Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Desiree scowled at Rhyderi before she snorted once more. “It doesn’t matter what your society was. If you haven’t noticed, it doesn’t exist anymore. I saw it burn to the ground. There’s nothing for you to be prideful about, Rhyderi. Instead, how about you adjust to the fact that you live in a society where talking that way to family is not acceptable, hm?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It didn’t burn to the ground – it stands once more.” Rhyderi shook his head. He raised a hand, sighing as he signaled surrender. “You are correct though – it is not proper for me to speak in such a manner, especially as I am guest in your house.”

    “Please forgive me for my wrongdoings.” He offered sincerely, offering a hand out towards Desiree.


    Desiree grunted at Rhyderi before she accepted his hand. However, she wasn’t fully appeased. “Very well, but I am not the really one that you should apologize to. Anyway, you should keep in mind that Kalysto is married to me. And I am the daughter of the most prominent general to ever exist on Gaea, who was to be a god. I’m aslo the daughter of a woman who is basically queen over an entire area. Thus, if I really wanted it, I could probably claim Halcyon all for myself. To put it lightly, it is like Kalysto married to the royal family, Rhyderi.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi frowned. “I don’t think that is officially established at this point….” After Desiree shook his hand, he withdrew it again, settling in his seat, feeling rather uncomfortable. “I acknowledge what you say, but the daughter of an Army-Head doesn’t carry a rank of it’s own.”

    He mumbled. “Imagine if it had or did though….”


    “Oh, it does, even on Earth’s culture, Rhyderi. Why do you think that it was so easy for me to get the renovations done within the end of this century, Rhyderi? I’ve also seen pleanty of photographers around my house from time to time. Not to mention, Sephiroth is not just any military commander,” Desiree continued. “And I am serious about my mother. She is a queen. She just doesn’t care about it..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi made a tired sighing sound. “Are you bragging now?” He flattened his brows at her. “I’m sure we’re all very impresed with your position and stature. As long as we don’t start mentioning how lowly something is compared to something else.”

    He glanced into the next room, where Kalysto had planted himself down at his Alchemy Lab desk. “He’s going to blow something up again, isn’t he?”


    Desiree smirked as she followed Rhyderi’s line of sight. “Most likely. I wouldn’t be surprised if he comes back in here with his hair purple again.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Well…” Rhyderi spoke rather hesitantly, “There is an upside to that…. he does like the colour purple…”

    He picked up his plate and put it into the sink, rinsing it off before dropping it into the dishwasher. Then to change the subject, he turned around and moved over to playfully poke Orpheus in the arm.

    “How old is this one, now?” He poked Milena also, “And this one? I don’t believe I have their birth-dates written down.”


    Orpheus still had his ears pined back when Rhyderi came over to poke him. Yelping in surprise, he looked up at his uncle before he mumbled. “Done fighting?”

    Meanwhile, Desiree grinned before she happily supplied. “Zephyros is three now. As for Milena, she’s just about six years old.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yeah, I am,” Rhyderi nodded, “I have a big-fat head. Sometimes I get carried away. My apologies.” He poked the youngster again, mostly in a teasing playful manner. “He’s pretty big for three. Has he shown any interest in either of your gifts?”


    Desiree shook her head at Rhyderi’s question. “No, I have noticed any real interest in anything at all. In fact, aside from liking to hug our felhunters, I don’t see him caring much about anything that Kalysto has tried to teach him. However, he does like the herbs… He also likes talking about not wanting things to be hurt..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “He likes to… hug Felhunters…” Rhyderi mouthed the words off to himself, mostly in disbelief. “And you let him do that because…? You know most felhounds are vicious creatures that would sooner tear your head off than look at you, yes?”

    He looked worried by this point. “If he doesn’t like things being hurt, maybe he’ll be an influence on Kalysto to change his ways.”

    “Unlikely,” Kalysto suddenly chimed in from his table, making it very clear that he had been listening to the conversation the entire time, “Because I love blowing shit up.”

    “Maybe I should take him outside with a sword.” Rhyderi hummed in thought.


    “You do know that our two felhunters are tamed and are well aware that if they hurt our children,t hey will be burnt so bad that their next set of pups will feel it,” Desiree assured. “Not to mention, our felhunters are intelligent enough to talk, so they know what we want.”

    Desiree then chuckled at Kalysto’s interjection. Shaking her head, she grinned before she returned her attention to Rhyderi.

    “A sword? I doubt it. However, if you really want to see if he’d like one, my father has swords for youngsters.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I still don’t trust demons.” He shook his head. “One day, they will turn on you. It’s only a matter of time.”

    Rhyderi crouched down to pat Orpheus on the head. “The blood of a mighty knight runs through his veins. His elven grandfather was a prominent figure, as is his…” He stopped to think about Desiree’s species, shrugging. “…other grandather.”

    “Not to mention,” He smirked egotistically, “He has a rather sturdy knight for an uncle. I think giving him a sword would do him good.”


    Desiree shrugged, not really thinking much of what Rhyderi was suggesting about her son. Instead, she waved her hand in Kalysto’s general direction.

    “Then again, you can probably use Kalysto’s daggers or swords. All of them are rather… diminutive.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi chuckled for a brief period, but didn’t comment, knowing it was improper to do so.

    “I am hardly surprised.” He nodded. “He uses them for their magical properties rather than their ability to stab people. Which is a good thing… until you realize that he uses the magical properties to burn them instead…”

    He nudged Orpheus on the shoulder. “Let’s go play outside and see what you can do.”


    Orpheus grinned as his uncle invited him to come outside with him. So, he wiggled out of his seat before he ran to the backyard sliding door. After opening up the door, he grinned at the sight of Lezprah sleeping on the porch, basking in the sun. So, he moved over to gently pet the demon cat.

    “Yes, Rhyderi, I know what Kalysto uses his sword for,” Desiree assured. “That doesn’t change the fact that it is small and probably easy for a child to wield.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “In all honesty, don’t give that kind of weapon to a three year old…” Rhyderi frowned. “You don’t want him to explode without warning…”

    He lead the youngster outside, heading onto the grass. Then he sat down on the lawn, waving Orpheus over. “So… what kind of things do you like to do most?”


    Orrpheus patted Lezprah for a moment before he noticed that Rhyderi had set down and was waving him over. So, the boy jogged over to his uncle before he hugged onto his nearest arm.

    “What do I like? Umm… I like… singing.. umm… planting stuff. That fun.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Singing, and planting things?” He frowned. “Well, I can work with that I guess…” He moved to pluck the boy up, walking over to Kalysto’s herb-garden. “Does he let you water the plants? Maybe he should start…”


    Orpheus wiggled about a bit as he was picked up. He then relatched himself to Rhyderi’s upper arm before he looked down at the plants. “Yea, daddy lets me water the plants. Says no pee on plants though. Don’t know why anyone would want to..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes, it wouldn’t be very becoming to… well…. pee on the plants. That sort of thing should be private.” Rhyderi nodded. ” Not a good thing…”

    He set the boy down, looking around for a watering can. He found a small one and picked it up, wandering off to the backyard hose so he could fill it up. Once that was acheived, he stepped back over, offering the full watering-can to the youngster. “Water them with this.”


    Orphue hummed as his uncle agreed with the no urination rule that his father had given him. When he was sat down, he wandered off to feel the ground around the nearest plants. Thus, he grinned as his uncle gave him a water can and began to gently water the plants as he had been shown.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi seemed amused as he watched the youngster carefully watered plants. “From death, life.” He said aloud, “Now I think I finally know what that means…”

    “You’re doing a good job.” He nodded again.


    Orpheus broadly beamed at the praise that he received, for he enjoyed the attention. He then pointed at a parched plant. “Want to water one, Unca Deri?”

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