In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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  • #23030
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I don’t give a shit about what I’m permitted to do and what I’m not permitted to do. Get the hell out of my way! That’s an order. *growls and attempts to punch the attendant in the face, wanting to knock him out now* Get out of my way!!


    Attendant: Sir, you have no authority to give or- *He then releases a surprised noise as he’s punched in the face. However, he can’t do much more since he’s knocked unconcious by the force of the strike. Still, several other attendants in the area begin panicing, looking for someone to stand up against Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud growling noise and glares at the other attendants* Come on, get out of my way. *growls and shoves another aside as he steps in the swords storage area, then begins to rummage through them* Where the hell is it… *growls* What the hell did you idiots do to my sword?!


    *Finally, one of the feline officers steps up, having figured out what is going on. He snorts in irritation, then he moves to Sephiroth* Human, I do not know nor care what you are looking for. However, if you do not evacuate here, I will remove you. *he narrows his eyes and bares his teeth. Meanwhile, his fur bristles*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares back at the feline and turns his back to him, continuing to rummage through the storage of swords and other pointed weapons* Go to hell, fleabag. You want to remove me? Try it. I dare you. *raises an arm, creating the beginnings of a destructive energy ball in the palm of his hand* I’ll destroy you and half of this damn cave.


    *The feline growls at the thing in Sephiroth’s hand. However, he does step back* Foul creature…

    *Meanwhile, something with stealth camoflauge and hoofed feet to make itself invisible attempts to sneak up behind Sephiroth, wanting to knock him out by surprise*

    Seferia: *sighs as she senses Seph’s psychic activity. She then shakes her head and begins to make her way to the armory, hoping that she can prevent anything terrible from happening*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is too distracted and busy with charging his destructive energy ball and the feline to notice somebody move up behind him for the time being, thus making him more or less very accessible to attack from the back* Damn you idiots! Where the hell is my sword? *plucks up an ordinary short-sword in his free hand and begins to aggressively twirl it with the one hand, while charging the energy attack so it is much bigger than before. He growls and hurls it into the middle of the tent and springs off to the left side, beginning to retreat*


    Seferia: *immediately spreads out her psychic influence in order to stop the ball of energy that Seph threw in mid-air. She then utilizes her magics to make it dissipate* ~Sephiroth, cease this activity at once. I do not desire to chain you up again.~

    *suddenly, the cloaked figure rushes in behind Sephiroth as he begins looking for an escape* Wort, wort, wort! *With that, the being utilizes the hilt of a sturdy metal object to smack Sephiroth in the nape of the neck, trying to knock him out*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *backs away as the ball dissipates completely, confused as to what happened* *”Piss off and leave me alone!”* *grips the sword with both hands, slashing the end of the tent* *”I don’t need you t–“* *his telepathic message is cut off rather abruptly as he is smacked in the back of the head, frazzling his brain. He collapses onto the ground, quite knocked out from the force of the blow*


    *The Sangehli who had struck the back of Seph’s head deactivates his cloaking as soon as the man is knocked out cold. He then huffs in irritation and kicks Sephiroth’s side* Hmph, he’s out. Good. *He then walks over to the counter, wanting to check out the energy sword that he was collecting even before Sephiroth went beserk*

    Seferia: *finally enters the tent then sighs at the mess inside. Sadly shaking her head, she moves to Sephiroth and picks him up. She then hands over the sword to the nearest attendant* My appologies. He has not yet fully adjusted to being with us… *sadly shaking her head, she props Sephiroth across her left shoulder. She then slowly walks back to his tent, intending to lie him down on his mattress*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes no movement as Seferia carries him back to his tent. In fact, he doesn’t wake up again for a number of hours. When he finally does, he is very disorientated and only seems to be half-aware of his surroundings, having suffered a slight concussion from the blow to the back of his head*


    Seferia: *zips up the tent after she sets Sephiroth down on his bed, not wanting him to simply exit again once he wakes up. She then moves to sit down next to him. By the time Sephiroth wakes up, Seferia would have her eyes closed and is somewhat resting*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *groans slightly as he finally comes to, not initially wanting to do anything. However, he soon begins to twitch and move, then opens his eyes, glaring up at the tent’s ceiling* Damn… *immediately places a hand over his head and begins to flinch in pain*


    Seferia: *opens up her eyes as she hears Sephiroth’s curse. She then looks down at him* Ah, you are awake. How do you feel, Sephiroth?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares hard up at the woman and immediately begins to snarl, gritting his teeth hard* I am fine, no thanks to you…or anybody else here for that matter. *makes a loud snort and rolls onto his side, not quite ready to get up just yet* Damn it all… why the hell are you keeping me here? What other option IS there?


    Seferia: I am not the one who knocked you out by hitting your head with a blunt object, Sephiroth. However, given the attitude that you were showing the others, I cannot blame them. *she slowly shakes her head. She then sighs* Unfortunately, there is only one other choice for you. Certain death.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls, turning his head onto one side, facing away from her* I don’t want to die… and I don’t want to be here either. *snorts* So that’s it, then? I am expected to be content with the lesser of two evils?


    Seferia: *Shakes her head at Sephiroth* I hope that you will not always see us as an evil. We are not trying to force you into anything. However, circumstances lead little choice, Sephiroth. For survival, enemies must become friends. Several other factions that were once bitter enemies have put aside their differences to join us in the name of survival. Do you understand?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I understand, but… *loudly snorts in irritation* I don’t want to work together with anyone. I have been betrayed and cast aside. I am not interested in joining any faction. *scowls and rolls onto his side, groaning slightly* Damn… *hisses and moves a hand to cover his head, rubbing the area where he was struck*


    Seferia: *frowns, seeming to be pondering over something for some time as Sephiroth clutches onto his head. Finally, she moves closer to Sephiroth and moves her hand over the point that Sephiroth is grasping onto. Then, she begins casting a spell to heal him and remove the pain*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems to be in considerable distress, at least until Seferia touches him. He initially gives her a warning growl, but once the pain is gone, he seems much more calm and quiet* Hmph… thank you, I suppose… *rolls onto his side, turning his back to her, not saying anything further for now*


    Seferia: *she shakes her head* Do not worry about such, Sephiroth. I need no thanks. *she sits there, watching him for several moments. She then frowns in thought and closes her eyes. Soon enough, she teleports Sephiroth’s sword from her tent to her hands* This is what you were looking for, isn’t it?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Pardon? *turns his head to face her again, staring at the sword. He then growls and tries to snatch it away from her, not wanting it to be in the posession of somebody else* Where the hell did you find that? That thing is mine… *loudly hisses and tries to sit up, wanting to leave with the sword*


    Seferia: *keeps a firm grip on Sephiroth’s sword, with her left hand on the hilt and her right hand on the blade. She frowns at Sephiroth and shakes her head* I am not certain if I can trust you with this yet… *she begins sorting through his thoughts, trying to determine what he would do if he did have his sword back*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is currently thinking and planning how efficiently he can slay everyone within the area with the sword so he can make his escape out of the camp*

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