In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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  • #23080
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: My mother? *snorts in disgust, not seeming too interested* That isn’t even here on this planet, is it? Why on this planet would I ever want to see it for? *suddenly seems a little confused as the terrain steepens a bit and he walks into what appears to be a sand ditch. It is not a natural formation, and curved, almost shaped in a perfect circle shape, carved out by some animal. He crouches down, trying to touch the barren sandy ground, wondering why it inclines so sharply and why it’s rather soft where he is. He begins to hear an aggitated clicking sound shortly after, and scowls, glancing around him* What is that…? *attempts to scan the ground area with his abilities*


    Seferia: No, that was not another planet. You were held captive on this planet. It was a few thousand miles away from here, but it was near enough for me to show you the location. *She then frowns as she notices the clicking noises. Quickly, she jumps to Seph’s location and tries to shove him out of the sandy area* Get out of here. You are in danger.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* I will not have you tell me what to do. I am going to find the thing that is hissing at me and kill it. *growls with much more volume as Seferia shoves him out of the pit, causing him to stumble over, landing on the hard ground*

    *At the same time, a rather large sand-scorpion rushes up from beneath the sand, flailing it’s pincers and stinger, loudly clacking in aggitation that it’s prey just escaped. It seems totally uninterested in the people nearby as it begins flicking sand out of it’s burrow, resetting it’s trap so it can catch something else. Once it’s done, it reburies itself in the sand nearby*


    Seferia: *she slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth’s attitude. Pushing herself up off of the silver-haired man, she slowly gets to her feet before offering her hand to help him back up to his feet* You’re welcome.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a sharp defensive growl at Seferia and whacks at her hand, moving to his feet by himself. He then takes out his sword and turns to the scorpion, loudly snarling at it* Stupid monster… I bet it’s not even worth anything.


    Seferia: *doesn’t take any offense as Sephiroth smacks her hand away. Instead, she just takes a few steps away from him in order to give him room. She then tilts her head* “Worth anything”? *She shakes her head* I can’t say that any “monsters” are worth anything at all. I do not comprehend what you are referring to.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Hmph… sometimes monsters carry items that are of value. This one probably has nothing. *kicks sand into the pit as the scorpion is settling back into it’s home and continues to move on his way* Where are we going, anyway? There doesn’t seem to be anything out here but dry ground and sand… perhaps the occaisonal scrubby tree. *scowls* Where’s the nearest town?


    Seferia: There isn’t a nearest town, Sephiroth. The only civilization that is anywhere nearby is the operations base that we just left. *she twitches her ears as she listens for any signs of danger* As I told you several times, this world is struggling to live. There isn’t much in the form of civilization left.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *furrows his brows and shakes his head, seeming highly irritated. He doesn’t stop however, and continues to walk onwards, wanting to keep going and explore the area properly. He seems rather content to walk as he has forgotten how to levitate due to Seferia’s influences*


    Seferia: *releases a soft sigh, not fully approving of the fact that Sephiroth wants to explore rather than return to the safety of the group. However, she stays by his side. She remains silent for the most part, not wanting to disturb his thoughts at all. However, she does make a few noises whenever her bad leg starts to act up, which causes her to frequently take missteps*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *just walks further from the base, aggressively trying to shove whatever noises that aren’t him out of his mind, snarling, highly pissed off at the idea of somebody manipulating him, or even trying to. He makes a loud snarling sound as he presses onward, demanding to know what’s out here, not at all willing to believe Seferia’s comment about how barren it is**


    Seferia: *continues to push herself along, not wanting to let Sephiroth get too far away from her. Eventually, they come upon the remains of a small village in the jungles of Honduras. Seferia frowns as she examines the desolation of the village. She then shakes her head* Do not expect to find much, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’m not… *shakes his head* But there has to be something out there. Something partway interesting. *scowls* If my fate is resigned to spending my time with a collection of wayward refugees in a desolate landscape, I would have to say that it is a rather ignominious end to my career. *furrows his brows, a hint of dissapointment on his face for a moment before he continues into the desolate ruined villiage*


    Seferia: I can’t say that any of us had planned for our lives or careers to be the ways that they are now, Sephiroth. At this point, we all just thank the powers that be that we are even still alive and that there is some wildlife pockets left on this planet. *She walks over to one of the storefronts. Soon enough, she steps inside and begins scouring it for any useful supplies*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t care what you and your friends were planning. That is you, this is me. *snorts* And I must say, I really do not like the idea of living off the land to survive, existing in somebody else’s shadow one day to the next. It’s not really a life. *shakes his head and folds his arms* Fine, we can go back. There’s nothing here.


    Seferia: I cannot say that any of us feel as if our lives as they are now are “living”. However, if we do become victorious, we will be able to restore what we have lost. That is what we fight for. *she pulls out a few items that she feels will be useful, such as fishing lures and knives. She then casts a spell to store them away in a magical space of hers. Once that is done, she steps out of the building and nods at Sephiroth* If you truly wish to return, then we can do that. As I said earlier, I was permitting you to choose the way.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t suppose it matters which way I go… I don’t really have a choice what happens. *shrugs* So let’s go back. I’ll remain your prisoner for the entire duration of your stupid affair with this planet’s enemy, I suppose. *folds his arms*


    Seferia: *releases a soft rumble at Sephiroth’s terminology. She then shakes her head* You are not a prisoner. The only restraints that have been put on you are there to keep others and yourself safe. *She moves to his side* If you are willing, I can help you overcome those mental conflicts that distrub you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Help? You? *makes a loud noise of mockery and quickly shakes his head* Damn unlikely… especially when you are one of the idiots who keeps dragging things up that occured years and years ago. Are you joking? Or kidding me? You have to be… you couldn’t possibly do anything to help me.


    Seferia: I drag up the past because it is pertinent to your mental scars. You will not be able to fully heal by simply ignoring the fact that the past has occurred. *she shakes her head* No matter. My offer remains. If you do not wish to regain a semblance of the composure of mind that you once had, then I cannot force you.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What are you hoping to acheive? *scowls* Do you think constantly reminding me of the past will change anything? So do you think it will really turn my opinion around 180° and I will be friendly to all? *grunts sharply* Think about it. Punch somebody in the face. Do it again, and again, and again. Then leave them be for a while and remind them of the fact that you punched them repeatedly. What do you think the reaction will be? *snorts* They will only get angrier, and bitter over the fact. Stop dragging it up – I’m aware of it. I don’t need to be reminded again and again. It’s not fixing anything. It’s not healing me.


    Seferia: As much as you want to think that I am rubbing your past in your face, that is not the case. You cannot heal by just trying to forget that which has been done. You have perceptions about the ways that others reacted to you in the past. You choose to focus on parts of your memories which support your claims that you are despised by all and they are below you. *she focuses her eyes on him* What I do is show you alternative ways of perceiving your past actions and the actions of others. However, since you do not want to accept such things, you are acting as if you are being punched.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* I’m not trying to forget it! *snarls* How can I? You have to be out of your mind. *glares hard at her before trying to move ahead, wanting to go back to their base camp in the caves now* Shut up. You don’t know anything.


    Seferia: I know much more than you give me credit for. *She flicks her ears for a moment as she follows after him. Studying his movements, she contemplates his current attitude. Eventually she sighs* Must be done.. *she tries to enter his thoughts, intending to manipulate his mind just enough to calm him down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her* You certainly don’t know what’s best. You seem to think so, but you’re wrong. *stops abruptly and tries to resist against her once he feels her in his mind, flaying his arms out in front of him as if trying to swat the energies away* There you go again!! Stop messing with my head! *loudly snarls, doing his best to resist her manipulations*

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