In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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    Seferia: *narrows her eyes at him* ~I want things to be the way they were before this war started as well. However, I cannot have things the way I want them. I want my queen to be alive again. I do not want to be injured in the way I am. I want things back the way they are. Still, I am not going to turn my back on the suffering of all for my selfish desires. Have you ever looked at others and considered honestly helping them?~

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls at her suggestion* *”TO HELL WITH OTHER PEOPLE!!”* *the feeling is very sharp, and full of hatred and loathing* *”What have they ever done for me?! You’re the one who’s pried through my mind, YOU should know what I know better than anyone now.”* *growls* *”I don’t want to go back there. I don’t want to be part of your idiotic group either!”* *flinches, trying to stand up. He manages a sitting position, then forces his eyes open, glaring hard at her* *”Release me at once!!”*


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes then digs through his memories again. Then, in response to his own question, she begins to force his memories of every good event that has ever occurred in his life to replay in his mind. She doesn’t care that the two of them have garnered a bit of a crowd* Do you feel like asking that question yet again?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls back at her and once again and flinches, trying to block the memories out of his head* *”Few and far between, few and far between! Are you not listening to me? Get out of my head!”* *finally stands up enough to move towards her, intending to shove her over again* *”Get lost, I won’t be a part of your stupid plot! You are doing nothing helpful to me!”*


    Seferia: *reaches out to firmly grip onto Sephiroth’s arms. She is determined not to topple over this time around, so she puts all her strength into staying put. She then shakes her head at him* If you allow it to be, you may soon find that few and far between can be many and plentiful. If you only but allow yourself to trust.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her, trying to shove her away* No… go away… *turns his head away* Let go of me… *tries to pull away from her* You don’t command me, nobody does. Nobody. Do you hear? *yells at her* Nobody! *growls and resumes trying to struggle. Its pretty clear that he’s not going to change his mindset any time soon*


    Seferia: I am not commanding you at all, Sephiroth. *shakes her head at him* Have I given you a single command? I am guiding you, yes. However, I am not commanding you. I wish for you to choose of your own will to work with us. Open up yourself to the chance to trust living creatures again. *leans closer to him* Now, you wanted to gather clothing, did you not?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her, giving her one final quick shove before moving away* Were you going to show me this place or what? *grunts sharply* I need food, first and foremost. And then a bath. Perhaps somewhere better to sleep than that damn corner. It smelled of dampness and raw sewage.


    Seferia: *frowns at him* I shall permit for you to rest in my tent until we can approve a tent for yourself. *shakes her head at him. Then, she reaches over to grip onto his arm again. Once she’s gripped onto him, she begins to lead him to the rations station once more*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls and moves his arm away, clearly not wanting to be led* I can follow you there myself. I don’t need guidance… *snorts and follows along to the rations station. He remains next to Seferia as he eyes the area, suspicious*


    Seferia: This is where food and clothing can be picked up. *lets go of Sephiroth* Go ahead and get what food you can. I shall wait for you here. However, if I find that you are making a scene, I shall interfere.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grits his teeth, narrowing his eyes at her. He moves into the tent and reaches over to pick up some bread and bottled water, taking only what he needs. He eyes off the fruits on another table, growling as he’s told by the other people inside that he can’t take them. He nabs another loaf of bread before moving outside, taking a seat in a free spot outside of the tent, and begins to eat, silent*


    Seferia: *grins as she notices Sephiroth move in and out of the tent without causing any problems at all. Still, she doesn’t allow herself to start believing that he will be fully cured of his mental diseases and distrust. Nonetheless, she moves over to Sephiroth once he sits down to eat. Not saying a word to him, she silently moves to sit down next to him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a short possessive growl and places the bread he’s not holding into his lap, hunching over slightly, determined to protect it, behaving much like a predator defensive over his kill. He continues to eat the other bread loaf in silence, pulling great chunks of it off to chew on and eat*


    Seferia: *shakes her head in a somewhat scolding manner* You need not behave in that manner, Sephiroth. I shall not steal your food. As I said, you can trust me. *eyes the bread* Anyway, that type of food holds little nutrition for me.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I tried to get something better, but they denied me. *opens the water bottle and begins to drink from it* Selfish bastards… *scowls* I’m not going to live off bread and water forever. If I could get outside, I could do my own hunting. The planet is plentiful in monsters. *finishes the bread and dusts his hands off*


    Seferia: *sighs at Sephiroth’s words. She then scans his mind once more in order to determine what this “something different” is. Soon enough, she gets to her feet again. She then walks away from Sephiroth, leaving him unattended for a few minutes. When she returns, she sets an arm-ful of fruits right in front of Sephiroth* There.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is content to sit there and begin eating the second loaf of bread while Seferia is gone. He narrows his eyes as she places the pile of fruit in front of him and he picks it up, dusting it off* Hmph… what did you do, threaten them?


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* I am… was… second in command of this entire operation. I might become the top commander now.. *deeply frowns as she thinks of Clawina’s demise. However, she quickly recovers a cool exterior appearance* I simply asked for them. They respect my rank.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I need to leave soon, then. Without the strings you pulled, I’d be eating nothing but bread here. Being chained up, tethered, left in a corner and being fed nothing but bread and water is not my idea of a life. *scowls and chews through a piece of apple* So, do you intentionally starve your slaves here?


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth* No, bread is not the only thing served here, Sephiroth. I promise you that you will not need to survive solely on bread and water here… *deeply frowns* But this entire planet is struggling to survive. Not many plants or livestock survive with ease anymore. So, the supplies have to be regulated, no matter where you go.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *gets to his feet again* I can hunt my own food. I don’t need these stupid rules. *moves away from her, heading for the residential tents. He growls at people who near him, pushing one over who gets close enough* Get out of my way!


    Seferia: *frowns at Sephiroth’s actions. She then moves as quickly as she can manage. Eventually, she manages to catch up to him. Even though she is in immense pain from pushing her body so much to catch up to Sephiroth, she doesn’t give a single indication of the pain on her face. Instead, she turns her head to look at Sephiroth, shaking it* That would be a pointless task. There is next to no free-roaming animals to eat. The monsters that you will find will belong to the one who now calls herself Nemesis… And they are inedible. Also, do not shove our residents.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: If they get in my way I will shove them as much as I want! *growls* Don’t tell me what to do. You are not my mother, you don’t command me. *snorts and moves away from her again, growling defensively* And I will go wherever I please. Now that I am free from those ridiculous chains, I have every intention of leaving. Why are you stopping me?


    Seferia: *scowls at Sephiroth’s actions. She then shakes her head and begins entering his mind. She manipulates his visual cortex so that he’d be trapped in a mental illusion once more and incapable of seeing what’s actually going on around him. So, she begins to let him think that he’s traveling outside and into the surrounding forest, giving him accurate imagery of the surrounding forest and the various monsters. However, she physically leads him to her tent*

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