In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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    Seferia: *she deeply frowns at Sephiroth’s thoughts. She then shakes her head and returns his sword to her sub-space pocket* You are not yet ready to responsibly use this yet. I am sorry.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls* Well, now I know where it i-… *loudly snarls as the sword ‘vanishes’ before his eyes* What the hell did you just do to my sword?! *jerks upright into a sitting position. He immediately regrets it as his vision is clouded by ‘stars’ exploding behind his eyes, and his head swims with giddiness and pain. He remains trying to sit up, at least until his mind tries to rob him of conciousness* Damn it… *lies back down again, hissing*


    Seferia: I put it in safe keeping. *She frowns as he shows signs of pain again. She then sighs and softly speaks* I thought I healed that.. *shaking her head, she concentrates on him once more. This time, she casts a more thoughrough as well as stronger healing spell over him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls at her, mumbling* Stop that… *slowly sits up once more, rubbing at the back of his head* Well, it worked I suppose… *sighs, not quite willing to get to his feet properly right now* Why are you doing this to me?


    Seferia: *blinks confused* Doing what? Trying to teach you to follow a less violent path? If that’s what you mean, it’s simply because the path you are following now will only become self-destructive. We also need your help. I can tell that you can bring much to our aide by feeling your aura.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sepihroth: Feeling my… what? *narrows his eyes* How can I help you by doing that? I don’t even know what the hell you ARE talking about… *slowly shakes his head, growlng* It sounds stupid. Why should I even bother doing it?


    Seferia: *Slowly shakes her head at Sephiroth’s confusion* No, I wasn’t saying anything that you were to do. I was saying that I was able to sense that you have several skills that can be brought to the table, as the humans say, by the fact that I felt your aura. Aura is one’s energy field that surrounds them. Consider it to be their signature on the spiritual field. It’s the imprint that your soul and life energy are making on the space around your body. Understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in disgust* I suppose so… *lowers his head slightly, resting it in his hands. He growls to himself and sighs, glancing towards the door* So what now? Am I supposed to stay here and tolerate all of you somehow?


    Seferia: I should hope that you will eventually give our cause an honest attempt. *she closes her eyes, appearing tranquil* Did you bother to consider what I asked you before. Why, when you could not recall the pains of your past, did you attatch yourself to a child so much that you attempted to protect her even when you did recall your memories? *she opens her eyes to look at him again* You do not need to speak out the answer to me if you don’t want to. Just think about it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Seferia, turning his head away, not wanting to look at her any longer* We’ve already discussed this, and I’ve already told you my answer. *sharply* I don’t know. *growls* That’s all there is to it.


    Seferia: *holds up her index finger toward Sephiroth, not caring that he isn’t looking at her* I did not say that I wished to discuss it. I wish for you to ponder over it. Within the self-reflection, you will find your answers. You need not ever tell me the answer, though. I just want you to find it on your own.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares back at her, then snorts* I don’t want to ponder over it. I don’t ever want to ponder over it. *moves to lie down again, turning his back to her* Get out of here. Too much is happening for me to be comfortable with any of it.


    Seferia: *she shakes her head at Sephiroth* I’m sorry, but after today’s stunt, I cannot leave you alone. I hope that you will understand in time what you did today.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses, then sits up enough to glare up at her* What? You’re going to be following me around now? You’re going to be standing over me when I sleep? *growls loudly, not liking that idea at all* Don’t I have any say in this?


    Seferia: *Sighs at Sephiroth* I am not going to go to such legnths. However, for the duration of the evening, I can’t leave you alone. Not only have you become suspect due to your activities earlier today, but several residents here have become angry enough at your stunt that they might try to get rid of you. *she sighs* Thus, I shall insure that none try to play vigilante.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *aggressively snorts* Damned if I do and damned if I don’t. It really doesn’t matter what I do, now does it? *scowls, thoroughly fed up* Is there any way to get out of here? You won’t let me leave. The citizens of this stupid gathering won’t let me arm myself so I can leave. I can’t stay here, I can’t go… what the hell am I supposed to do now?


    Seferia: *stares at Sephiroth. She then shakes her head and stands up* You have your heart on leaving? Very well. Get whatever items you want to have on your person together. You can see what it is like out there. *she moves toward the entrance way of the tent*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What, now? *grunts and moves to his feet, brushing himself off. He picks up a few small food supplies and heads out of the tent, moving after Seferia, glaring at her back, not quite trusting her on the issue just yet* I want my sword.


    Seferia; If the situation calls for you to have your sword, you may have it. However, for now, you have proven yourself untrustworthy. *she shakes her head* You are not responsible enough not to use it without discrimination. *she sends out a psychic signal to Ramses, indicating to him that she will be gone for a short time. Soon enough, she reaches the exit and opens up the doors* Come on, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly growls at her* How am I supposed to defend myself without my sword? *glares at her and moves to his feet, heading to follow her* What about my abilities? You’re not going to have them blocked, are you?


    Seferia: *releases a deep sigh then shakes her head at Sephiroth* I am going to accompany you. You will need help if you intend to survive at all, with or without your sword. As for your abilities.. *she steps through the doors then looks back at him. Soon enough, she uses her mental powers to trap Seph’s mind into an illusion in such a way that he would feel as if he can use all his powers but flight*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts slightly, not seeming to notice the influence over his mind. He simply scowls in annoyance as he heads out of the area, soon following Seferia outside into the open territory. He is rather quick to move on the defensive, after having encountered the Nemesis only a short time ago* It seems to be clear…


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth* Yes, it is clear for now. I would say that she became bored with waiting around for new “play things” to show up. *She then turns to face him* This is what you wanted. Go ahead, pick a direction. I shall follow you to whever it is that you desire.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *grunts and moves away from Seferia, wandering off into the deserted deadlands ahead. He narrows his eyes at the sparse growing trees, then shakes his head* None of this is ideal. If I could, I would fly away and look for a much more forested area.


    Seferia: *She shakes her head* Forests are a luxary at best now of days, Sephiroth. Do not think that you can easily find one on this planet at all. *she remains calm as she walks beside him. However, even though she doesn’t look paniced, she’s constantly using her psychic abilities to scan out the area and insure that they are not in trouble* Tell me… Do you want to see the spot where your mother died again? That cave system is now abandoned.

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