Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    “I didn’t say that we needed to decide on a name today, Kalysto. I was just saying that we know it’s going to be a male, so you can start compiling a list. There’s nothing wrong with tha-” Desiree then frowned as she watched Kalysto’s food vanish before her father stood up.

    So, she turned to look at him before she narrowed her eyes. “Yes… maybe… And did you just steal Kalysto’s food?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “We don’t need to decide on a name today or tomorrow, but it’s still bad form to name your child before it’s born.” Kalysto flicked an ear. “I appreciate what you’re doing, but it’s….” He looked down at the table. “What happened to my chicken?”

    Sephiroth just stared out the window, not answering Desiree’s question.


    Desiree frowned even more before she shook her head. “My father clearly stole your chicken, Kalysto. He does enjoy using his abilities to teleport in order to steal things. Hrmph.. he isn’t even bothering to admit it.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled, shaking his head. “I have no need for stealing things.”

    Kalysto looked down at his fork, then back at Sephiroth. He sniffed the air, attempting to mentally sift through the smells that were already lingering in the air. He couldn’t track their movement, much less work out where his food had gone.

    “It just vanished.” He pointed to the spot where the scent trail had ended.


    “Yes, Kalysto. Your food just vanished, I watched it happen. I know exactly how it vanished too. Father, please give Kalysto back his food. If you want more, I can buy more in a few minutes,” Desiree firmly requested. “And stop denying it. There’s only two present who can teleport away food.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled further. He turned on his heels and headed out of the common-room, making his way back to the nursery door, not saying a word as he departed.

    Kalysto watched him walk away, flicking his left ear in discontentment. “Huh… is he usually like that? He stole my food, but… that was just rude.”


    Desiree shook her head at her father. ~I will tell mother what you did, Father. Don’t think that I’m going to forget about this..~

    Sighing, the woman returned to her own meal. “Kalysto, I suggest you confront him. He’s clearly… not wanting to admit to what he did.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto headed back over to the coffee machine now that he had nothing to do with his fork. “It’s gone, Desiree. Don’t worry about it.” He pinned his ears back, glancing down at his fork. He popped the end in his mouth, licking the remains of the sauce off it. “Oh well.” He shrugged.

    Sephiroth peered in through the glass to the nursery, then headed into Jenna’s room. He quietly slipped into the room, peering over at her to see if she was awake or not yet.


    Desiree released a discontent harumph at Kalysto’s words before she shook her head. “Yea, yea. Father still shouldn’t have done that.”

    Still, the woman finished off her food before she stood up to trash her container and fork. “Well, shall we go get those pastries now? I really could use some cupcakes.”

    Jenna was still peacefully sleeping. She had an exhausting day, and her body was enjoying the down time. So, she was unaware that Sephiroth had come in to check up on her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto picked up another styrofoam cup so he could make himself some tea. He nodded at Desiree’s words, holding the plastic cup once his tea was ready. “Sure. Cupcakes would be nice. I like those ones that the bakery makes with the pink icing.”

    Sephiroth sat at the chair nearby Jenna’s bed and teleported his stolen food from subspace so he could resume eating.


    Desiree strode over to Kalysto’s side so that she could gently stroke his mid-back area in affection. After giving him a few strokes, she grinned at him before she walked out of the room. Once outside of the hospital, she climbed into the SUV and started it up.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto carried his cup of tea with him as he followed her out to the SUV. He took his seat in the car and began to sip the tea, not entirely sure whether he liked it or not.

    “We’re going to pick up some cookies, aren’t we?” He raised his ears hopefully. “Also, more of that food I had before. Seeing as though mine was stolen from me…”


    “Sure, we’ll pick up all the food that you want, my love,” Desiree assured her husband as she shifted into gear so that she could drive off to the bakery. “We can even get another type of food. Whatever your heart desires.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto shrugged his shoulders. “I just wanted my dinner back, that’s all. Hey, if your dad wanted to be pushy about it, more power to him. But… well he’s a thief. I’m almost sure he did it just because he could, you know.”

    “I want a cookie…”


    “Well… My father did steal the black materia… So, yea… He does have a history of thievery,” Desiree stated. “Though not as badly as my mother. She just takes what she wants no matter what… Oh, we’ll just get you more food. And cookies, cake, pie, and cupcakes. Does that sound good?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto grinned with glee, his ears raised high over his head. He gave Desiree a rather enthusiastic nod and sipped on his tea, relaxing in the seat again.

    “Buy some Silver Needle tea if you can find it, too,” He grinned further, wondering if he was pushing his luck now. He finished off his cup and crushed it, tossing it in with the rubbish bag in the front of the SUV.


    Desiree chuckled at her husband’s enthusiasm, enjoying each moment of it. She loved that she had such a spirited husband.

    “I’ll check up on that, but no promises,” Desiree purred at her husband. After a few moments, she pulled up to the strip mall that had the bakery before she nudged Kalysto’s shoulder. “Well, go get your dinner. I’ll be in the bakery.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded. He was happy to get out of the car and stretch. When he had the opportunity to slip away he did so willingly, first heading into the Thai food store so that he could order himself another serving of Thai chicken. When he was told to wait, he slipped out of the store and began to wander around, curious to see what else he could peek at.


    Desiree strolled into the pastery shop before she began to browse the displays. After a few minutes of thinking, she began ordering various cookies and cupcakes. She grinned as she found varous confections of flavors ranging from cherry to pumpkin and ordered to her heart’s content. By the end of it, she had enough sweets to feed her family for well over a week.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto wandered through the shopping area, eyeing off things he might like to buy. He decided to take a quick detour into the men’s room due to the amount of tea he had consumed, but was back outside and exploring within minutes.

    He had no idea where Desiree was so he simply returned to the Thai restaurant to wait for his order to be finished.


    Desiree hummed in pleasure as she was handed several boxes full of pastries and sweets. Sadly, she had bought too much for her to carry in one load, so she decided to leave some behind as she loaded up the SUV. She also decided to leave Kalysto be, for she thought that he was still getting his dinner. So, she began to load up the vehicle on her own, putting the packages into the rear seats.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto walked out of the Thai food shop with his dinner replacement, and then headed off to the car. He eyed off Desiree, whom was still packing the food into it, and raised his eyebrows at the amount of food she was packing.

    “Um…” He frowned, “What did you buy exactly?”


    “Oh, nothing much. Just cookies, cupcakes, cakes, matzipan treats… pumpkin-filled cupcakes…. Stuff..,” Desiree rattled off as she piled the boxes into the vehicle. As she emptied her hands, she moved back into the bakery so that she could gather more boxes of food that she had bought.

    Meanwhile, Jenna released a soft groan as she finally began to rouse out of her sleep. She reached up to rub her eyes before she groaned in frustration. “Where… Oh right..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth had his head down and was asleep beside Jenna on the bed. He was rather heavily asleep and his head twisted at an awkward angle, causing him to snore. He didn’t have a care in the world right now, and because he was close to his mate, he was content.

    Kalysto flicked an ear, frowning rather heavily. “How much crap did you buy anyway.” He sat his meal down in the car seat, then hopped around the back to watch Desiree load it all in. “Holy fucking shit.” He paused. “Sorry for the words, but…. seriously. Why?”


    Jenna stared up at the ceiling for a few more moments as she worked on making her mind process thigns again. Once she was awake enough to think, she tilted her head toward the sound of the snoring. Thus, the sorceress spotted the silver-haired warrior who was not doing a good job of watching over her. Jenna released a soft chuckle as she reached out to gently scratch the top of her husband’s head.

    Desiree grinned at Kalysto, “It all looked so good. It’ll be eaten. You’ll see. And here,” Desiree suddenly moved in to stuff one of the cookies in Kalysto’s mouth. “Isn’t this heavenly?”

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