Jenna and Sephiroth: Tamed Demon Lord

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    Jenna snorted once more before she stretched out her wings behind her. Soon enough, she shifted back into her natural form before she moved in on Edgeworth and grabbed his arm. She then began to pull him toward his doorway.

    “Oh, silence. Would you prefer to “grow up” in public and be naked, hm?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth flinched as Jenna dragged him to his door. “The house is locked… here.” He fumbled with the keys, unlocking the door. “Allow me… before you kick it down.”

    He unlocked the door a few moments later, pushing it open to step inside. “Here…” He frowned as he walked in. “Alright. You can do your thing now. But don’t rip these clothes.”


    Jenna escorted Edgeworth into his house before she snorted and crossed her arms. She then shook her head before she glared down at him.

    “Very well then. You don’t want your clothes ripped, hm?” she coldly stated, not too impressed that he had been trying to order her about earlier. “Then strip down.”

    Kat Aclysm

    “What…?” Edgeworth looked at Jenna, then back down at himself, frowning. He looked back at Jenna, examining her face for any signs of a joke, or otherwise. When he saw nothing, he released a rather strained sigh, slipping away into the bathroom.

    He returned a few moments later, quite naked, a towel around his waist. He clutched onto the front rather self-conciously, nodding at her.

    “Go ahead.”


    Jenna straightened up and turned her attention to the wall as she waited for Edgeworth to strip down. She tapped her right foot with impatience, for she didn’t really feel like wasting her time with this nonsense. Once Edgeworth returned, she gave him a cold glance before she snorted.

    Soon enough, she began to mutter under her breath as she cast the spell to remove the spell that had de-aged him. She circled around the lawyer as she cast the spell, in order to insure that she wouldn’t miss a hint of anything going wrong. She also made a point to not craft a spell that would remove any form of discomfort from Edgeworth as he “aged”.

    Kat Aclysm

    Miles Edgeworth clenched his teeth as the growing spell was cast upon him. He stumbled backwards in pain, somehow finding a chair behind him to sit in. He clenched his eyes shut as he grew in size, bones creaking and changing in shape and density as he morphed back into his proper age, the entire process not taking more than 30 seconds.

    “Ugh….” He buried his face in his hands when it was over.


    Jenna continued to coldly watch Edgeworth as he returned to his proper age. Upon feeling that the spell went along without any issues, she moved toward his door before she looked back at him.

    “There, you are a ‘man’ again. Be happy looking awkward with whatever you plan on doing with my son.”

    Snorting, she moved out of the lawyer’s house so that she could return home.

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth raised his head, flinching at Jenna’s comments. He watched her leave the house and he got to his feet to shut the door, locking it. Then he retreated to the master bathroom of the house so he could take a bath.

    A nice, long hot bath, which would hopefully remove the soreness and pain he was experiencing now.


    While Dimitri had been left behind, he was still worried over the way that his mother had hauled off Edgeworth. So, he had rushed over to Edgeworth’s house as quickly as he could. Unfortunately, Jenna was already gone by the time he got there, so he did not bump into her.

    Thus, the boy nerviously shuffled his wings about before he knocked on Edgeworth’s door.

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth was almost finished with running his bath when he heard the knock on the door. He quickly turned the water off, put on a bath-robe and made sure it was tightly closed, heading over to the front door to open it.

    “Oh, hello…” He frowned at Dimitri. “I thought work was over for the day.”


    Dimitri stepped back as Edgeworth opened the door. Upon noticing that Edgeworth was only dressed in a robe, the boy ducked his head and blushed. Soon enough, he began to mutter out, “I… I was afraid that my mother was going to do something to torment you. She looked really angry when she hauled you away..”

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth dismissively waved a hand at the boy, shrugging. “She turned me back as I requested. There’s nothing more to say on the issue. It took forever and a day, but I finally got what I wanted.”

    He arced a brow at Dimitri, his expression mildly irritated and perhaps a little cold. “Do you want anything?”


    Dimitri flinched a bit as Edgeworth appeared irritated at him. So, he stepped away a bit more before he shook his head.

    “No, I was just worried… I’ll leave. I’m sorry for bothering you,” the boy rushed out his apology, for now he wanted nothing more than to scurry away. He was quite embarrassed by now.

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth folded his arms and continued to stand in the doorway. His body language was making it very clear that he did not want Dimitri to come inside, or to be disturbed.

    “Yes. Right now, that is best.” He nodded. “I’ve had a long day and I have a bath waiting for me. I shall see you at work, 9am sharp. Tomorrow morning.” He turned around, holding the door-handle in his right-hand. “See you then.”

    He shut the door again and went inside to have his bath. He had a lot to think about and to consider now.


    Dimitri nodded at Edgeworth’s words before he scurried home. Overall, he was very embarrassed over what had just happened and wanted nothing more than to hide. Thus, Dimitri climbed into his bed and remained reclusive for most of the night.

    On the start of the following day, DImitri got himself ready to join Edgeworth in the office again. Thus, he arrived a bit on the early side, per usual. Upon arriving at Edgeworth’s office he silently slipped inside.

    Kat Aclysm

    Miles Edgeworth was in an even moodier than usual that morning. He had arrived to work early, and was already working away hard at his desk when Dimitri came in. The air nearby smelled very strongly of rich imported caffeinated tea, and a damp patch still existed on the ground near his table where the lawyer had spilled it.

    “Hello,” He said, not even bothering to look up. “Take the files in the Outbox to processing. We’re nearly ready to move out and I don’t want anything to be left behind.”


    Dimitri paused as he spotted Edgeworth. He had never quite seen the man look so moody, so he wasn’t certain what to make out of it. Still, he slowly nodded, for he didn’t want to cause any problems. Without saying a word, the boy moved over to the outbox so that he could start putting them away.

    “So, we’re moving to a new office?”

    Kat Aclysm

    “We may be. The building in the north is ready to begin it’s operations. It is only a matter of time before everything moves up there. That will be finished with either this week, or early next week.” He nodded.

    “I don’t know if I am moving there, personally. I may stay here.”


    Dimitri nodded as he listened to Edgeworth’s explanations. He then glanced out the window as he considered over things.

    “So, that building is going to be a courthouse? What are those like. I’ve never seen one before,” the boy honestly pondered. Neither Halcyon nor Mideel ever had much of a justice system in place.

    Kat Aclysm

    “Yes, Dimitri,” Edgeworth sighed, “It’s going to be a court-house, and the police department is inside of it, also. It is a ten-story building – we might as well put it to good use.” He leaned back in his chair, eyeing off his cup of tea.

    “The ground level is filled in with concrete to support what used to be a damaged structure. Extensive repairs were carried out. The first inhabitable floor is the lobby. Above those are documentation rooms, the court-rooms are in the next floor above those along with the lounges. Above those are the detective and police departments.” He nodded. “It’s very well planned out. It’s taken a lot of time…”


    Dimitri calmly listened to Edgeworth, taking in what he was telling him. He grinned as he noticed the amount of work that must have been taken to get all of that working. So, he nodded in appreciation.

    “I am glad that you finally got it done. I know you’ve been working very hard on it, Miles. Still, what’s a court house like? I’ve only read about them in some of your books.”

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth frowned in thought as he pondered what to tell Dimitri. He didn’t particularly find court-houses to be much of excitement, but inquiring minds wished to know, so he pondered exactly what to say.

    “It’s a place of law.” Was the first thing that came out of his mouth, and he immediately felt quite silly for it. He waved a hand, quickly covering for himself, “People come and go. There is a Court-Session every hour or so. In a busy Court-house, 8 sessions may be going at once. Our building will only allow for six at maximum – two on each floor. We may have to arrange another building if things become busier.”

    “We already have a trial going to court soon,” He sighed, continuing. “The case of the Mideel-Samoa Colonization Movement versus Llewelyn and Cymru.”


    Dimitri patiently listened to Edgeworth as he explained how a court house worked. Once the man mentioned that a case was coming up, he perked up. They hadn’t really been doing much that was interesting to date. Just sorting out legal paperwork and setting up the justice system for the island. Also, Dimitri himself had been studying law under Edgeworth’s tutelage. Still, there hadn’t really been many cases since all the crime had been dealt with quite swiftly by the military. So, having a case intrigued him.

    “Really? That’s great.. Umm.. but those are really strange names. Who are they?”

    Kat Aclysm

    Edgeworth sighed at Dimitri’s question. He almost couldn’t believe that the boy wasn’t familiar with the origin of such names. Still, he turned to face the other, frowning heavily at him.

    “Surely you have been keeping up to date on this. They are Dragons of English-Welsh descent. They destroyed army-lines and defenses. They threatened the lives of the entire colony. They were brought to justice. They were bound in armor and now they are being brought to trial for their crimes.”


    “Oh, I thought there were three dragons,” Dimitri commented after he was given the explanation. He knew of the existence of the dragons, however, he hadn’t commited their names to memory.

    After a few moments, the boy moved to Edgeworth’s side so that he could hand over the papers that he had finished sorting.

    “So, are there any other cases that are going to be handled aside fro the dragons, Miles?”

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