In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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  • #22780
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns as he follows along with her, hissing at the scenery. He tries to back up as a monster comes close to his reality in the illusion, pulling hard on Seferia’s arm* Let go of me, we need to get away from here! *growls, hissing as he’s lead into the tent*


    Seferia: *lets go of Sephiroth once they’ve entered the tent. Then, she manipulates his mind once more so that he’d be motionless, even though his senses would tell him otherwise due to the mental illusions that she is sending him. She then permits for him to flee the monster. Soon enough, Sephiroth would encounter a great wasteland that was once part of the resort area on the Yucatan peninsula. The area would be more or less deserted. There’d be only a few trees left behind. However, images on bill boards and in buildings would indicate an area that was flush with life. Also, more of Nemesis’s minions would patrol the area, looking for what life they can find to bring to their master*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is rather quiet as he receives the imagery, but growls rather angrily at it nonetheless. He ponders the situation and thinks to himself that he could just search for a more hospitable place. He loudly snarls and tries to escape, wanting to begin looking for such a place* This is ridiculous… what’s going on…? *reaches out infront of him, confused when he does not see his arm in the imagery*


    Seferia: ~What you see is reality, ridiculous or not. If I had indeed allowed you to exit the cavern, these creatures would be what you would find. Not animals of which you are familiar with.~ *narrows her eyes then decides to drop the illusion enough so that he can now see where he really is. However, she keeps enough of a hold on his mind such that any attempt to escape the tent would result in him just re-entering right after* You are not on the planet of which you know, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud growling noise at her and grits his teeth once the illusion has faded, jerking backwards, retreating for the corner of the tent. He glares furiously at the feline, then sharply snorts and turns his head away* I don’t give a damn where I am. I’ve survived in worse conditions than what you have shown me outside.


    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth’s words* Strong words, however, I clearly felt your fear. Though, I must admit, with the thoughts that I first gathered from you, and am still finding in your mind, I hardly thought that you’d just cower away from the images that I showed you. You did burn down an entire village without remorse.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: So what? I did it because those morons deserved it. *growls* They had it coming to them for years. *moves to his feet, glancing around the room. He makes a loud disapproving growl and snorts* I want to leave. NOW.


    Seferia: You will leave and be situated in your own area as soon as we find an available tent. Until then.. *walks over to Sephiroth before firmly setting her hands on his shoulder. She then leads him to the tub in the back of her tent* Bathe yourself. *narrows her eyes then casts a spell to fill the tub with warm water*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly growls and tenses as Seferia touches him, trying to smack her hands away as she leads him to the tub* I won’t do anything you demand me to do! *snarls as he eyes the bathtub, then glares angrily at her* Oh, and are you going to watch my every move in there?


    Seferia: Actually, no I am not. *nods toward the soaps and shampoos on the wall* Use whatever you require. Just get rid of your stench. *lets go of him. She then turns around and slowly limps out of the tent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *watches Seferia very attentively as she hobbles out of the tent. He remains quite still, then heads to the edge of the tent, peeking outside* Hmm… *growls at the illusion he sees outside, then loudly snorts and pulls his head back in again* *”You’re keeping me as a prisoner in here too. How very grand of you to do. Too bad for you if I need to leave the tent at any point.”* *snarls and moves back inside. He makes sure the tent flap is properly tied up for privacy, then strips down so he can wash himself off. He sits in the tub and carefully washes himself off, spending a good long time doing so if left undisturbed*


    Seferia: *Doesn’t bother to respond to Sephiroth for the time being. Instead, she is gathering clothing that will fit him from the supplier. After about an hour from when Seferia left the tent, she’d walk back inside, whether or not Sephiroth were done with his bath. She’d then set the clothing down on a chair*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is just finishing up with his bath when Seferia arrives again. He widens his eyes as she just casually walks into the tent, promptly lowering his bottom half back into the water, glaring at her* Do you mind?! Get lost!! *growls loudly* What are you doing? I didn’t say you could come in! Get out of here!!


    Seferia: *calmly speaks* This is my tent, Sephiroth. I can come and go as I please. *closes her eyes* Do not worry, I will not spy on you if that is what you are concerned about. *turns her back on him and just silently stands there. Her stance, while a bit weak due to her maimed leg, would clearly have a militaristic manner to it*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *remains where he is, hesitant at first, growling at her words. He doesn’t seem to trust her at all and snorts, slowly moving out of the tub. He is quick to pick up a towel and wrap it around his waist to cover his private areas, growling as he feels around in the bottom of the tub for the plug* Where the hell is the plumbing in this place? *gives up and picks up another towel to begin drying himself with*


    Seferia: Unfortunately, there isn’t any plumbing. We have to remain ready to be on the move at a moment’s notice. If ever we were found out and we couldn’t just pack up and leave.. There’d be a slaughter. *keeps her back to him. She’d clearly not even tilt her head to look back at him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares daggers at Seferia’s back, then moves to the pile of folded clothing she had set down for him* What the hell is this? *picks up the pants and underwear, glaring hard at them, snorting with disgust, clearly loathing the situation* Prisoner clothing to fit in with the death camp?


    Seferia: No, that clothing is not for prisoners. *narrows her eyes a bit. However, she continues to face the “wall” of the tent* It was the best that was not armor of which I could find. From a visual inspection of you, I determined that those clothes will fit you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *drops the pants and glares hard at the underwear, pulling on them for a moment before putting them on* You don’t know anything about me. *picks up the pants, placing them on as well* You can turn around now. I don’t care about the rest of this.


    Seferia: *turns to face Sephiroth then tilts her head* What is that statement meant to indicate? I do not understand why you said such a thing.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You said ‘from a visual inspection’, meaning you guessed my size and went with it. *snorts* You don’t know anything about my clothing preferences, and you are assuming that I will wear whatever the hell you decree. *picks up his shirt and tosses it at her face*


    Seferia: Actually- *bats the shirt to the side* -I could careless whether or not you will ear this exact clothing. At the moment, I just want to get you out of that outfit you were in before. It rank of filth. *shakes her head* You may get your own clothing later. *moves to sit in her chair, watching over him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls, picking up one of the shoes to throw at her, throwing the other shortly after. He then moves into a defensive stance and begins to loudly growl, trying to appear as threatening and aggressive as he possibly can* I’m going to get out of here first if you would actually LET me!! *rushes at her with balled fists, intending to slug her in the snout*


    Seferia: *her eyes once again begin to glow. She then storms into his mind, first trying to halt his attack. Then, she begins trying to find the exact root for his violence so that she can try to start rehabilitating him from these sort of resolutions*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *reaches the rest of the distance to her, however, when she enters his mind, he loudly snarls and clutches at his head, collapsing. He curls up, trying to block her out of his mind, snarling* Get out of my head!! *if she reads his current thoughts, he perceives her and everyone else around them to be enemies and somehow dangerous and a threat to him. He also thinks this of everyone in the base, and pretty much in general. These thoughts are based on his upbringing, and learned lessons, such as helping others, only to receive punishment from Hojo for doing so*

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