Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #50152
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi wriggled about in discomfort after a time, moving to lie on his back. He put his hands behind his head and stared up at the ceiling, just considering the events of the day. Even though it was darkening outside, the city was still abuzz with activity. He continued to lay on his back for a time, then sighed, getting to his feet to go take a walk.

    Even though there was no lock on the inn door or anything, he knew that Kalysto’s family would be safe.


    Desiree remained asleep, hugging onto her two children as she napped on. She was unaware that Rhyderi had come in and out of the room. So, the fact that she was alone in an unlocked room did not bother her at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto returned to the inn room, wearing a rather cosy looking purple and blood-red robe with gold embroidery. It had also come with a cowl attached to it, so he pulled it over his head, poking his ears through the holes on the top of the fabric. He subtly snuck into the room when he heard deep even breathing inside, then settled down on the other free bed in the room, curling up to sleep.

    Rhyderi returned some time later, taking up the other bed in the room.


    Desiree realeased a soft groan as she felt a weight fall onto the bed that she was resting on. After a few moments, her eyes fluttered open to look in the direction of the shift in weight. Upon spotting her husband, the young woman grinned.

    “Why, hello there, handsome.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “My robes look manly.” Kalysto stated rather proudly as he inched over to plant a kiss on his wife’s nose. “And you look comfortable despite the fact we’re sleeping in the middle of a hell-hole. Well.. it’s no four star accomadation…”


    Desiree’s grin widened at Kalysto’s words before she slid over a bit to kiss the tip of his nose. “Oh, so you’re allowed to call yourself manly. However, if I do it, I’m calling yourself a human, huh? How does that work, mister grand warlock of the nether?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It’s the double standards policy of Kalysto incorporated.” He smirked. “You’re not really supposed to understand it. Just nod your head a few times and hum.” He purred at her, then moved an arm around her. “Now shut up and go to sleep.”

    “You aren’t going to make out, are you.” Rhyderi suddenly spoke up. He had been lying on his back, having trouble sleeping. “Should I leave?”


    “Oh, so you’re allowed to have double-standards now, huh? I don’t get any say in this, hm?” Desiree teased back. Even though she was complaining about Kalysto, a grin was planted on her lips. “Did you at least find any new developments out there? And no, Rhyderi, we’re not going to make out.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi muttered. “Good. Don’t do impure things with your children around.” He hummed. “Actually, it’s not impure… its just meant to be a private shared union. Emphasis on the private part.”

    “Emphasis on my private part?” Kalysto sat up, cruelly grinning. “That’s pretty gross you know. I’m married. And I’m your brother.”

    “Oh shut your face, Kalysto.” Rhyderi hissed, on the verge of losing his temper. “That’s not even what I meant!”

    “Make me.” Kalysto sat up, smirking victoriously at his brother.

    “Oh I wish I could….” Rhyderi clenched his fists and turned his back on Kalysto, huffing angrily as he rolled onto his side, saying no more.


    Desiree reached in to pinch Kalysto’s left ear in order to prompt him into stopping his argument with his brother. “Enough of that. You know what he meant, Kalysto. Now, drop it. And, you didn’t answer my question.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto’s eyes widened and he froze in pain. He instinctively reached up to cover the pinched ear, whining. “That hurt….” He sighed. “I’m sorry. It’s just funny, and too easy.”

    “Go to sleep.” Rhyderi hissed finally. “All of us.”


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Rhdyeri’s request as she let go of Kalysto’s ear. “We’re not small children, Rhyderi. We can choose on our own when we want to sleep. And I still want to know if Kalysto found anything new or of use out there, aside from his new clothing.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sighed. “Alchemist closed early. Couldn’t peek at their book selection. Couldn’t grab vials to research either.” He shrugged. “But tomorrow is another day. Maybe I’ll show the kids how to blow stuff up with simple herbs.” He grinned. “That is, if Orphy permits us to cut up the plants for the elixers.”


    “Ah, I see… Didn’t think it was that late. I must have slept for quite some time. It was only just past midday when Orpheus went to sleep… Oh well,” Desiree mused as she shifted about to snuggle with her husband.

    “Hopefully we’ll remain safe here for the remainder of our visit…”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It’s Orgrimmar.” Kalysto announced firmly, as if that was all the explanation in the world needed. “This is the iron-clad capital of the Horde.” He smirked. “You’d sooner find a dead dragon at the gates than be harmed here.”

    He hummed in thought. “Unless they think you’re a human. Then you’re fucking screwed.”


    “I am a human, Kalysto. Nor am I part of this Horde thing,” Desiree attempted to remind her husband. She then sighed and shook her head. “Let’s just get some sleep. We can get books and whatever else might be of use tomorrow, and, if you think it’s important, we can talk to this Thrall guy..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yeah, Thrall. I’ll explain everything in secret to him.” He nodded. “Now shush and go to sleep. If anyone comes in here, Rhy and I can kill them. And if he doesn’t want to, he’d really want to as he needs to protect a lady in harm. Especially if she is carrying an unborn child who happens to be his next nephew or niece.”

    Rhyderi flicked an ear. “…if she was in danger, I would kill them. I wouldn’t enjoy it. But I would have to do it.”


    Desiree released a soft chuckle at Kalysto and Rhyderi’s banter. “Alright, alright. I trust you two. Now, shut up so I can actually do that sleeping thing, hm?”

    Grinning, Desiree closed her eyes before she attempted to relax again. Thus, after several more moments, she slipped into a restful slumber once more. Thus, the pregnant woman remained asleep for the remainder of the night. However, she woke up quite early due to a number of things. First, there was a blare of horns from outside. Second, the windows had no blinds and the sun assaulted her straight on.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi had woken up at the sound of horns. He picked up his helm from where he had put it the night before and instinctively moved outside, wondering if the horn signified the cry of incoming battle. After a brief look around, he came back inside, his helm crashing onto the floor with careless abandon as he dropped it.

    He lay back down on the bed to resume sleeping.

    Meanwhile, Kalysto could sleep through anything and lay on his back, dead to the world.


    Desiree groaned as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She then frowned at the window. “Damn… Don’t thy believe in shades or something?”

    Yawning, the woman stretched before she glanced down at Kalysto. Chuckling at him, she reached in to flick his hair before she got up.

    “Guess I have to use that… outhouse thing..” So, Desiree sulked out of the inn in order to take care of business.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi flicked an ear at Desiree’s comment. He moved to his feet and followed her, poking her in the arm to gain her attention as he caught up to her. “Let me show you where it is. I can keep you safe.” He pinned his ears back suddenly as if having momentary issues speaking. “Besides… I require to use it also.”


    Desiree paused as she felt the poking. As she looked back, she gave Rhyderi a relieved grin before she nodded in agreement.

    “That sounds like a perfectly workable plan, Rhyderi. Thank you.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi nodded, his attention turning ahead of himself. He led the way through the inn and off the path to the side where a row of outhouses were lined up.

    “It’s unsavoury, and try not to look down. But… it’s essential.” He sighed.
    He motioned ahead of himself to the line, then headed for a free open one to use.


    Desiree gasps as she caught a whiff of the smell from the outhouses. After a moment, she covered her mouth and nose with her left hand before she stepped inside to take care of her business. Once that was done, she rushed back to the hotel room, for she didn’t want to be around those things longer than necessary.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto rolled onto his side when Desiree returned. He blinked sleepily, grinning at her as he watched her come into the room. “You didn’t get killed.” He sat up, stretching. “When the children are awake, we should find breakfast.”

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