Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #50054
    Kat Aclysm

    Droozun felt strange as Desiree summoned him. Although it was less clean than his own master’s summon, he didn’t fight against it, and even assisted her with channeling his energies towards her halfway through.

    When he was summoned to the next world, he shook himself off, back fur bristling. Then he gently padded over to the woman, laying the clothing at her feet. He had found three dress-robes and a skirt.

    *”Find this. Good?”*

    Kalysto furrowed his brows and began to groan as he woke up. “What the… what the fel happened to me…?”

    Rhyderi cast a mild healing spell on his brother before crossing his arms across his chest, looking annoyed. “A dragon. The end.”


    Desiree picked up the clothing that Droozun had brought over, frowning as she looked it over. After a bit, she just shrugged before she knelt down to pat the top of the felhunter’s head.

    “Good job, Droozun. Very good job. You did well. Thank you.”

    The young woman then looked over as she heard Kalysto make noise. So, she properly gripped onto the clothes before she rushed over to Kalysto’s side.

    “I’m so glad that you’re awake, Kalysto. That looked like a very painful death.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto glanced upwards towards the sky, seeming confused as he smelled the amount of burning things in the air. “I died? I didn’t even notice… where are we, The Twisting Nether?” He glanced down at himself. “And why am I naked?” The elf shook his head, then began to shake ash and dust out of his hair, eyeing off Desiree and Rhyderi as if they had the answer somehow. “Seriously, what the hell happened to me?”

    Rhyderi sighed and cleared his throat before speaking. “Yes, you died. A giant Dragon, larger than I’ve ever seen… it set you on fire. Neither you nor your Nether Drake pet stood a chance. Once the flames washed over you, you were gone. You don’t even remember being burned?”

    “I’ve set myself on fire before… I would remember something like that.” Kalysto seemed dissapointed now. “…damn.” He picked up the cloak as he stood up, then eyed off the clothing Desiree had in her hands. “You’re not seriously going to make me wear that, are you?”


    Desiree frowned in concern as she listened to Kalysto’s confusion. She didn’t know what she could add to the conversation. It seemed that Rhyderi had summed it up nicely. So, she just shrugged and muttered.

    “Yea, you died and burned up pretty quickly. I guess I;m glad that you didn’t suffer… As for the clothing… Yea. It’s what Droozun grabbed when I asked him to.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto stared at the clothing. “…I’m so glad Droozun doesn’t normally choose out my clothes. Hell, I’m just glad he got some that even fit. He could have chosen Orpheus or Milena’s clothes for all you know. He could have even gone next door to where the old cranky lady lives…”

    He took the least dress-looking robe and stood up, turning his back to the group. He flicked the cape off, and put the robe on, slipping it over his head.

    “OK…” He said as he turned around, “What now?”


    Desiree nodded as Kalysto took the robe from her. So, she looked around before she attempted to hand the rest of the clothing to Rhyderi. “Do you have someplace where you can store these? I don’t… really have a sack or anything.”

    The young woman then turned her attention to Kalysto. “Well, we did bring you here in an attempt to see if there’s been any advancements in that alchemy stuff you do. We might as well show the children your homeland too… Since Rhyderi talked me into bringing them.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded. “I have… it was burned.” He frowned. “Rhyderi, be a noble Paladin and hold my stuff like the gentleman you are.” he smirked at him, tossing him the dresses. “It’s not too shabby, but not too bad either.”

    Rhyderi sighed. “We’re close to Orgrimmar. We should go there and rent a room at the inn. Just… work out a way to put an illusion on the youngsters and your wife. We don’t want Orcs cutting them into a million pieces.”


    Desiree nodded in agreement before she muttered, “Yea, we don’t want that at all. Though, I don’t mind staying outside of the city if that is what’s needed. Still…”

    Desiree’s voice trailed off ans she reached into her pockets and pulled out a few items. She had grabbed a couple of things from her bedroom when she had looked for the mystify materia.

    “I have these.. Kalysto mentioned an orb of deception thing. So.. would this work?” Desiree held up an orb of the Sin’dorei as she asked this question.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto looked at the Orb like it was pure gold. At that moment, it was. “Yes, yes…” He nodded. “Use that on yourself. They’re much less likely to kill children. Use an illusionary spell on them.” He frowned, thinking. “Maybe if I talk to Thrall and ask for the same kind of immunity I had…” He nodded again. “We’ll be fine.” He chuckled at Rhyderi as he pointed in that direction. “We have a big strong handsome sexy Paladin to save us.”

    “Shut up, Kalysto.” Rhyderi glared at him.


    Desiree nodded at the direction before she looked at the orb again. After a few moments of studying it, she figured out how to use it, and thus seemingly became a blood elf. She frowned as the illusion overs herself finalized before she looked at Kalysto.

    “This feels strange. It’s not like the last time that I became one of your kind…” Shrugging, Desiree then glanced at the children. “Um… do I really need to do anything to them? Milena turned herself into an elf earlier, it seems… And Zephyros always looked more like you than me.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto eyed off Desiree, then promptly moved to her side, leaning against her. He put his head on her shoulder, leaning against her further as he pressed his crotch up against her leg. “You look fine, darling…” He purred in her ear. “It’s only an illusion spell… but damn.. what a spell it is…”

    Milena watched Desiree, then chirped and morphed herself into her young elf form, grinning. “Can do it. Told you.”

    Kalysto eyed off Orpheus, nodding. “Heck, the dumb people wouldn’t notice him in passing. We have huge ears when we’re young anyway.”


    Orpheus whimpered at Kalysto’s description of himself before he reached up to hold onto his ears. He then scrunched back behind his older sister. “My ears not huge. Not huge!”

    Meanwhile, Desiree chuckled at Kalysto’s actions before she gently nudged him away. “Just call your mount so that we could get going. Rhyderi, can you go ahead and get us a room or whatever is needed?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Milena cooed at her younger brother, then turned around to hug onto him protectively. She tried to make warbling sounds, but with her elven throat, she only choked a bit.

    “Nope,” She cuddled her little brother, patting his back. “Not huge.”

    Rhyderi nodded, then hopped back up onto the Bronze Dragon. “I’ll book a room at the inn for us all. Though… you’re sure you want to stay in Orgrimmar? Why not Silvermoon? Maybe we should go back and see if our old apartment is still around.”

    Kalysto looked rather upset at such a suggestion. “Definitely book a room in Orgrimmar…”


    Orpheus grinned, calmed by his sister’s reassurances. So, he hugged her in return before he slowly nodded. “Yay, not huge ears. Daddy just being silly, righ?”

    Desiree took notice of Kalysto’s expression before she quickly shook her head. “This Orgrimmar place will be perfectly fine. It’s closer anyway, right? So, we might as well stay there. We’ll meet you there, Rhyderi. Now, go.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi smiled at Desiree and nodded his head. “Come on, kids. Come with me and I’ll show you around.” He glanced at Desiree, “If it’s OK with you, that is.”

    Kalysto sighed. “We need new clothes for me. It doesn’t take a genius to work out that I’m wearing a big blue dress.” He pinched the chest area. “This is floppy…” The elf glanced at his children, then at the area around him. “We should get them out of here. I don’t want them burned like I was.”


    Desiree grinned before she nodded at Rhyderi. “Yes, please take them. I would definitely appreciate it. I doubt that Kalysto’s drake is feeling up to having a lot of weight on her back. Please, take care and keep them safe.”

    With that said, the young woman moved closer to Kalysto before she nodded at him. “Yes, it is kinda obvious, huh? I guess we’ll pick up clothes when we get there.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi gave Desiree a short salute, the fingers of his gauntlet momentarily banging against the forehead-protector area of his helm. He kicked the dragon in the sides with his heels, then flew off with her.

    Kalysto flicked an ear, not in the least bit impressed. “Come on, then… he’s going to beat us. And people are going to ask why a dragon is flying around.”


    Desiree nodded in agreement. “Yea, hopefully people will be wondering. I’d hate to find that this guy is a common sight. That would just be terrible.”

    So, Desiree reached out to grip onto Kalysto’s left hand before she gently tugged him in order to get him moving along in the direction where Rhyderi went.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto frowned at the landscape around him once again. “I really wish I knew what was going on. Maybe we can detour into Sen’jin and ask Zashtyn….” He hummed in thought. “Oh, er. Zashtyn is one of Zulmire’s friends. They know me pretty well in that village.” He grinned proudly.

    With that, he summoned his Nether Drake, reaching out to hug her neck when he realized she was afraid. “Hey,” He leaned his head against her. “Shh. I got burned too. But it’s gone now. Want to take us to Orgrimmar?”


    “If you think that it’s worth trying, I don’t mind going to that village. It’s the one with all the trolls right? The one where you grew up in after you left that outlands place, right?” Desiree stated.

    The girl then reached in to pat the nether drake, trying to help calm her down as well. “Yes, the dragon left. So, it’s safe, girl.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto nodded his head. “Sen’jin Village is where Zulmire and Arte hail from. Actually… both of them are from different tribes and they settled there with the Darkspear, but eh…” He shrugged. “They’re Darkspear Trolls, and that’s where they live now.”

    He glanced off into the direction Rhyderi left. “We shouldn’t be away from the kids long though….”

    Rhyderi soon flew over the city of Orgrimmar, suprised at what he sees. “What happened here..?” He frowns. “Everything is… fortified.”


    Orpheus peaked over the side of the dragon to see what his uncle was talking about. Upon finding all the spikey objects, he whined. “It’s scary.”

    “That’s what I though,” Desiree nodded to Kalysto before she moved to climb up onto his drake, permitting that she allowed it. “Well, let’s get going. We don’t want to keep the other waiting.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed at Orpheus and nodded. “Yes, it’s scary. Everything is scary, until you become bold enough to stand tall and glare right back at the world ahead of you.” He puffed out his chest. “The world is a miserable place, my nephew. We need to keep it protected.” He mumbled. “And by the looks of things… it needs protecting even more than ever…”

    He sighed as he landed down in the area of the city, then looked around for an Inn. “Ah. Follow me. Stay close. This place is very busy.” He headed for the inn building, handing some money to the innkeeper as he paid for the largest room in the building.


    Orpheus paused in his whinings as his uncle spoke. After a bit, he nodded his head before he mumbled out, “Ok, but no like all the spikey scary here. It look really, really bad. Why it look like this?”

    Still, since he felt safe with his uncle, he didn’t shrink away. Instead, he promptly slid off the dragon as it landed before he practically latched himself to his uncle’s side. His ears pinned back as he stared at all the strange creatures in the area.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi simply grasped Orpheus’s hand and led him into the inn room. Milena was not far behind so he did not have to convince her to follow. Once they were in the room, he shut the door behind them and sat down on one of the beds, noting that it wasn’t completely uncomfortable.

    “So do you want to explore later?” He offered gently. “It’s not so scary out there. These guys are your allies.”

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