In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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  • #22930
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slows to a halt as he sees the ball, glancing down at it. He glances up at the children, then gently boots the ball back in their direction, accurately aiming it, also using enough kicking power to have the ball roll within inches of the boy who called out to him* There you go.


    *The boy grins at him then nods* Thanks a lot, mister! *he then moves the ball to the out of bounds area and begins to resume play with the other kids.

    Soon after, another kid runs up to Sephiroth and tugs on his left arm* Want to watch?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *is about to move into his tent when the second child approaches. He stops and glances down at the child, seeming a little confused* I suppose. Why not? Please allow me a moment to place these inside. *heads into the tent, his eyes widening slightly as he steps inside and his memories return to him. He growls and puts the supplies on the ground, sitting on the floor* Why would I do that…


    *The child grins and nods at Sephiroth* Alright, please come out soon. I’ll share some of my candy with you. *giggles. Then, the girl runs back over to the sidelines, cheering on her brother who is playing the game*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls and waits until the child dissapears. He picks up his ration of water and begins to drink from it, scowling further at how little he actually ended up with. He soon finishes what’s in the container and steps outside, his annoyance fading quickly again* That is so weird… *shakes his head and heads towards the source of the cheering*


    *The girl soon spots Sephiroth as he nears the field. She grins and rushes over to his side. She then takes his hand and begins leading him to the area where she’s been sitting* Hey, what took you so long? Come on. *she leads him to her little spot, which has a blanket on the ground. She then plops down and holds out a small bag of chocolates to Sephiroth* Here, you can have some.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glances around the area, seeming a little confused* Why aren’t you playing outside? I’d imagine that there is more room out there. *dusts off his pants, then sits down on the blanket* You can have those. I would rather you eat them…


    Girl: *shakes her head* It’s scary outside. There’s lot of monsters who want to kill us out there. *sniffles* One of them tore my momma and papa apart. It’s not nice out there at all. *she pulls out a few chocolates and places them in Sephiroth’s hand* Have them. I want you to have them.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *listens to the girl’s story with an air of dissapointment. He does not ask further about it though, and seems curious as the girl hands him the chocolates* Thank you. *frowns* As long as you are sure. I imagine these are fairly hard to get hold of. *chews on the first one, frowning in thought* Have you always been stuck in here?


    Girl: Umm… well, when I was really little, we lived in Mexico City. But.. That was a few years now. *shrugs* They keep us safe here. We’re all here to protect each other. *grins* We’re all friends and family. We’re all that we all have. *points out to her brother* That’s my hermano. He’s pretty good with sports.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *slowly nods his head, pondering* Can he run fast? That can be turned into a military strength one day. A runner with a lot of endurance and speed can cover distances in a short period of time. Tell him to keep going.


    Girl: *slowly nods her head* Yea, mi hermano can definitely run. He’ll help fight against the monsters one day. He wants to protect us even now. *whimpers* I don’t want him to go quite yet. Seferia says that he won’t be allowed to fight any time soon though. Es bueno…

    *On the other side of the field, a creature that looks somewhat reptillian and somewhat insectoid lands down to watch the scene. The creature had been flying about via a jet pack on its back. It then crosses its arms and silently watches the game*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *frowns* You don’t wish to lose him in the fighting, do you? *moves to his feet as the reptillian creature lands down near the group, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at it. He says nothing however, and keeps a close eye on it*


    Girl: *shakes her head then sniffles at the thought* Too many people die.. I don’t want more death. *lowers her head* It’s not fair.

    *The creature looks down at a few children near where he landed. He then pulls out a few treats that he had gathered, offering them to the children. It would become clear that the creature is an ally of the group*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *shakes his head* That’s the nature of conflict. *eyes the creature suspiciously and leaves the area, returning to his tent, scowling once back inside* Ridiculousness… *frowns and sits down on the floor, thinking hard about his situation*


    *the air above the tent would act up for a short bit as something quite large flies by Sephiroth’s tent up above. Also, there’d be the faint sound of jets. Soon after, there is a large thump as the thing that made the disturbance in the air lands on an unoccupied area near the border of the cavern*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at the noise and peers his head out of the tent. When he leaves, he is still suspicious because it does not stem from his mistreatment memories, and walks out to inspect the noise. He quickly heads for the source of the flapping sound, becoming defensive*


    *A large saurian type creature, almost like a pterodactyl is setting himself up in the spot that he claimed when he arrived to the base area. His entire body seems to be made completely of a silver metal, with the exception of his wing membranes, which are orange. As he settles down, a few of the creatures akin to the one that had been at the field earlier move in to tend to the saurian’s needs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *glares at the saurian as he approaches him* What are you doing in here? I have seen some strange things around this base camp, but you would have to be the most strange thing I have seen yet. Why are you here?


    Ridley: *turns his head toward Sephiroth as he speaks. He then crouches down and positions his head such that his beak is inches away from Seph’s face* “Strange things”? That is fully a thing of perspective. You are strange to me. *turns his head away then sits in a more comfortable position* Our ship was attacked and destroyed by the creature who has taken residence here. We intend to pay it back for its hospitality.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *scowls, not moving his head* I see… I don’t really remember how I got here. *frowns* As long as you’re not going to attack the members of this base. *folds his arms, scowling further* I don’t really know why you would want to do that, and I don’t really know why I would stop you, but… it seems like something that should be done. *turns away from him and heads back towards his tent, no longer interested, his curiousity also satiated*


    Ridley: *narrows his eyes at Sephiroth’s retreating from. He then shakes his head* Strange creature indeed.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls about the subjects around him, wanting to stay in the tent now. He thinks about his behaviour outside of the tent, deciding it’s better to remain inside in order to keep his personality intact* Damn that woman…


    Seferia: *leaves Sephiroth alone for now. She believes that she’s troubled him enough. So, for now, she wants him to evaluate things on his own without her interference. However, she is not done with trying to rehabilitate him by a long run*

    Yamilet: *After about a day without seeing the man that she gave candy to, she goes in search for him. Eventually, she finds his tent and tries to walk inside* Hey, señor? Are you alright? *holds out a small bag of mangoes and other fruits* I have a gift for you…

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *his eyes widen as he sees the small child enter his tent, and he turns his head away from her, conflicted on what to do. He knows she is a small harmless girl, and innocent of any wrongdoing. He also has memories of interacting with her in a friendly non-hostile situation and so he is not compelled to attack. When she approaches, he makes a small grunting sound at her* I… Please just go away. You should not be here.

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