How to raise a Sephiroth: Survival training time

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  • #12514
    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”How long can they keep for? Are you sure they’re not going to go old and stale?”* *seems a little bit concerned* *”Wait, what happens if the mice got into those too? What’s going to happen then?”*


    Jennah: *chuckles at Sephiroth’s barage of questions* ~They’ll be fine as long as they are sealed, which they are. Those bags only go bad once they are opened up. Now, as for the mice, I highly doubt they got in there. That one room has a steel barrier and even the craftiest of mouse would have problems sneaking in.~

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”Is Centra going to laser all the mice to death, or fumigate them?”* *makes a yelping sound as a bold mouse darts across the floor and runs over his feet* *”Damn it, I hate them…”* *picks up Cairo and places her down on the ground near the bed* The mouse went under there, go eat it… *”Mother, make Centra kill them soon… they’re everywhere..”*

    Cairo: *swishes her tail and dives under the bed*


    Jenna: *Deeply sighs at Seph’s statements* ~Fine, we’ll take Cairo with us when we leave to go to your homeworld. That way, Centra can fumigate the entire base for the course of a week and we can return to a rodent-free base. How does that sound?~ *steps away from the console, having achieved everything that she believes possible then walks downstairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *”How are we going to keep her contained? She’s wriggly… she usually likes to run around and chase things… it’s hard to keep her contained if we’re going to be busy. I don’t want Hojo to get her and kill her. Can’t we leave her behind, or keep her somewhere safe where she’ll be protected, warm and fed? I can’t see her enjoying herself if taken with us…”*


    Jennah: *walks down to her bedroom, sighing at all the rodents she sees on the stairs* ~I can cast the same barrier spells that I use to keep her out of locations that she shouldn’t go here. All I’d need to do is set you as the focal point and then she’d only be able to get a few feet away from you, depending on the size barrier I put up.~ *steps into her quarters then looks around* And I don’t plan on going up against Hojo in such a way that would put us into danger, Seph.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *sighs, seeming quite dissapointed* How are we going to go in there and get him then? I can fly, I can attack people. It wouldn’t be that hard to charge in and murder him if you’re quick and you know how. Come on mother, he deserves it. You know that better than anyone.


    Jennah: *loudly sighs at Sephiroth* I thought we’ve already been through this, Seph. I’ve caused enough disruption on your planet the first time. Killing Hojo might not be something that we’ll be allowed to do, do you understand? There needs to be some sort of terribly great evil that the people will unite and rise up against in order for your planet’s condition to improve. *sighs* And ShinRa alone isn’t evil enough to accomplish such… *looks down at him* So, do you want to start getting ready to leave?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *grunts, frowning* So what, what are we going for then? I thought we were going to stop Hojo from… from being a tyrant and creating more people like me. *glares up at Jennah defiantly* I don’t want to just go there and sit around and do nothing. I want to pay Hojo back. I want to kill him, and stop him from doing any more harm. If I can’t do that, there’s no point in going….


    Jennah: *frowns at Seph’s words and shakes her head at him. So, she moves over to the boy and wraps her arms around him so that she can pull him in close for a hug* At first, we were going because that is what you asked for. But right now, I think we should go so you can learn that you can’t always rush in and do what you want. Sometimes, you need to choose the lesser of two evils. I’ll explain it more when we get there. *playfully messes up the top of Seph’s hair* Now, go get cleaned, boy.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *narrows his eyes and lowers his gaze to the floor, not seeming any happier with Jennah’s words. However, he doesn’t object again as he has gotten what he wanted to across* How is not doing anything the lesser of two evils? Not doing anything is useless – not killing Hojo is wrong! You know how bad he is, and how much I hate him. If anything, we’d be doing everybody a favour! *grumbles to himself* I’m already more or less ready…


    Jennah: *releases a deep sigh* I’ll explain it to you when we arrive at your planet. I’m certain that the true workings of it were not thoroughly explained to you when you were younger, and I never had a chance before we left to live here. For now, go and get Cairo. I need to prepare her for the trip.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *mutters* I’ll do that, but now I don’t get why we’re going… *snorts* This stinks. *reaches under Jennah’s bed and drags out Cairo, who loudly meows in pain with how rough he’s being* Ready. *grunts sharply* Explain whatever you want, it still stinks.


    Jennah: *chooses to ignore Seph’s complaints and closes her eyes in order to help her to concentrate. Soon, she creates what equates to a magical invisble leash that would keep Cairo from moving much more than a meter away from his location, no matter where he is standing. Soon afterwards, Jenna opens up a portal to Seph’s world* As I said, we will evaluate the situation on your planet before I let you kill off that mad scientist.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *pats Cairo’s fur to calm her down, then hugs her, sighing* I’m sorry, Cairo. I didn’t mean it… *frowns at the portal* You’re not going to let me kill him, you already said that… *steps through the portal*


    Jennah: *sighs at Seph’s attitude, but chooses not to speak to him about it further for right now. So, she looks up at the ceiling and calmly speaks* Centra, go ahead and start fumigation procedures. We’ll be back after you’re done. *once done, she steps through the portal as well and yelps as she winds up exitting just over the bottom half of stairs inside a mako reactor in Midgar and trips down them*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *is holding onto Cairo and frowns as he watches Jennah fall down the stairs* Careful mother. You wouldn’t want to touch much stuff in here anyway… *glances around at the metallic growth pods around him on both sides of the stairs. He moves down to see if Jennah is alright, standing over her and offering out a hand to help her up again**


    Jennah: *groans and rubs her head. Thanks to her fall, she has a small crack on her forehead which is bleeding quite a bit, however, the amount of blood is not necessarily an accurate depiction of the severity of the wound. She glances up at Seph as he offers his hand and grins at him* Thank you. *takes his hand, though she doesn’t put much of her weight on him and slowly stands upright* How did you avoid falling?

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *grins* It’s called levitation, mother. *slowly raises himself up off the ground as if to demonstrate. He levitates up further so his eyes are level with hers, then smirks at her. This does not last long however, as he eyes the crack on her forehead and frowns* Are you alright?


    Jennah: *releases a loud haughty snort* Of course I’m alright. It’s only a scratch. *looks around* Now, come on. We need to get out here. *snorts again to clear the smell out of her nostrils* This place stinks. *decides on a passageway that is likely to take her out of the reactor and heads that way*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: Yeah right it is… *glances around the area, then follows after Jennah, holding onto Cairo, who is quite alert and nervous of the area around them. Sephy’s feet do not touch the ground as he follows after Jennah, finding it easier to levitate instead of walking* Are you sure you know where you’re going?


    Jennah: *calmly* Of course I’m sure that I don’t know where the fuck I’m going. But I don’t give a damn. One way or another, there is bound to be a way out. And the air smells fresher from this direction, so this is the direction I’m going. *looks back at Seph and frowns* Perhaps you shouldn’t do that. We don’t want you falling down into the pits *points to the end of one of the platforms* and being lost to this planet’s lifestream forever.

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *smirks and rises up, levitating over Jennah’s head* I’ll be fine, mother. You don’t know how good I am at doing this, I’m not going to suddenly stop and drop onto the ground. *sniffs the air* Damn, the air really does stink here. It smells like decaying mixed with blood. I’ll be glad to get out of here….


    Jennah: *narrows her eyes at Seph* Humor me and lower yourself back down onto the ground, Seph. Once we are on stable ground again, you can float about as much as you want. *pauses as she enters a large room and looks up toward the highest most level* I guess we go up these stairs… *points forward then begins climbing up the stairs*

    Kat Aclysm

    Seph: *glances upwards* Where did you appear last time when you came here to get me? *moves over to Jennah and grabs onto her hand, trying to fly her up. He struggles greatly with this however, and gives up after a moment* Damn, I can’t do it…

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