed and it caused him to cough slightly, but he was happier once it was gone from his sight.

    “No more.”


    Xelong looked up at Zach’s face before he furiously shook his head. ~No, not brother. You my brother. So, can’t be brother to both her and you. Not brother.~

    Seres reached over to pat Rhdyeri’s back. “Aww, settle down and have some fun for once in your life. No one’s going to come out here and try to rip out your throat… Well.. Big Berta over there,” Seres waved to a tall and well endowed woman with thick bones, “might try to tear off your skin and get in bed with you… But I doubt it.”

    The young SOLDIER didn’t order any more drinks anyway. Instead, she simply finished off her shot glass. After a few moments, she nudged Rhyderi.

    “It’ll be your round in five minutes. So, let’s start off with this.”

    Seres leaned in to yank off Rhyderi’s helmet, trying to be quick enough that he wouldn’t be able to stop her.

    Kat Aclysm

    “So what would she be to you? Niece?” He grinned and reached over to pat Xelong on the head. Then he put the baby girl back into her crib so she could continue resting.

    “I’m glad you’re here… I’ve really missed you. But… keep an eye out because I don’t want you getting caught. I don’t want to lose my job… they classify you as an animal, and animals aren’t allowed in a hospital…”

    Rhyderi eyed the big bulky female up and down. His shoulders tensed and he visibly shrunk in his seat, shuddering a moment later. “Would she want to get in bed with me before or after she tore my skin off…?” He winced. “I think… if I get an offer like that, I am going to have to decline… politely.”

    “H-hey!!” Rhyderi protested as his helmet was yanked off. His foxtail fluffs had been quite crushed under the helm and he quickly flicked a hand behind his head to fix them. “What do you think you’re doing? You’re not going to strip me down are you? Because I am not OK with that!”


    Xelong hissed at Zach. ~I’m not an animal! Hrmph!~

    However, he consented and slowly shifted his form into that of a four year old boy with silver-tinted red hair. The boy defiantly glared at his brother with large, green reptilian eyes.

    “Eh… From what I’ve heard, she doesn’t do the polite turn-down. Just stay away from her, ok,” Seres suggested as she finished pulling off the helmet. Upon hearing Rhyderi’s complaint, she rolled her eyes. “Of course not! There’s a dressing room. Come on.”

    Grabbing her partner’s arm, she literally dragged him out of his seat and toward the dressing room designated for fighters.

    Kat Aclysm

    “That woman… is the most poor example of a female that I have ever seen.” Rhyderi crinkled his nose in disgust. “I don’t want to be near her. At all. Please don’t make me fight her, I don’t want to get anywhere near those… those…” He shuddered again. When his arm was tugged, he initially tried to keep in his seat. Then he thought better of it, not wanting to be physically dragged away and humiliated like a disobedient child.

    “Where are we going now?” He groaned. “What are you going to dress me in? I look fine enough in my armour – it took a lot of time to earn you know. It makes me look how I am supposed to look. I am a Paladin, a noble defender and a knight of the people. Not like some… cheap… whatever it is you’re trying to turn me into!”

    Zach blinked heavily at Xelong. He had never seen that happen before. He slowly shook his head and reached out to touch the youngster on the head.

    “Wow… since when could you do that?”

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