Jenna and Sephiroth: Azure dreams

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    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Ohhh.. you mean like this? *begins to darkly chuckle again. Then he flicks the hood from his robe over his head, tucking his ears in, giving her a sinister grin* Let me corrupt your SOUL with a curse, pretty girl. Heh heh heh…. *grabs her arm playfully and tries to bite it*


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes at Kalysto. She then leans in to kiss him* Hmm.. I think you might have already done that one. *she winks at him then sighs* But fine, maybe you just haven’t seriously used that type of laugh in front of me before.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: You don’t know me very well then. Do you. *begins to climb the cliff face, curious at how tall it is* It didn’t look this bad from a distance. *despite the fact he has no harness or means to protect himself from falling, he continues to scale the cliff*


    Desiree: Hrmph, I know you better than most people. *shakes her head at him. She then tilts her head as she watches him move up the cliff. However, rather than climb herself, she just begins to levitate upward. She sticks by his side as the warlock moves up the cliff*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *stops, glancing back at her* Oh what? *flattens his brows, glaring slightly* You could always pick me up and carry me up there. Just a thought? *frowns, then shakes his head and continues to climb*


    Desiree: Oh, but you looked like you were having fun. *grins* Anwyay, I didn’t want to ruin your ego. *shrugs then floats closer to him. Soon after, she wraps her arms about his waist and begins to carry him up the rest of the way. However, as she does this, she whispers to him* You’re also heavy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: I’m not that fat. *glares at Desiree as she carries him up the cliff face, walking towards the building once up there* Where did this come from? Its’ not from Mideel. The rest of this place looks strange and backwards.


    Desiree: *chuckles at Kalysto* Being heavy doesn’t always mean fat. *sets him down on the ground once they scale up the cliff. She then lands down next to him* You’re an adult and of proper weight. You’re supposed to be weighty. If you were easy to pick up, there would be a problem. *she then glances over the building* And.. I have no idea.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *steps inside the building. He suddenly sniffs the air and narrows his brows* Humans. There were lots of them in this office space. But they’re not here now. *growls* Just as well. *begins to walk around, exploring* Place looks abandoned. Stable, though. No structural damage. Good place to set up a paper pushing business.


    Desiree: Well, humans were the only species on Gaia, excepting the Cetra who were basically extinct and more or less human and my father, until you brought those elves over. *Shakes her head* It makes sense that you’d find humans everywhere. *she begins to look around as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    *there are machines like faxes, computers, and printers on tables all over. The lettering on the keyboards are have foreign letters on them as well as English characters though. The building used to belong to a bank branch in Japan and somehow ended up on the shoreline of the continent during the shift*

    Kalysto: It smells strange. Foreign. And very suspicious.


    Desiree: *jumps over the main desk so that she can be on the proper side. She then begins to dig around through the draws and stuff. Once she figures out that most of the items are written in an unknown language, she snorts* I don’t know how to read any of this… *She then glances toward the back as she notices a vault* Hmm.. *moves closer to the vault before she uses her telekenesis to force it open*

    Kat Aclysm

    *inside the vault lies all manner of things. People’s Safety Deposit Boxes mostly, and large amounts of cash. If she picks through the drawers she will find gold jewellery and so on*

    Kalysto: *flinches at the sound of the vault being forced open* You’re a common criminal! *moves over anyway to see, partly because he’s curious to see inside too*


    Desiree: *rolls her eyes* It’s not a crime if all the owners are dead. *she digs through the items in the vault. She then stares at the money and jewlewry* Umm… Yea, I think we could be rich with this stuff.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *stares, then quickly moves in to snatch up some of the jewelled pendants and so on* Well don’t just stand there. Take it! We’re lucky we got here before anyone else. *picks up some minted gold bars* Geez, there must be like, 3 million gil worth of gold here alone. We could buy a really fancy house with this if they let us keep it. Got anywhere to hide it?


    Desiree: *frowns then shakes her head* No, I don’t, Kalysto. You know everything that I own. *grabs several of the valuables then grins as she holds them up* These are rather nice… *shakes her head, deciding to ignore what little hoarding instinct she inherited from her dragon side* Umm… maybe we can hide them in the astral plane? Or maybe just give it all to Milena for her to lay on. *chuckles at the thought*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: *glances off to the side* Did you know Felhunters have a large stomach capacity. *begins to summon Droozun* Go get your Felhunter too. I have an idea.


    Desiree: *frowns at Kalysto* Don’t they also poop out what they have in their stomach after a few days, Kalysto? I am not digging through fel-hunter poop… *twitches at the very thought then shakes her head* No!

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: No, he’s not going to be pooping them out. He’ll regurgitate it for me when we’re at the house again. *crouches down to pat Droozun’s snout once he’s tangible, then stuffs a gold bar into his maw* Eat it. We have to get this stuff home.

    Droozun: *holds the bar in his mouth, growling* *”Not common storage bag!”*


    Desiree: *frowns* That doesn’t sound much more pleasant… Your idea, it’ll be your job to clean the stuff up.. *she then calls Mahret to her location before patting the top of her felhunter’s head. Soon after, she holds out a clump of jewelery to the demon* Can you swallow this for a while?

    Kat Aclysm

    Mahret: *sniffs the thing Desiree is holding over her head then leaps up to eat it, swallowing it in one bite* Rrrr… *wiggles slightly at the uncomfortable texture as it goes down, but begins to sniff around for more food*

    Kalysto: That’s why you make them puke in the garden. Then you hose it off. *crouches down and tries to stuff the bar down Droozun’s gullet* Eat it!


    Desiree: Now, you’re going to need to throw these things up when we need them back. Ok, Mahret? *She grabs some more items from the vault and offers them to Mahret* I’m still leaving that stuff to you, Kalysto. *twitches at the thought of cleaning up puke*

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: You change more shitty diapers than me and you’re concerned about Felhunter puke? It’s nothing but half-burned out energies and slobber. Unless of course, they ate something physical recently. Then that’s a different story…

    Mahret: *happily eats anything Desiree throws at her. She even begins to whine, trying to climb up on Desiree to be fed faster*

    Droozun: *rumbles viciously* *”Not eating it!”*

    Kalysto: Do I have to get out the bigger demons to stomp on you!? EAT IT!!


    Desiree: *yelps as Mahret whines for more. She then shakes her head* You’re strange.. *sighs and grabs more valuables so that she can offer them to Mahret. She then narrows her eyes at Kalysto* Well, I don’t have much choice but to change those diapers. You’re still cleaning up the puke.

    Kat Aclysm

    Kalysto: Oh, no I’m not. *glares down at Droozun. He crouches down and grabs one of the Felhunter’s stalks, pulling on it* You’re going to do what you’re told. I’m your Master and if you argue against me, you’re committing a crime. Don’t be disloyal! *throws the stalk back away, then tries to stuff the bar into his mouth again*

    Droozun: *gives Kalysto another louder threatening rumble, then jumps up, biting his shoulder*

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