Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Orpheus once again hummed as he considered what Rhyderi told him. Upon deciding that the description sounded good enough, he eagerly nodded. “I wanna try that.”

    Meanwhile, Desiree reached over to gently scratch the back of Kalysto’s head. “Well, if you wtill have gold left over from what Rhyderi gave you, you will.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto closed his eyes, a slow content grin growing rapidly across his face. “Haha… fuck that… you know how much money we spent on things? On books and rubbish and supplies… I don’t even know if we have enough money to get home…”

    Rhyderi’s left eye twitched. “You’re paying for this food.”


    “We don’t need money to get home, Kalysto. No one else aside from us here know where our home is. If they did, they wouldn’t have marked me with that accursed thing,” Desiree tiredly explained to her husband.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Still not paying for it… do you have any idea how much this is gonna cost… we better eat up the dessert.. then sit around longer.. then run.” He nodded. “That’s what I plan on doing. Look in the sack, there’s not much money left.” He glanced at Rhyderi. “Unless you want to bail us out again.”

    Rhyderi glared daggers at his brother, saying nothing.


    Desiree grumbled in frustration before she looked around the room. “You do realize that we’re surrounded by elves, not humans. They can hear your plans, Kalysto. How can they not hear you?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi snorted. “He doesn’t think about these things. The Guards across the street can hear his plans. The second he steps out, they’re going to have to take him in. And if I want to continue to have any worth as a Blood Knight, I will take him in myself.”

    Kalysto groaned. “Relax. It’s a joke.”


    Desiree grumbled at Kalysto, “It’s not a very funny joke, Kalysto. We’ve already gotten into trouble once here. Try to keep that in mind..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Sheesh.” Kalysto scowled. “Fine. Fine…” He shook his head, folded his arms and began to pout. “No more humorous commentary for you.” He picked up his fork, jabbed it into a hunk of roast potato and chewed on it, his expression soured.


    Desiree sighed at Kalysto’s pouting. So, she scooted closer to him before she hugged onto him.

    “Oh, settle down. I love your sense of humor. However, now isn’t the time,” Desiree assured her husband. However, she quickly pulled away from him when the ice cream came so that she could eat.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi glared at the ice-cream bowls when they came around. He rose to his feet and stepped outside, leaving the family to munch through their desserts, standing near the guards.

    Kalysto picked at his dessert for he was nearly full anyway. He stabbed his spoon into the fruit pieces, leaving much of the ice-cream behind. “I’m done.” He said finally, dropping the bowl onto the table.


    Desiree happily finished her own ice cream. Upon noticing that Kalysto was leaving some behind, she helped herself to his left-overs before she nudged him.

    “Go ahead and pay for this. Then, we’ll go home.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “But I don’t wanna pay for it…. you pay for it?” Kalysto hugged onto the bag of gold to his chest, then sighed. He opened it and began to count out enough to pay for the meal and desserts, shoving the small pile into the innkeeper’s hands.

    “Keep the change….” He grumbled. “For a tip. Or something. And thanks for allowing these ones to dine here.” He pointed to Desiree, Milena and Orpheus. After that was done he moved to his feet also, stepping outside. He was immediately grabbed by Rhyderi, whom promptly twisted his arm behind his back and forcefully bent him down.

    “You’ve gone far enough. I know what you were planning.” Rhyderi huffed at him. “I am sorry, but not even I can turn a blind eye to your thieving ways. I can’t let you go any further, lest you blacken our name further than you already have.”

    “Oww!” Kalysto began to yell, flinching, going limp and cowering, submitting to the stronger male. “What the hell are you doing!? I paid for the food, it was a joke!”


    Desiree nodded in appreciation as well, waving at the waitress. “Thank you. The food was good. We appreciated it.”

    With that said, she got up to follow her husband out of the building. When Rhyderi attacked Kalysto, she yelped before she scowled at him. “What the fuck are you doing, Rhyderi?”

    Desiree then grit her teeth before she used her psychic powers in an attempt to disorient and possible knock out Rhyderi and the guards surrounding him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi gritted his teeth when the mental barrage attacked his mind. He stumbled backwards, heavily confused. He lost consciousness a moments later and fell backwards as he let go of his brother, harmlessly clattering onto the ground.

    Kalysto stood up again, dusting himself off. “Wh… why did you do that?” He crouched down, feeling his brother’s neck for a pulse. It was then he looked at the guards nearby, and began to cringe. “We need to run. Before more guards come…”


    “Well, he attacked us first. It was self defense,” Desiree retalliated. “I don’t know what the hell got up his butt, but…”

    Desiree shook her head and sent another psychic attack at the nearby guards to buy them more time. After she felt secure enough, she channeled her energies to make a portal back to their home at Mideel. Thus, a large rift between worlds formed in front of Desiree after a few moments.

    “Take the children and go. I’ll get Rhyderi.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto panicked slightly at the scene around him. He grabbed at Milena and Orpheus’s hands, gripping onto them firmly. He nodded and stepped for the portal, mumbling. “Come on, kids. We need to leave, right now.”

    “But…” Milena whined at the Portal. She had no choice though, Kalysto was in too much of a hurry and dragged her through.


    Desiree didn’t tarry around, for she knew that they were in a lot of trouble. So, she rushed to Rhyderi so that she could grab onto him. Once she had a firm grip on the paladin’s shoulders, she dragged him through the portal. Without wasting any more time, Desiree stepped through the portal herself after her family and Rhyderi had passed through.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto held onto his children as he went through the portal, hugging them against him, one arm around each one as if their very lives depended on it. He was dumped onto the ground shortly afterwards, sitting up.

    “Whew… are you guys alright? Did you see your mother yet?” He let go of them finally, relieved to be back in Mideel. “We probably can’t go back to Silvermoon now…”


    Orpheus whined as he was deposted on the other side of the portal with his father. All that had happened had upset him, and he was not happy in the least. So, his ears pinned back as he began to sniffle and cry.

    Meanwhile, Desiree grunted as she stubled over Rhyderi upon exitting the portal. The young woman mumbled under her breath as she stood up so that she could dust herself off. Meanwhile, the rift between worlds sparked as it remained open for the time being.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sat up, not willing to get to his feet immediately. His one arm was already hugging onto Orpheus so he merely put his hand across his back, stroking the child gently as he cried. He didn’t like portals very much either, so he could hardly blame his son for it.

    Rhyderi lay on the ground, still very much unconscious for now.


    Desiree finished dusting herself off before she turned her attention to the portal behind her. After a few minutes, she hissed in frustration before she backed off.

    “We may need to get my mather… I can’t close it…”

    Sighing, Desiree gave up on the portal and instead worked on waking up Rhyderi.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded. “Let me get her before all the Guards, Soldiers and Magisters of Silvermoon come charging through thinking they’re being attacked again…” He ran off towards Sephiroth and Jenna’s house, leaving Desiree with their children.

    Rhyderi made a weak pathetic sound, but refused to move.


    Desiree bit her bottom lip in frustratoin as she looked at the portal. She really wished that it would just disapate or close, but she couldn’t make it happen at all. She feared that she screwed it up in her panic.

    Still, she decide to concentrate on Rhyderi. So, she knelt down to his level before she slapped him in the face. “Wake up, you idiot!”

    Meanwhile, Jenna was happily sleeping in her bed, unaware of any drama caused by elves and idiot children.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto heavily panted with exhaustion by the time he had made it to Jenna’s door. While not unfit, he wasn’t used to running like that. He reached up to knock on the door, bashing it a few times before he pressed the doorbell repeatedly. He hoped the loud noise he was making would be understood as desperation by somebody. The situation certainly wasn’t something to casually trifle with.

    “Hey!” He yelled. “Open up! Help!” It was the middle of the day, so he figured that his chances of having somebody respond were pretty good.


    Jenna groaned as the noise irritated her rest to a point. However, she still refused stubborn to wake, for she did enjoy her sleep.

    Instead, she growled out in her sleep, “Seph, take care of that… Stab them..”

    Meanwhile, Xelong walked away from his pearch on the roof to stare down at Kalysto. ~You noisy!~

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