Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Kat Aclysm

    A slow yet gentle content grin creeped it’s way across Sephiroth’s face. Even while he was asleep, the male could still very much appreciate the affections of his partner. After another few moments he made a gentle purr. He continued to sleep, and it was clear that he did not want to wake up any time soon.

    Kalysto was about to make a statement of protest, but once the cookie was jammed into his face, he began to chew. “Mpprhhhm.” He responded happily. He peered past Desiree and reached to snatch up another cookie.


    Jenna released a content chuckle as she heard the purring noises from her husband. So, she continued to scrach the top of his head. However, after a bit, her fingers wandered down to poke his forehead.

    “Wake up, my warrior. How are our children?”

    Desiree triumphantly grinned as Kalysto seemed to be converted upon chewing on the cookie. So, she permitted him to take another one before she nudged him. “Let’s get home so that we can put these things up and eat them properly.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Mmm…” Sephiroth responded with an unintelligable groan. “Children… some are at home… more are here…. one of them woke me up… I stole food from another… that is only mine through the rite of marriage.” He sat up, rubbing at his eyes. “They’re all fine from what I could assess. Why?”

    “Mmrrrphhh.” Kalysto responded again, his tone calm as he nodded his head. Some stray crumbs flew out of his mouth as he continued chewing and he moved away from the back, returning to his passenger seat. He set the hot food off to one side, more interested in devouring his cookies in the immediate.


    Jenna lifted her left eyebrow as she listened to Sephiroth before she leaned in closer to him. “You stole food from one of our children? Seph…”

    Still, she only chuckled, for she knew that was just like him. Thus, there was no point in scolding him. “Anyway, I was talking about the newborns. I wanted to know how they were doing.”

    Desiree was not bothered in the least that Kalysto wanted to eat the cookies that she had bought. She knew that he would like them, and she was right. So, she strapped herself into the vehicle before she drove off home. Once, home, she nudged Kalysto.

    “Help me carry in these boxes.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “They’re on the small side,” Sephiroth frowned. “So they’re in special humidity cribs until they grow a bit bigger. We will have them home within the week, however.” He didn’t seem terribly concerned. “The doctor has commented on the formation of their spines and wants to run some tests. Until then, you might want to be near them for feeding purposes. Though… there are three of them. It may be challenging.”

    Kalysto nodded his head. He headed for the back to grab some of the boxes when Desiree opened the trunk, loading his arms up with about as many as he could manage before he headed for the front door.
    Because his hands were full, he had no means to knock on the door, and so he sharply kicked it with his boot.

    “Hey Rhy, you suck!” He yelled. “Open the door!”


    “Oh the small side? I suppose we couldn’t expect them all to be the right size, huh? They are triplets. I mean.. that’s the reason, right?” Jenna attempted. “And… Interested about their spines? Where’s Zach. I want to hear what he knows.”

    Desiree gathered up boxes as well before she moved to the doorway. However, unlike her husband, she just used her psychic abilities to open the door up for them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head. “It will only be a matter of hours before he picks one of them up and sees their spines. All three of them have dragon-ridges along their backs. It’s not noticable or prominent, but they’re fascinated.”

    Rhyderi was already heading for the door when it opened in front of him. He stepped aside when Kalysto and Desiree walked through the door. “Ah, welcome back. We had a good time I think.”


    “If that’s the least of it, then they’ll have no issues blending in with the surrounding populus,” Jenna commented. “A pity that we have to deal with the humans..”

    “Unca Deri spent all the time on the floor!” Orpheus blurted out. “He nearly pass out.”

    Desiree paused as she set the boxes down on the kitchen table before she stared at her son. “Is that so?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi frowned at this comment and glanced off to one side. “I was attacked by your beasts. One of them tried to prove a point…” He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. We had fun when we had put our minds to it.”

    “Human curiousity is a dangerous yet necessary thing of this world.” Sephiroth snorted. “Let them inspect the youngsters, let them think that they are advancing in their medicine and research. As long as nothing is harmed…” He hissed lightly.


    “Oh… I’m sorry about that,” Desiree apologized in place of the demons that lived in the household. “I’ll make certain that they don’t attack you again. They are usually well-behaved.”

    Orpheus trotted over to the kitchen table before he climbed up so that he could look at the boxes of pastries that were being set out. “Ooooh.”

    “Hrmph, that isn’t quite what I meant,” Jenna shook her head at her mate’s words. “I just mean that humans are generally such a destructive and uncouth species. It is amazing that the powers that be permit them to be dominant species on any planet… To be honest, the feline’s people are much more respectful of the land they live on.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Usually….” Rhyderi frowned at Desiree’s assessment of the demons. He made a rather heavy sigh and lowered his head. When he saw the boxes of pastry and cake coming in, he raised his brows again.

    “Did you buy any actual food?” He frowned further, “Or is all of that simply cake and breaded treats?”

    “Phhh…” Sephiroth snorted. “The strongest and pushiest species survive. That’s how it has always been. Powers that be shouldn’t interfere with what is.”


    “Of course we got food, Rhyderi. I did tell you that we were going to get dinner and visit with my father. We ate there… Well, I did. Kalysto had his food stolen.. But that’s not important,” Desiree firmly stated.

    “And it is perfectly fine for us to stock up on treats.”

    “I just meant that the higher powers stood aside and let the more destructive species take precedence… Such stupidity. If not for the fact that our children share genetics with the humans… I’d… hrmph,’ Jenna simply shook her head.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth shook his head at Jenna. “You can’t kill them. That already occured. They’re not the dominant species on the planet any longer. As it is, they only continue to exist because of the preservation thing that occured on this set of islands.” He snorted. “Leave them be now. What’s done is done.”

    “Just don’t stock up on so many treats that you’re not going anywhere.” Rhyderi waggled a finger at Desiree. “They will eventually make you fat. Or tired. Or… I don’t know.” He sighed. “It will teach your children bad eating habits.”

    Kalysto shrugged and reached into one of the boxes to snatch up another cookie.


    “Hrmph… Their dominance has only been challenged. There are still many other strongholds than this set of islands, Seph. There’s one not too far from where Paris is, for instance,” Jenna explained. “Still… yes, I suppose you’re right.”

    “Hrmph, this will last us well over the week. We’re not going to eat them all now,” Desiree countered. “Anyway, you try to be pregnant and say something like that!”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t see how half a bakery is going to sustain you for just a week… for me, there’s at least three months worth of cake, cookies and pastry there.” Rhyderi frowned, waggling a finger. “I’m a boy. I’m never going to get pregnant. You’re not very knowledgable in that sort of thing, are you…”

    Sephiroth nodded his head. “Dragons are the dominant species now. It hasn’t been easy, but yes. Now things are in their favour. They could crush us if they wanted to.”


    “There’s more than just myself in this household,” Desiree explained with an exasperated tone as she put away some more boxes. “Milena has quite the hunger, and there’s my husband.. Anyway, it won’t just be me.”

    The young woman then frowned at Rhyderi. “It was a figure of speech. However, my mother knows how to turn males into females. Want me to fix that issue for you, hm?”

    “The dragons are not dominant, Seph. There’s only a few hundred thousand of them. They are a recovering species that barely has a population. Each one you’ve killed has been a major blow to them,” Jenna explained. “Do not think that they have any higher ground. They don’t.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi raised a hand rather quickly. “No thank you,” His response was firm. “I don’t need to be a lady. I rather enjoy being a male. Besides… I wouldn’t fit into my armor any longer if that happened.” His next sound was a rather awkward laugh. “Yes, I am content with the way I am.”

    “You would look better as a woman.” Kalysto grunted in irritation. “And you would be less hormonal.”

    “Only a few hundred thousand of them? There’s still plenty of opportunity for them to rise up.” Sephiroth frowned. “The large mother dragon in Midgar can also probably produce hundreds of them a year.”


    “Heh, well, there’s no way for us to know that, Kalysto,” Desiree chuckled out at her husband’s quip. “I just meant that Rhyderi can’t say that it’s impossible for him to become pregnant. My father was… Well, it’s possible.”

    Desiree shrugged before she pulled out a coconut-filled cupcake so that she could munch on it.

    Jenna narrowed her eyes as she thought about what Sephiroth had stated before she shrugged. “I cannot honestly answer that one. Tiamat has been… inactive for a very long time. Her capabilities are completely unknown.”

    Shrugging, Jenna decided to give up on the subject. Instead, she slipped off her bed so that she could move into Sephiroth’s lap and snuggle with him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi waved his arms about. looking genuinely worried. “I assure you I’m very much all right. I don’t need to become pregnant. I’m very content in my solitude.” He sighed, relaxing his arms once more. “That’s just not something I want to consider.”

    Sephiroth frowned. “You should be in bed and resting further. You shouldn’t be sitting here…” Despite his words, he didn’t push her away.


    “Heh, I am betting the day that you fall for someone, Rhyderi, you’re going to fall hard,” Desiree chuckled out as she ate her cupcake. “Kalysto will probably want to videotape that exact moment.”

    Jenna gave her mate a confident smirk. “Oh, but I can relax and rest on you. You make a very comfortable pillow.”

    The sorceress pressed herself against her husband as she said this. Soon enough, she rested her head on his left shoulder.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head at Desiree, shrugging. “Ah perhaps. We need to consider a few things before venturing down that path, however… I think all of us need to consider it.” He rubbed at his arm and began to pry the bandage off. “Did you know demons could heal? I did not.”

    Sephiroth moved his arms around Jenna, patting her back. He gave her a rather content grin and leaned back in the chair as far as he could despite the fact that the backrest didn’t move.

    “It must be good to have that over with, hmm?”


    “Demons can heal? Yea, I knew that. There’s all the talk about healthstones and stuff like that. Magic is magic, no matter the source. The source isn’t as important as how it is used,” Desiree explained. “Someone could use your holy stuff for nefarious purposes, for instance.”

    “Yes, I’m very glad that is over with. Very, very glad. It feels much better now,” Jenna confirmed. Meanwhile, her left hand wandered to the back of Sephiroth’s head so that she could gently knead her fingers through his hair.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes, I am aware that the Light’s justice can be peverted for personal gain. Which is most strange if we consider the fact that the Light does not always accept one in the first place. Or at all. Yet, it tolerates perversion and continues to accept the one weilding it…”

    With that, he sat down and began to unravel the bandage from his arm. He picked at the protective wound padding covering the injury he had received and pulled it off entirely so he could inspect what was underneath. What he found was a perfectly healed mark, stitches still embedded in the flesh. He poked at them, frowning.

    “I think I require a pair of scissors.”

    A slow gentle content grin creeped it’s way across Sephiroth’s face and he leaned forward to rest his head against Jenna, a low purr escaping him another moment later.

    “The next few months are going to be chaos, you know.” He smirked.


    “I cannot explain that for you, Rhyderi. All I can say is that the source is not as important as the purpose as to how it’s being weilded,” Desiree repeated. “And Kalysto, give Rhyderi your dagger so that he could get rid of those stitches.”

    “When aren’t thing chaotic in our lives, Seph,” Jenna murmured out. “I am a chaos worshiper. I thrive in chaos..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto glanced down at his dagger, removing it from its place at his side. He checked it over before shrugging, handing it off to his brother. “Don’t get your blood on it. I don’t want your smelly Paladin magic all over it either.”

    “The Light has no scent. I cannot say the same for demonic-taint, however.” Rhyderi’s response was very calm as he took the dagger from his brother. Once he had a proper hold of it, he began to neatly cut the stitches, and then carefully pulled them out of his flesh with relative ease. He poked at the skin to examine what was left over. The area was scarred, but not nearly as bad as some of the other scars that already existed on his body.

    “Thank you.” He handed the dagger back to Kalysto, then began to tidy up the mess of bandages and such around him.

    “Yeah, yeah…” Kalysto hissed as he took the dagger back. “You know,” He turned to Desiree, idly nudging her shoulder. “Don’t think that was a nice gesture. I only did that because you asked me to.”

    “Try not to think about it right now,” Sephiroth grinned at her. “Just try going back to sleep.”

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