Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Jenna smirked to herself before she gripped onto Sephiroth’s shoulders. After a bit of shifting about, she tried to guide him so that his face was rested right between her boobs.

    “Hrm… Perhaps, but I don’t think it’s too bad of a issue. I’m not about to accept the idea of going abstinent. Nor do I want to deal with those rubber things. They don’t compare to the real deal…”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed with slight resignation. “I’m sure there are other things. Do you want to keep having children forever? We were made immortal at a very prime age for sexual prowess and fertility, I hope you do realize that.”

    “I don’t know about you…” He muttered, “But I don’t want to discover I have 30 offspring one day.”


    Jenna softly muttered, “Yes, but our offspring are also growing up and having offspring of their own… So, it’s not like we’ll ever have that many at one time. We just need to kick Zach and Cancer out of the house..”

    As she finished speaking, she reached up to brush her fingers through Sephiroth’s hair. “Enjoying your view there?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed. “That wasn’t my point….” He glanced forwards and reached out to give her breasts a gentle prodding, returning his arm to his side again. “When does it end? When do we get a break from it? When do we say it’s said and done and enjoy doing something else for a while?” He closed his eyes, still seeming very discontent.

    “I can barely keep my attention divided fairly among the ones we have now. And you’re fine about collecting more of them?”


    Jenna sighed at Sephiroth before she tugged on his bangs in a loving manner. “Oh, you say this sort of stuff every time I get pregnant. But once I’m no longer pregnant, you forget all about these worries. I think you just need to get to sleep anyway. You need your beauty sleep.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Tch… beauty sleep.. you’re serious, aren’t you.” He yawned. “It’s still early, I can catch up on some more reading before I fall asleep properly.” He nodded, then teleported a book to his hands, propping it up on Jenna’s breasts.

    “See – another good use for them.”


    “You’ve already found that out before, my love. However, I’m not going to stop you,” Jenna teased back. “It’s not like I don’t get to have a good view of you as well.”

    As Jenna spoke, she lifted her left leg so that she could rub it against Sephiroth’s inner thigh. She also softly hummed, for she wanted him to be comfortable and tired.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth smirked and continued to read, almost deteermined to show that he could stay awake for a long time if needed. Thus, he sat there and continued his reading, looking smug and content. Over the next hour or so however, his eyelids became rather heavy.


    Jenna continuedd to massage Sephiroth with various techniques, using both her hands and legs to access Sephiroth. As she did this, she continued to hum to him. As Sephiroth finally started showing signs of tire, Jenna smirked.

    “I bet Seres is glad that I’m pregnant. You forgot all about her injury.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Well Seres thought wrong, didn’t she… she needs to be accompanied by somebody of a higher rank at all times now… jumping into a situation like that is idiotic and suicidal…”

    He mumbled. “And yes, I am more worried about the fact that you are pregnant..” He scowled. “Seres’s injuries heal in time.. pregnancy turns into more children which is a permanent issue…”


    Jenna rolled her eyes at her husband’s sentiments before she tried to push him onto his back. “Oh, come on now. When you were her age, you did things ten times more stupid. You and I both know that.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “When I was her age,” Sephiroth grumbled, “I was in a war situation. Aside from one or two incidents, my side won because of me. I had more training. I had more skill, also… Seres is still learning.”

    He sighed. “We’ve been too soft on her, you know. If we wanted her to be head of the military, I would have needed to start on her when she was five.”


    “You did start teaching her how to combat when she was five, Seph… Remember, you, her, wooden swords,” Jenna groaned at Sephiroth’s stubbornness. After a moment she narrowed her eyes. “And I distinctly remember you making a whole lot of dumb mistakes at her age. If you don’t believe me, I can always prove it.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed. “No,” He said sharply. “That’s all right. I don’t need you to prove anything. All I really need right now is to assess the situation and choose somebody out to keep an eye on the girl. If she had a higher-ranked companion, maybe she wouldn’t get into so much trouble.”


    “Hrmph,” Jenna pouted at the fact that Sephiroth rejected her proposal without even hearing it out. She then snorted as she looked to the side. “I still think you should at least see if I’m right nor not. If I’m right, just put her through extra training for a few weeks, if you’re right, do your crazy idea.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth was scowling at Jenna now. He spoke firmly and clearly. “No. I do not want to see if you are right or not. You do not need to drag me into the past or show me a window to the past to prove something I’m not arguing against.”

    He snorted. “I will give her a more knowledgable soldier until she learns.”


    “Hrmph, I said nothing about dragging you into the past..,” Jenna was still a bit down about the fact that her fun was being spoiled. So, she snorted before she shook her head. “And no other soldier in your unit would get that sort of treatment for such a minor injury as what she had.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “No other soldier is an offspring of me and you either.” Sephiroth scowled. “Let me handle it, Jenna. She’ll be annoyed at first but a companion would be good for her. I had one of my own, remember?” He scowled. “Even if he was an idiot and set me up a few times. And got me drunk…”


    Jenna sighed at Sephiroth before she shrugged. “Fine, though I think you’ll still be singling her out if you did that.”

    After a few moments of staring up at the ceiling, Jenna spoke out again, “Can we please still test out if you’d be better than her at her age… I want to have some fun.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth scowled. “No.” He said again, his voice firm. “I do not want to be turned into a child or similar, I don’t want to be changed around with. I just want to lie here and go to sleep tonight.”


    “But I don’t get to do anything any more…,” Jenna actually pouted. “Please, it wouldn’t even take a day. You owe me for making me pregnant.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “This is my fault?” Sephiroth was agitated now. “You’re the one who wanted to have sex with me!” He made a loud huffing noise and sat up to glare at her. “It’s as much my fault as it is yours. You’re so damn enticing with your… your… curvy parts and female shape.”

    He grunted. “One day, we are going to get a break.”


    “Hrmph… you still owe me. Come on, only a few hours, just to see if I’m right or if you would actually would do better than what Seres is doing now. I don’t get to do anything but sit there now of days. If I mess around with the humans or anyone, you get angry… And if I did it without your permission.. We’d argue then have angry sex in the eve-“

    She stopped her sentence then smirked as she realized what she was saying.

    Kat Aclysm

    “I said no. Just stop asking, my answer is not going to change.” Sephiroth scowled, his mood genuinely soured by Jenna’s persistance. “Check the records. You know what I was like when I was her age. You do not need to do anything. I’m not arguing with you, there is absolutely no need to do anything. I’ve told you already, I don’t want to be messed around with this evening. I want to lie here and be comfortable. I’m telling you no. Accept it and leave me alone.”


    “No, this evening is too late anyway. That would just be a pain when we could sleep in peace… But tomorrow…,” Jenna murmured, still clearly not wanting to give up on the idea that she’s latched onto. “Come on, Seph. It’ll be fun.”

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