Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49896
    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi smirked at Desiree, nodding. He reached over to pull Kalysto’s ear, then he sat down on the floor with Orpheus. “Want to show me all the cool things you can do? I got all afternoon.” He chuckled. “If you want, later I can show you some of the cool things I can do.”

    “Which is nothing…” Kalysto growled as he rubbed an ear, then stepped into the kitchen to check up on food.

    Rhyderi ignored him.


    Orpheus broadly beamed at Rhyderi as he offered to show him stuff. Nodding, he ran over to his uncle and hugged him. “I really want to see that! It’ll be fun stuff, right? No burning plants..”

    Desiree was finishing up with setting the dining room table when Kalysto moved over to her. Spotting him, she grinned before she nodded to the cupboards. “Please, set up the glasses for me, Kalysto. The chili is simmering at the moment. It’ll be done soon.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto happily set the dinner table, glad for the distraction and to have something to do.

    Rhyderi shook his head, grinning. “Why the heck would I want to burn plants? My mother was a Mage and liked fire, but that’s not me.” He sighed slightly as he thought of his own mother. “I followed your grandfather’s path – I am a knight, of sorts. My only wish is to protect the weak.”


    Orpheus tilted his head as Rhyderi spoke of his grandfather. After blinking a few times, he softly questioned, “Grandfather? You mean Sesshyrof?”

    Sadly, Orpheus had never heard Kalysto speak of his father. So, the only grandfather that he knew was his mother’s father.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi shook his head. “He passed away a long time ago, in the war.” He paused for a moment to regard his father, looking momentarily sad. “His name was Matthias. He was my father, Kalysto’s father and your grandfather. I don’t know if he would have approved as a Halfling for a grandson, but I’m sure he would have liked you had he gotten the chance to meet you.”


    Orpheus’s ears pinned back a bit at the tone of Rhyderi’s voice as well as the content of his words. After a bit, he softly spoke out, “Hafling? What that? Why not approve? I’m one? Why something wrong wit me? And if Mattiash guy grandfather, who Sesshyrof?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed at him. “General Sephiroth is also your grandfather – from your mother’s side. The grandfather from your father’s side was Matthias. While he did not have as high of a standing as Sephiroth, he was still considered useful.”

    “A halfling…” He rubbed the back of his head. “…is the child of a Sin’dorei and something else. You’re half of your father, and half of your mother, so… you’re a halfling. It’s not specifically ‘bad’, but some people would discriminate against them. I don’t think that will be happening here, though.”


    Orpheus stared at Rhyderi as he took in this information. “I have two grandfathers, Unca-Deri? Didn’t know that. What a general? Why other grandfather not as high as one? And… what discriminate? Nothing wrong wit me, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed at Orpheus and shook his head. “There’s nothing wrong with you, no. I merely said that some people discriminate against halflings. It’s because they consider them to be lesser beings. I am not sure how I feel about that.”

    He shrugged. “It’s not going to happen around here. This town probably has more halflings of various races than regular boring people.”


    “Mmm… boring people. They boring!” Orpheus agreed with his uncle. “We not boring at all… Though daddy like really, really strange stuff. He likes dresses.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi blinked. “He… likes dresses? That is pretty strange.” His posture stiffened, for he did not like where the conversation was turning. “Maybe he has an appreciation for fine cloth wares.” He shrugged. “Yes, that’s it…”

    “Come on,” He tapped his shoulder, “I suppose dinner will be ready shortly.”


    Orpheus nodded his head, “Mm-hmm. Daddy likes dresses. He likes wearing them. He likes making them. He also like something called “boobies”. Says that a lot.”

    The boy then perked his ears up as Rhyderi mentioned dinner. So, he nodded his head before he jogged over to sit down at the dining room table.

    Meanwhile, Desiree was setting the serving bowl out in the middle of the table.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes yes…” Rhyderi sighed. “I knew he liked b…” He stopped. He just couldn’t bring himself to say it.

    He moved to his feet and wandered into the kitchen. He took his seat at the table and watched Desiree serving food, offering her a thankful grin. While not as goofy looking as his brother’s grinning expression, He must have known he looked silly, for he stopped just moments later.

    “Thank you for the meal.”


    “You’re welcome, Rhyderi,” Desiree grinned as she replied. “And don’t worry about feeling the need to be formal. You should know very well that your brother doesn’t even know the meaning of the word.”

    Chuckling as she picked on her husband in a loving manner, the pregnant woman sat down in her normal seat before she grabbed Orpheus’s plate so that she could fill it up for him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi chuckled. “He also lacks sophistication.” He grinned at his brother and picked up the fork so he could tuck into his food. However, upon eyeing off the chili, he decided to gently poke it with a fork instead.

    “By the way,” He began, his voice suddenly turning hesitant, “I do not mean to be rude, but what is this? It kind of looks like Durotar stew.”

    “Not even close,” Kalysto hissed at him, “It’s called chili. You don’t know it yet, but this stuff is awesome. Just eat it and shut up. Fill your big fat egotistical mouth with it before I set you on fire.”

    “I suppose I can understand one’s mouth being big and fat,” Rhyderi poked a fork into some chili to eat it. “But how does one’s mouth be ‘egotistcal’? It doesn’t make sense.” He looked at Desiree, nodding in approval. “This is good.”


    Desiree rolled her eyes at the banter between the two brothers. “Oh, settle down, boy of you. You know that I come with a family with plenty of siblings. I’ve heard it all. You two are nothing special.”

    She then grinned at Rhyderi, “And thank you for the compliment. I found the recipe to be very fun.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi grinned. “See,” He poked Kalysto in the arm, “I can be nice if I want to be.” He dipped a piece of bread roll into the chili and continued to eat, seeming most content with the food he had. He finished his serving not much time afterwards, then subtly glanced at the stove, finding himself too polite to ask for more while everyone else was still going through their firsts.

    Kalysto just pinned his ears back and glared, eating in silence.


    Orpheus tilted his head to the left side as he watched Rhyderi dip his roll in the chili. After a bit of thinking, the boy decided to mimic his uncle to see what it tasted like. Thus, he found the dipping option to be very favorable and happily deipped the rest of his roll in the chili as he finished off his food.

    Meanwhile, Desiree sighed as she noticed Kalysto’s body language, so she reached over to gently rub his back. “Hey, settle down. There’s no arguing going on or anything.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto glared at Deisree, still sour. “Phhh… you don’t even want us to interact.” He made a huffy sound. “How am I supposed to talk if I can’t?”

    Rhyderi sat there, rapping his fingers on the table, still hungry. He eyed off the pot again and finally gave in. “Would it be possible,” He spoke in a quiet voice, almost meek in tone, “ get some more?” Before anyone could comment, he quickly added, “It’s good.”


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Kalysto’s response. “Kalysto, you don’t have to pick on him in order to talk to him. You can just talk to him like a… erm… elf. Anyway, I just was pointing out that you two bicker like any other set of siblings.”

    As Rhyderi spoke, Desiree grinned at him before she nodded her head. “Certainly, help yourself.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Talk to him like an elf?” Kalysto raised his brows, then eyed off Rhyderi once more. “Tal’ah o ethala eraburis thera, ano e alah tal ishnu shari osa. **”

    Rhyderi looked incredibly unimpressed as he served himself another helping of chili. “I suppose you think you’re being funny. Well, it can’t be helped. Mom did drop you on your head when you were a baby, afterall.” He paused, smiling. “She wanted a girl.”

    Kalysto set his spoon down rather gently, then rose to his feet. He wiped his mouth off on his napkin before angrily crumpling it, tossing it beside his bowl. “Excuse me.” He briskly left the kitchen.

    ** “You’re a rather arrogant idiot, and I hope the light burns you.”


    Desiree groaned at Kalysto’s response to her suggestion. Shaking her head in exasperation, he released a prolonged sigh before she glared at Rhyderi. “Seriously… Rhyderi, is that really the way that people of your teachings are supposed to speak? Isn’t there some sort of credos about, you know, being polite??”

    Orpheus whined as he noticed the fighting. So, he pinned his ears back.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi smirked slightly. “No, not polite as such…. perhaps tolerant?” He rubbed the back of his head as he tried to think of a good way to explain. “We are related so there is not much chance of us trying to break each other’s heads off. At least… not right now, anyway.”

    He eyed off Kalysto, frowning. “He obviously doesn’t talk to you much about where he came from.”


    “What makes you think that, Rhyderi? Kalysto has told me much about his childhood. I was also there. You saw me there,” Desiree retorted, a bit agitated at the way that Rhyderi was behaving. “I’d still appreciate that you’d try to be polite here.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi sighed. “Eh, I didn’t mean that… have you ever heard of a caste?” He frowned. “It’s a social structure. Our society was built on one. If you were powerful or gifted with the Arcane, you would be prominent in society. If you were like my father, you would have been trash.”

    He shrugged his shoulders. “He obviously hasn’t spoken of such, because you still question the way my brother and I address each other. There’s no societal credos about being polite, even where we came from.” He snorted, folding his arms. “If he had stayed on the same path as mother, he would garner a lot of respect. But he has fallen away from the gifts of his genetics and likes to toy with demons and the Nether. So no, I am only tolerant of him at best.”

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