Jenna and Sephiroth: Azure dreams

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    Desiree: *glances at the turkey then nods at Kalysto. She then leans in to bite into the turkey that he’s offering. She then nods in appreciation* That tastes good.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *begins pulling more pieces of turkey off the half bird and flicks them onto her. Then he moves over her and begins to eat them off her, using only his mouth, taking the time to lick bare skin in the process* You know… most people normally do this with something like candy.


    Desiree: *softly chuckles at Kalysto* You know, I’m not directing you. So, this is all you. *smirks at him before reaching up with her left hand to gently massage her fingers through his hair*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Hey, you told me to do this. *yanks the leg off the turkey and holds it in his mouth, then leans over her to try and feed her the other side*


    Desiree: *grins at Kalysto* Just be glad my mother didn’t really teach me much. I haven’t witnessed or heard much, but from my father’s ramblings, she can be quite… kinky. *she then leans in to bite into the other side of the leg, deciding that she’s having fun with this* ~We’re going to need to change the sheets after this.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *”We need to change the sheets after we are done anyway… especially if we’re not planning on protection…”* *continues to chew on the turkey, then leaves it with her and begins to lick her chest* I have something in the drawer…


    Desiree: Hmm..? *glances over at the nearby dresser. She then lazily reaches out to try to open up the drawer. Since she’s mostly distracted by the licking, it takes her a few tries to get her aim correct. However, once she opens up the drawer, she tries to take a quick glance inside*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *continues to lick Desiree, moving to lick the underside of her breast, allowing his tongue to roam into the depression of her belly-button. Inside of his top drawer is a half-empty box of condoms, and a medium sized bottle of sexual/massage lubricant* *”I think I’m not really that hungry any more.”*


    Desiree: *her pupils dilate with pleasure as Kalysto continues to lick her. She then gives up on groping about in the drawer all together. Instead, she moves to wrap her arms around Kalysto’s form so that she can caress him* What a shame…

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *spends more time licking over Desiree, eating turkey pieces off her. He soon gets into the more naughty proceedings not long after, not using any protection at all, simply because he was not reminded about it. After they are both done, he lies at her side, just lying there, rather content for now*


    Desiree: Mmmmm… That was.. Different. *Softly chuckles* But it was definitely enjoyable. *She nods and pats the top of Kalysto’s head before yawning* Good night, my dark lord. *grins and closes her eyes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Dark lord… heh… *puls the covers over them both, shaking off the flakes of turkey all over the bed* This place smells like a roasted dinner… *frowns* Yuck… *closes his eyes and tries to get sleep*


    Desiree: Too tired to fix… *nuzzles her nose against the side of his neck* Tell Droozun to lick up leftovers and get rid of it… That’ll work. *drifts off to sleep as soon as she finishes speaking this thought*

    Kat Aclysm

    Arte: *halfway through the night, she carries one very upset infant into the room, not seeming to care that either Kalysto or Desiree are naked* Wake up… *moves to Desiree’s side of the bed and nudges her* Wake up, you. Wake. *holds the crying baby next to her ear*


    Desiree: *loudly groans in exhaustion as Arte nudges her. She then tries to cuddle up even closer to Kalysto* Urg….

    Jenna: *had been woken up by the crying. She moves into the doorway and flicks her wings before clearing her throat* Let them sleep. I’ll take care of my grandson this time.

    Kat Aclysm

    Arte: *has only briefly met Jenna a few times, so makes a light discontented noise at Jenna, backing away slightly. She then resumes trying to give the infant to Desiree, nudging her shoulder* Wake up, ees feeding time.


    Jenna: *frowns at the noise that Arte makes toward her. She then moves in closer before she spreads out her right wing in an attempt to place it between Arte and Desiree* I said leave them be. I can take care of my grandson. They look tired.

    Kat Aclysm

    Arte: Wh… *stops suddenly* Well o’course dey tired! Dey spend half ‘de night makin’ more babies! Dat don’t mean dey get to skip out on takin’ care o’ de ones they have! *tries to gently bat the wing aside* Ch-ch-ch… *shakes her head* Wake up.

    Kalysto: *is quite awake by now at Arte’s comment. Still, he doesn’t move and pretends to be asleep*


    Jenna: *sighs and narrows her eyes as she examines Arte. She then clears her throat before managing to speak in nearly perfect “Troll”* “I said I’ll take care of my grandson. Leave them be. I have my own infant that is about to wake up at any moment, so it is of no problem for me.” *she reaches out and tries to take Orpheus away from Arte*

    Kat Aclysm

    Arte: *makes another grumbling sound and hands the infant over to Jenna before silently walking out of the room, looking quite unhappy and defeated*


    Jenna: *pats Orpheus’s head as he’s handed over to her. She then briefly turns back to look at Kalysto* For the record, I know you’re awake. Go back to sleep, elf. *with that, she stalks out of the room so that she could take care of her grandson*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *flicks an ear at Jenna, then opens his eyes and watches her leave the room, pulling the covers over himself again* Geez, how inappropriate… *waves his hand* Droozun… *yawns* Go nose the door shut…


    Desiree: *groans at the noise from Kalysto. She then shifts and turns to face him. Though she doesn’t wake up, she wraps her arms about his waste and yanks him in closer to her so that she could cuddle*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *remains in the bed for a while longer, at least until his own internal biological urges keep him from lying down any longer. He sighs and tries to wiggle out from Desiree* Sorry… *reaches over the side of the bed, trying to feel for a pair of pants*

    Droozun: *raises his head and quickly snaps up Kalysto’s underpants in his teeth, running off to the other side of the room*


    Desiree: *releases a tired groan as Kalysto shifts about. She then cracks open her eyes* Morning already..? *yawns* Can’t you tell your demons to make morning go away. *smirks at her own joke*

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