Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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    Jenna sighed as she watched her son cry. So, she walked over to the bed before she sat down next to Zach. Then, she reached over to gently stroke the back of Zach’s head.

    “You’re a tough boy, Zach. You’ll pull through. Anyway, you’re free to visit as often as you want.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It’s not the same…” He mumbled. “It’s not the same!” He shoved at Jenna’s arm, pushing it away entirely. His whole body tensed and he moved to curl up under his covers, just wishing for everybody to go away at that point.


    Sighing, Jenna got to her feet after she was shoved away. As she left the room, she reached over to flick the lights off.

    Thus, at the end of the week, Jenna made certain that Sephiroth assisted Zach in moving, no matter how much her mate argued against it. She wasn’t going to let him get away with escaping what she thought of as a fair punishment.

    After Zach moved out of his room, Xelong migrated to mostly sleeping in Azul and Iris’s room, since he found them to be nice and warm for the most part. This left Zach’s old room empty for any form of renovation that was needed.

    Also, Desiree was more than happy to move back into her house by the end of the following week, happy that the addition to her own house had been completed. Finding her new master bedroom to be large and cozy, Desiree was more than glad to settle back in to her home.

    By the end of two months, Jenna was mid-way through her pregnancy and definitely showing at this stage. For the most part, she was angry and not so happy about her figure, not that she ever was while she was pregnant.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto spent the next few months stockpiling new potions that he had been experimenting with, as well as watching his mate grow larger in size. He kept her maintenenced when she requested things of him, spending the other larger chunk of his time either tending to the shop, or sitting with Orpheus and Milena to introduce them to their life-long magical careers.

    Zach moved out despite the downsides of doing so. Once in his new place, he rarely visited. This was mostly because he felt like he had been rejected and kicked out of the place he had come from, and now that he was out, he did not really want to bring up the subject and incur people’s ire.

    Meanwhile, it seemed that Sephiroth incurred Jenna’s ire pretty much whenever he did something she didn’t like. When he wasn’t tending to her requests, he was flat-out avoiding her, burying himself in either work, or reading.


    Desiree walked into the living room as she listened to her son complain about a plant dying due to one of his father’s spells. Lifting up her eyebrows, she glanced around before she chuckled.

    “What’s going on in here now?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sighed as he looked up at Desiree. “Not much is going on in here. I’m just showing our son the finer points of fire magic. My grandfather was one of the Grand Magisters. My mother was taught his trade, and both of them were skilled fire mages.”

    “I’m pretty damn handy with fire if I do say so myself.” He grinned.


    Orpheus walked over to the burnt plant then poked it and cried. “It’s hurt! I don’t want it to be hurt! I don’t like this!”

    Desiree looked between Orpheus and Kalysto before she sighed. “I see… It seems that he doesn’t approve of your methods,” the young woman tried. “Perhaps a different target or spell? Oh, and don’t forget that Rhyderi is going to have dinner with us tonight.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto made a face that looked like he was suffering severe stomach pain. He flicked his ears back and groaned in protest, turning his attention to the plant shortly afterwards.

    “Why does he even have to come?” He complained. “And rubbish, Desiree. I am gifted with fire magic. My mother was gifted with fire-magic, as was her father, as was his father, as was his father, as was his father… and as for his father, he said screw it, I want to learn fire magic.”


    “He has to come because I invited him so that he could see his neice and nephew. Anyway, Zephyros was asking to see his.. ‘Unca-deri’,” Desiree explained to her husband. “So, we’re going to be good hosts and let him have dinner with us. I’ll be making chili.”

    Meanwhile, Orpheus continued to cry as he looked over the damaged plant. He didn’t care that his father wanted him to learn fire magic. Something living was hurting because of this magic. He didn’t like it at all.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto groaned with genuine pain as he listened to Orpheus cry. The sound made just the right tone to give him a headache. He reached out to pick the boy up, setting him over his shoulder, patting him on the back.

    “It’s only fire.” He grinned. “In time you’ll find it awesome. It makes epic explosions and can be used to raze entire armies.”


    Orpheus’s ears pinned back even more at what his father was saying, so he began to wail with even more intensity. “No! Don’t want that! No like!”

    Desiree groaned at the noise. ~Kalysto, I don’t think he like fire… Which is strange, you do know that my parents are well known pyromaniacs…~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto’s eyes widened in realization of Desiree’s statement, and he stared at the screaming youngster in his arms with disbelief, setting him down on the ground shortly afterwards. “He… he doesn’t like fire?” Kalysto blinked, still very much in disbelief. “How can that be?”

    He crouched down to Orpheus’s level. “What do you like then?”


    Orpheus began to settle down a bit, calmed by the fact that his father wasn’t going to continue setting things on fire. However, his ears remained pinned back. “You make it hurt. I don’t like things hurting. Make it not hurt no more. It shouldn’t hurt..”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh come on, Orphy,” Kalysto protested, “Fire has it’s uses. Without it, certain trees can’t open their seed-pods. We can’t cook our food. And without fire, we might not even exist. It’s not all bad, or all destructive. You’ll see.”

    He headed for the front-door when he heard knocking. “Great… that will be him…”


    Orpheus suddenly grinned as he heard the knocking. So, he ran to the front door in order to beat his father and open up the door. “Unda-Deri!”

    With that, the boy moved to hug onto his uncle’s right leg.

    Meanwhile, Desiree chuckled before she walked back into the kitchen so that she could continue making food.

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi blinked when the door opened up and the youngster hugged his leg. “Oh, hey there…” He frowned, reaching down to pat Orpheus on the head.

    “I guess he’s happy to see me.” He stepped inside and handed a box to Kalysto. “I brought dessert. One of those pavlova cake things.”


    Orpheus happily grinned as his head was patted before he let go of Rhyderi so that his uncle could move about. As Rhyderi walked into the house, the small boy jogged along after him.

    “Mmm… cake! Me like cake!” the boy proclaimed before he glanced over at the burnt plant. “Daddy killed a plant… The plant hurt.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Oh I’m glad you like cake,” Rhyderi glanced down at the youngster, grinning. “Because there’s a lot here – more than I could get through, you know. After dinner, you should have some.”

    “Just get inside and put it on the table..” Kalysto grumbled. “Desiree is nearly finished with the cooking.”


    Desiree rolled her eyes ass he listened to the conversation happening in the other room. So, she called out to her husband. “You aren’t going to be killed by being at least somewhat welcoming to your brother, Kalysto!”

    Meanwhile, Orpheus ran off to grab the plotted plant that had been burnt. Soon after, he ran back to Rhyderi and held the plant up to him. “Can you make it stop hurting?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto visibly bristled in aggitation and reach out to cuff Rhyderi in the shoulder. The older male brother didn’t seem to care or notice, and he crouched down to reach out for the plant.

    “What happened to it?” Rhyderi blinked. “Why do you want me to fix it?” He reached out to touch the plant with a finger, the ends glowing faintly of holy-magics. When his fingers touched the edge of the plant, the damaged areas healed within seconds, the dead leaves falling off.

    “That was pretty simple.” He smirked.

    “That is a damned Vineleaf plant – it’s meant for burning!” Kalysto retorted.


    Orpheus broadly grinned as he watched the holy light heal the plant. His ears perked up a bit as he looked over the plant and determined that it was no longer hurting. So, he happily hugged the pot.

    “Thank you, Unca-Deri. Daddy burn plant. Say I should learn burn. No like it. It hurt plant. Plant not deserve ta be hurt.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Rhyderi nodded his head. “That’s alright.” He glared at Kalysto. “You know, if your kid shows interest in something, you should take care of that.”

    “He doesn’t like fire….” Kalysto frowned. “What am I going to do? And what the hell am I going to do if he doesn’t like me cutting up plants to make potions?” He flicked his ears back, looking very unhappy, wishing that Desiree would call them for dinner and end the awkwardness.


    Orpheus neither understood nor cared about the adult talk. He just trotted to the back of the room with the plant in hand before he set it back down where it belonged. As he set the plant down, he reached over to gently pat it.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You shouldn’t burn something just to demonstrate that you know how to set things on fire, little brother.” Rhyderi snorted, emphasising the ‘little’ part of his statement more than he probably should have. “Demonstrate something more constructive.”

    “You’re lucky you were invited for dinner…” Kalysto growled at him through clenched teeth.


    Desiree rolled her eyes as she set up the dinner table. “Will you two stop it. Rhyderi, stop picking on Kalysto. Go play with your nephew. You came to visit him, hm?”

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