In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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    Seferia: ~That is only because my thoughts are much clearer and organized than yours. Emotions such as anger, fear, and so on do not affect my species such as yours. Still, I want you to pay attention to what I am showing you. Stop yelling at me.~ *meanwhile, the illusion that she’s showing him comes to life once more. The female stumbles back, clearly afraid as Clawina advances. It would seem that Clawina has the upper hand.

    However, that soon changes as the female starts going “yes, I agree” to apparently no one. Soon after, she begins enveloped by a black cocoon like substance. Meanwhile, Clawina scowls at the development and stabs at it with her sword, intending to rid herself of the female*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *pays close attention to the illusion being shown to him, flinching slightly at it’s intensity and strength. He seems confused as he watches, scowling, shaking his head* *”Why are you showing me this? What relevence does it bear to anything? Why would I even want to watch this?”*


    Seferia: ~It is important. This is truth. You can believe that much.~

    *The illusion continues to play on. Seferia, in her dragon form, would be not too far away from Clawina. She’s whacking away several of the monstrous enemies that make up Sesshou’s army. However, she clearly keeps an eye on her queen.

    Meanwhile, the cocoon begins to rapidly shift about. Soon enough, a long tail emerges from the mass then swiftly moves in to impale Clawina through the mid-section. As this happens, the main part of the cocoon breaks apart and spreads into three sets of wings. The upper, outermost, and lower, innermost sets of wings are black, draconic wings. However, the middle set are white, with a hint of a flame-pattern, “angel” wings. The reformed woman moves to stand at her full height, which is now about a foot more than what it was before.

    Clawina hisses and begins to curse at the “wretched human” as she’s stabbed. However, the woman shakes her head and laughs at her. “No, not human anymore. No, no, no.” Her voice actually sounds like two voices speaking at once. One of the pair is higher and clearly that of the female that had tormented Sephiroth. However, the second set is lower and “demonic”. She reaches out and plunges her larger, claw-like, left arm into Clawina’s chest, making several large holes. However, she pulls it out, wanting to keep the feline alive for a bit longer. “We are Nemesis. Not human. Not best. Remember well..” She clicks her claws together then chuckles. “Oh, yes, you won’t have the chance to remember everything.”

    With those words, Nemesis begins to rip apart Clawina, playing with her. She’d rip out Clawina’s spikes first, giggling at the cries of pain that she recieves from this. As this happens, Seferia rushes in to help her queen, however, Nemesis whips around as Seferia nears and blasts her with a dark blast of energy that rips through the left side of her face, tearing her flesh down to her chest. So, Seferia topples over and groans in pain.

    Nemesis giggles. “We’ll get to you later.” She then turns her attention back to Clawina and continues to rip her apart.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *closes his eyes, deeply scowling at the illusion Seferia is drawing into his mind. His expresion is one of utter distaste and anger as he watches, for once not having a comment of protest about it. He opens his eyes when the scene has finished and snarls at Seferia* Stop it.


    Seferia: *frowns at the way Sephiroth is behaving. However, she does choose to stop the flow of memories to him, choosing to leave alone the parts where Nemesis turned on Seferia herself and tried to tear her apart, as well as Seferia’s escape. So, she lets go of Sephiroth’s mind then looks him in the eyes* Are you starting to understand why things are as they are here? This is not a prison. This is a community who wishes to live.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Don’t you think I’d like to decide that one for myself? *snorts at her* I don’t care what harm befalled you and your lackeys here. I have my own problems as well. *narrows his eyes* You aren’t the only one trying to stand your ground against oppressive forces right now.


    Seferia: If you are referring to myself as your oppressor, I must state that I am not trying to do such. I am trying to free you from your own hatred that clouds your judgment. It is you who is lying to and deceiving yourself at the moment. I am only showing you truth. All the memories that I have shown you so far are your own. I do not alter them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls at Seferia anyway* My judgement is not clouded. I am very clear-headed in my thinking. In fact, I am the most clear-headed with my thoughts than I have ever been before. I know the truth, and I know my past. You are not showing me anything I do not already know now. What is the point of continuing?


    Seferia: Do you honestly know? *shakes her head* From what I’ve observed so far, you are nothing more than a lost boy who blindly followed the orders of others all your life. You even blindly followed the will of your mother, to the point of thinking that you can become a god. Tell me, how would you survive an attempt to harness such power? Your body would be born to bits.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Seferia, narrowing his eyes at her comments* Pfff… I could harness as much power as I wanted. I am like her. I am resistant and more than capable of obtaining and holding such masses of energy within my body. You do not know anything about me. *glares* You cannot make a judgement.


    Seferia: *frowns then decides to enter Sephiroth’s mind again. This time, she begins reviewing his memories from when he was reading in the library at Nibeheim. She finds several statements from Jenova within his memories, some faint, some that he would have clearly paid attention to. She then brings them to the fore-front* ~This sounds like someone who supports you and wants to have both of you succeed? She spoke a lot about what she needed and wanted.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”She needed to rise up and become powerful. I wanted revenge. Together, the both of us could acheive our goal and take over the planet together. We would have become gods, and we would have ruled over it.”* *doesn’t seem upset at this memory, but seems adamant that Jenova wasn’t planning the planet for herself alone*


    Seferia: *continues to browse his memories of things that Jenova did for him. She continues to highlight moments in which, at least to Seferia, Jenova appeared to be quite selfish in her words and harsh to Sephiroth. Then, she begins to allow him to feel her memories of interactions with Clawina. While the two of them would be quite professional in public, it would be quite evident that Clawina cared for and respected Seferia*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at Seferia’s probing and memories, snarling in anger. He begins to think about what she has said and compares the two relationships, loudly growling shortly afterwards* *”So Jenova was out to get me too. I shouldn’t be surprised…”*


    Seferia: *moves closer to Sephiroth and shakes her head* ~I can promise you that I do not want to use you. Yes, I would like for you to move above the hatred that fills your heart and mind. However, if you never let go, then I will accept your decicion and let you go as you please. Your fate will be yours. However, it will also be short.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her* *”That is what I have been trying to tell you from the very beginning of this nonsense. I don’t want to be here. I want to be out there, and free. I already live a doomed existance. My planet has been destroyed and I am a prisoner here. I will never be a god. Jenova used me…”* *snarls* *”Stop wasting my time. Kill me if that is your desire, but I will fight against it.”*


    Seferia: *sighs at Sephiroth’s words. She then shakes her head* No, that is not what I want at all. *releases her grip on his mind* I want you to live. I want as many as possible to live. My warning was not to indicate that myself or any of my group would kill you if you never open your eyes. However, the female who killed your mother will. She hates all, unconditionally. *glances at the trace of a cut on his chest* I would dare to say that you know that all too well.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* Then no matter where I go, I will never be free. *moves to sit down, pondering the latest developments that Seferia has brought to the surface. He makes a loud hissing noise in annoyance, scowling* This is less than enjoyable…


    Seferia: That is not necessarily true, Sephiroth. I wish to guide you to a lifestyle that will permit you personal freedom. However, I cannot promise that there will not be oppression, for all of us have hard lives now of days. *slowly shakes her head. Then, she gets to her feet and moves to exit the tent* Is there anything that you require for the rest of the day, Sephiroth? I should get to my work.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares up at her* No, I do not want anything from you. Now be on your way and leave me alone. *scowls and leans his back to the wall, not wanting to look at her any more. Truth is, he wants to think and ponder his situation without being disturbed*


    Seferia: Very well, Sephiroth. If you require food- *points to her supply to the left of the tent* You may take some of mine. I can go quite some time without food. Farewell. *nods at him in a polite and respectful manner. Soon enough, she exits the tent. She’d be gone for the rest of the day*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches her leave, then moves to his feet and begins poking at the tent. He peers outside, hating the illusion Seferia has still placed over him, snorting. He sits down on the bed inside the tent and folds his arms, seeming both bored and irritated*


    Seferia: *is gone for most of the day. Finally, after night falls outside and over half of a day alone for Sephiroth, Seferia returns to the tent. She seems to be a bit exhausted. However, she gives Sephiroth a courteous greeting nod* Hello.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *has spent most of the day contemplating his situation. He remains seated on the bedding in the corner of the tent when Seferia finally returns, grunting in her direction when she steps into the tent* Hello. *scowls, turning his head away. If Seferia checks her supplies, Sephiroth would have stolen some of her food and disposed of the leftovers underneath her existing trash rather discreetly*


    Seferia: *quickly notes the food that is missing in her supplies. However, she chooses not to speak a word about it. In fact, she’s rather glad that Sephiroth took care of himself. Instead, she moves to grab a piece of goat meat for herself. She then begins to eat it raw*

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