Jenna and Sephiroth – Trouble comes in threes

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  • #49727
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth made his way back down to the garage, narrowing his brows when he saw that half of his prized vehicle was now in parts and scattered across the floor.

    “What are you doing!?” He hissed. “Don’t do that! I didn’t say you could pull my motorcycle apart. Do you have any idea how much that thing cost me?!”


    Seferia didn’t bother turning to look at Sephiroth as he yelled at her. Instead, she emitted a threatening growl as she tightened down a clamp on one of the hoses to the bike.

    “Silence, human! I am repairing your contraption here. You clearly had no idea what you were doing. How else could you have pulled at these fittings?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I was trying to fix it!” Sephiroth protested. “The hoses have been clogged for weeks. The fuel line has been blocked which causes the bike to sputter unless the tank is full.” He snorted in irritation. “But you didn’t need to do that! You pulled it apart!?”

    He paced away from her, snarling, trying to get his mind off the situation, trying to get his mind anywhere else so he wouldn’t go crazy at that moment.

    “How could you do that?!”


    Seferia took little notice into the way that Sephiroth was fretting over her work. Instead, she continued to calmly inspect his vehicle and repair the parts as needed.

    “Yes, yes, I can see that you tried to foolishly pull at things with little knowledge of how they worked. Now, sit down and be silent. I have work to do. If you can’t tell, I’m repairing your horrible mess.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “It’s not a horrible mess, that’s my motorcyle you’re pulling apart…” Sephiroth complained. “And it doesn’t look like you’re repairing at all. You’ve pulled it apart.” He snorted.

    At this point, Sephiroth turned away from the device altogether. “I don’t want to look.” He declared, and walked out of the garage area.


    Seferia rolled her eyes at Sephiroth’s complaints, deciding that it was best for everyone involved to ignore him. Instead, she just continued to repair his bike, replacing hoses, clamps, and fuel pumps as needed. She also flushed the fluids and replaced them in order to give him the best performance. Once she was done, a few hours had passed. She stepped out of the garage before she nodded at Sephiroth.

    “Your vehicle is ready.”

    Kat Aclysm

    In the next few hours that followed, Sephiroth moved off to the supermarket to do some shopping. He picked up peanut-butter cookie dough and peanut candy, leaving the paper bag on Jenna’s bed so she could poke at it and go through it. When he was done, he had retired to the front-deck of the house, where he sat in a comfortable chair and read a book.

    He looked up when Seferia had told him the bike was ready and nodded. “So how much do I owe you?”


    Seferia snorted at Sephiroth’s words as she wiped oil off her hands. “Do not worry about such nonsense. I don’t need your monetary funds. Just admit that I did a better job than anyone that you know of. That will be enough.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth snorted. “I’m sure it’s better than what I pay the mechanics for.” He muttered. “I’m also sure that they go out of their way to break things just so I get the motorcycle serviced with more frequency….”

    He nodded. “Good.”


    “I have no intentions of breaking your mechanics. The less I see of your kind, the better!” Seferia defensively spat out. Though, the tone of her voice wasn’t as strong as she was trying to present. Still, she snorted and moved to leave the house, wanting to return to her hunts.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth sighed with weariness. He should be used to angry people by now he supposed, but they still soured his mood. He shrugged when she departed, having nothing more to say after he had thanked her.

    He leaned back in the chair and resumed his reading, hoping that he could relax for a while before he would get yelled at again to do the next errand.


    Meanwhile, Xelong remained on the chair up in Zach’s room, contently sleeping. Every now and again as he slept, he released a soft chirping sound due to the content of his dreams. Also, the male dragons claws twitched from time to time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach had recovered enough to sit up. He glared across at the dragon nearby him, arms folded as he stared. “How can you sit there so casually,” He snorted. “Because of you, I got us all in trouble and now we have to leave.”


    Xelong rumbled as he was pulled out of his dreams by Zach’s words. After slitting open his right eye to look up at his brother, the dragon yawned. He made a big display of curling his tongue as he yawned and stretched his wings.

    ~We had to leave before. Real-Mother came in here every day telling you that you had to find a new home. We both know that,~ the dragon replied before he sat up and glanced around. ~Where Holly?~

    Kat Aclysm

    “Holly went out I guess…” He peered out the window, sensing her out. “She’s at the supermarket area. Can’t discern where exactly… aisle 12?” He shrugged, glaring back at Xelong once again. “Yeah, mom told us to get the hell out… but now that I wrecked the guttering? She gave us a friggin’ date! Before it was just… get out! But no date…”

    He shook his head. “Thanks to that, she wants us to get out by a specific time now!”


    Xelong flicked his tail before he looked up at the clock. ~Strange, Holly been gone for over two hours. That a very long trip for her. Very, very long..~

    Kat Aclysm

    “She’s at the supermarket, OK?” Zach frowned. “She’s moving around down there. She’s not hurt or dead or anything. She’s just in the aisles moving around. Maybe she’s doing the weekly shopping.” He lay down again.

    “We’re officially fucked, you know…” He sighed, placing a hand over his face. “Where the hell am I supposed to find an apartment in this market…”


    ~An apartment? I don’t know. What that? Sounds boring. I don’t like apartment,~ Xelong responded before he leaped over to the bed so that he could sit down next to Zach. ~Holly usually not gone shopping for hours like this. It strange.~

    Kat Aclysm

    “When a woman is shopping, you don’t get in the way.” Zach commented. When Xelong came over to sit next to him, he made a mild huffy noise, still wanting to indicate his irritated mood towards the dragon.

    “All we can afford is an apartment. You’re going to hate it. It’s a small living space with probably three or four rooms, and no yards to run around in.”


    ~Why don’t you get in the way? That sounds silly. Shopping can’t be that bad,~ Xelong commented. ~Holly isn’t dangerous. She wouldn’t hurt. So, why get out of the way? Why?~

    The dragon then seemed to pout at the description of the apartment. ~That sound boring.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach sighed. “Women like shopping… you’ve never seen an angry woman I take it.” He shook his head. “Well… we’re going to be stuck with moving to an apartment. Sorry about that, but I don’t make a doctor’s salary. They’re probably the only people who can afford to live here right now.”

    “On that note…” He muttered with bitterness in his voice, “This place is currently full of them. They’ve come here to evade the rest of the unsettlement in the world.”


    ~You’ll be a doctor soon, Zach. You almost done with all your training. No one knows people like our family like you. You’ll be favored. You’ll be great. You’ll see,~ Xelong reassured as he moved his head in to nip Zach’s arm. ~Tell Holly to come home.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach sighed with tiredness. “You don’t get it. I’ll put it in ways you can understand….”

    “Imagine a small hunting area. Now imagine it’s meant for five dragons at most. Now imagine there’s 50 there… all vying for the same food and space.” He paused, scowling. “Yeah. Any newer littler dragons are going to get shoved off before they even get a chance.” He glanced at Xelong once more. “Does that make more sense?”


    ~But you smart dragon with power. You’ll be ok. You’ll take out the competition and make yourself prominent. You’ll see, Zach. No one know your stuff like you do. You really, really good at what you do,~ Xelong complimented his master.

    As he finished speaking these words, he hopped off the bed and moved to the doorway so that he could stand vigil for Holly’s return. He missed his second favorite pillow.

    Kat Aclysm

    Zach sighed. He wasn’t confident in Xelong’s words and kept his head lowered, not sure what to make of the situation. “If you’ve seen the other dragons,” He paused, correcting himself, “I mean, doctors… they’re all really serious about what they do. We have the best doctors from all over the world right now, trying to move here because of the safe-zone thing.”

    “To put it bluntly,” He muttered, “I have no hope in hell.”

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