How to raise a Sephiroth

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    Jenna: Strange. It’s the same fruits I got for you the other day. *shrugs* You seemed to like it then. *pulls out some meat for herself and begins to eat. She carefully watches him, wanting to make certain that he’s eating properly*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *sniffs it, then throws it over his shoulder* It was unripe. *glances down at the other ones, squeezing them slightly, picking up another one to eat. He takes a cautious bite into it, then begins to quickly eat, quite satisfied with it*


    Jennah: *tilts her head, confused. She takes a moment to study the way he tests the fruit then shrugs* You are a strange one… *shakes her head to herself and continues to eat*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: You obviously don’t eat them. I was told that if a fruit is squishy, it’s ripe. *picks up another one to eat* It’s good. A little bitter though…


    Jennah: *shrugs at him* I have never really liked them that much. Not to mention I got extremely sick the one time I tried out some fruit… *shakes her head* But I think that type is called Papaya.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: The kind I am eating now, or the kind that made you sick? *curiously tilts his head at her, picking up another piece of raw meat to eat, alternating moutfuls between the meat and the fruit* Bitter fruits are usually poisonous. So are red ones.


    Jennah: *shakes her head* It was a very long time ago, boy.. All I know is that I was sick for days and less than happy that I had tried fruit at all. *tears off another bit of meat from the carcass and chews on it. Her attention is mostly on him though*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *rips another piece of papaya off the fruit and munches through it. When he is done with it, he picks it up and places it next to the remains of the carcass and wipes his hands off on his clothes*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *rips another piece of papaya off the fruit and munches through it. When he is done with it, he picks it up and places it next to the remains of the carcass and wipes his hands off on his clothes*


    Jennah: *chuckles at him and shakes her head* You know, you’re going to get rather hard and sticky clothing, not to mention blood stained, if you keep on doing that. *brings her hands to her mouth and begins washing them off* It’s better to either do this or to wash them off with water, boy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: There’s no water around, and I don’t want to lick my hands clean, so wiping my hands on my shirt works best. Hojo never let me do it, it’s fun. *dips a finger into the bloodied neck of the horse and begins to fingerpaint on his shirt with the blood*


    Jennah: You’ll learn to regret it on your own then. *shrugs and gets up, stretching* Are you done eating, boy?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: I won’t regret it. Clothes can go into the laundry chute. And then they come back nice and clean. *picks up another strip of meat, then nods his head, chewing on it** Yes, I’m done. Thank you, Miss Jennah.


    Jennah: Trust me, you’ll come to regret it. *she nods in acknowledgement as he tells her that he’s done and casts a spell to send the corpse outside the base. From there, she stands upright and looks down at him* It will be your task to wash your own clothing. *moves out of the room* I’m going to train, if you want to watch, you may follow.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: What? I don’t know how to wash clothing, don’t be silly. *gets to his feet and follows her anyway, not wanting to be left alone*


    Jennah: Well then, you’re just going to have to learn. *looks down at him* I’m not going to be catering to you with such simple things as washing clothing. *walks into her practice room and enters in a few commands in a keypad that sits next to the door. Soon afterwards, the walls shift and turn over to reveal her stash of weapons* It will be safest if you sit down near the door or near the wall, understand boy? *she steps away from Seph and begins slowly browsing her weapons, trying to decide which to practice with today. Eventually, she pulls out a spear-like scythe and spins the pole in her hands for a bist to test its feel*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *moves to sit in the corner of the room, not wanting to get anywhere near the real weapons for now. He sits crosslegged on the floor and watches her* It seems I have a lot to learn, doesn’t it…


    Jennah: *slowly nods* Yes, you do. *She sets the scythe down on the ground so she can set herself up for her training session. She reaches into her belt and pulls out a small visor which she puts over her eyes. The visor has a wire that she hooks onto a small pack on her belt. From that point, she looks up and loudly speaks so she’d be clearly heard* Centra, start training session program delta-zeta. Set it to level 48. Turn off all safeties for only myself. Insure that no programs can harm the boy.

    Centra: Acknoweldged. Preparing simulation data. Activating projectors. Activating particle synthesis. All programs active in 30 seconds. *a count-down clock appears in the middle of the room*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *stares at the visor that Jennah places on, watching her very closely, seeming to be quite fascinated by what is going on. He remains very curious and interested, wanting to know what is going to happen next*


    A bright light fills the room as Centra complely activates the simulation. Once the light fades, it becomes quite obvious that the simulation is very complex. Completely new sections of the room had just “appeared” such as several boxes in which enemies can hide behind or jump ontop of. There would be rafters as well that just “materialized after the simulation had started.

    Jennah remains steady and picks up her scythe. She closes her eyes, listening to her surroundings for a moment then whispers, “Weapons test, scythe. Time: 15 minutes..”

    Suddenly, she snaps open her eyes and sprints forward. She slashes at one of the boxes and cuts straight through the neck of a hidden monster. From that point on, mosters begin to flood the room. Jennah swiftly manuevors and parries the attacks the creatures give her. She ocaccionally gets struck down, but she does not spend much time on any injuries that she sustains. She uses all elements of the room to her advantage, switching between running on the floor to leaping up on the rafters.

    Meanwhile, the visor she’s wearing gives her readings on her status and the time left for her given exercise. Jennah just barely pays attention to these readings and keeps focussed on the enemies infront of her.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *squashes his back into the corner as he watches the generated monsters appear and begin attacking Jennah. He cringes and covers his eyes, loudly whimpering, genuinely frightened by them. When he sees a break in the string of attacks, he makes a break for the door*


    Jennah: *happens to be standing between Seph and hte door and intially thinks that his movement is from one of her generated foes. She turns around to slash him, but widens her eyes and quickly pulls the blade away from it’s original trajectory so that she woulld not hit him, making her loose her balance and topple over. She yelps in pain then groans* Centra… end program.. *the holograms disappear once Jenna finishes her command*

    Centra: Acknowledged.

    Jennah: *groans once more and looks at Seph* I thought I told you to stay put..

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *immediately runs off down the corridor before he can get into trouble, also desiring to retreat far away from the monsters and weapons*


    Jennah: *groans once more and slowly sits upright. She loudly hisses at the large gough in her left thigh that was made when she ungracefully fell and landed on the scythe after stopping her attack on Seph. She hisses and grits her teeth then slowly gets to her feet. In her mind, Seph takes higher priority than her injury. So, she slowly limps out of the room and tries to hunt down Seph.* Seph? Where did you go? Seph! *there would be no signs that she is going to punish him in her tone. Solely concern for his saftey exists in her yells*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *peers back out of the hallway he had disseapeared down, his eyes glowing in the dim light. He gives Jennah a wary glance, then slowly walks back towards the room, standing near the doorway, refusing to go back inside* I’m sorry…

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