Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #50102
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi frowned, looking worried. He lightly pushed past the doorway, then reached out to grab the Mage by the arm, hauling her into the inn room. Then he reached out to rest his other hand on the Mage’s shoulder. “We can talk. Just not out there. It’s too open and people may hear us.”

    Once both of them were in the room, he shut the door and moved to sit at the table where his food had been, motioning the mage over. “Sit.” He picked up a piece of semi-cold roast pork and resumed munching on it. “We’re all here. I’m sure we can answer each other’s questions.”


    The mage calmed down a bit as Rhyderi touched her, finally believing that he was really real and not some strange delusion. So, she just mutely nodded her head before she moved to follow after him. Upon sitting down, she twitched her ears and looked back at Kalysto and his wife.

    “Kalysto has kids? He not burn them? Things are strange..”

    Meanwhile, Desiree moved up to Kalysto so that she could check his cheek.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto fussed and fidgeted like a small child when Desiree inspected his cheek. “Ow!” He hissed at her. “Be careful.” He began to grumble and retreated from her, finally seating himself on the opposite bed. “Why would I burn my kids?” He growled at the Mage. “I happen to like them.”

    Rhyderi sighed. “Things are indeed strange. So why is Orgrimmar fortified? Did Thrall have some issues or something?”


    The mage hummed as she continued to look over the children then at Kalysto. “So very strange. Warlock not supposed to love. Never meant to have kids. Strange.. strange…”

    Her voice trailed off for a bit as she was lost in her thoughts. However, she snapped her attention back to Rhyderi as he mentioned Thrall. Laughing, the elf shook her head. “Did something happen to Thrall? Thrall gave up seat, that happen. Thrall not like being warchief, no no. Decided to go all shaman and leave Garrosh in charge. Garrosh say kill all that oppose. So, we fortify and make war.”

    Desiree groaned at Kalysto’s fussing; however, she didn’t give up. She just followed after him so that she continue trying to look over the damage to his cheek. “Will you sit still?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Warlocks aren’t meant to love and breed?” Kalysto pointed to Rhyderi. “Are you sure you’re not talking about his Paladin credos? He’s meant to be upright and noble and straight and all that kinda stuff. Plus I don’t think he’s ever had sex… I think they’re meant to be celibate.” He inched away from Desiree. “No… you’re hurting me. It hurts! Stop touching my face.”

    Rhyderi looked upset. “Thrall is gone? Damn… he was protective of us all. He kept the Horde together. I wonder what the new guy is like.” He frowned. “How are things here?


    Desiree groaned at Kalysto before she got to her feet and looked around. After a few moments of searching, she froze up completely before a large frown formed on her lips. “Umm… Where the hell is the bathroom?”

    Meanwhile, Psychopyro ignored most of what was going on and hummed to herself again. However, she blinked as she was addressed again. “Hmm..? How are things? Sharp, pointy, wary, dragony.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto scratched his head. “Uhh… outhouse. Probably near the Inn. Go ask a Guard.” He didn’t look very worried and was more concerned with himself and his throbbing sore cheek. “Or just go behind a building like I did when I was a kid every time I came up here…” He winced and turned to glare at the red-headed female. “You hit hard for a mage!”

    Rhyderi sighed. “I see.. so things aren’t likely to improve.” He looked sad and dissapointed.


    “Mmmm,” Psychopyro replied before she pushed herself to her feet and wandered to the door. “Thirsty, so want more to drink. Bye bye dead people. Drink, drink, drink…”

    With that said, the mage wandered off the the bar, seeming to have completely forgotten that she was angry at the two elves or that they were mysteriously back.

    Meanwhile, Desiree stared at Kalysto as if he had two heads. “Behind the building?? What sort of place is this? How can you not have a bathroom?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed as he watched the elf slip away. He shut the door behind her and sat back down at the table, cleaning up the plates nearby.

    “Easy,” Kalysto shrugged. “This place doesn’t have plumbing. We usually go to the outhouses. Or run into the desert and dig a hole. And…” He mumbled. “..some idiots here don’t even dig the hole.” He shrugged again, rubbing his cheek. “Sen’jin Village was like that too, though the Trolls dug latrines. When you come back, get me some ice.”


    Desiree scowled at Kalsyto’s words, not at all liking the idea of using an outhouse. Never in her life had she ever had to do something so… so… she couldn’t even think of an appropriate term for what it was. All she knew was that she was going to hold in anything that she needed to do. Not that she needed to go at the moment..

    “I was going to get you a moist washcloth, you foolish elf!” Rolling her eyes, Desiree glanced at Rhyderi before she nodded toward the door. “Can you go get the ice? I don’t want to risk having someone see through my disguise.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi moved to his feet, sighing heavily. “Come on.” He opened the door, then glanced back at Desiree, motioning for her to follow. “I will ask the innkeeper where the nearest outhouse is.”

    He stepped out into the main room and did just that. *”Desiree.”* He spoke to her telepathically. *”Is it urgent? There are some just outside the city. We are close by. It is only about a minute’s walk.”*


    Desiree groaned before she lowered her head in frustration. ~No, I don’t need to go. Just get Kalysto something for his cheek. I was going to moisten up a washcloth with ice cold water. But there isn’t any running water, now is there? So, go.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi stiffened in his posture now. *”Very well.”* He sighed, shaking his head. “Fine… I’ll get the damn washcloth.” He glared back at Kalysto. “Next time, suck it up and deal with it, you big baby.” He stepped out of the inn.

    Milena grinned, repeating Rhy’s statement. “suck it up, big baby!”

    “Shut up!” Kalysto snapped in fury.


    Desiree frowned at Milena before she shook her head at her daughter. “Milena, you don’t speak to your father in that way. It’s disrespectful.”

    So, she moved over to Kalysto’s side once more before she reached over to gently rub his back. “And it’s perfectly fine to be in pain after being punched in the face for no good reason. There’s a lot of nerves in the facial area.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made a pathetic whimpering sound as Desiree patted his back. He moved to lean into her side, and then he began to softly cry, looking very upset with himself.

    “It hurts…” He whined.

    Milena stared at her father and began to squeak with laughter.


    Desiree glared at Milena, shaking her head in disapproval. Still, other than mouthing the words “enough of that”, the young woman did nothing to stop the young hybrid. Instead, she wrapped her arms about Kalysto’s shoulders.

    “Yes, I know it hurts. But you’re a tough elf that can handle anything, hm? You’ve survived being nearly torn apart by my father, remember?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto leaned against Desiree, behaving very much like a small child. He was also doing it for the attention and as long as it was being given to him, he didn’t mind in the slightest. He cuddled up against Desiree, calming down again, though still seeming rather clingy as he held onto her.

    “I remember that. It was worth it…” He scowled.

    Milena grinned and moved to the door so she could sneak a peek outside.


    Orpheus had picked at the food that his uncle had brought in earlier, not overly happy that the had to eat with his hands. Still, he had been hungry, so he ate his share. The young boy looked up at his parents as he heard his father moan in pain. He couldn’t see much, but he was certain that his father was hurt.

    So, the boy stood up and moved over to his father’s side before he tried using the healing spell that his uncle had shown him earlier on his father.

    Meanwhile, Desiree didn’t mind Kalysto’s clinginess at all. In fact, she always like that about her husband. His need for attention and comfort made her feel useful and important. So, she never discouraged him from clinging onto her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto purred gently and closed his eyes completely, grinning. He had what he wanted, and he was where he wanted to be, so he was content. When he felt the flood of gentle holy energy wash over him, he swatted at the air. “Go away, Rhyderi.” He hummed. “I didn’t even know you were back yet. Where’s my ice?”


    Orpheus blinked in confusion as his father spoke to him. He then quickly shook his head. “Unca Deri not back yet, Daddy. No ice yet. Feel better?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto snapped his eyes open. “What the fuck.” He sat up and stared at the boy, pressing a hand to his face. “What was that. What did you do. Did you just… heal me?” He stared ahead of himself, taking a whole minutes to grapple the concept.

    “But… how?” He stared at Orpheus. “You’re… you’re meant to be a Mage. Or something. Not an agent of the Light. No way in hell!”


    “I make the pain go away,” Orpheus chirped out, very proud of himself. “No more pain. All better. See.”

    As the boy finished speaking, he cast another healing spell on his father, since he figured that he might as well make certain that the pain was all gone.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto yelped as Orpheus healed him the second time. He quickly scooped the boy up in his arms, then headed for the door. “I don’t care that I’m wearing a dress. I am going to find my brother and kill him!”

    He kicked the door open and ran out of the inn, looking around for signs of Rhyderi.

    “Rhyderi!!” He yelled, causing others to stare at him. “Get your ass over here!”


    Orpheus released a surprised yelp as he was picked up by his father. As he looked up at his father’s expression, his ears slowly pivoted backwards.

    “You’re not happy? Why daddy not happy…?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You’re my son.” He suddenly began to explain to Orpheus. “You have two Grandparents who want to destroy everything, and another Grandparent who was so gifted in the Arcane, he could have set himself on fire just by thinking about it.” He feverently shook his head. “No, this isn’t supposed to happen.”

    He set him down on the ground, crouching down to look at him. “You’re supposed to love setting things on fire. Explosions. Damnation and burnination. What’s wrong with you? How did you get the gift of the Light? You weren’t even exposed to the Na’aru. How? How?!” Kalysto looked devastated.

    Rhyderi had been nearby, carrying a bag of ice. When he heard Kalysto’s rant, he walked over, set the ice down and reached over to pick Orpheus up instead. “Maybe the time of our Redemption has finally arrived.” He lovingly poked Orpheus in the tummy, easily holding him in one arm. “To think that this is natural is humbling indeed.”

    Kalysto growled at him. “YOU corrupted my son, didn’t you!?”

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