Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Desiree happily munched on a second cupcake as she watched Rhyderi remove the stitches from his arm. She was used to this sort of thing since her father was a military man. In fact, he had instructed her on how to stitch people up while she was his caretaker. So, this sort of activity was rather normal and had no excitement to her.

    Still, she chuckled when Kalysto turned to nudge her before she took a small bit of her cupcake and pressed it against Kalysto’s mouth. “Yes, yes. I know. You are rotten to the core and are going to hell.”

    Jenna hummed at Sephiroth’s suggestion. “Yes, but if I go to sleep, I wouldn’t be able to enjoy the definition of your muscles quite so much.”

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    Kalysto was about to say something else, but when the cupcake was against his mouth, he reached up to grasp onto it so that he could eat it. Although he had brought home the Thai food for dinner, all the cookies and treats meant that his appetite was very spoiled by now.

    “Kind of.” He smirked at Desiree after he had finished the bite of cupcake. “Everyone and everything here is going to hell and I’m driving the bus.”

    “I am mildly disgusted that you can say something so casually like that…” Rhyderi sighed. “By all means, practise your disgusting magic. But don’t take your family down with you.”

    “Stuff it, Rhyderi.” Kalysto hissed at him. “Eat a cookie instead.”

    “I fail to see how a cookie is going to fix anything…” Rhyderi sighed again, lowering his head as he left the room to go dispose of the used stitches and bandaging. He didn’t much want to get into yet another verbal sparring match with his brother.

    “Yes you can,” Sephiroth grunted. “You can dream about them, you know. Then you can sleep and do what you want to. It’s being doubly productive. You are my secretary, yes? It’s your job to work out methods of being more efficient.”


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Rhyderi’s words, for she half-way expected the outburst from him. This sort of thing always happened when the brothers were in the same room, so she couldn’t expect anything different.

    Still, Desiree reached out to nudge Kalysto’s shoulder. “Go eat your dinner before it gets cold. If you don’t hurry up, Milena will sniff it out and eat it all for you. Then you’ll complain about having two meals stolen from you.”

    With that said, Desiree slipped away to follow after Rhyderi. Once near the paladin, the young woman leaned over to him. “You should know by now that Kalysto isn’t serious about that stuff. It’s like my father. All about the image, not about the real intent.”

    “Hrmph, Executive Assistant, not secretary,” Jenna firmly retorted. “I’ve told you that many times before. And..” The sorceress leaned in to kiss her mate. “I can’t do that in my sleep.”

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    “Executive assistant, then.” Sephiroth muttered. “Very well.” He nodded. “So be it. If you want to deprive yourself of sleep, you will just nod back off to sleep again when your body demands it of you.”

    “Oh no, you don’t understand. It’s not all hot air and bragging. He’s very much serious about being a Warlock. The books, the demons, the strange potions I can hear and smell in the other room.” Rhyderi responded from the laundry. He tossed the bandages out into the garbage, then returned to the kitchen so he could wash his hands off in the sink. “Even a blind person could see the path he takes.”

    “This is a conversation treaded all too many times.” Kalysto frowned. “Just shut up and eat a cookie.”

    “I don’t want a cookie.” Rhyderi sighed at him as he grabbed at some paper towels to dry his hands off with. “Do you have need of me any longer? I wish not to overstay my welcome, but I also wish for another attempt to mend this divide yet again.” He offered both Desiree and Kalysto a grin. “We are exchanging words, but this time there is no blood. A good thing, perhaps?”


    “Yes, I know that he’s a warlock, Rhyderi. However, that doesn’t automatically make him some evil, damned creature. It just doesn’t work that way… There’s shades of grey to all things,” Desiree attempted. Still, she glanced back at Kalysto for a moment before she tugged on Rhyderi’s arm.

    ~I wish to ask you a question in private, Rhyderi. There’s a mark on Kalysto’s body that has confused me whenever I’ve seen it. I won’t mention where it is… But.. It’s definitely there on purpose, but it’s not in a language I recognize,~ Desiree nodded toward her husband as she explained this.

    ~It’s not demonic, I know that much. And it looks like a winged serpent or something… I don’t know. But there’s words on it that I don’t know how to even describe..~

    “Mmm… Yes, that does sound like a good plan. I’ve slept more than enough,” Jenna agreed. However, she yawned as she said this and her eyes began to drift closed.

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    Rhyderi raised his brows slightly when Desiree tugged on his arm. He was surprised that she had actually responded to him and hadn’t just tried to shove him on his way out the door.

    “Hmmm…” He hummed lightly in thought. “Excuse us for one moment.” He gave Desiree a sideways glance, then shrugged at Kalysto. “We can talk again soon. For the time being, your mate wishes an audience with me in private.”

    Kalysto’s ears lowered about as far back as they would go on his head, his eyes thinning with utmost suspicion. “Why… what do you want to talk about…” He huffed, suddenly very angry. “Fine. Go off and talk about me. See if I care.”

    Sephiroth smirked, feeling victorious. He knew Jenna needed more sleep, and he also enjoyed being right. He moved his arms around her, and attempted to place her back onto the bed. “If you stay here,” He informed her in a quiet voice, “I will lie here with you. However, I must first remove my boots…”


    Desiree released a soft sigh at her husband’s complaint. However, she just gave him a reassuring grin before she nodded toward the food. “Oh, settle down. It won’t take long. Now, just eat your food.”

    With that, Desiree accompanied Rhyderi out of the room. “So, do you have any ideas?”

    Jenna released a faint noise of complaint as she was moved. However, as Sephiroth offered to lay down with her, she smirked at him. “Only if you take off more than your boots.”

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    “He can hear us from here you know. There’s not even a question of that.” Rhyderi frowned when he came into the next room. “You would have to leave the house… and to be honest, I don’t actually know what you are talking about…” He glanced back into the next room. “Maybe we should look? I can pin him down.”

    Kalysto sat in the living room and began to pout. Rhyderi was right though – his ears were very high over his head and he listened in on everything that was going on, his ears rotated towards the next room. When he heard the comment about pinning him down, he placed both hands on the armrests beside him, prepared to spring away and run if need be.

    “I cannot really do that in a hospital environment.” Sephiroth grunted. “I am afraid that the removal of boots is all you are going to get here.”


    ~Fine… But be quick and gentle about it… Also, please remember that this mark is in a very strange place. He will probably not want you to see it,~ Desiree stated. ~Now… be prepared to react.~

    Without giving Rhyderi any more warning, she used her psychic abilities to teleport him right behind Kalysto.

    Jenna released a childish whine at Sephiroth’s words. “Not even your coat? Certainly you can do that much.”

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    Rhyderi shifted into a ready stance, giving Desiree a singular nod. “Do it.”

    When the Paladin was teleported, he reacted like lightning – arms quickly grappled the younger elf and he began to abuse his upper body strength to restrain his little brother. Kalysto gave a yell in reply, more angry that he hadn’t been fast enough. Both males struggled with each other for a few moments, Rhyderi mostly silent as he attempted to use his body weight to shove Kalysto down onto the floor. Kalysto reacted with a loud angry yell, setting his hands on fire, attempting to burn his brother.

    “Let go of me!!” Kalysto roared in anger. His arms were clamped down and he was unable to move. All he could manage were a few smouldering fiery magic tendrils which quickly dissipated again as he was not focussing on them.

    “Shh.” Rhyderi was still very calm. Within the next few moments he had Kalysto pinned to the floor under his own weight, and he grabbed his limbs, twisting them behind his back. “He won’t stay like this for long. Where is it?”


    Desiree slowly moved into the doorway and watched from a good distance, not really wanting to get involved in the struggle that she had provoked, despite her involvement. Once Kalysto was pinned down, Desiree bit onto her lower lip for a moment as she lowered her head.

    “It’s in his groin area…,” the young woman softly admitted.

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    “His groin area…” Rhyderi repeated to himself aloud, looking rather peturbed upon discovering the news. “My, Desiree. I wish you had told me that before.” He held Kalysto down for another few moments as he mentally weighed up his actions. A heavy sigh escaped him shortly afterwards. “Forgive me, little brother.”

    “To hell with you, Rhyderi!” Kalysto hollered at him. “You need to go die in a fire! I hope the Nether consumes you… damnation on your soul!”

    Rhyderi held onto both of Kalysto’s arms now with one hand. He moved his free hand up to the back of Kalysto’s head and poked at his the back of his skull with two fingers. A sharp hum filled the air as the Paladin lanced Kalysto’s neck thoroughly with a sharp shock of Holy energy.

    “It is done.” Rhyderi moved off his brother again, looking very unhappy at what he had just done. “Do what you need to do.”


    Desiree lowered her head, still very embarrassed over the entire situation. Still, she moved in so that she could roll up Kalysto’s robe before she pulled down both his pants and underpants to give Rhyderi a view of the area where the marking was situated. Once Kalysto was properly exposed, Desiree pointed to the spot where the mark was.

    “I told you that it was not in a place that should really be seen…”

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    Rhyderi moved off Kalysto, perched on his knees nearby. When Desiree began to move his robe up and remove his pants, he turned his head away and shielded his eyes with his hand, partially out of respect for what remained of Kalysto’s dignity.

    When Desiree spoke, his left ear flicked and he decided to take a look, trying not to focus on the worst place he could look at that moment. He blinked as he poked at Kalysto’s leg, shifting his gaze away again, a red tinge of embarrassment flushing his face.

    “That’s rather new.” He said quietly. He dared to take another look, this time placing his hand on the mark. “A tattoo? No… it was carved in magic.” His brows scowled lightly. “It appears to be a crest of some sort. Something has marked him. But you are right. This isn’t demonic.”


    “I wouldn’t really call it new… I’ve seen it from time to time for quite a while now… It’s just… I didn’t really want to ask Kalysto about it. I really didn’t want to strip him now, to be honest, Rhyderi…,” Desiree muttered. “I’m certain it’s not new.”

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    “You’ve been having sex with him for how long now and you didn’t want to mention it..?” Rhyderi blinked, in a state of disbelief. “Has it always been there? Is it new? Does it vanish and come back again?” He was getting more flustered by the minute.


    “Umm.. well.. I don’t normally do oral sex, so I don’t really look down there all that often,” Desiree explained as she decided to pull Kalysto’s clothing back into position. “However, I would dare say that… I don’t know, but I think it’s been there for quite some time..”

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    Rhyderi flinched at Desiree’s comment, his teeth gritted momentarily. “There are times other than that. For instance, when he is changing clothing. The shower, perhaps..?” He groaned. “You’ve had ample opportunity to notice this mark and ask him about it.”

    His ear flicked as he heard Kalysto groan. This caused the Paladin to move to his feet. “Things are about to get a whole lot louder.” He eyed off Desiree, then shook his head. “Forgive me for asking this, but… what is actually stopping you from asking him yourself?”


    “Kalysto does enjoy his secrets, privacy, and stuff like that. Anyway, how was I supposed to bring it up?” Desiree softly explained her reasoning. “And I didn’t notice it all that well because of the angle. It’s not exactly a spot where I just notice it with a stray glance, Rhyderi…”

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    “Well… It’s not demonic. It was most definitely a magic mark. It looked vaguely familiar but I really can’t remember where I have seen it before. Hmm…” Rhyderi retreated towards one of the nearby seats, heavily sitting down. He reached behind him to rub the back of his head, pondering the situation.

    “From here, you could do one of three things – continue being underhanded and asking people he knows. Do some research into it behind his back. Or…”The Paladin’s expression was firm as he returned his attention to her, “Confront him directly.”

    Meanwhile, Kalysto made a heavy loud groan from his place on the floor. He reached up to claw at his forehead with his hands, covering his eyes with the palms of his hands in the same movement.
    “Oh god…” He groaned.


    “I guess there’s no point in doing anything other than confronting him at the moment. It’s not like he doesn’t know what just happened, Rhyderi… I just thought you might know what it was about, seeing as you are his brother,” Desiree calmly explained.

    When Kalysto came to, Desiree scooted a bit closer to him before she reached in to gently pull him into a sitting position. “I’m sorry about that, Kalysto..”

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    Kalysto was only vaguely aware of the fact that he had been pulled to a sitting position. His mind was still too focussed on the fact that golden lightning was racing through his head and exploding behind his eyes. He made another groan and put his head down, feeling awful.

    “I’m going to kill you all…” He finally managed to hiss out, gritting his teeth.

    Rhyderi just remained seated in the armchair, looking very calm.


    Desiree released a patient sigh before she leaned in to kiss Kalysto’s forehead. “I’m so sorry about that Kalysto. We shouldn’t have done that at all… I should have just asked… It was my fault.”

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    Kalysto momentarily moved a hand off his head to shove at Desiree, wanting to push her away. The move was rather unco-ordinated however, and he may as well have been swatting at the air.
    “Get the hell away from me…” He snarled. Once he had recovered enough, he attempted to move to his feet. He stood for a grand total of two seconds before he stumbled, falling onto the floor again.

    Rhyderi flattened his brows. “The Light’s magic seems to be rather harsh with you, I have to admit that…”

    “Shut up!!” Kalysto yelled in Rhyderi’s general direction.


    Desiree lowered her head once more before she bit her bottom lip. She seemed to be quite ashamed and regretful over what had happened. The fact that Kalysto was having problems recovering made it even worse.

    “I should have just asked…”

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