In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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  • #22980
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at the boy and continues to drag him back towards the base* The higher-ups will probably be angry with your unathorized departure. *snorts louder* Do I what? The young female is a child. A little kid. She’s not even ten years old. What do you think I am, a pedophile?


    Boy: *shrugs* Why else would you be so interested in her. Hmph, none of the other adults care much about us two. *shakes his head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Do I need a reason? Soldiers don’t have reasons, boy. Their job is not to think. It is to act, or to not act. Now be quiet and follow me back to the base. I have no desire to harm you and nobody will gain anything from such. *frowns in thought* Your sister mentioned that you want to learn how to fight. Is this true?


    Boy: *stares at Sephiroth and shakes his head* Yea, but real soldiers don’t take orders from little girls. There’s no reason for you to just “act” for my little sister. Hmph, she doesn’t know anything anyway. She just worries all the time… *blinks and looks up at him* Yea, I want to fight and help. They just say I’m too small.

    Yamilet: *had left the safety of the crevice that Sephiroth had exited the cave from. So, she’s currently running toward Sephiroth, happily giggling* You found him! Tan bueno! Gracias! *she trips just before she reaches Sephiroth’s side*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at the child* If you want to be ungrateful for the fact somebody has come out to retreive you, then next time you can stay out there. *scowls further as the small girl comes out to greet the male* Both of you – get back inside. Now. *frowns as she trips over, then sighs and walks over to her, raising her back onto her feet again*


    Boy: I didn’t ask you to come out here! I would have been perfectly fine without you out here… *blinks as he sees something long and black hanging down from a tree branch. It seems quite narrow near the lower sections. However, the further up one goes, the thicker it gets. Unfortunately, the item that this black thing is attached to is unseen*

    Yamilet: *grins as Sephiroth picks her up. She then quickly moves to wrap her arms around him in a strong embrace* Gracias, señor. Muchas gracias!

    *the branch from the tree that has the black item hanging on it cracks slightly, as if something were shifting its weight*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *narrows his eyes at the boy’s words, then turns his attention to the branches when the boy goes quiet, loudly snorting at what he sees* Get back inside. Right now. *growls and grabs the boy’s hand, beginning to quickly drag him back towards the cave system*


    Boy: *yelps as Sephiroth begins to drag him along. His attention though is still on the spot where the black thing was spotted. However, it is no longer visible*

    *A few moments after Sephiroth begins rushing toward the cave, a female creature lowers down from the tree branches in front of Sephiroth. Gracefully landing on her three-towed clawed feet, the woman straightens up to her full height of around six and a half feet. She then spreads out her three pairs of wings and grins at Sephiroth* Hmm… What do we have here? *her voice seems to have an echo-like dual quality affect. She then chuckles* Perhaps some new toys for us to play with?

    Yamilet: *yelps at the sight of the creature. She then ducks behind Sephiroth, whimpering* Protect us, por favor!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *comes to a halt when the winged female form descends down infront of him. He just remains still for the time being, not knowing what to do. He scowls and nudges the female and the male, grunting hard at them* Run. Find another way back into the base camp and alert this problem to the others.


    Yamilet: *whimpers and slowly backs away from the creature. She then looks at her brother, who is ignoring Sephiroth’s advice and advancing on the winged creature. She sniffles then cries out* Hermano! What are you doing?? Va aquí!

    Nemesis: *chuckles as she sees the boy advance upon her and pick up a rock* My, some spunk. You humans are always so humorous. *She then grins and jumps to the side as the boy throws the rock at her. Soon after, she lunges toward the boy and tries to impale the long claws of her “demonic” hand through his chest*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls in anger and places the girl down, barking in an authorative demanding tone at her* RUN. Go back, damn you! Get back inside and warn the others! *charges at the boy, attempting to yank him away from the area*


    Nemesis: *Grins as her claws slide right through the boy’s abdomen. She spreads out her wings and cruelly smirks as she prepares to slice off his head with her lowest set of wings. However, Sephiroth manages to yank the boy away from her just before she gets to have the fun of ripping the boy apart even more. Scowling, she glares at the man who dared interfere with her fun. However, her glare soon becomes a wide grin, which holds no tenderness at all* Well, well, you are an interesting little thing, aren’t you? Let’s have some fun with you instead.

    Boy: *releases a loud gasp as he is impaled by the five large claws. He weakly struggles, trying to get away. Then, he’d crumple up in Seph’s arms as the larger man pulls him away* Hurts…

    Yamilet: *whimpers at the scene. Her eyes begin to well up with tears as she watches her brother get attacked. However, she doesn’t hesitate to start running as soon as Sephiroth commands for her to go. She sobs as she dashes, but she moves as quickly as she can back to the cavern*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at Nemesis, promptly backing up, running for the base also* Damn it… *hisses in anger. He sends a telepathic signal to the base, trying to alert everyone inside that the ‘winged enemy’ he has seen before is outside and attacking. He also telepathically transmits that he has an injured child and needs backup and assistance*


    Seferia: *looks up as she receives the transmission. She then deeply frowns* He’s not meant to be out there… *shakes her head* His mental state is not anywhere near appropriate at this point in time.. *narrowing her eyes, she decides to swirftly remove her mental manipulation over Sephiroth’s psyche for the time being. That way, he’d have as much of a chance as he possibly can have. She then begins moving toward the entrance* ~Get back inside, now.~

    *Meanwhile, several other sentries hop into action, moving to defend the entrance to the caves first and foremost. In fact, most show no indication of wanting to go out toward where Sephiroth is nor help him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *immediately seems quite disorientated and confused once the mental blocks are removed from his mind. He stares down at the boy, scowling, wondering why he’d bother with caring for somebody like this. At the same time he remembers his mindset just mere moments ago and seems greatly conflicted in what he wants to do. He glares back at Nemesis, then back down at the boy, snarling. He backs up further and conjures up a powerful destructive pulse of energy with his mental powers, concentrating it and aiming it hard in Nemesis’s direction as he finally makes his retreat* *”I’m coming, damn it…”*


    Yamilet: *loudly cries in fear as the destructive wave moves across her body as well. She then reaches out to grip onto Sephiroth’s shirt* Señor.. I’m scared. I don’t want to die.. Nor me hermano.. *she shakes her head*

    Nemesis: *stumbles back as the wave smacks against her. Her body seems to blister and crack a bit just moments after the wave hits her, making her ooze black plasma. She then hisses and defensively encircles her body with her six wings*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls loudly, angry* You – I told you to run. *holds the injured boy in one arm, then yanks the girl up in the other, running the rest of the way back to the base while Nemesis is distracted and reeling in pain* Don’t stand around paralyzed with fear. If you do, you’re already dead. *growls*


    Yamilet: *whimpers* No can run away when brother is hurt… No can leave hermano.. *shakes her head, stumbling for a moment before Sephiroth yanks her into his grip* Hermano.. He muerto. ¿Sí? *Sniffles at the thought*

    *The area behind Sephiroth seems to distrort and twist as Sephiroth moves closer to the base. It would seem that a strong force is casting an illusion to keep anything behind Sephiroth from being able to find its way*

    Nemesis: *finally gathers up her body properly after another moment. However, she hisses as she opens her eyes to find the distorted reality that she is now standing in. She screeches in anger. She then spreads open her wings and leaps into the air, retreating for now*

    Seferia: *has made it to the entrance to the care. Her eyes are brightly glowing as she concentrates on the surrounding area. She also stares in the direction that Sephiroth is in. However, for the moment, she doesn’t move out toward him*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What? *growls authoritavely* Just shut up and keep moving! *glares at Seferia as he sees her ahead, then holds onto the boy firmly, also holding the girl in his other arm as he runs back into the base, not turning back to look at what is going on behind him* We need to retreat! *hisses at the occupants inside* I also need a medic – NOW.


    Seferia: *nods at Sephiroth, though her attention is still on the surrounding area* Yes, we do. I shall send the orders for us to pack up and leave to another safe haven within a few hours.. *she finally looks down at Sephiroth* They boy is already dead. There is no saving him.

    Yamilet: *whimpers at Seferia’s words* Mi hermano…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: What…? *snorts, glancing down at the boy* His heart was still beating not terribly long ago… *places the girl down and moves back into the caves, heading for the medical area* Surely something can be done. *grunts angrily*


    Seferia: *sighs* His heart was punctured as well as his lungs, Sephiroth. Any attempt to revive him will be in vain… *she watches him leave. She then turns her attention back to the forest for a moment. Soon after, she looks down at one of the guards* Send out the order for all on perimeter duty to be on high alert until we leave. We will need to stay here for a bit longer until we are fully ready to depart. *With that, she limps toward the medical center, wanting to check up on Sephiroth*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *carries the corpse to the medical center anyway, growling as he moves in the doorway. He glances around the area, then snarls, gently placing the deceased child down on one of the benches* Ensure this child is given a decent burial. *snorts* He belonged to a small female and he was her only family. Somebody will need to take care of her. *growls* Do it.


    Seferia: *manages to enter the medical center a few moments after Sephiroth finishes making his demands. She nearly immediately notices that most of the volunteers there seem to be agitated over the fact that a no-body has just given them orders as if he were a high commander. In fact, most of them are ignoring Sephiroth on principle, finding a dead child to be not worth their time when there are live injured. She then shakes her head and moves to Sephiroth’s side* What happened out there?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls angrily at Seferia, backing away from her* What happened out there…? *loudly snorts* The children, they were idiots. They went out there unsupervised, and then that stupid six-winged demon woman came. She attacked this one, but I managed to get the other away. *places the corpse down on a nearby table, not wanting to carry it any more*

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