In the beginning, we were separate

Home Forums Kat + Seferia RolePlay Roleplay Forum The Nemesari In the beginning, we were separate

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  • #22880
    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I’ve been thinking about what you said. Remove this silly illusion from me. *glares at her* If the next few days are going to entirely consist of this, then I don’t want any of it. *begins to angrily growl, gritting his teeth*


    Seferia: *looks up from his meal. She narrows her eyes in thought before swallowing* I am sorry, but what exactly have you been thinking? I can’t exactly allow you to roam freely if you are going to attack the populous without cause or reason.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Oh, I wouldn’t attack them for no reason. *glares back at her* What you said earlier… about going on a group mission and finding food for the idiots in this base. In order to win my freedom. *snorts at her* I’ll do it.


    Seferia: *deeply frowns at Sephiroth’s announcement then shakes her head* That statement was not an indication of a task to win freedom. It is an example of how you can help our community. If you only want to do such for self gain, then I cannot approve of such actions. *sighs at him* You would have learned nothing. Not to mention, I am not holding you prisoner.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *angrily growls at her comment, turning on her, baring his teeth* Do you even KNOW the definition of prisoner? If you’re not keeping me as a prisoner, then let me out of this damn hell hole! A prisoner is a person whom is confined, held in custody, captivity, or a condition of forcible restraint, against their will. How does that NOT describe the position I am in currently? I am an intelligent creature. I will not be able to take days and days of this ridiculous treatment! *if Seferia were to read his mind or pick up on his emotions, it would be clear to tell that he’s very aggitated as well as bored out of his mind with staying in the one place for an extended period of time*


    Seferia: Yes, I am restricting where you can travel, that is true. However, it is not for purposes of keeping you as a prisoner. *shakes her head* I am keeping the rest of the population safe from your aggressive tendencies. Unless you can prove to me that your intentions are going to be beneficial for all of us, and not just for you, I cannot trust you to interact with the others.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snarls* Then we are going to be here until I starve to death, or run out of water. Whichever comes first. *glares hard at her, then moves to sit down in the corner again, pondering the best way to knock Seferia down and defeat her*


    Seferia: *Deeply frowns at Sephiroth* I do not intend on depriving you of food nor water. I was able to discern that you ate quite well tonight by the drop in my supplies. *shakes her head* I am glad to you took up my offer to use them. I have a metabolism that permits for me to survive for quite some time without food and water. So, you can have the majority of my supplies of food until we can officially write you into the rations schedule.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: Fantastic… *growls in frustration* What would it take to convince you to let me out of here? If I am confined to this small space for many more days to come, my brain will disintergrate from boredom. *snarls* Doing this to lower forms of life is considered cruel. Caging an animal will cause it to go mad from the lack of stimuli. How come you can get away with it by doing it to me? *picks up his masamune and throws it onto the ground in the middle of the tent space* There. I’m unarmed. Now let me out of here, damn you!


    Seferia: *shake her head at Sephiroth* You are over exaggerating. *looks over at him* You were already trapped in one spot for years. I felt that much from your memories. Yet, your mind is not mush. *sighs at him* Still, I cannot permit you to move about freely if you are not willing to consider changing your ways.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: I was dormant at that point! I was not free, but I was not nearly as aware as I am now when that was occuring. *growls in anger and moves towards her, glaring hard* I already asked you about what you want me to do in order to get out of here. I want details, damn you! *snarls and kicks over the chair at her desk, then grabs the desk and overturns it, scattering the entire contents onto the floor*


    Seferia: I have told you what you must choose in order for me to feel confident in allowing you to mingle with the rest of us. At the moment, you are much too violent and self-centered to be even barely be considered appropriate to roam freely. *waves her hand toward the desk after Sephiroth overturns it. Soon enough, the set-up is completely restored via Seferia’s magic*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *loudly snarls at her, baring his teeth. He rushes at her, intending to punch her and knock her over* I don’t have to prove anything to you!! You’re the reason I’m stuck in here, now let go of me!!


    Seferia: *reaches out to grasp onto Seph’s fists as he rushes in to punch her. Once she has a grip of his hands, she tightens her grip in a vice-like manner* This behavior is not helping your cause. Now, I am attempting to teach you how to behave like a civilized creature. However, you must want to be civilized. *shakes her head* This is not to torment you. *tilts her head down to look into his eyes* Now, at no point have I asked you to prove anything to me. I need not such nonsense. What I request of you is for you to choose to be more than what you’ve become. To move past your past and to help and desire to assist us without repayment.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls as his fists are grabbed onto, pulling hard back, resisting against her* And I already gave you my answer on that – now let go of me! I don’t WANT to help you lot! *begins to growl again* You want me to become your slave and work for you with no payment at all? That’s bullshit!! I’m not working for you! Let go of me!


    Seferia: *narrows her eyes at Sephiroth’s actions then shakes her head. Soon enough, she lets go of him, allowing him to retreat as he pleases* You are the only one here insinuating that you’d be a slave. I have no intentions of making you such. *sighs at him* I just want you to learn how to help the whole rather than just yourself. Your desires for repayment will not be beneficial to the whole, only to you. *sighs at him* What about your dear mother? Do you want to avenge her death?

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *hisses in anger, his expression bitter* Mother indeed… *shoves her as he moves away again* She only wanted to use me. Everyone wants to use me. *glares back at Seferia* YOU want to use me. I don’t want revenge on any of you. I just want to get out of here. But you know that already. I should not even bother talking to you any more, seeing as though my motives are clear and you are not going to change your mind. *sits down, turning his back to her, angry and frustrated* Fine, I’ll stare at the wall and do NOTHING just like you want me to. It’s not going to prove anything.


    Seferia: Funny how you know so much about what I want you to do.. *Shakes her head at him* I never said that I want you to simply stare at a wall. Nor have I said a thing about taking revenge on any of us. However, you are violent without cause or purpose. It is not preferable for you to continue on the path that you are traveling. I wish you could only listen to what I am saying and see that there is the choice that will benefit us all. *moves to lie on her bed* No matter, sleep well, Sephiroth.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *growls at her* Go to hell, wench. *keeps his back to her, folding his arms. After a time he becomes caught up in his thoughts and remains awake, thinking about that. After that however, he falls asleep, leaning his back to the tent pole*


    Seferia: *wakes up rather early on in the morning. She stretches soon after she gets out of her bed. Then, she walks over to Sephiroth’s location, wanting to check on his well-being. So, she kneels down in front of him and gently pats the side of his face*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *wriggles slightly, humming when Seferia pats his face. He soon begins to wake up however, and begins to growl, reaching up to snatch at Seferia’s hand* Don’t touch me… *growls and sits up, trying to twist her fingers back on themselves*


    Seferia: *shakes her head at Sephiroth and keeps her hand still. However, her form is quite strong, being capable of retaining quite a bit of her natural form’s strength. So, if Seph actually manages to twist her fingers back, he’d have to put in quite a lot of force* I was simply checking on your well-being, Sephiroth. You can settle down.

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: You could do that well enough without actually touching me, woman. *growls defensively and rears back into his corner, sitting down again* Go away. I’m fine, as you can see. Now get lost and leave me to my own devices.


    Seferia: *shakes her head at him* Woman is hardly a correct way to refer to me, Sephiroth. My name is Seferia. I am the commanding officer of this entire operation. Please, try to at least speak to me by utilizing my name. *moves to sit down in her chair. Soon enough, she begins to prod about his mind, trying to figure out how to calm him down*

    Kat Aclysm

    Sephiroth: *snorts in anger, turning his back to her once more. He keeps his back to her and begins to brood again, thinking more or less the same as he’s been preaching day in and day out to her, that he’s a prisoner and stuck here against his will. He considers Seferia to be an enemy and something to be struck down if he is to escape. He considers the militaristic environment hostile and seeks to escape it as he has no rank here, and is thus fodder to be bullied and pushed around*

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