In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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    Seferia: *shakes her head. She then digs through his thoughts, trying to determine how to convince him that she is not the enemy. As she does such, she tries to flood his mind with thoughts that counteract his beliefs that he is fodder. She wants him to know that she’s willing to give him a rank once she knows that he will work with the others, and not just for his own gain or safety. She also tries to inject her own feelings toward fighting in the resistance, wanting him to understand*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *continues to growl at Seferia, but says nothing this time. He takes note of her thoughts, then turns his head away, scowling deeply. He makes a loud angry snort and clenches his fists, not bothering to get up right now* Go away… leave me alone.


    Seferia: Hmm.. ~As you wish.~ *she constructs yet another mental illusion. This time around, she attempts to trap him in his mind, leaving his body comatose. If that is accomplished, she builds an illusionary world where he is completely alone on Earth, with no other life present*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *becomes angry as he is trapped in his own mind again, snarling out to Seferia during the numbing process to strongly indicate that he doesn’t like it. His body goes limp and he bangs his head against the tent support pole in the corner when he goes down. Once in the illusionary world, he begins to explore, attempting to attack the first thing he comes across, which is a dead tree*


    Seferia: *slowly shakes her head at Seph’s “actions”. She then releases a deep sigh. Moving to his side, she positions his body onto a matress* ~I am sorry that I must be rough in order to open your eyes. However, you are quite a stubborn individual..~ *she then leaves to tend to her work for the day. If Sephiroth remains stubborn and resolute in his ideas, Seferia would keep him in the hallucination for days. She’d tend to his needs and insure that he gets the nutrients that he needs. If she sees no improvement in his demeanor within three days, she’d release him from the illusion so that she could try another tactic*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *being trapped in yet another unescapable illusion is really beginning to get to the male.
    After approximately 3 days of being stuck inside of it, he has slowed down to the point of giving up with dealing with the visions he sees, his hostile spirit broken. He begins to show complete lack of interest in his ‘surroundings’*


    Seferia: *returns to her tent to check up on Sephiroth on the third day. Her ears fold down slightly as she notices his broken spirit. She then shakes her head and mutters* Perhaps I went too far. *She then picks up Sephiroth, holding him like a child in her arms. Soon enough, she moves through the camp so that she can deposit Seph on the bed of his new tent. Then, she begins to slowly pull Seph out of the comatose state that she put him in*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *seems a little disorientated as he is taken out of his comatose state. He is quick to move to his feet, immediately going on the defensive* Where the hell am I now…? *begins to growl*


    Seferia: *shakes her head and stands up to her full height* You are in your tent, Sephiroth. I promised that I’d make arrangements to give you a living space of your own. You can calm down.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh. I see. *moves to sit down on the floor in the middle of the tent, not seeming to care terribly much about Seferia’s announcement* Good. Now get out of here.


    Seferia: Hrmph, still quite stubborn, I see. *Sighs* Well, I am glad that you are not a whimpering mass of flesh, I did not intend for that. However… *narrows her eyes in thought as she examines him, trying to determine if he’s made any improvement at all*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *has lost the desire to protest and wildly lash out at anybody he doesn’t like, but still bears a great deal of animosity towards the organization and it’s inhabitants. His stance on his trapped status hasn’t changed an ounce. Infact, after being forced to sit through another illusion of the mind, his thoughts on being trapped and a prisoner have been fortified even moreso* Go away. This is my space, is it not? I should have the basic right to clear you out. *snarls*


    Seferia: *her right ear flicks a bit as she looks at him. She then shakes her head and sighs* Very well, you may roam as you may. However, there is one last thing that I must do… *With those words, she forces herself into his mind again. Then, she begins setting up another manipulative control over his mind. This time around, she makes it so that instead of having him try to return to his point of origin when he leaves the tent, he’d simply forget everything that had shaped his personality to date when he leaves. He’d be left with the basic knowledge of who he is, what he is, and how to do whatever needs to be done. However, he’d essentially be a blank canvas to be painted on once he’s outside the tent. However, he’d regain all his memories, as well as retain the memories of what he did while outside the tent, whenever he returns to his residence. Once that is set, she politely bows to Sephiroth* Have a good day, sir. *Then, she turns around and leaves*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in annoyance* Phfeh. Sir. Whatever. Get lost now, wench. *glares at Seferia’s back as she leaves the tent, narrowing his eyes suspiciously once she’s gone. He then gets to his feet and peers out of the tent, becoming even more suspicious when he sees that it all appears to be fine. He finally steps out of the tent, losing his suspicion as the manipulative controls take effect, and he wanders away from his personal tent, immediately heading for the nearest water ration station as he is mildly dehydrated*


    Hope: *is at the end of the line at the moment. She softly hums to herself, trying to keep occupied as she waits for her water. She also fiddles about with her leather armor, which is mildly larger than what would be best for her. However, she’d mostly just tug at the gloves when she plays with her armor*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *moves up behind the end of the line, glancing ahead to the female. He watches her pull at her armor for a few minutes before clearing his throat to get her attention* You chose that in one size too large, miss.


    Hope: Huh? *glances at Sephiroth then shrugs* Yea, it is a bit too big, you’re right. However, you have to take what you can get. I can’t complain much anyway, I’m not fully grown, so I’ll grow into it. *glances at Sephiroth* My name is Hope, what’s yours?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: My name is Sephiroth. *shrugs* Do you have to stand in this line often to get anything? It seems a bit tedious to do. *ignores the glares he gets from people ahead of him* Why can’t we just setup precipitation collectors outside if you are so desperate for water?


    Hope: Oh, we have some of those. We have wells as well. *shakes her head* However, we’ve been in the middle of a drought. So, we might not get much water any time soon. *glances down as a little kid comes by. She then grins at him as he asks if he can get some water first* Sure, little one. *she pats the kids head then gently sets him in front of her*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *raises an eyebrow at the child, but leans back in the queue, not having much of an argument* Just don’t try to take advantage of your size all of the time, youth. While it works for you, it is unfair to others. *grunts* Remember that.


    Hope: *glances at Sephiroth then shakes her head* Calm down. It’s just a child. It’s not like we can’t survive an extra few minutes without water. The children are the future after all. *gives him a small grin* Don’t you remember what it was like to be a kid?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I…. *frowns, lowering his head slightly. The question seems to have stumped him for the time being, and Seferia’s manipulation trick has also altered his mind and memories. He struggles to remember anything, seeming confused* No… I don’t remember what it was like. I don’t really remember much of anything any more.


    Hope: Oh. *widens her grin, trying to reassure him* Well, don’t worry much about it, Sephiroth. I’m certain that it will come back in time. You’re new here, right? You’ve probably just been through a lot of trauma. It can mess with people’s heads. *looks up as her turn comes up, she then grabs her water container as well as some food for herself. Once that is done, she looks at Sephiroth and politely bows to him* See you around.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *nods his head, watching her go. He frowns as he waits in the line some further amount of time, soon going into a daze as he tries to think about his memories, confused as to why so much of it is gone. He is soon poked from behind by a banded feline, who hisses at him to move* Sorry…. *frowns and quickly picks up his water container, heading in the same direction as Hope, gathering up his ration of water. He is also given a slightly stale loaf of bread and a tiny piece of raw meat, and told to keep moving* Hmph… *shakes his head and heads back for his tent*


    *there are a number of children playing outside near to Seph’s tent. They seem to be playing a game similar to soccer. However, there ball is rather make-shift and not in the best of condition. As Seph walks by them, the ball is kicked off their “field” and toward Sephy. It’d roll to Sephy’s feet, but it wouldn’t hurt him or anything*

    *One of the larger boys calls out to Sephiroth* Hey, mister! Can you give us back our ball?

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