Jenna and Sephiroth: Tamed Demon Lord

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    ~You’re going to have to wait until we are at the gate, Kalysto,~ Desiree pointed at the fasten seat belts sign as she said this. ~We’re not allowed to move around at the moment. So, you’re just going to need to hold it.~


    Seferia was already standing there by the time that Edgeworth arrived. Her expression was blank to bored at best, partially because facial expressions were simply not used by her species to emote. She followed Edgeworth’s movements with her eyes. However, she remained silent.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sat down in the seat again, lowering his head. He wiggled uncomfortably, then put his head back in the seat, buckling himself in. “How long is this going to take…” He grumbled, gritting his teeth.

    Edgeworth gave Seferia the occasional glance, but he was more interested in his own paperwork and looking organized to set an example for Dimitri. He was really only concerned about the judge’s arrival, which would start everything off.


    Desiree sighed as she watched Kalysto. Shaking her head, she whispered to him, “it’s only a few more minutes. Then we’ll be on the ground and disembarking. So, just hold out, ok?”

    The plane shook a bit as it descended onto the runway. However, there was nothing to be worried about. Soon enough, the plane came to a stop and the doors opened. Given that Mideel still had a small airport, a staircase was brought to the plane rather than having it dock at a gate.

    Seferia didn’t bother to even tough her paper. Her eyes simply remained locked onto Edgeworth. If he payed enough attention, he’d find that the woman was not even blinking as she stared at him.

    Once the judge arrived, the woman tilted her head to look at him.

    Kat Aclysm

    “You should have left me to sleep, you know…” He scowled as the plane bumped down to land. When it had slowed to a halt, he rose to his feet and began to briskly unpack all the bags from the luggage compartment, more than enthusiastic about getting out of there.

    Edgeworth rose to his feet and nudged Dimitri to do the same when the Judge arrived. He tapped his papers on the table and awaited things to begin.


    Desiree rolled her eyes at Kalysto’s words before she grabbed her own carry-on luggage. Luckily, there weren’t many passengers on the plane, so it didn’t take long for them to exit and move into the terminal. Once inside, she nudged Kalysto.

    “Go ahead, relieve yourself.”

    As the judge settled in, he announced the trial’s name for the sake of records before he offered the opportunity for the two sides to provide their arguments concerning the manner.

    Seferia wasted no time in boldly declaring, “The dragons in question are not members of your territory and thus are not subject to your laws. As a representative of the Catanyan empire, I request that the dragons be extradited over to our custody.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto didn’t need any encouragement and dashed off in a hurry. After a few minutes of being away, he returned to the baggage collection area once again, looking very pleased with himself. He picked up his bags and headed for the exit gate, grinning.

    “So how are we going to get home?”

    Edgeworth waited until Seferia had finished talking, shaking his head. “Attacking another doesn’t grant oneself diplomatic immunity. The offenses I have outlined occured on Mideel-Samoan territory, and thus the ones responsible are punishable under Mideel-Samoan territory law. My argument is that it does not matter which governement they belong to – the entire cause for concern is where the offense was commited.”


    “The same way that we got here, Kalysto,” Desiree calmly responded as she lead him to the parking lot. “We’ll be driving home. So, you’ll be able to sleep for a bit longer.”

    “On the contrary, the so-call offenses occurred on the island south-east of here, which happens to be their species ancectrial mating grounds. They have every right to defend their land from invasion, which was what your species was doing. Furthermore, I charge your species with poisoning the youngest dragon.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You left your car in the parking lot…?” Kalysto frowned. “Wasn’t that expensive…?” He helped her carry the bags out to the car, seeming unhappy at the thought of how much parking would cost. He didn’t voice it further than he already had though, and threw the luggage into the back.

    Edgeworth shook his head, annoyed at Seferia’s manner of arguing. He averted his attention from her, however, looking back to Dimitri before he faced the judge again.

    “Judge, with all due respect… if we want to get into the proper situation, the territory under question is outlined in my submitted paperwork. It was under occupation of the Mideel-Samoan army, and claimed as their land at the time. As a direct result of the war, the territory was annexed into Mideel-Samoa’s posession.”


    “Oh, calm down. The car isn’t parked in the overnight parking area, so we’re not going to be charged an arm and a leg. In fact, they offered a very good price for us since I’m Sephiroth’s daughter,” Desiree smirked at her husband as she finished off her statement. “Having a famous father has its perks.”

    So, she lead her husband to the SUV before she unlocked it so that they could toss their luggage into the back.

    “The claim of these lands is not recognized by our people, nor is it justified,” Seferia retorted before looking at the judge. “This land was dwelled upon and claimed long before the humans invaded. Thus, the actions of the dragons in question are fully understandable within the terms of defensive action. For, they were protecting their nesting grounds from an invading force.”

    As Seferia locked her eyes on the judge, her irises glowed momentarily. Also, Edgeworth and Dimitri would be able to hear a very faint whisper, akin to what some would think of as ghosts whispering. However, the words were unintelligible and scattered to anyone other than the judge.

    Kat Aclysm

    “What about being the only alchemist on the island? Huh? No perks at all for being boring.” Kalysto flicked an ear as he tossed bags into the back. “I still don’t know why you bought this thing. I would have bought something much more stylish.”

    He stretched lazily before climbing into the passenger seat. “Good to be home though…”

    Edgeworth shook his head. “We are not getting into what happened hundreds of years ago. It is unrelated to the incident entirely!” He banged his hands down onto the bench to emphasise his point. “We are discussing the here and now only! I would like to request that the defense refrain from further irrelvance in this case.”


    Desiree softly chuckled at Kalysto’s statement before she leaned in to kiss him. “There’s your perk,” the young woman teased before she climbed into the car.

    “And I bought this type of vehicle because we have a lot of ground on the island with bad to no roads. So, this one can travel anywhere. It makes perfect sense.”

    After buckling up, she began to drive away to their house. She only stopped momentarily to pay the parking fee, which was discounted, but not free.

    Seferia momentarily turned her head to look at Edgeworth once more before she shook her head. “Please re-check your facts, human. There was no human occupation on that land since it was a safe haven. Not until this past year has there been any significant human population on the island. Thus, the people here did indeed invade their breeding grounds.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “So I got to thinking…” Kalysto began as Desiree drove off. ” Do you want to move to a bigger house? I mean..” He paused, repondering his statement. “Your dad has a two-storey house. I dunno if I want to stay in the house we’re in. I mean… eh…” He shrugged. “I want a bigger house.”

    “Is that specifically relevant to the case, judge?” He folded his arms now. “This court is only interested in facts and outstanding current situations. If evidence can be presented specifically to prove it’s relevance to the case, then I would be willing to see it.”


    “A larger house,” Desiree parroted with confusion before she quickly shook her head to cast away the bewilderment. “Umm… I suppose, but.. Why? I don’t think we’re in need of space. Also, there’s so few houses available at the moment.. Why don’t we just built onto our current house instead?”

    “This is a hearing to determine whether or nor your charges are worthy of going into trial,” Seferia reminded Edgeworth. “Hence, this information is indeed pertinent, for it will help to determine whether or not your species has the right to bring this weak case to trial.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “I don’t want to build onto the house… can we even do that? I want a second floor and more space.” He was whining now. “More space, more places to grow things.” He shook his head, frowning. “Do I need to explain more?”

    Edgeworth began to tap his foot. “Judge, can we have this one removed if she continues to directly address me again?” He sighed. “If it is relevant, submit it. Prove that it is relevant.” He drummed his fingers on the desk. “We are still dealing with the situation at hand. The attack on our territories.”


    Desiree sighed at Kalysto’s whining before she shook her head. “If we had the right amount of money and the proper permits, I’m certain that we could build onto our current house. Just remember, we got a pretty good plot of land as is. Most of the new lots don’t have enough room for your garden.”

    Seferia narrowed her eyes at Edgeworth before she used her psychic abilities to make him feel as if he suddenly got hit with a migrane headache. The man was starting to irritate her since her arguments were concerning the right of this land to even judge this case.

    “The prosecution should stop interfering with the arguments of the defense and permit the judge to determine whether or not the argument is worthy enough to determine that this case should not even be tried at all,” with that said, Seferia looked back at the judge. “As I have stated, the land was invaded by this country and the dragons in question were defending their rights to breed. Hence, no crimes were committed and this case should be dismissed.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto shook his head. “I need a multi level greenhouse with all the things I grow now…” He seemed more unhappy now, and sat still while Desiree drove them back to the house. “We need a lot of things you know… I need to work harder I guess.”

    Edgeworth flinched heavily, seeming most confused. He was not one to get migraines and one that was so sudden and rapid worried him. He persisted, however, and shook his head.

    “If the prosecution does.. not make suggestions, your honor, then this will be one sided and it will not go to trial… everything is outlined in my request, please just read it and decide for yourself…” He began to pack up his things. “The past is irrelevant as we have only ever dealt with what occurs in the present….”

    “I would like to request a cessation of this pre-trial, or at least a continuance on another day…”


    Desiree released a soft sigh at Kalysto before she shook her head. “I think you won’t be happy unless you have an entire island under your control and ownership. Until then, you won’t ever have enough room.”

    Seferia’s lip twisted into the faintest of smirks as she noticed Edgeworth’s strain, for she took pleasure in his pain. Still, she remained silent and awaited the decision of the judge. When the judge spoke, he decided that he will ponder over the choices given to him and reconvene in the morning.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Hey, if I am going to grow plants, I am going to do it the proper way and buy a farm somewhere.” Kalysto sighed. “There’s no land where we are right now. I can’t grow any huge plantations here. We’d have to move to the bigger lands that your father claimed for everyone.”

    He shook his head. “There’s no land for us here any more.”

    Edgeworth stepped back off the bench, moving to sit down in a chair. He nudged Dimitri in the shoulder, nodding. “Finish the argument…” He picked at his paperwork, then put his head down.


    “I don’t want to move to another island, Kalysto. I’m very happy where we are right now. We have plenty of space for our family,” Desiree spoke out. “I understand that you want more room to grow plants… However, I just don’t want to move away. I’m happy.”

    Seferia gathered up her own paperwork before she turned to leave the courtroom. She only waited momentarily for the judge to leave before she stalked out of the room. As she left, she send Edgeworth a telepathic message that only included her laughter toward him.

    Meanwhile, Dimitri stared at Edgeworth before he quickly moved to gather up the papers. Luckily, since the judge had left to consider what had been stated, he didn’t need to argue anything.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto sighed, looking very unhappy. Clearly their interests were divided on this topic. He didn’t argue though and just stared out the window, pondering a solution. He was discontent coming back to his life now that the honeymoon was over.

    “What if I buy some land offshore and travel overseas to get workers to tend to it? You know, like branch out…”

    “Ugh…” Edgeworth hissed. “They shouldn’t even be allowed on the island…”


    Desiree sighed at Kalysto as she pulled into the driveway. To be honest, she was still very tired and wanted nothing more than to curl up in bed.

    “Yes, Kalysto, that’d be fine. Now, come on. We need to put up our luggage so that we could get to sleep.”

    Dimitri paused as he heard Edgeworth’s words. He then turned around before he blinked at the man. “Miles? What do you mean?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “Aren’t we even going to pick up the kids? I wanna see my short guy.” Kalysto grumbled. “Orphy and Milly are still at your mom’s house. They’ve probably forgotten who we are, we’ve been away for so long.” He got out of the car and began to unload the back.

    “Home sweet home…” Kalysto sighed. “At least it didn’t get firebombed.”

    “That dragon…” Edgeworth hissed. “I know it was her… she attacked my mind and laughed at me when she left…” He began to tidy his papers, angry now. “I need to retire home. Go carry on with something else. I am calling a taxi…”


    “Oh, right… Can’t you send your dragon to pick them up? Or… you can ride your dragon to go pick them up yourself. I’ll unload the car. How does that sound?” Desiree offered. She was much too tired to drive over to her parents’ house, so she really hoped that Kalysto would accept her idea.

    Dimitri continued to stare at Edgeworth before he slowly shook his head. “Are you certain? Maybe you’re mistaken.. You could be mistaken, right?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “You use a car, I use a dragon…? Heh sounds kind of profound if you ask me…” Kalysto furrowed his brows and stroked his goatee as he stated this, seriously pondering her suggestion. “She’s not going to be thrilled about called out for the sake of… oh who am I kidding!”

    He dropped his bags onto the ground and summoned the shadowy energy creature from the void, reaching out to pat her snout when she phased into the mortal realm. “One day you’re going to want one of these things. Very handy.” He hopped onto the Drake’s back and flew off with a whoosh of the creature’s wings.

    “What else could it have been….” Edgeworth hissed in pain. He squinted, for the flourescent lights in the court room were hurting his eyes and making his migraine worse. “I suspected as much, but then she laughed at me…”

    He quickly stumbled out of the area altogether shortly afterwards and rushed into the nearest men’s room to be sick.


    Desiree chuckled at Kalysto’s suggestion before she quickly shook her head. “No, I”d feel completely strange owning one. I mean, I’m part dragon, and I’d be owning another dragon? It just doesn’t sound right at all. Then again, I suppose there’s stranger things.. Like Zach’s relation with Xelong.”

    Shrugging, Desiree grabbed more of the luggage to bring inside. True to her word, she relieved Kalysto of his duty of unloading their luggage.

    Dimitri lowered his head as he watched Edgeworth leave, feeling horrible about what had happened to him. After a while, he picked up a phone and dialed Phoenix so that he could let the other attorney know what happened to Edgeworth.

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