In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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    Seferia: Hmm.. *narrows her eyes and begins to browse through his childhood memories once more* ~So, this man here.~ *shows him an image of Hojo* ~He is the one who you are truly angry at, correct? He is the one who harmed and abused you.~ *Begins to pull up Seph’s memories of being experimented on and neglected by Hojo*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls and swats a hand at the air violently, attacking out at some invisible foe. He continues to make the loud snarling noise and sits up, wanting to regain control of reality again* Stop it! Get out of my head!! *attempts to block the memories out of his head, but it doesn’t help much. Throughout his memories, thoughts begin to seep through that Seferia is the source of this torment and that she’s enjoying herself. He thinks that she is the #1 enemy that must be destroyed in order to stop the memories from being dredged up, and to help him escape from his ‘prison’*


    Seferia: ~Do not worry so much about me. Just pay attention to what is there in your own mind. Tell me, does this man look like he is sane? Is his evils and transgressions truly comprable to all other humans, hm?~ *shakes her head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”You really don’t get it, do you…”* *begins to struggle around on the ground, snarling up at her, although he’s not tied up or confined* *”It’s not just this idiot. This was the beginning.”* *thinks of people in Wutai, the President of ShinRa, his own fellow army recruits, everyone else whom has either oppressed him, abused him, or otherwise set out to harm him*


    Seferia: *tilts her head as the analyzes the counter-acting proof that Sephiroth is trying to show her. She then shakes her head. She soon decides to concentrate on the people in Wutai* ~This group held no animosity toward you alone. They were battling for the freedom of their people. You were just one of many to them. If someone else had been in your position, they would have received the same exact treatment*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to growl at her* *”You still have no real evidence or proof that I have no reason to be the way I am. I hate everybody, your logic is flawed. You are an enemy and you must be eliminated for as long as you want to stop me from acheiving my goal. Now GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HEAD!!”* *there is immense aggression and hostility coupled with his mental yelling*


    Seferia: *chooses to ignore Sephiroth’s words and simply turns her attention to his own behavior toward his fellow soldiers. She begins shoving examples of Sephiroth’s unfriendly attitude that left him near to friendless in the SOLDIER troops. She also shows as many elements as she can find of him putting his missions before those working in the mission*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”If you’re trying to show me that I am not a nice person, mission accomplished. Now get the hell out of my head! I’m tired of you being in there, and you are acheving NOTHING. Nothing – do you hear me?! NOTHING AT ALL!!”* *acknowledges the memories she’s dragging up to the surface, then immediately tries to clear them, wanting to regain his conciousness again* *”What makes you think memories have anything to do with the way I am behaving now? It’s YOU, you idiot!!”*


    Seferia: ~You fight so much because it hurts. It hurts because it is truth. Yes, I am in your head. However, I am performing a needed service. You require it in order to learn how to reach beyond that which you are now.~ *continues to show him the memories of his integrations with his fellow SOLDIERs. She also pulls up memories that would have been harder to find. Ones that he just barely overheard, in which she is emphasizing, of SOLDIERs commenting about Sephiroth’s people skills and how he would be cool if he would lighten up.*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *calms somewhat, but has no initial reply for Seferia’s comments. He thinks to himself that it is somewhat true, although heavily denies that any fear or hurt is involved. He snarls at the next set of memories Seferia conjures into his mind, growling* *”I don’t lighten up… or let up… I would be perceived as weak.”*


    Seferia: ~Once again, that is not the point, Sephiroth. They did not automatically hate you. You made them hate you with your own attitude. That is why you were alone. It was not because you were “different”.~ *shakes her head at him. She then tries to bring up his memories of Zack and all the things that man did as Seph’s friend*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *”It had everything to do with that! If I had been friendly, I would have either gotten into trouble, or I wouldn’t have commanded any respect at all. What the hell do you know about my situation anyway? You were not there. You just think you know everything because you are the one in charge. Now please, get the hell out of my head. I tire very much of this line of conversation.”*


    Seferia: Hmph. *decides to exit his mind* Very well, go to sleep for the day, Sephiroth. We have gotten as far as we will get for today. *shakes her head at him. She then moves to lie down on her bed*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly growls, but seems relieved as she releases herself from his mind. He backs away from her and gets to his feet, moving to the back corner of the room, glaring down at the ground before sitting down, lying down on it*


    Seferia: *not long after Sephiroth lays down, she waves her hand in his direction. Soon enough, a fluffy mattress with decent covers appears under him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *jerks to his feet again, startled and defensive about what has occured. He narrows his eyes in suspicion as he pokes at the matress, then loudly growls and lies down again, pulling the covers over himself entirely, falling asleep not long after as he is warm and comfortable*


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* For the record, the words you should have spoken are “thank you”. *softly sighs, reminding herself that his rehabilitation will take more than just a single day. So, she moves to lie down on her back. Soon enough, she drifts to sleep as well*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *easily sleeps through the next several hours, stirring again when his mind finally wakes him up again. He sits up and stretches, then yawns and turns his head towards the door, glancing back at Seferia before getting to his feet. He wanders outside, hissing as he sees the illusion out there. However, he doesn’t seem to care too much about it now and blindly reaches out in front of him, intending to feel his way arounf and escape that way*

    *One of the lower-ranked felines whom is passing through the area stares at the strange silver haired human, stopping to watch him blindly feel his way around. He loudly laughs and smirks, standing there as Sephiroth approaches him* What the fuck are you doing, pretty boy? *hisses when Sephiroth bumps into him, and immediately pushes him over* Watch where you’re goin’ next time, human!


    Seferia: *her ears twitch as she hears the noise outside the tent. She then frowns and shakes her head* Troublesome human. Quite stubborn.. *she slowly pushes herself out of her bed. Then, she moves outside the tent. Soon enough, she approaches Sephiroth and grips onto his shoulders* That is enough.

    Kat Aclysm

    *the feline pins his ears back and stands at attention as he sees Seferia approaching. However, when she assists the human on the ground, he flattens his ears and makes a low hiss* That incompetent thing belong to you, Seferia? I saw it a few days ago, chained up like a dog. What are you doing with it? Taking it in as a pet? *smirks*

    Sephiroth: *growls at Seferia and blindly swats a hand out at her* Get away from me! All I want to do is leave this place!


    Seferia: *looks up at the feline then narrows her eyes* That is out of line. *shakes her head* No, I am simply preparing him to be ready enough to assist our cause. He has power, but his mental health is not up to standard. He simply needs some assistance in regaining full sanity. *ignores Sephiroth’s swats and simply helps Sephiroth to his feet*

    Kat Aclysm

    *the feline makes an aggitated mowling noise and turns his head away* It’s not out of line if the human has a lower rank than I do. Which he does. He arrived a week ago. He hasn’t even been inducted, has he? *glares at the human and snorts* You seem to be right about the mental health thing, Seferia. I don’t think that thing is an ally. We have enough humans here as it is. *turns away and continues on his way*

    Sephiroth: *growls, trying to swat her hand away as he moves to his feet again* Let go of me!


    Seferia: *growls at the feline, wanting to emphasize her stance* You may speak those thoughts when you are alone or not present in front of me. However, when before me, you shall not speak in such a disrespectful manner. *turns her attention to Sephiroth. She then begins to lead him back to her tent* That is enough, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls at Seferia as she drags him back to the tent, swatting out at her arm once they’re inside* You utterly demeaned me in front of that disrespectful idiot! *growls at her and retreats to his corner* How long are you going to keep me trapped in here?


    Seferia: Your own tent will be set up in approximately two days, Sephiroth. Until then, you are to stay in here. Also, I do not recall saying anything that was demeaning.

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