In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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    Yamilet: *deeply frowns at Sephiroth* Por favor. Don’t be like that. *she tries to hand him the mangoes* Here, I brought you a gift. Haven’t seen you around recently. *tries to look up into his face* Is there something wrong?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: No. But please, I would like to be alone right now. *frowns and shuffles away from her, not accepting the mangoes* Please take those with you and enjoy them. I already acknowledge the fact that such fruit is very hard to get hold of here.


    Yamilet: *doesn’t take the hint. Instead, she moves closer to Sephiroth. Then, she pushes the mangoes into Sephiroth’s hands* I know where to get more.. *grins at him* I want to give a gift to my new amigo. *looks up and thinks* Hey, you know what to do to prepare people for fighting, right? Can you teach my hermano some stuff? He’d really like it.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *stiffens up and opens his mouth as if to object, lowering his head again once he can’t think of anything to say. He shakes his head at her, then grunts louder* Thank you for the fruit. *delicately places it on the ground nearby, then releases a loud tired sigh* Hmph. I do, I suppose… I was a general in an army once. But that was a long time ago and… I no longer believe in the reason I was fighting. *scowls* Is this ‘hermano’ person your friend? Tell Hermano that there’s probably many others in the base that can help him. I don’t think I can. As soon as I’m able to, I’m flying far away from here.


    Yamilet: *deeply frowns at him then quickly shakes her head* No, not friend.. Hermano means.. *looks up and thinks* brother. Yea, that’s it. *looks at him again* And don’t leave. Please. You’re pretty cool. *reaches out to take his left hand* You were once a general? That’s really cool. Come on, my hermano would love to meet you. Por favor!

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Ah, brother. I see. *nods his head, committing the word to memory* I want to leave. You can’t convince me otherwise. They’re holding me here against my will because I am angry and violent. Something like that. *snorts, not seeming to react when she takes his hand* I don’t think so, small girl. I would rather stay here until my time is up.


    Yamilet: *whimpers at Sephiroth and looks up at him with “puppy-dog eyes”* Por favor… I really want you to meet my hermano. *sniffles slightly* It means a whole lot.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *tenses at the girl’s sniffling, not wanting to have a crying child on his hands* Fine. Go get him and bring him here. I don’t want to leave the tent… *folds his arms, scowling, covering up his expressions with it*


    Yamilet: *grasps onto Sephiroth’s hand and tries to drag him out of the tent again* But, he’s outside.. He not supposed to be outside. That why I want you. You muy strong. You can help him and teach him.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *makes a loud frustrated noise, then looks back at the small girl, flustered* You’re not going to take ‘no’ for an answer, are you? *remains put, knowing she can’t pull on him far* I don’t want to go out there. Sorry.


    Yamilet: *sniffles and begins to cry in earnest now. She looks up at him* Please… My hermano.. He could be in trouble out there. Please, ayudame. Por favor. *whimpers and continues to cry*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs in frustration* You said he only wanted training. You should have just mentioned what you needed earlier. *scowls and moves to his feet, then picks up the masamune, leaving the girl behind as he moves ahead* Where did you last see him? *walks briskly, heading for the exit*


    Yamilet: … *looks at the ground* He not supposed to go out. Didn’t want to say that he was out there.. *she quickly moves to walk in front of Sephiroth* Follow. I will show you how he got out.. From there, I don’t know where to go. *whimpers* He goes out to get fruit for us.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *sighs and follows the girl* Just tell me where he went. I can track down the rest, I think… *scowls* Isn’t there enough food in the base for you to eat? Why did he have to go out there and get more?


    Yamilet: *shakes her head* He likes to have treats and stuff like he used to have. And, he likes going out. He says it’s boring here. *finally leads Sephiroth to an opening in the cave. The space it tight, and would be a hard fit for Sephiroth. However, he can leave from the opening* He went that way.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls* Great… *crouches down and begins to move through the opening, ending up crawling through part of it. He hisses as he scrapes his back, but forces his way out into the open* Now, stay here. You’re not going to do any good out in the open, except become a target for anything out here that wants to get you. *heads away from the base camp cave, scanning the open area for any signs of life*


    Yamilet: *follows Sephiroth through the opening. She then shrinks back as he tells her to stay there. She slowly nods her head. However, she seems like she doesn’t really want to stay put*

    *There is a boy that is climbing through the trees a few hundred yards away to the southwest. Other than that, there’d be various guards and sentries who watch over the safety of the group in general*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls back at the guards and sentries, then sets off in search of the lone life-energy reading he sensed some distance away. He keeps one hand on his sword, the other at his side as he makes his way out across the terrain, glaring at anything suspicious. He finally moves within the area that the boy is, then calls out to him* Hello? Come here.


    Boy: *tenses up as he hears someone calling* He then moves further up into the tree, not wanting to be caught*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns and moves underneath the tree, scowling further* A small child who calls you ‘hermano’ has sent me out here to look for you. Come down. *growls slightly* Come down now or I will have to climb up there after you.


    *the boy looks down at Sephiroth then frowns at him* Hey, I’m not hurting anyone, man. I’m just getting more food for my family. Get lost. *he spots some fruits. Then, he begins to pluck them off the tree. Some of the fruits would fall on Sephiroth’s head*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls as the fruit falls on his head and the skin splits, causing fruit pulp to end up in his hair* Hrmph. Come down, you… *can’t think of anything to call him and growls* You’re going to end up getting yourself killed out here!


    Boy: Oh, calm down, man. I’ve done this a thousand times before. *he finally stuffs a pack full of the fruits. Then, he leaps down onto the ground. He then locks his brown eyes on the taller man* Why is it so important to you, anyway?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Why is what so important to me? *grasps onto the boy’s arm once he is on the ground, then begins dragging him back towards the base* It’s not. However, there is a small girl, approximately five to seven years old, whom would be devastated if one of the legions of enemies in this area took you away or killed you. Thus, you are coming with me, pending her request.


    Boy: *Groans* You’re talking about my sister, aren’t you? Listen, man. She’s just a whiney worrier. Now, leave it. I’m fine. *tries to pull out of Sephiroth’s grip* Why you anyway? Do you have the hots for my sister?

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